Is Zero Closer to Eight or to One?

Applying t-SNE to Visualize the MNIST Digits Dataset in 2D Plots

Rosaria Silipo
Towards Data Science
7 min readOct 26, 2020


Authors: Rosaria Silipo and Mischa Lisovyi, KNIME

Is zero closer to eight or to one? Is this a three or a five? This was the type of question we were pondering a few weeks ago when we examined the results of an image classification application.

Yes, indeed, a zero is closer to an eight than to a one and a two is closer to a five than to a three — of course, from an image recognition point of view rather than in a strictly mathematical sense. In the last data science example that we were preparing, we trained a machine learning model to recognize images of hand-written digits. In the end, while checking the results, we realized how sloppy people’s handwriting is and how hard it is sometimes to distinguish an eight from a zero, a two from a five, a one from a seven, a zero from a three, and other, sometimes unexpected, similar digits.

For obvious reasons involving time and other obligations, we could not go through all digit images and their misclassifications, one by one. Nevertheless, it would have been interesting to have had an overview of the most confusable overlapping digits in the dataset. That is easier said than done. Each data row is an image, described through 784 input features. Try to visualize that!

We needed a massive reduction of the input dimensionality from 784 to 2 or maximum 3 so that data visualization via a 2D or a 3D plot becomes possible and yet also still informative. It would be great indeed if we could understand from a plot or a chart where the biggest confusion lies and which digits have the largest stretch in handwriting styles.

t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE)

Figure 1. Example of visualization after the application of the t-SNE projection

t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) i is a relatively recent technique, often used to graphically represent a complex and multidimensional dataset on a two- or three-dimensional space. t-SNE is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique that transforms the original n coordinates of a dataset into a new set of m=2–3 coordinates, based on nonlinear local relationships among the data points. Specifically, it models each high-dimensional object as a two- or three-dimensional point, in such a way that similar objects are modeled by nearby points and dissimilar objects are modeled by distant points in the new lower dimensional space.

In the first step, the data points are modeled through a multivariate normal distribution of the numeric attributes. A probability distribution is created for pairs of objects in the high-dimensional space. Similar objects have a high probability of being picked together while dissimilar objects have a low probability.

In the second step, this distribution is replaced by a t-distribution in a lower dimensional space, which must follow the original multivariate normal distribution as closely as possible. The goal of this second step is to find the low-dimensional space with as similar a t-distribution as possible — by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence — and then to project the objects in the newly found low-dimensional space. This second t-distribution must model the probability of picking another point in the dataset as a neighbor to the current point in the lower dimensional space, as it was in the high-dimensional space.

The perplexity parameter controls the shape of the t-distribution as the “effective number of neighbors for any point.” A low perplexity value (~2) finds cluster shapes that are dominated by local variations in the data. A higher perplexity value (~30) leads to more stable clusters over multiple iterations. That is, the greater the value of the perplexity, the more global structure is considered in the data.

This technique is primarily used for visualization. Indeed, the aggressive reduction of the dataset dimensionality to just two or three coordinates, the transformation of the likelihood of pairs of data points into a visual neighborhood property, and the capability to represent strange shapes of the data groups thanks to the nonlinearity of the projection make the t-SNE particularly suitable for most data visualization techniques.

Notice that the t-SNE technique works only for the current dataset. It is not possible to export the model and apply it to new data. Indeed, all available data have to be used to find the new low-dimensional space. That is, new data can’t be projected.

The MNIST Digits Dataset

Figure 2. A few digit images from the MNIST digit dataset

The MNIST database of handwritten digits — hosted on the LeCun website — contains 70,000 examples of 28x28 B/W images of handwritten digits iii. We used a subset of 10,000 such images for this example.

Often when working with images, it is possible to read them directly from standard formats like PNG, JPG and TIFF. Unfortunately for us, the MNIST dataset is only available in a non-standard binary format. Luckily, it is straightforward to download the dataset and convert the files to a CSV format that can then be easily read.

After converting the digit images into numerical vectors, each image was represented by a vector of 784 levels of grey, that is by 784 input features.

Applying t-SNE to Visualize the MNIST Dataset in a 2D Plot

Figure 3. The t-SNE node in KNIME Analytics Platform

On one side, we have a high-dimensional dataset we would like to visualize on a 2D scatter plot; on the other side, a technique to reduce the dimensionality from a high n to a low m (m=2 for example). We then applied the t-SNE transformation to the MNIST dataset and plotted the results on a 2D scatter plot (Fig. 3).

This is an example of how the t-SNE transformation can help visualize high-dimensional datasets on a two-dimensional plot. The original dimensions 28x28=784 pixels of each image were reduced to two dimensions only with t-SNE, and the resulting data points were plotted on a scatter plot, where data points representing similar images are closely located. 784 input features come from an image 28x28 pixels “unrolled” into a single array or sequence of values.

The “6” for example are located in between two different types of “0.” Digits “4” and “9” are close and partially overlapping in shape, stretching into shapes similar to “1.” “0” and “8” digits are also closely located since they are often similar in shape; same for “3” and “5.” So, the scatter plot in Figure 4 is a topological map of the different shapes of every digit.

Figure 4. The MNIST dataset on a scatter plot after t-SNE transformation.

The KNIME Workflow

Now let’s have a quick look at the workflow implementing the t-SNE transformation on the MNIST dataset and plotting the results on a 2D scatter plot, available on the KNIME Hub as “t-SNE on MNIST dataset.”

The metanode named “Read MNIST data” lists and reads 10,000 MNIST files, each one containing an image of a handwritten digit. Images are then converted into a collection of numbers (the levels of gray) via the “Image to DataRow” node in the “Pre-process images” metanode. The numerical vectors are then fed into the “t-SNE (L. Jonsson)” node to calculate the two t-SNE components. In the parallel branch, the digit classes are extracted and used to color-code the different digit images. Finally, the color-coded t-SNE transformed bi-dimensional vectors are plotted on a classic traditional scatter plot using the “Scatter Plot (Plotly)” node.

Figure 5. The workflow “t-SNE on MNIST dataset” implementing the t-SNE transformation of the MNIST digit data and plotting the results on a scatter plot.


t-SNE is a really powerful transformation to project data from whatever dimensional space into a two-dimensional space and to display how close the data groups in the dataset are.

In this example, we have transformed the MNIST digit dataset from a 784-dimensional space into a two-dimensional space, and yet we could still inspect which digits where the most easily confused with other digits, like “8” with “0” or “7” with “1.”


1. Laurens van der Maaten, Geoffrey Hinton, “Visualizing Data using t-SNE,” Journal of Machine Learning Research 9, 2008

2. Kurita, K. (September 14, 2018). Paper Dissected: “Visualizing Data using t-SNE” Explained [Blog post in “Machine Learning Explained”]

3. Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner. “Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition.” Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(11):2278–2324, November 1998

As first published on Datanami on July 8 2020



Rosaria has been mining data since her master degree, through her doctorate and job positions after that . She is now a data scientist and KNIME evangelist.