Here’s why so many data scientists are leaving their jobs
By Jonny Brooks-Bartlett – 8 min read
Yes, I am a data scientist and yes, you did read the title correctly, but someone had to say it. We read so many stories about data science being the sexiest job of the 21st century and the attractive sums of money that you can make as a data scientist that it can seem like the absolute dream job.
Diary of a Data Scientist at
By Nishikant Dhanuka – 6 min read
I joined as a data scientist about two and a half years back, straight after a 3 years consulting gig in Dubai. Moving from consulting to a pure data science role was a big shift in my career and in hindsight I’m very happy I made that choice.
The best data scientists aren’t being discovered
By Jeremie Harris – 5 min read
Here’s an interesting fact: in reality, there aren’t a lot of cases where the work of an ML engineer actually requires them to have a PhD. So what’s the real point of asking for one?
Working as a Data Scientist at Scout24
By Jan Zawadzki – 6 min read
I am in the finishing strides of writing my master thesis with the Scout24 Data Science team and learned a lot about the practices and organizational structure here.
45 Ways to Activate Your Data Science Career
By Kirill Eremenko – 8 min read
We asked our LinkedIn group members what their greatest challenges were to becoming fully fledged data scientists. Some of the most common frustrations were: Not knowing where to begin, A lack of experience, An inability to form networks, Difficulties in contacting the right people.
Data Science Interview Guide
By Syed Sadat Nazrul – 12 min read
Data Science is quite a large and diverse field. As a result, it is really difficult to be a jack of all trades. Traditionally, Data Science would focus on mathematics, computer science and domain expertise.
What Getting A Job In Data Science Might Look Like
By Kristen Kehrer – 9 min read
Alternate title: My Life Story 🙂 I’ve read a number of articles stating how hard it was to get into Analytics and Data Science. This hasn’t been my experience, so I wanted to share.
The two sides of Getting a Job as a Data Scientist
By Favio Vázquez – 16 min read
Hello! This is a blog post I’ve been waiting a lot to write. Mostly because I needed to do my research and listen to what other people have to say about this.
How To Ace Data Science Interviews (R & Python, SQL, Statistics)
By Carson Forter – 27 min read
For someone working or trying to work in data science, statistics is probably the biggest and most intimidating area of knowledge you need to develop. The goal of this post is to reduce what you need to know to a finite number of concrete ideas, techniques, and equations.
We also thank all the great new writers who joined us recently, Kristen Kehrer, Lauren Oldja, Alana Rudder, Sharath Srini, Scott Lundberg, Tal Peretz, elvis, Admond Lee, Iliya Valchanov, Ryan Gotesman, Artem Oppermann, Manali Shinde, Przemysław Mroczek, Syed Sadat Nazrul, Sergey Malchevskiy, Sam Grassi, Benjamin Hoffman, Jacob Zweig, Inbar Naor, Bryan Johnson, and many others. We invite you to take a look at their profiles and check out their work.