How to get started in NLP
By Melanie Tosik – 3 min read.
Somewhere I read that if you ever have to answer the same question twice, it’s probably a good idea to turn it into a blog post. In keeping with this rule and to save my future self some time, here now my standard answer to the question: My background is in science, and I’m interested in learning NLP.
Word vectors for non-NLP data and research people
By Conor McDonald – 8 min read.
Word vectors represent a significant leap forward in advancing our ability to analyse relationships across words, sentences and documents.
A non-NLP application of Word2Vec
By Kwyk – 6 min read.
When using Machine Learning to solve a problem, having the right data is crucial. Unfortunately, raw data is often "unclean" and unstructured. Natural Language Processing (NLP) ** practitioners are familiar with this issue as all of their data is textua**l.
Convolutional Attention Model for Natural Language Inference
By Marek Galovič – 5 min read.
In this article I’d like to show you a model I used for the Quora question pairs competition. First, I’ll describe a Decomposable Attention Model for Natural Language Inference (Parikh et al., 2016) and then extend it with a convolutional layer to improve loss and classification accuracy.
Machine Learning, NLP: Text Classification using scikit-learn, python and NLTK.
By Javed Shaikh – 7 min read.
Document/Text classification is one of the important and typical task in supervised machine learning (ML). Assigning categories to documents, which can be a web page, library book, media articles, gallery etc. has many applications like e.g. spam filtering, email routing, sentiment analysis etc.
A Data Science Exercise: how similar is Trump to other Presidents based on Inaugural Speeches?
By Brian Ray – 4 min read.
This is based on results from running some NLP (Natural Language Processing) Doc2Vec algorithm written by a Google Team. (Shallow, two-layer neural networks).
When was this poem written? My computer can tell you
By Chaim Gluck – 6 min read.
My latest project is really exciting. I’ve been a lover of poetry for a while, so I chose it for my first major foray into Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Meme search using pretrained word2vec
By Eyyüb Sari – 6 min read.
Memes are worth thousands of words. They are a cultural thing. My friends and I use to send a lot of those on Messenger using Giphy.
Scikit-Learn for Text Analysis of Amazon Fine Food Reviews
By Susan Li – 7 min read.
We know that Amazon Product Reviews Matter to Merchants because those reviews have a tremendous impact on how we make purchase decisions.