The different pictures of linear least squares
When presented with a set of points and asked to fit a curve through it, we typically start by defining a model with some parameters. For example, with a 1-dimensional input, the familiar equation y = m x + c is a suitable model when the independent (input) and dependent (output) variables have a strong linear relationship. In this equation, the slope m and y-intercept c are parameters that need to be estimated. In statistics, the process of finding optimal model parameters is referred to as regression. When the output of a model shares a linear relation with the parameters, we call it linear regression. Given a new input xₙ, a well-chosen model with optimal parameters allows us to make an accurate prediction y.
Assuming that the output of the model is a linear function of the parameters enables us to derive closed-form approximations for the parameters by the method of least squares. A nice property is that the closed-form nature of these approximations persists even for high dimensional inputs. In this article, we will explore the family of linear least squares approximations and see how different branches of mathematics approach the problem using vastly different pictures.
The data
Let’s start with a concrete example from the first recorded application of linear (in the parameters) least squares [2]. In the late eighteenth-century, mathematicians were busy trying to fit a model to capture the variation in the Earth’s curvature with increasing latitude. They hypothesized that the length Δs of an arc Δλ of a meridian at the geodetic latitude λ takes the form

Notice that the function is not linear in inputs due to the sin² term but continues to be linear in the parameters. Their work used data from a series of French surveys conducted a few years earlier in far-off places, with samples ranging from the equatorial to the arctic regions. Here is a table detailing some of the locations, along with a regular scatter plot.
![Data collected in French surveys [1] in the early 1700s. All lengths are in double toises (1/0.256537m) and angles in gradians (2π/400). Although the relationship is not strictly linear, we will perform linear regression.](
Linear regression aims to estimate the parameters of a linear model based on such training data. The canonical approach to regression is to compute and minimize an error between model predictions and ground truth values. A popular choice is the sum of all the squared differences. Although this isn’t the only viable error function, it is the most used one and we will stick to the sum of squared errors throughout this article.
Calculus picture
The geodetic model has only two parameters c₀ and c₁. Representing each data point in the training data as (xᵢ,yᵢ), high-school calculus yields optimal values for the parameters. Here i is the row index from the table above and the error function to be minimized is the sum of squared errors,

We then differentiate the error function w.r.t. each parameter and equate to 0. The resulting system of simultaneous equations contains as many equations as parameters and is solved using Gaussian elimination to obtain

where x̅ and y̅ are the average input and output respectively. What we have derived is actually the ordinary least squares (OLS) approximation for the linear system. As we will see, other approximations also exist. For simple low-dimensional systems, we can visualize the surface of the error function.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from plot_utils import *
x, y, _, _ = get_linear_system('survey_data')
c_0 = np.linspace(25000, 26000)
c_1 = np.linspace(-1000, 1000)
c_0_xx, c_1_yy = np.meshgrid(c_0, c_1)
errs = y[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] - c_0_xx[..., np.newaxis] - c_1_yy[..., np.newaxis]*x[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]
sum_sq_errs = np.sum(errs**2, axis=-1)
ax = plt.subplot(projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(c_0_xx, c_1_yy, sum_sq_errs, alpha=0.5)
# Ordinary least squares
x_bar, y_bar = x.mean(), y.mean()
c_1_ols = ((x - x_bar) * (y - y_bar)).sum()
/ ((x - x_bar)**2).sum()
c_0_ols = y_bar - c_1_ols * x_bar
c_ols = [c_0_ols, c_1_ols, np.sum((y - c_0_ols[..., np.newaxis] - c_1_ols*x)**2)]
ax.scatter(*c_ols, color='r', marker='x')
c_ols[2] -= 1000
ax.text(*c_ols, 'Minima', va='top')
ax.set_xticks([]), ax.set_yticks([]), ax.set_zticks([])
save_animation(ax, 'images/loss.gif')

Weighted least squares
All the available data points may not be equally reliable, and we may have evidence to believe that some errors in the sum should be weighted more than others. By ignoring such additional information, we end up with sub-optimal approximations that are strongly affected by outliers. In the example presented above, perhaps the surveyors admitted that collecting accurate data proved challenging in some regions, such as the equatorial rainforests in Peru or the Cape Peninsula. In Lapland, perhaps heavy snow posed great difficulties resulting in a worse measurement.
Armed with this additional information, we replace the error function with a weighted sum of the squared errors and proceed with partial differentiation as earlier. The least squares approximation needs a small modification, resulting in the weighted least squares (WLS) approximation. You should try to derive the formula by yourself. Let’s use weights of 0.25 for the snow affected Lapland region, 0.5 for the slightly erroneous measurements, and stick to 1 for the others.
x, y, w, labels = get_linear_system('survey_data')
# Ordinary least squares
x_bar, y_bar = x.mean(), y.mean()
c_1_ols = ((x - x_bar) * (y - y_bar)).sum()
/ ((x - x_bar)**2).sum()
c_0_ols = y_bar - c_1_ols * x_bar
print(c_0_ols, c_1_ols)
# Weighted least squares
x_w_bar, y_w_bar = (w * x).sum() / w.sum(), (w * y).sum() / w.sum()
c_1_wls = (w * (x - x_w_bar) * (y - y_w_bar)).sum()
/ (w * (x - x_w_bar)**2).sum()
c_0_wls = y_w_bar - c_1_ols * x_w_bar
x_continuous = np.linspace(0, 1)
y_ols = c_0_ols + c_1_ols * x_continuous
y_wls = c_0_wls + c_1_wls * x_continuous
_, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x_continuous, y_ols, '--', label='OLS')
ax.plot(x_continuous, y_wls, '--', label='WLS')
ax.scatter(x, y, color='g');
for loc, x_i, y_i in zip(labels, x, y):
ax.annotate(loc, (x_i, y_i + 6), ha='center', va='bottom')
labels_2d(ax, legend=True)

Linear algebra picture
Moving on to multiple properties or features per input, it becomes imperative to work with vectors and matrices. You can continue with the same picture and use multivariable calculus, but some people prefer a different, geometric view – the linear algebra picture. Let’s represent our linear system of k input features and n equations (one for each data point) using vector-matrix notation (with bold capital letters representing matrices and bold small letters representing vectors): X c = y, or

In his 18–06 linear algebra course, Gilbert Strang introduces the column space picture of matrix multiplication and postulates that solving any linear system is equivalent to finding coefficients to express y as a linear combination or weighted average of the columns of X. The problem with real-world overconstrained systems is that y lies outside the column space of X i.e. no linear combination of the columns of X exactly yields y. The least squares approximation is simply the projection of the vector y onto the subspace spanned by the columns of X. Intuitively, this projection ŷ is the vector in the column space that is closest to y, according to some measure of error.
Unfortunately, the only way modest 3-dimensional beings like us can visualize the linear algebra picture is by considering a trivial system consisting of three equations with two parameters. Let’s use Peru, Italy, and Lapland from the table and look at the output vector, along with its projection on the column space. Additionally, to better see the picture, we will change the output vector slightly and consider a system of unit vectors.
X, y, _, labels = get_filtered_linear_system('survey_data')
# Normal to the column space plane
normal = np.cross(X[:,0], X[:,1])
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-.2, 1), np.linspace(-.2, 1))
z = (-normal[0]*xx -normal[1]*yy) / normal[2]
# Project y to the subspace
y_hat = X @ np.linalg.inv(X.transpose() @ X) @ X.transpose() @ y
ax = plt.subplot(projection='3d')
ax.quiver(*np.zeros(3), *X[:,0], arrow_length_ratio=0.1)
ax.quiver(*np.zeros(3), *X[:,1], arrow_length_ratio=0.1)
ax.quiver(*np.zeros(3), *y, arrow_length_ratio=0.1, color='g')
ax.quiver(*np.zeros(3), *y_hat, arrow_length_ratio=0.1, color='c')
ax.plot(*[(c1, c2) for c1, c2 in zip(y_hat, y)], color='r', linestyle='--')
ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, z, alpha=0.5)
ax.text(*y, '$mathbf{y}$')
ax.text(*y_hat, '$mathbf{hat{y}}$')
ax.text(*X[:,0], '$mathbf{x_{star 1}}$')
ax.text(*X[:,1], '$mathbf{x_{star 2}}$')
save_animation(ax, 'images/projection.gif')

Since the projection ŷ serves as an approximation of y, the resulting error is simply the difference between them, e = y – ŷ (red dotted line). In reality, e is perpendicular to every vector in the column space of X and, to be precise, is a member of its left nullspace. Thus, the inner product ⟨Xᵀ,e⟩ is the 0 vector

This is equivalent to the OLS approximation obtained earlier. An important step here is the inversion of XᵀX, which requires the columns of X to be independent. With this picture, both the tractability and the uniqueness of the OLS approximation become evident.
What about weights?
Rearranging the weights into a diagonal matrix W, the geometric linear algebra picture holds even for the WLS approximation. We replace the inner product from the previous derivation with a weighted inner product [1]

This expression is a special case of a more general solution called Generalized Least Squares. However, to get a better intuition we need to view the problem through the lens of probability.
Probability picture
When dealing with data that contains measurement errors, it is natural to rely on probability theory, a branch of mathematics developed specifically for this purpose. Texts on probabilistic machine learning such as Christopher Bishop’s excellent PRML often begin with this view of linear (in the parameters) least squares. To produce results consistent with our earlier pictures, we will assume that the error in each data point is an independent and identically distributed (IID) random variable drawn from a zero-mean Gaussian distribution with unknown variance σ². Each observation can be represented as

Assuming that each sample is independent, we can express the joint distribution of observing the data as a product of the individual densities. This is called the likelihood of the data which we maximize to obtain optimal parameters. Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) produces the familiar OLS expression,

There is quite a bit to unpack in the above derivation. The monotonicity of the log function first transforms the product of densities into a more manageable sum of log densities. Since the maximization is w.r.t to parameters c, some terms (like Σ -0.5 log 2πσ ) are constants and can be ignored. Finally, we flip the sign by multiplying with -1 and convert the maximization to the minimization of the negative log-likelihood.
It turns out that computing the Euclidean errors and minimizing the sum of their squares is equivalent to MLE under the assumption of constant Gaussian noise! This is a reasonable assumption for real systems because the error is a by-product of interference from potentially many different sources as explained in this post. Hence, the central limit theorem validates the Gaussian as a suitable model for the additive noise.
Different error functions in the calculus derivation correspond to different definitions of the inner product in the linear algebra derivation and different likelihoods in the probability derivation. Papers in computer vision for instance use the absolute difference as an error function, which can be derived under the assumption that the additive noise follows a Laplacian distribution.
Weighted and generalized least squares
A natural extension is to look at what happens if each error is no longer restricted to be drawn from the same Gaussian distribution. The samples are still independent but no longer identically distributed and out pops the WLS formulation. The probability picture also enables us to reason about the possibility of the errors being correlated. This is the setup for generalized least squares where all the errors are drawn from a k-dimensional multivariate Gaussian with mean 0 and covariance matrix Σ. Proceeding with MLE we end up with the following multivariate minimization,

If you find this hard to follow, refer to this cookbook for multivariate calculus. Notice the similarities between the WLS and GLS approximations. As alluded to earlier, the WLS method is a special case of GLS where the covariance matrix is diagonal. Of course, no such conditions are necessary for GLS.
The simplicity of its setup and formulation makes linear regression an appealing problem for many communities. As a result, a wide range of approaches has been developed over time, often with different pictures. This article compares a few different views of the variants of linear least squares that ultimately produce the same closed-form expressions, albeit with very different pictures.
[1] Farnebäck, Gunnar. Polynomial expansion for orientation and motion estimation. (2002), Linköping University, Sweden
[2] Nievergelt, Yves. A tutorial history of least squares with applications to astronomy and geodesy. (2001), Numerical Analysis: Historical Developments in the 20th Century