Neural Networks with Multiple Data Sources

How to design a neural network with inputs from multiple data sources using Tensorflow

Morgan Lynch
Towards Data Science


Neural network with converging branches. Image by author.
CNN with multiple datasources. Image by author.

There are many use cases where a neural network needs to be trained on multiple data sources in parallel. These include medical use cases where there may be once or more images together with structured patient data or multi-image use cases where images of different objects contribute to a single output. e.g. Using separate photos of a persons house and car to predict their income.

The collective data cannot be processed as-one as each will have it’s own attributes and shape. To successfully design a network, each input stream needs to be processed and trained separately.

Using CNNs with multiple separate inputs has been shown to increase accuracy over a single image input. In one study [1], 3 different image input branches were processed and them merged to give an 8% improvement in accuracy over individual image processing.

In addition to this, it has also been shown that merging the network branches late in the CNN design also produces better accuracy [2]. This late merging means in practice that the input branches should be almost fully processed as individual networks before they are merged into the final model and a prediction generated.

We will look in detail at how a CNN of this type can be designed using a theoretical example of patient data where we have a CSV file of data together with an image. We will only look at one image input but this approach can be equally used with multiple images per patient.

To begin, the source file must be loaded and processed into a Pandas dataframe. In the example shown below, a simple dataset is loaded with patient ID, patient age and a flag to indicate if cancer has been diagnosed.

It’s important to note the shape of the dataframe as this will influence the design of the network to follow.

Next we must load an image for each of the patients. This is done by iterating on the patient dataframe so that the sequence of records is maintained.

The image data is also converted to a numpy array to maintain consistency with the patient data loaded from file.

Shape of loaded data. Image by author

We now need to consider the shape of the data that has been loaded. For the images, if each individual image is 512,512 pixels and we have n images then the shape of this data is (n, 512, 512). For images with multiple channels a further dimension may be added, but we will keep this example simple.

For the structured patient data, we have three columns in the file and n records. This will result in a shape of (n, 3). The patient ID column is not needed for training so this will likely be dropped later giving us a final training shape of (n, 2).

Further pre-processsing of the data such as scaling is outside the scope of this discussion. For this example we will accept the data as-is.

Before we design the neural network there is however one further step needed. This is to split the data into training and test datasets. This needs to be done in one single step to preserve the sequencing & split of the two datasets. The example below demonstrates doing this with scikit-learn:

Once the split is done, we can then extract the target feature from both datasets as our ‘y’ dataset. Checking the shape of the two resulting training datasets should produce an output similar to this:

(1200, 512, 512)
(1200, 3)

Where the number of records is 1,200. Both datasets are required to have the same number of records so that they can be merged in the output of the neural network.

We can now begin to design the neural network itself using the Keras functional API. Firstly we will start with the structured patient data:

The design of the network can vary, but it is good practice to include a normalization layer. The normalization layer is adapted to the training data only.

Importantly, the shape of the input layer is set to the number of columns in the data (in this example; 3).

The shape of the output layer is also critical as this is the shape that will be merged with the image processing branch. This is determined by the final dense layer. In this example the shape of the output layer will be:

(None, 64)

Where ‘None’ is Keras’ interpretation of the number of records and is unspecified.

The data branch is now complete and we can now look at the image processing branch. While it is possible to design your own network, in practice is is easier to use a pre-designed model. In this example we will use Resnet-50 from Keras Applications.

As can be seen above, the input shape is the size of each image together with a further dimension for the image channel (in this case 1).

A fully-connected Dense layer is added to the end of the Resnet model to give the output the same shape as the data branch:

(None, 64)

Because we have taken care with the shape of the data throughout, we are now able to merge the output of the two branches:

The two branches are concatenated and a final fully-connected Dense layer is then added to reduce the model down to a final prediction. The activation used here can vary. In this example, linear is used to output the actual class probabilities.

The final design of the CNN is summarized below:

Design of final CNN. Image by author

As can be seen above, if the shape of the data being processed is carefully considered, multiple branches can be successfully merged. This merged model can then be used to generate a single prediction from the multiple data sources.

Thank you for reading.


[1] Yu Sun, Lin Zhu, Guan Wang, Fang Zhao, “Multi-Input Convolutional Neural Network for Flower Grading”, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2017, Article ID 9240407, 8 pages, 2017.

[2] Seeland M, Mäder P (2021) Multi-view classification with convolutional neural networks. PLoS ONE 16(1): e0245230.



Based in Ireland, I am a developer and entrepreneur turned AI specialist. After over 10 years in software engineering, I have moved into AI in all its forms.