Instance Selection for Deep Learning

How to choose the best machine for your ML workload

Chaim Rand
Towards Data Science


Photo by Cezary Morga on Unsplash

In the course of our daily AI development, we are constantly making decisions about the most appropriate machines on which to run each of our machine learning (ML) workloads. These decisions are not taken lightly as they can have a meaningful impact on both the speed as well as the cost of development. Allocating a machine with one or more GPUs to run a sequential algorithm (e.g., the standard implementation of the connected components algorithm) might be considered wasteful, while training a large language model on a CPU would likely take a prohibitively long time.

In most cases we will have a range of machine options to choose from. When using a cloud service infrastructure for ML development, we typically have the choice of a wide selection of machine types that vary greatly in their hardware specifications. These are usually grouped into families of machine types (called instance types on AWS, machine families on GCP, and virtual machine series on Microsoft Azure) with each family targeting different types of use cases. With all the many options it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or suffer from choice overload, and many online resources exist for helping one navigate the process of instance selection.

In this post we would like to focus our attention on choosing an appropriate instance type for deep learning (DL) workloads. DL workloads are typically extremely compute-intensive and often require dedicated hardware accelerators such as GPUs. Our intentions in this post are to propose a few guiding principles for choosing a machine type for DL and to highlight some of the primary differences between machine types that should be taken into consideration when making this decision.

What’s Different About this Instance Selection Guide

In our view, many of the existing instance guides result in a great deal of missed opportunity. They typically involve classifying your application based on a few predefined properties (e.g., compute requirements, memory requirements, network requirements, etc.) and propose a flow chart for choosing an instance type based on those properties. They tend to underestimate the high degree of complexity of many ML applications and the simple fact that classifying them in this manner does not always sufficiently foretell their performance challenges. We have found that naively following such guidelines can, sometimes, result in choosing a sub-optimal instance type. As we will see, the approach we propose is much more hands-on and data driven. It involves defining clear metrics for measuring the performance of your application and tools for comparing its performance on different instance type options. It is our belief that it is this kind of approach that is required to ensure that you are truly maximizing your opportunity.


Please do not view our mention of any specific instance type, DL library, cloud service provider, etc. as an endorsement for their use. The best option for you will depend on the unique details of your own project. Furthermore, any suggestion we make should not be considered as anything more than a humble proposal that should be carefully evaluated and adapted to your use case before being applied.

Part 1: Proposed Principles for Instance Type Selection

As with any other important development design decision, it’s highly recommended that you have a clear set of guidelines for reaching an optimal solution. There is nothing easier than just using the machine type you used for your previous project and/or are most familiar with. However, doing so may result in your missing out on opportunities for significant cost savings and/or significant speedups in your overall development time. In this section we propose a few guiding principles for your instance type search.

Define Clear Metrics and Tools for Comparison

Perhaps the most important guideline we will discuss is the need to clearly define both the metrics for comparing the performance of your application on different instance types and the tools for measuring them. Without a clear definition of the utility function you are trying to optimize, you will have no way to know whether the machine you have chosen is optimal. Your utility function might be different across projects and might even change during the course of a single project. When your budget is tight you might prioritize reducing cost over increasing speed. When an important customer deadline is approaching, you might prefer speed at any cost.

Example: Samples per Dollar Metric
In previous posts (e.g., here) we have proposed Samples per Dollar — i.e. the number of samples that are fed into our ML model for every dollar spent — as a measure of performance for a running DL model (for training or inference. The formula for Samples per Dollar is:

Samples per Dollar formula (by Author)

…where samples per second = batch size * batches per second. The training instance cost can usually be found online. Of course, optimizing this metric alone might be insufficient: It may minimize the overall cost of training but without including a metric that considers the overall development time, you might end up missing all of your customer deadlines. On the other hand, the speed of development can sometimes be controlled by training on multiple instances in parallel allowing us to reach our speed goals regardless of the instance type of choice. In any case, our simple example demonstrates the need to consider multiple performance metrics and weigh them based on details of the ML project such as budget and scheduling constraints.

Formulating the metrics is useless if you don’t have a way to measure them. It is critical that you define and build tools for measuring your metrics of choice into your applications. In the code block below, we show a simple PyTorch based training loop in which we include a simple line of code for periodically printing out the average number of samples processed per second. Dividing this by the published cost (per second) of the instance type gives you the cost per dollar metric we mentioned above.

    import time

batch_size = 128
data_loader = get_data_loader(batch_size)
global_batch_size = batch_size * world_size
interval = 100
t0 = time.perf_counter()

for idx, (inputs, target) in enumerate(data_loader, 1):
train_step(inputs, target)
if idx % interval == 0:
time_passed = time.perf_counter() - t0
samples_processed = global_batch_size * interval
print(f'{samples_processed / time_passed} samples/second')
t0 = time.perf_counter()

Have a Wide Variety of Options

Once we have clearly defined our utility function, choosing the best instance type is reduced to finding the instance type that maximizes the utility function. Clearly, the larger the search space of instance types we can choose from, the greater the result we can reach for overall utility. Hence the desire to have a large number of options. But we should also aim for diversity in instance types. Deep learning projects typically involve running multiple application workloads that vary greatly in their system needs and system utilization patterns. It is likely that the optimal machine type for one workload will differ substantially in its specifications from the optimal workload of another. Having a large and diverse set of instance types will increase your ability to maximize the performance of all of your project’s workloads.

Consider Multiple Options

Some instance selection guides will recommend categorizing your DL application (e.g., by the size of the model and/or whether it performs training or inference) and choosing a (single) compute instance accordingly. For example AWS promotes the use of certain types of instances (e.g., the Amazon EC2 g5 family) for ML inference, and other (more powerful) instance types (e.g., the Amazon EC2 p4 family) for ML training. However, as we mentioned in the introduction, it is our view that blindly following such guidance can lead to missed opportunities for performance optimization. And, in fact, we have found that for many training workloads, including ones with large ML models, our utility function is maximized by instances that were considered to be targeted for inference.

Of course, we do not expect you to test every available instance type. There are many instance types that can (and should) be ruled out based on their hardware specifications alone. We would not recommend taking the time to evaluate the performance of a large language model on a CPU. And if we know that our model requires high precision arithmetic for successful convergence we will not take the time to run it on a Google Cloud TPU (see here). But barring clearly prohibitive HW limitations, it is our view that instance types should only be ruled out based on the performance data results.

One of the reasons that multi-GPU Amazon EC2 g5 instances are often not considered for training models is the fact that, contrary to Amazon EC2 p4, the medium of communication between the GPUs is PCIe, and not NVLink, thus supporting much lower data throughput. However, although a high rate of GPU-to-GPU communication is indeed important for multi-GPU training, the bandwidth supported by PCIe may be sufficient for your network, or you might find that other performance bottlenecks prevent you from fully utilizing the speed of the NVLink connection. The only way to know for sure is through experimentation and performance evaluation.

Any instance type is fair game in reaching our utility function goals and in the course of our instance type search we often find ourselves rooting for the lower-power, more environment-friendly, under-valued, and lower-priced underdogs.

Develop your Workloads in a Manner that Maximizes your Options

Different instance types may impose different constraints on our implementation. They might require different initialization sequences, support different floating point data types, or depend on different SW installations. Developing your code with these differences in mind will decrease your dependency on specific instance types and increase your ability to take advantage of performance optimization opportunities.

Some high-level APIs include support for multiple instance types. PyTorch Lightening, for example, has built-in support for running a DL model on many different types of processors, hiding the details of the implementation required for each one from the user. The supported processors include CPU, GPU, Google Cloud TPU, HPU (Habana Gaudi), and more. However, keep in mind that some of the adaptations required for running on specific processor types may require code changes to the model definition (without changing the model architecture). You might also need to include blocks of code that are conditional on the accelerator type. Some API optimizations may be implemented for specific accelerators but not for others (e.g., the scaled dot product attention (SDPA) API for GPU). Some hyper-parameters, such as the batch size, may need to be tuned in order to reach maximum performance. Additional examples of changes that may be required were demonstrated in our series of blog posts on the topic of dedicated AI training accelerators.

(Re)Evaluate Continuously

Importantly, in our current environment of consistent innovation in the field of DL runtime optimization, performance comparison results become outdated very quickly. New instance types are periodically released that expand our search space and offer the potential for increasing our utility. On the other hand, popular instance types can reach end-of-life or become difficult to acquire due to high global demand. Optimizations at different levels of the software stack (e.g., see here) can also move the performance needle considerably. For example, PyTorch recently released a new graph compilation mode which can, reportedly, speed up training by up to 51% on modern GPUs. These speed-ups have not (as of the time of this writing) been demonstrated on other accelerators. This is a considerable speed-up that may force us to reevaluate some of our previous instance choice decisions. (For more on PyTorch compile mode, see our recent post on the topic.) Thus, performance comparison should not be a one-time activity; To take full advantage of all of this incredible innovation, it should be conducted and updated on a regular basis.

Part 2: Differences Between Instance Types

Knowing the details of the instance types at your disposal and, in particular, the differences between them, is important for deciding which ones to consider for performance evaluation. In this section we have grouped these into three categories: HW specifications, SW stack support, and instance availability.

Hardware Specifications

The most important differentiation between potential instance types is in the details of their hardware specifications. There are a whole bunch of hardware details that can have a meaningful impact on the performance of a deep learning workload. These include:

  • The specifics of the hardware accelerator: Which AI accelerators are we using (e.g., GPU/HPU/TPU), how much memory does each one support, how many FLOPs can it run, what base types does it support (e.g., bfloat16/float32), etc.?
  • The medium of communication between hardware accelerators and its supported bandwidths
  • The medium of communication between multiple instances and its supported bandwidth (e.g., does the instance type include a high bandwidth network such as Amazon EFA or Google FastSocket).
  • The network bandwidth of sample data ingestion
  • The ratio between the overall CPU compute power (typically responsible for the sample data input pipeline) and the accelerator compute power.

For a comprehensive and detailed review of the differences in the hardware specifications of ML instance types on AWS, check out the following TDS post:

Having a deep understanding of the details of instance types you are using is important not just for knowing which instance types are relevant for you, but also for understanding and overcoming runtime performance issues discovered during development. This has been demonstrated in many of our previous blog posts (e.g., here).

Software Stack Support

Another input into your instance type search should be the SW support matrix of the instance types you are considering. Some software components, libraries, and/or APIs support only specific instance types. If your workload requires these, then your search space will be more limited. For example, some models depend on compute kernels built for GPU but not for other types of accelerators. Another example is the dedicated library for model distribution offered by Amazon SageMaker which can boost the performance of multi-instance training but, as of the time of this writing, supports a limited number of instance types (For more details on this, see here.) Also note that some newer instance types, such as AWS Trainium based Amazon EC2 trn1 instance, have limitations on the frameworks that they support.

Instance Availability

The past few years have seen extended periods of chip shortages that have led to a drop in the supply of HW components and, in particular, accelerators such as GPUs. Unfortunately, this has coincided with a significant increase in demand for such components driven by the recent milestones in the development of large generative AI models. The imbalance between supply and demand has created a situation of uncertainty with regards to our ability to acquire the machine types of our choice. If once we would have taken for granted our ability to spin up as many machines as we wanted of any given type, we now need to adapt to situations in which our top choices may not be available at all.

The availability of instance types is an important input into their evaluation and selection. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to measure availability and even more difficult to predict and plan for it. Instance availability can change very suddenly. It can be here today and gone tomorrow.

Note that for cases in which we use multiple instances, we may require not just the availability of instance types but also their co-location in the same data-centers (e.g., see here). ML workloads often rely on low network latency between instances and their distance from each other could hurt performance.

Another important consideration is the availability of low cost spot instances. Many cloud service providers offer discounted compute engines from surplus cloud service capacity (e.g., Amazon EC2 Spot Instances in AWS, Preemptible VM Instances in Google Cloud Platform, and Low-Priority VMs in Microsoft Azure).The disadvantage of spot instances is the fact that they can be interrupted and taken from you with little to no warning. If available, and if you program fault tolerance into your applications, spot instances can enable considerable cost savings.


In this post we have reviewed some considerations and recommendations for instance type selection for deep learning workloads. The choice of instance type can have a critical impact on the success of your project and the process of discovering the most optimal one should be approached accordingly. This post is by no means comprehensive. There may be additional, even critical, considerations that we have not discussed that may apply to your deep learning project and should be accounted for.

The explosion in AI development over the past few years has been accompanied with the introduction of a number of new dedicated AI accelerators. This has led to an increase in the number of instance type options available and with it the opportunity for optimization. It has also made the search for the most optimal instance type both more challenging and more exciting. Happy hunting :)!!



I am a Machine Learning Algorithm Developer working on Autonomous Vehicle technologies at Mobileye. The views expressed in my posts are my own.