Lean Six Sigma is a stepwise approach to process improvements that uses statistical methods to validate hypotheses.
In a previous article, we used the Kruskal-Wallis Test to verify the hypothesis that specific training positively impacts operators’ Inbound VAS productivity.
Can we use Python to prove that bonuses can improve operators’ productivity?
In this article, we will implement Logistic Regression with Python to estimate the impact of a daily productivity bonus on your warehouse operators’ picking productivity.
I. Improve Warehouse Productivity with Lean Six Sigma
What should be the minimum amount of daily incentive to get 75% of workers that reach their productivity target?
II. Data Analysis
1. Exploratory Data Analysis
Analysis with Python sample data from experiment
2. Fitted Line Plot of your Logistic Regression
What is the probability of reaching the target for each value of daily incentive?
3. Validation with the p-value
Validate that your results are significant and not due to random fluctuation
III. Conclusion
1. Other Lean Six Sigma Tools
2. Uncovering Inefficiencies with Process Mining
3. Automate Productivity Data Collection and Processing
Improve Warehouse Productivity with Lean Six Sigma
You are working for the Regional Director of a Logistic Company (3PL) and have 22 warehouses in your scope.

In each warehouse, the site manager has fixed a picking productivity target for the operators.
The objective is to find the right incentive policy to reach 75% of this target.
As a data scientist, can we help her to find it?
Find the right incentive policy.
Currently, productive operators (operators that reach their daily productivity target) receive 5 euros per day in addition to their daily salary of 64 euros.
Is it an efficient incentive? What’s the ROI?
However, this incentive policy in 2 warehouses is ineffective.
Only 20% of the operators are reaching this target.
What minimum daily bonus should be needed to reach 75% of the picking productivity target?
- Randomly select operators in your 22 warehouses
- Implement a daily incentive amount varying between 1 to 20 euros
- Check if the operators reached their target
Let’s have a look at the data now.
If you prefer to watch, have a look at the video version of this article
Impact of Incentives on Operators’ Productivity
Exploratory Data Analysis
This dataset shows the incentive amount and a boolean value that informs whether the operator reached the target.
Can we plot this?
Box plot of the sample distribution

The median incentive value for the day the target is reached is more than two times higher than the one for the days below this target.
Have you heard about Logistic Regression?
Fitted Line Plot of your Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression will provide us with a probability plot.
We can estimate the probability of reaching the target for each value of the daily incentive.

Confirmation of the current trend 5 euros, we reached 20% of the productivity target reached.
- We need at least 15 euros incentive per day to ensure a 75% probability of reaching the target.
Menu Stat > Binary Fitted Line Plot
Is it statistically significant?
Validation with the p-value
We need to compute the p-value to check that these results are significant based on sample data.
p-value: 2.1327739857133364e-141
p-value < 5%
The p-value is below 5%, so the mean difference is statistically significant.
ConclusionIf you fix the value of incentives at 15 euros per day, you will reach 75% of your target.
Menu Stat > Binary Fitted Line Plot
You can find the complete code in this GitHub repository
GitHub – samirsaci/lss-logistic-regression: Lean Six Sigma with Python – Logistic Regression
Based on this experiment, we have fixed the bonus incentives at a minimum of 15 euros/day to reach 75% of your productivity target.
What is the Return of Investments?
Before implementing this new incentive policy, you need to check that you have a positive return on investment:
- What is the total cost to the company (CTC)
- What is the total amount of hours earned after the productivity increase? (Hours)
After answering these questions, you can estimate the return on investment of this new incentive policy.
Do we have other statistical tools in our Python toolbox?
You can look at the articles below if you are interested in other Lean Six Sigma Methodology applications using Python.
Lean Six Sigma with Python – Kruskal Wallis Test
Lean Six Sigma with Python – Chi-Squared Test
Are we sure that this incentive is the only way to improve productivity?
Uncovering Inefficiencies with Process Mining
While they certainly play a role, they may not address underlying inefficiencies in your processes.
This is where understanding and analyzing your processes become crucial.
What if the bottlenecks lie within the processes themselves?
In a related article, "What is Process Mining?" we discover the power of process mining.
This technique uncovers hidden inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement within business processes.

It uses the data generated by systems to gain valuable insights into your operations.
Can we find the root cause of productivity slowdowns?
This can help streamline workflows and enhance productivity without solely relying on incentives.
For more information,
How do you collect productivity data?
Automate Data Collection from Excel files using Python
During my four years as a supply chain solution manager, I have spent much time collecting and processing unstructured data.
For instance, productivity reports are usually in multiple Excel files, requiring manual collection and processing to generate a productivity report.
Can we automate this process? Yes!
In this article, I introduce a Python workflow to extract and process accounting data from Excel files automatically.

These files respect a specific format, like your productivity files, which the script uses to extract the correct information.
The workflow is completely automated, and an executable file is used to share the tool with users who can’t use Python.
For more information about this automation tool, check this article.
About Me
Let’s connect on Linkedin and Twitter. I am a Supply Chain Engineer who uses data analytics to improve Logistics operations and reduce costs.
For consulting or advice on analytics and sustainable supply chain transformation, feel free to contact me via Logigreen Consulting.
If you are interested in Data Analytics and Supply Chain, look at my website.
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