In my last article on faiss library I’ve shown how to make kNN up to 300 times faster than Scikit-learn’s in 20 lines using Facebook’s faiss library. But we can do much more with it, including both faster and more accurate K-Means clustering, in just 25 lines!
K-Means is an iterative algorithm, which clusters the data points into k clusters, each represented with a mean / center point (a centroid). Training starts with some initial guesses and then alternates between two steps: assignment and update.
In the assignment phase we assign each point to the nearest cluster (using Euclidean distance between point and centroids) and in the update step we recalculate each centroid, calculating a mean point from all points assigned to that cluster in the current step.
The final quality of clustering is calculated as a sum of in-cluster distances, where for each cluster we calculate a sum of Euclidean distances between points in that cluster and its centroid. This is also called inertia.
For prediction, we perform a 1 nearest neighbor search (kNN with k=1) between new points and centroids.
Scikit-learn vs faiss
In both libraries we have to specify algorithm hyperparameters: number of clusters, number of restarts (each starting with other initial guesses) and maximal number of iterations.
As we can see from the example, the core of the algorithm is searching for nearest neighbors, specifically nearest centroids, both for training and prediction. And that’s where faiss is orders of magnitude faster than Scikit-learn! It leverages great C++ implementation, concurrency wherever possible and even GPU, if you want.
Implementing K-Means clustering with faiss
Github Gist below is also available at my regular Github (link).
A great feature of faiss is that it has both installation and build instructions (installation docs) and an excellent documentation with examples (getting started docs). After the installation, we can write the actual clustering. The code is quite simple, since we just mimic the Scikit-learn API.
Important elements:
- faiss has built-in
class specifically for this task, but its arguments have different names than in Scikit-learn (see the docs) - we have to make sure we use
type, as faiss only works with this type kmeans.obj
returns list of errors through the training, to get only final one like in Scikit-learn we use[-1]
index- prediction is done with the
data structure, which is the basic building block of faiss, used in all nearest neighbor searches - in prediction we perform kNN search with k = 1, returning indices of nearest centroids from
returns distances and indices)
Time and accuracy comparison
I’ve chosen a few popular datasets available in Scikit-learn for comparison. The train times andpredict times are compared. For easier reading, I’ve explicitly written how many times faster is the faiss-based clustering than Scikit-learn’s. For error comparison I’ve just written how many times lower error the faiss-based clustering achieves (since numbers are large and not very informative).
All of those times have been measured with the time.process_time()
function, that measures process time instead of wall clock time, for more accurate results. Results are averages of 100 runs, except for MNIST, where it took too long for Scikit-learn and I had to do 5 runs.

As we can see, for K-Means clustering for small datasets (first 4 datasets) faiss-based version is slower for training and has a larger error. For prediction it works universally faster.
For larger MNIST dataset faiss is a clear winner. Training 20.5 times faster is huge, especially since it reduces time from almost 3 minutes to less than 8 seconds! A 1.5 times faster prediction is also nice. The true achievement, however, is a spectacular 27.5 times lower error. This means that for larger real world dataset the faiss-based version is vastly more accurate. And this takes only 25 lines of code!
So based on this: if you have large (at least a few thousand samples) real world dataset, the faiss-based version is just plain better. For small toy dataset Scikit-learn is a better choice; however, if you have a GPU, the GPU-accelerated faiss version may turn out faster (I haven’t checked it for fair CPU comparison).
With 25 lines of code, we can get a huge speed and accuracy boost for K-Means clustering for reasonably sized datasets with the faiss library. If you need, you can get even better with GPU, multiple GPUs and more, which is nicely explained in faiss docs.