In 2013, at least 368 individuals died in two shipwrecks off Italian shore. This created much awareness on the deaths of migrants, including refugees, who in their varied and often dangerous routes never reached the destinations.
This post focused on the fatality record, the other portion is those who were never found, those who were off the record and may have lived on.
The full continuous interactive version can be found here. I used Carto and odyssey.js to visualize migrants (especially refugees) with data collected by IOM from 2014 to 2017. I found odyssey.js intuitive as a storytelling tool with map zooming, however, its export could be missing some datapoints in a few frames compared to the working file.
This is #day39 of my #100dayprojects on Data Science and visual storytelling. Thanks for reading. Suggestions of new topics and feedbacks are always welcomed.