October Edition: Text Understanding

9 Must-Read Articles

TDS Editors
Towards Data Science


How to get started in NLP

By Melanie Tosik — 3 min read.

Somewhere I read that if you ever have to answer the same question twice, it’s probably a good idea to turn it into a blog post. In keeping with this rule and to save my future self some time, here now my standard answer to the question: My background is in science, and I’m interested in learning NLP.

Word vectors for non-NLP data and research people

By Conor McDonald — 8 min read.

Word vectors represent a significant leap forward in advancing our ability to analyse relationships across words, sentences and documents.

A non-NLP application of Word2Vec

By Kwyk — 6 min read.

When using Machine Learning to solve a problem, having the right data is crucial. Unfortunately, raw data is often “unclean” and unstructured. Natural Language Processing (NLP) practitioners are familiar with this issue as all of their data is textual.

Convolutional Attention Model for Natural Language Inference

By Marek Galovič — 5 min read.

In this article I’d like to show you a model I used for the Quora question pairs competition. First, I’ll describe a Decomposable Attention Model for Natural Language Inference (Parikh et al., 2016) and then extend it with a convolutional layer to improve loss and classification accuracy.

Machine Learning, NLP: Text Classification using scikit-learn, python and NLTK.

By Javed Shaikh — 7 min read.

Document/Text classification is one of the important and typical task in supervised machine learning (ML). Assigning categories to documents, which can be a web page, library book, media articles, gallery etc. has many applications like e.g. spam filtering, email routing, sentiment analysis etc.

A Data Science Exercise: how similar is Trump to other Presidents based on Inaugural Speeches?

By Brian Ray — 4 min read.

This is based on results from running some NLP (Natural Language Processing) Doc2Vec algorithm written by a Google Team. (Shallow, two-layer neural networks).

When was this poem written? My computer can tell you

By Chaim Gluck — 6 min read.

My latest project is really exciting. I’ve been a lover of poetry for a while, so I chose it for my first major foray into Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Meme search using pretrained word2vec

By Eyyüb Sari — 6 min read.

Memes are worth thousands of words. They are a cultural thing. My friends and I use to send a lot of those on Messenger using Giphy.

Scikit-Learn for Text Analysis of Amazon Fine Food Reviews

By Susan Li — 7 min read.

We know that Amazon Product Reviews Matter to Merchants because those reviews have a tremendous impact on how we make purchase decisions.



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