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KPI Progress Visualization with Tableau (Marketing data)

One of the first steps to make raw data meaningful is to transform it into a right and efficient visualization. The best visualization has…

Help create a better decision-making process by visualizing efficiency and effectiveness

One of the first steps to make raw data meaningful is to transform it into a right and efficient visualization. The best visualization has a clear purpose and has to be able to easily answer the most relevant questions.

Efficiency and Effectiveness Visualization

In the world of the Media Industry, Efficiency and Effectiveness are the two main measures of success that aim to assist businesses with decision-making. Today we’ll learn to build a visualization covering this topic in Tableau.

Efficiency and Effectiveness visualization - Image by Author
Efficiency and Effectiveness visualization – Image by Author

Problem Statement

We are an analytics team that wants to analyze a Marketing campaign with regard to audience targeting. Different campaigns have been launched in Q1 with Conversion KPI and we would like to present the audience performance to our business owner with a nice and efficient visualization covering the below questions:

1- How was the performance of these Audience targeting? 2- Are there any tactics that did not perform well and would require to cut/reduce the budget behind them? 3- Is there any recommendation for using those tactics in the next quarter?

Assumptions: Here we assumed that all the initial steps are already done, meaning that the data is already imported and visible in Tableau and we are ready to create our visualization.

Alright, let’s start! 😊💪

Step 1: In Tableau, first Calculate your Efficiency and Effectiveness metrics. In our campaign example:

CPA (Efficiency metric): Cost per action-conversion CVR (Effectiveness metric): Conversion over Clicks

Step 2: Drag Cost per Action(CPA) into the Columns and Conversion Rate (CVR) into the Rows.

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Step 3: Drag Tactic Targeting (Audience) into the Shape (under Marks section)

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Step 4: Right-click on Cost per action Axis, select Edit Axis and under Scale section check "Reversed"

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Step 5: we want to add the reference line that shows the Average of each Axis. Right-click on each Axis, select "Add reference line" and select bellow details: Underline section: Value: Conversion Rate/Cost per action Label: Value

Under Formatting section – line: Choose **** any of line type and color

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Step 6: Right-click on the Average value of each reference line, select format, and then you can easily change the Font and also shading to make the value more visible.

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Step 7: From the marks section select Shape then select data item and change their shape to any shapes that you would like.

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You can make those tactics shape a bit bigger by playing with the Size in the marks section.

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Step 8: Drag the "Media Spend" into the Shape, now The size of bubbles shows the amount of spend that each tactic received.

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Step 9: Let’s add color-coding into our graph, for that we’ll have to drag the "Conversions" into the Color under the Marks section to map the volume of conversions for each tactic.

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Step 10: Drag Tactic Targeting, CPA and CVR into Label under Marks section and try to adjust the labels to make them more readable.

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Step 11: let’s get rid of the background grid lines, by right-clicking into the graph (any white area with grid line) and selecting format, then under the Lines section, change the grid lines into "None"

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At the end you will be able to see the below graph:

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Step 12: Now let’s copy this graph into PowerPoint and make it a bit understandable for our business owner. and Voila!😉

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Image by Author

Now, it’s time to explain this graph to our business owner:

  • In this graph, we are comparing Tactics performance in terms of Efficiency (CPA) and Effectiveness (CVR).
  • The vertical axis shows CVR and the horizontal axis is our CPA.
  • The size of bubbles shows the amount of spend that each tactic received.
  • Color intensity shows the volume of Conversions.
  • The top right square represents our highest efficient and effective area, On the other hand, the bottom left represents the least performing area.
  • Any tactic that will end up in the top right area is performing well Likewise any tactic located in the bottom left, are the least performing one.
  • Any tactic located in top left and bottom right squares will need to be optimized.


  • Tactic B is the most efficient and effective tactic with better CPA and CVR, has the highest investment, and drove a higher volume of Conversions.
  • With almost the same amount of spend between Tactic E and A, Tactic E was our quality leads driver with higher CVR, and there is no significant difference between their CPA.
  • Tactic D generated a really high CVR, however, there is room to improve its CPA.
  • Tactic C is the least Efficient and Effective tactic with lower CVR and higher CPA.


Reduce the budget in non-performing tactics or add tactics with better performance would help to improve our campaign performance.

Final note – I hope this article has helped you get an idea about visualizing your data result. Any feedback is welcome as it allows me to get new insights. Many Thanks! 😊💪

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