Image registration is a fundamental task in image processing that involves aligning two or more images to a common coordinate system. By doing so, corresponding pixels in the images represent homologous points in the real world, enabling comparison and analysis of the images. One common application of image registration is in medical imaging, where multiple scans or images of the same patient are taken over time, with variations due to differences in time, position, or other factors. Registering these images can reveal subtle changes or patterns that may be indicative of disease progression or treatment efficacy.
Image registration involves finding a spatial transformation that maps points in one image to corresponding points in the other image(s), so that the images can be superimposed on each other. The spatial transformation is typically parameterised by a set of control points, which are used to warp one image to match the other. The quality of the registration is measured by a similarity metric, which quantifies the degree of correspondence between the images.
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in medical image registration due to the availability of advanced imaging modalities, increasing computing power, and the need for more accurate and efficient analysis of medical images. Image registration has become a prerequisite for a wide range of medical image analysis tasks, including segmentation of anatomical structures, computer-aided diagnosis, monitoring of disease progression, surgical intervention, and treatment planning.
Despite the significant amount of research that has focused on developing image registration algorithms, there has been relatively little attention paid to the accessibility, interoperability, and extensibility of these algorithms. Scientific source code is often not published, is difficult to use because it has not been written with other researchers in mind, or lacks proper documentation. This has limited the adoption and use of image registration algorithms, hindering scientific advancement and reproducibility.
To address these challenges, several open-source libraries for medical image registration have been developed, with SimpleElastix being one of the most popular. SimpleElastix is an extension of SimpleITK, an open-source library for medical image analysis, that allows users to configure and run the Elastix registration algorithm entirely in Python, Java, R, Octave, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, and C#. SimpleElastix offers a simple parameter interface, modular architecture, and a range of transforms, metrics, and optimizers, making it easy to use and computationally efficient. It also provides a range of features such as stochastic sampling, multi-threading, and code optimization to make registration run faster without sacrificing robustness.
Here, I’ll explore the process of image registration using SimpleElastix, focusing on the specific example of registering fundus images from geographic atrophy patients. I’ll also provide a step-by-step guide to implementing this registration process, along with an exploration of other techniques such as optical flow and spatial transformer networks. Hopefully, this will give you a better understanding of the importance of image registration in medical imaging and the tools available to implement it.
The task is taking fundus images (photographs of the inner surface of an eye) from geographic atrophy patients (a type of eye disease) and registering these images inter-patient i.e. images from the same patient are only registered to that patient. For context, geographic atrophy (GA) is characterised by the loss of retinal pigment epithelium cells, which are responsible for supporting and nourishing the photoreceptor cells in the macula, the central part of the retina that is responsible for sharp, detailed vision. The loss of RPE cells results in the formation of one or more areas of atrophy, or "holes," in the macula, which can cause central vision loss and affect a person’s ability to perform everyday tasks such as reading, driving, and recognising faces. You’ll notice these areas of atrophy in the fundus images below.
You can get the images to follow along with the code from this Kaggle dataset. First, we need to import the appropriate modules.
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import os
import cv2
import pandas as pd
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from skimage.registration import optical_flow_tvl1, optical_flow_ilk
from skimage.transform import warp
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity as ssim
from skimage.metrics import normalized_root_mse as nrmse
Next, let’s write a function to handle retrieving the images. Since we only want to register fundus images to the same eye, we specify which patient and which laterality we want to load in:
def retrieve_images(patient_id = '156518', laterality = 'L', date = None):
# Set the root directory for the patient data
root_dir = Path(f'../data/{patient_id}')
# Get the list of image filenames for the left eye
image_filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(root_dir) if f'{laterality}.png' in f]
# If we are registering to same visit, only keep files from given date
if date != None:
pattern = re.compile(r"w+_(d{4}-d{2}-d{2})_")
image_filenames = [file for file in image_filenames if date in file]
# Read the images into a list
images = [cv2.imread(str(root_dir / f)) for f in image_filenames]
# Convert the images to grayscale
gray_images = [rgb2gray(img) for img in images]
# Register all images to the first image
template = gray_images[0]
# Remove invalid images
final_images = [x for x in gray_images[1:] if x.shape == template.shape]
return final_images, template
When evaluating our registration algorithm, our evaluation metric will be some function that computes the distance between the registered images and the template image. We want to be able to track a few of these metrics. Some common ones include:
- L1 loss, also known as mean absolute error, measures the average magnitude of the element-wise differences between two images. It is robust to outliers and gives equal weight to all pixels, making it a good choice for image registration.
- RMSE, or root mean square error, is the square root of the mean of the squared differences between two images. It gives more weight to larger differences, making it sensitive to outliers. RMSE is commonly used in image registration to measure the overall difference between two images.
- Normalised cross-correlation is a measure of the similarity between two images, taking into account their intensities. It is normalised to ensure that the result is between -1 and 1, where 1 indicates a perfect match. Normalised cross-correlation is often used in image registration to assess the quality of the registration, especially when dealing with images with different intensities.
- Similarity is a measure of the overlap between two images, taking into account both the intensities and spatial information. Common similarity metrics used in image registration include mutual information, normalised mutual information, and the Jensen-Shannon divergence. These metrics provide a measure of the information shared between two images, making them well suited for assessing the quality of image registration.
The following function takes a list of registered images, as well as the template image, and calculates the above metrics for each image:
def evaluate_registration(template_img: np.ndarray,
registered_imgs: List[np.ndarray]) -> (List[float], List[float], List[float]):
Evaluate the registration quality of multiple registered images with respect to a template image.
l1_losses = []
ncc_values = []
ssim_values = []
for registered_img in registered_imgs:
# Compute L1 loss between the template and registered images
l1_loss = np.mean(np.abs(template_img - registered_img))
# Compute normalized cross-correlation between the template and registered images
ncc = np.corrcoef(template_img.ravel(), registered_img.ravel())[0,1]
# Compute structural similarity index between the template and registered images
ssim_value = ssim(template_img, registered_img, data_range=registered_img.max() - registered_img.min())
return l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values
Given these losses, it’s probably a good idea to have some sort of function that shows us the best and worst registered images, based on the loss. This is somewhat similar to viewing individual examples from a confusion matrix in a classification task.
def visualise_registration_results(registered_images, original_images, template, loss_values):
num_images = min(len(registered_images), 3)
# Get the indices of the three images with the highest L1 losses
top_indices = np.argsort(loss_values)[-num_images:]
# Get the indices of the three images with the lowest L1 losses
bottom_indices = np.argsort(loss_values)[:num_images]
# Create the grid figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_images, 4, figsize=(20, 15))
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4, wspace=0.4)
# Loop through the top three images
for i, idx in enumerate(top_indices):
# Plot the original image in the first column of the left section
ax = axes[i][0]
ax.imshow(original_images[idx], cmap='gray')
original_l1 = np.mean(np.abs(template - original_images[idx]))
ax.set_title("Original Image (L1 Loss: {:.2f})".format(original_l1))
# Plot the registered image in the second column of the left section
ax = axes[i][1]
ax.imshow(registered_images[idx], cmap='gray')
ax.set_title("Registered Image (L1 Loss: {:.2f})".format(loss_values[idx]))
# Loop through the bottom three images
for i, idx in enumerate(bottom_indices):
# Plot the original image in the first column of the right section
ax = axes[i][2]
ax.imshow(original_images[idx], cmap='gray')
original_l1 = np.mean(np.abs(template - original_images[idx]))
ax.set_title("Original Image (L1 Loss: {:.2f})".format(original_l1))
# Plot the registered image in the second column of the right section
ax = axes[i][3]
ax.imshow(registered_images[idx], cmap='gray')
ax.set_title("Registered Image (L1 Loss: {:.2f})".format(loss_values[idx]))
# Show the grid
It’s probably a good idea to write a summary function which will show the aggregate improvement our registration has achieved:
def highlight_worse(val, comparison_column, worse_val, better_val):
color = better_val if val == worse_val else worse_val
return 'background-color: {}'.format(color)
def style_df(df_dict):
df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict)
for column in df.columns:
comparison_column = 'original' if column == 'registered' else 'registered'
worse_val = 'red'
better_val = 'green'
if column in ['ncc', 'ssim']:
worse_val, better_val = better_val, worse_val
df.style.apply(highlight_worse, axis=1, subset=[column], comparison_column=comparison_column, worse_val=worse_val, better_val=better_val)
return df
def summarise_registration(original_images, registered_images, template):
# Calculate metrics for original images
l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values = evaluate_registration(template, original_images)
l1_original, ncc_original, ssim_original = np.mean(l1_losses), np.mean(ncc_values), np.mean(ssim_values)
# Calculate metrics for registered images
l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values = evaluate_registration(template, registered_images)
l1_registered, ncc_registered, ssim_registered = np.mean(l1_losses), np.mean(ncc_values), np.mean(ssim_values)
# Create dataframe
df_dict = {'original': {'l1': l1_original, 'ncc': ncc_original, 'ssim': ssim_original},
'registered': {'l1': l1_registered, 'ncc': ncc_registered, 'ssim': ssim_registered}}
return style_df(df_dict)
Finally, we’ll write a thin wrapper for any registration algorithm to allow us to easily apply and evaluate it:
class RegistrationAlgorithm:
def __init__(self, registration_function):
self.registration_function = registration_function
self.final_images, self.template = retrieve_images()
self.registered_images = self.apply_registration()
def apply_registration(self):
# Do the registration process
registered_images = []
for i, img in enumerate(tqdm(self.final_images)):
registered = self.registration_function(self.template, img)
return registered_images
def evaluate(self, template_img, registered_imgs):
l1_losses = []
ncc_values = []
ssim_values = []
for registered_img in registered_imgs:
# Compute L1 loss between the template and registered images
l1_loss = np.mean(np.abs(template_img - registered_img))
# Compute normalized cross-correlation between the template and registered images
ncc = np.corrcoef(template_img.ravel(), registered_img.ravel())[0,1]
# Compute structural similarity index between the template and registered images
ssim_value = ssim(template_img, registered_img, data_range=registered_img.max() - registered_img.min())
return l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values
Exploratory data analysis
Let’s get some images and see what we’re dealing with.
images, template = retrieve_images()
A good idea is probably to examine which of the images are most different from the template image. We can recycle the functions from above to do this. Let’s just calculate the losses between the un-registered images and the template, and then look at the most dissimilar ones (highest losses).
# calculate various distances
l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values = evaluate_registration(template, images)
# plot most and least similar images
visualise_registration_results(images, images, template, l1_losses)

For comparison, here is the template image:
plt.imshow(template, cmap="gray");

Finding the optimal template image
Obviously, choosing the first fundus image as the fixed or "template" image may not be ideal. What if the first image is poor quality, or rotated, or in general very different from the majority of images to be registered? This will lead to poor results, large affine transformations and high "dead" image areas. Hence, we need some way to pick a template image. There are a few different ideas for how we might do this:
- Calculate the cumulative L2 distance between each image and all other images in the dataset, and pick the one with the lowest result. This represents the image that is "closest" to all the other images.
- Repeat the process from above, but this time create a histogram of cumulative L2 distances. Pick the k best images, take the average, and use this as a template.
Let’s begin with the first idea. This function loops over each image, calculating aggregate L2 distance with all other images.
def calculate_total_rmse(images):
n = len(images)
sum_rmse = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1, n):
rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((images[i] - images[j])**2))
sum_rmse[i] += rmse
sum_rmse[j] += rmse
return sum_rmse
patient_id = '123456'
laterality = 'L'
# Set the root directory for the patient data
root_dir = Path(f'../data/{patient_id}')
# Get the list of image filenames for the left eye
image_filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(root_dir) if f'{laterality}.png' in f]
# Read the images into a list
images = [cv2.imread(str(root_dir / f)) for f in image_filenames]
# Convert the images to grayscale
gray_images = [rgb2gray(img) for img in images]
# Remove invalid images
final_images = [x for x in gray_images[1:] if x.shape == (768, 768)]
# Calculate the RMSEs
rmses = calculate_total_rmse(final_images)
Let’s have a look at the four images with the lowest total RMSEs:
images = final_images
sorted_indices = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(rmses), key=lambda x:x[1])]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
for i in range(4):
ax[i//2][i%2].imshow(images[sorted_indices[i]], cmap='gray')
ax[i//2][i%2].set_title("RMSE: {:.2f}".format(rmses[sorted_indices[i]]))

Now let’s try the second method. First, let’s have a look at the histogram of total RMSEs:
# Plot the histogram
sns.displot(rmses, kde=False)

We could probably take the best 15 images (all with RMSEs below 10):
def get_best_images(images, rmses, num_images=10):
sorted_indices = sorted(range(len(rmses)), key=lambda x: rmses[x])
best_indices = sorted_indices[:num_images]
return [images[i] for i in best_indices]
best_images = get_best_images(images, rmses)
av_img = np.mean(best_images, axis=0)
plt.imshow(av_img, cmap='gray')

Obviously, the more images we use to take the average of, the blurrier the final image.
num_images_range = np.linspace(4, 36, 9, dtype=int)
best_images_list = []
for num_images in num_images_range:
best_images = get_best_images(images, rmses, num_images)
av_img = np.mean(best_images, axis=0)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(12,12))
for i, av_img in enumerate(best_images_list):
row, col = i//3, i%3
axs[row, col].imshow(av_img, cmap='gray')
axs[row, col].axis('off')
axs[row, col].set_title(f"Best {num_images_range[i]} images")

Let’s pick the best 8 images, and make that our template image.
Here are the actual workhorses of the project: the registration algorithms themselves.
Rigid registration is a fundamental technique in medical image analysis that involves aligning two or more images by applying translations, rotations, and scalings. It is a process of transforming images in a way that preserves the distance between corresponding points in the images. The aim of rigid registration is to find the best transformation that minimizes the difference between the images while maintaining the anatomical consistency of the underlying structures. Rigid registration has several applications, including image fusion, image-guided surgery, and longitudinal studies, and serves as a critical preprocessing step for more advanced registration techniques.
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
def rigid(fixed_image, moving_image):
# Convert the input images to SimpleITK images
fixed_image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(fixed_image)
moving_image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(moving_image)
# Create a rigid registration method and set the initial transform to the identity
registration_method = sitk.ImageRegistrationMethod()
initial_transform = sitk.Euler2DTransform()
initial_transform.SetTranslation([0, 0])
# Set the number of iterations and the learning rate for the optimization
registration_method.SetOptimizerAsGradientDescent(learningRate=1.0, numberOfIterations=100)
# Use mean squared error as the similarity metric
# Execute the registration
final_transform = registration_method.Execute(fixed_image, moving_image)
# Transform the moving image using the final transform
registered_image = sitk.Resample(moving_image, fixed_image, final_transform, sitk.sitkLinear, 0.0, moving_image.GetPixelIDValue())
# Convert the registered image back to a Numpy array
registered_image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(registered_image)
return registered_image
opt = RegistrationAlgorithm(rigid)
l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values = opt.evaluate(opt.template, opt.registered_images)
print("L1 losses:", f"{np.mean(l1_losses):.2f}")
print("Normalized cross-correlation values:", f"{np.mean(ncc_values):.2f}")
print("Structural similarity index values:", f"{np.mean(ssim_values):.2f}")
L1 losses: 0.14
Normalized cross-correlation values: 0.56
Structural similarity index values: 0.55
images, template = retrieve_images()
summarise_registration(images, opt.registered_images, template)

Our metrics are worse compared to the original images. Let’s see what’s actually happening:
visualise_registration_results(opt.registered_images, images, template, l1_losses)

Interesting. So the metrics are generally worse, but it appears this way because the metrics are comparing large black areas on shifted images. We should probably include the same metrics as above, but exclude completely black pixels from the comparison.
def evaluate_registration(template_img: np.ndarray, registered_imgs: List[np.ndarray]):
Evaluate the registration quality of multiple registered images with respect to a template image.
l1_losses = []
ncc_values = []
ssim_values = []
l1_losses_excl_black = []
ncc_values_excl_black = []
ssim_values_excl_black = []
for i, registered_img in enumerate(registered_imgs):
# Create mask of non-black pixels in original image
mask = (registered_img.ravel() != 0.0)
# Compute L1 loss between the template and registered images
l1_loss = np.mean(np.abs(template_img - registered_img))
# Compute L1 loss between the template and registered images, excluding black pixels
l1_loss_excl_black = np.mean(np.abs(template_img.ravel()[mask] - registered_img.ravel()[mask]))
# Compute normalized cross-correlation between the template and registered images
ncc = np.corrcoef(template_img.ravel(), registered_img.ravel())[0,1]
# Compute normalized cross-correlation between the template and registered images, excluding black pixels
ncc_excl_black = np.corrcoef(template_img.ravel()[mask], registered_img.ravel()[mask])[0,1]
# Compute structural similarity index between the template and registered images
ssim_value = ssim(template_img, registered_img, data_range=registered_img.max() - registered_img.min())
# Compute structural similarity index between the template and registered images, excluding black pixels
ssim_value_excl_black = ssim(template_img.ravel()[mask], registered_img.ravel()[mask],
data_range=registered_img.ravel()[mask].max() - registered_img.ravel()[mask].min())
return l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values, l1_losses_excl_black, ncc_values_excl_black, ssim_values_excl_black
def summarise_registration(original_images, registered_images, template):
# Calculate metrics for original images
l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values, l1_losses_black, ncc_values_black, ssim_values_black = evaluate_registration(template, original_images)
l1_original, ncc_original, ssim_original = np.mean(l1_losses), np.mean(ncc_values), np.mean(ssim_values)
l1_black_original, ncc_black_original, ssim_black_original = np.mean(l1_losses_black), np.mean(ncc_values_black), np.mean(ssim_values_black)
# Calculate metrics for registered images
l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values, l1_losses_black, ncc_values_black, ssim_values_black = evaluate_registration(template, registered_images)
l1_registered, ncc_registered, ssim_registered = np.mean(l1_losses), np.mean(ncc_values), np.mean(ssim_values)
l1_black_registered, ncc_black_registered, ssim_black_registered = np.mean(l1_losses_black), np.mean(ncc_values_black), np.mean(ssim_values_black)
# Create dataframe
df_dict = {'original': {'l1': l1_original, 'ncc': ncc_original, 'ssim': ssim_original,
'l1_excl_black': l1_black_original, 'ncc_excl_black': ncc_black_original,
'ssim_excl_black': ssim_black_original},
'registered': {'l1': l1_registered, 'ncc': ncc_registered, 'ssim': ssim_registered,
'l1_excl_black': l1_black_registered, 'ncc_excl_black': ncc_black_registered,
'ssim_excl_black': ssim_black_registered}}
return style_df(df_dict)
images, template = retrieve_images()
summarise_registration(images, opt.registered_images, template)

Not really much better. The only metric where it is definitely better is SSIM excluding black pixels. A theory about why this might be the case is that by excluding black pixels, we are also excluding the retina, which is already very well aligned with the majority of images, and hence "dampens" the metrics for the well-aligned images.
Optical flow
Optical flow is a fundamental technique in Computer Vision that estimates the motion of objects between two consecutive frames of a video sequence. It is based on the assumption that the pixel intensities of an object remain constant across frames, and that the apparent motion of the object is solely due to its real motion. The optical flow can be represented as a 2D vector field (u,v) that assigns a velocity vector to each pixel in the image.
The optical flow field can be computed by solving a system of equations that relates the image brightness change to the motion of the pixels. These equations can be solved using various methods, such as Lucas-Kanade, Horn-Schunck, or Farneback, each with its own advantages and limitations. Once the optical flow field is computed, it can be used to register images by warping one image to align with the other.
Optical flow has a wide range of applications, including object tracking, motion analysis, video stabilization, and video compression. However, optical flow estimation is sensitive to image noise, occlusions, and large displacements, which can lead to errors and inaccuracies in the motion estimation. Ongoing research is focused on improving the accuracy, robustness, and efficiency of optical flow methods to enhance their applicability in real-world scenarios.
Let’s have a look at how this works:
# --- Load the sequence
images, template = retrieve_images()
image0, image1 = images[0], template
# --- Convert the images to gray level: color is not supported.
#image0 = rgb2gray(image0)
#image1 = rgb2gray(image1)
# --- Compute the optical flow
v, u = optical_flow_tvl1(image0, image1)
# --- Use the estimated optical flow for registration
nr, nc = image0.shape
row_coords, col_coords = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nr), np.arange(nc),
image1_warp = warp(image1, np.array([row_coords + v, col_coords + u]),
# build an RGB image with the unregistered sequence
seq_im = np.zeros((nr, nc, 3))
seq_im[..., 0] = image1
seq_im[..., 1] = image0
seq_im[..., 2] = image0
# build an RGB image with the registered sequence
reg_im = np.zeros((nr, nc, 3))
reg_im[..., 0] = image1_warp
reg_im[..., 1] = image0
reg_im[..., 2] = image0
# build an RGB image with the registered sequence
target_im = np.zeros((nr, nc, 3))
target_im[..., 0] = image0
target_im[..., 1] = image0
target_im[..., 2] = image0
# --- Show the result
fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(5, 10))
ax0.set_title("Unregistered sequence")
ax1.set_title("Registered sequence")

The above code demonstrates Image Registration using optical flow. First, the code loads a sequence of images and a template. Then, the images are converted to grayscale, and the optical flow between the first image and the template is computed using the TVL1 algorithm. The resulting optical flow vectors are used to register the template to the first image.
To do this, the code generates a grid of row and column coordinates for the template image and applies the optical flow vectors to the row and column coordinates to obtain the corresponding locations in the first image. These transformed coordinates are then used to warp the template image to the first image using a spline-based image warping function.
The code then generates RGB images to display the unregistered sequence, the registered sequence, and the target image (i.e., the first image). The unregistered sequence is an RGB image with the first and template images overlaid. The registered sequence is an RGB image with the warped template image and the first image overlaid. The target image is an RGB image with only the first image.
Finally, the code displays the three RGB images using Matplotlib subplots. The first subplot shows the unregistered sequence, the second subplot shows the registered sequence, and the third subplot shows the target image. The resulting plot provides a visual comparison of the unregistered and registered sequences, highlighting the effectiveness of the optical flow-based registration method.
The estimated vector field (u,v) can also be displayed with a quiver plot.
# --- Compute the optical flow
v, u = optical_flow_ilk(image0, image1, radius=15)
# --- Compute flow magnitude
norm = np.sqrt(u ** 2 + v ** 2)
# --- Display
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4))
# --- Sequence image sample
ax0.imshow(image0, cmap='gray')
ax0.set_title("Sequence image sample")
# --- Quiver plot arguments
nvec = 20 # Number of vectors to be displayed along each image dimension
nl, nc = image0.shape
step = max(nl//nvec, nc//nvec)
y, x = np.mgrid[:nl:step, :nc:step]
u_ = u[::step, ::step]
v_ = v[::step, ::step]
ax1.quiver(x, y, u_, v_, color='r', units='dots',
angles='xy', scale_units='xy', lw=3)
ax1.set_title("Optical flow magnitude and vector field")

Let’s implement the algorithm.
def optical_flow(template, img):
# calculate the vector field for optical flow
v, u = optical_flow_tvl1(template, img)
# use the estimated optical flow for registration
nr, nc = template.shape
row_coords, col_coords = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nr), np.arange(nc),
registered = warp(img, np.array([row_coords + v, col_coords + u]), mode='edge')
return registered
opt = RegistrationAlgorithm(optical_flow)
images, template = retrieve_images()
summarise_registration(images, opt.registered_images, template).loc[['l1', 'ncc', 'ssim']]

Significantly better performance! Let’s visualise:
images, template = retrieve_images()
visualise_registration_results(opt.registered_images, images, template, l1_losses)

It seems like the optical flow is "cheating" somewhat on the harder images by just completely deforming them. Let’s see if we can improve on this.
SimpleElastix is an open-source, multi-platform software library that provides a simple interface for performing medical image registration. Image registration is the process of aligning two or more images by finding a spatial mapping between them. SimpleElastix offers a wide range of pre-implemented registration components, including transforms, similarity metrics, and optimizers, which can be easily combined to create a registration pipeline. The library supports various types of registration, including rigid, affine, non-rigid, and groupwise registration, and allows users to register images in different modalities, such as MRI, CT, PET, and microscopy.
One of the key advantages of SimpleElastix is its ease of use. It provides a user-friendly, high-level interface that requires minimal coding knowledge and can be used through a Python or C++ interface. Additionally, the library includes advanced features such as multi-resolution optimization, regularization, and spatial constraints, which enhance the accuracy and robustness of the registration. SimpleElastix is widely used in medical imaging research and clinical practice and has been validated in numerous studies. It is a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, including image-guided surgery, longitudinal studies, and image analysis.
Rigid registration
As discussed above, a rigid transformation is capable of aligning objects that are related by translation and rotation. For example, when aligning images of a patient’s bones, a rigid transformation is often sufficient to align these structures. It is advantageous to use a simple transformation when possible, as this reduces the number of possible solutions and minimizes the risk of non-rigid local minima that could compromise the accuracy of the registration results. This approach can be seen as a means of incorporating domain expertise into the registration process.
Let’s look at a single registered image:
import SimpleITK as sitk
from IPython.display import clear_output
from IPython.display import Image
images, template = retrieve_images()
elastixImageFilter = sitk.ElastixImageFilter()
sitk.WriteImage(elastixImageFilter.GetResultImage(), 'test.tif')
# load image with SimpleITK
sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage('test.tif')
# convert to NumPy array
im = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image)
plt.imshow(im, cmap='gray');

Now let’s use the architecture above to apply and validate the rigid registration:
def simple_elastix_rigid(image, template):
elastixImageFilter = sitk.ElastixImageFilter()
sitk.WriteImage(elastixImageFilter.GetResultImage(), 'reg.tif')
# load image with SimpleITK
sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage('reg.tif')
# convert to NumPy array
registered_img = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image)
# delete the tif file
return registered_img
# retrieve images to be registered, and the image to register to
images, template = retrieve_images()
# perform the registration using SimpleElastix
opt = RegistrationAlgorithm(simple_elastix_rigid)
Visualise the results:
l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values = opt.evaluate(opt.template, opt.registered_images)
visualise_registration_results(opt.registered_images, images, template, l1_losses)

And finally, let’s examine the metrics:
images, template = retrieve_images()
summarise_registration(images, opt.registered_images, template)

Whilst L1 losses are similar, the rigid registration with SimpleElastix
drastically improves the NCC and structural similarity loss.
Affine registration
Very similar to rigid registration, the affine transform allows us to shear and scale in addition to rotation and translation. Often, affine registration is used as an initial preprocessing step before non-rigid transformations.
def simple_elastix_affine(image, template):
elastixImageFilter = sitk.ElastixImageFilter()
sitk.WriteImage(elastixImageFilter.GetResultImage(), 'reg.tif')
# load image with SimpleITK
sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage('reg.tif')
# convert to NumPy array
registered_img = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image)
# delete the tif file
return registered_img
# retrieve images to be registered, and the image to register to
images, template = retrieve_images()
# perform the registration using SimpleElastix
opt = RegistrationAlgorithm(simple_elastix_affine)
l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values = opt.evaluate(opt.template, opt.registered_images)
visualise_registration_results(opt.registered_images, images, template, l1_losses

images, template = retrieve_images()
summarise_registration(images, opt.registered_images, template)

Slightly better than rigid transformation.
Non-rigid registration
Non-rigid registration techniques are able to align images that require localised deformations, making them more suitable for accommodating the anatomical, physiological, and pathological variations between patients.
To parameterise a free-form deformation (FFD) field, B-splines are commonly employed. The registration of FFD fields is much more complex than that of simpler transformations. The increased dimensionality of the parameter space makes it challenging to solve the problem, and as such, a multi-resolution approach is recommended. Starting with an affine initialisation can also be helpful to make the registration easier. In SimpleElastix, implementing a multi-resolution approach is straightforward.
The code below runs multi-resolution affine initialisation and then applies a B-spline non-rigid registration transform.
def simple_elastix_nonrigid(image, template):
# Initialise the filter, as well as fixed and moving images
elastixImageFilter = sitk.ElastixImageFilter()
# Setup the initialisation and transforms
parameterMapVector = sitk.VectorOfParameterMap()
# Execute and save
sitk.WriteImage(elastixImageFilter.GetResultImage(), 'reg.tif')
# load image with SimpleITK
sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage('reg.tif')
# convert to NumPy array
registered_img = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image)
# delete the tif file
return registered_img
# retrieve images to be registered, and the image to register to
images, template = retrieve_images()
# perform the registration using SimpleElastix
opt = RegistrationAlgorithm(simple_elastix_nonrigid)
l1_losses, ncc_values, ssim_values = opt.evaluate(opt.template, opt.registered_images)
visualise_registration_results(opt.registered_images, images, template, l1_losses)
images, template = retrieve_images()
summarise_registration(images, opt.registered_images, template)

So SSIM is slightly worse than affine, but NCC is definitely better.
Groupwise registration
Groupwise registration methods are used in medical imaging to address the uncertainties associated with registering one image to a chosen reference frame. Instead, all images in a population are simultaneously registered to a mean frame of reference that is at the center of the population. This approach uses a 3D or 4D B-spline deformation model and a similarity metric that minimizes intensity variance while ensuring that the average deformation across images is zero. The method can also incorporate temporal smoothness of the deformations and a cyclic transform in the time dimension, which is useful in cases where the anatomical motion has a cyclic nature, such as in cardiac or respiratory motion. By using this method, bias towards a specific reference frame is eliminated, resulting in more accurate and unbiased registration of the images. However, this method is too computationally intensive without parallel processing, and so is not covered here for the sake of efficiency.
2D Voxelmorph with Spatial Transformer Network
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import torchvision
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
The Spatial Transformer Network (STN) is a neural network architecture that can learn to spatially transform images in order to improve the performance of downstream tasks. In particular, the STN is capable of learning to automatically crop, rotate, scale, and skew input images in a way that is optimal for the task at hand. This is achieved by learning to estimate a set of affine transformation parameters for each input image, which can be used to warp the image into a new configuration.
In the code below, the STN is implemented as a module within a larger neural network, which consists of several convolutional layers and fully connected layers. The STN consists of two components: a localisation network, and a regressor.
The localisation network is a set of convolutional layers that are used to extract a set of features from the input image. These features are then fed into the regressor, which is a set of fully connected layers that are used to estimate the affine transformation parameters. In the provided code, the regressor consists of two linear layers with ReLU activation functions.
The STN module also includes a stn
method, which takes an input image as input and applies the learned affine transformation to the image using bilinear interpolation. The stn
method is called within the forward method of the larger neural network, which is used to make predictions on the transformed input.
Overall, the STN module provides a powerful tool for learning to perform spatial transformations on input images, which can be used to improve the performance of a wide range of image processing and computer vision tasks.
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 10, kernel_size=5)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(10, 20, kernel_size=5)
self.conv2_drop = nn.Dropout2d()
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(320, 50)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(50, 10)
# Spatial transformer localization-network
self.localization = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(1, 8, kernel_size=7),
nn.MaxPool2d(2, stride=2),
nn.Conv2d(8, 10, kernel_size=5),
nn.MaxPool2d(2, stride=2),
# Regressor for the 3 * 2 affine matrix
self.fc_loc = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(10 * 188 * 188, 32),
nn.Linear(32, 3 * 2)
# Initialize the weights/bias with identity transformation
self.fc_loc[2].bias.data.copy_(torch.tensor([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.float))
# Spatial transformer network forward function
def stn(self, x):
xs = self.localization(x)
xs = xs.view(-1, 10 * 188 * 188)
theta = self.fc_loc(xs)
theta = theta.view(-1, 2, 3)
grid = F.affine_grid(theta, x.size())
x = F.grid_sample(x, grid)
return x
def forward(self, x):
# transform the input
x = self.stn(x)
return x
model = Net().to(device)
We’re also going to try a different differentiable loss that may be better suited to image registration than the previous metrics. The given code defines a custom loss function called voxelmorph loss, used for 2D image registration. The loss function consists of two components: a reconstruction loss and a smoothness penalty.
The reconstruction loss measures the dissimilarity between the source image and the target image. It is computed as the mean absolute difference between the two images, weighted by the target weight. The source and target images are the input images to the registration network, with the source image being transformed to align with the target image.
The smoothness penalty encourages smooth transformations by penalizing spatially varying deformations between the source and target images. The penalty is computed by taking the mean absolute difference of the gradients of the target image in the x and y directions, weighted by the smoothness weight. This penalty term helps to avoid sharp changes in the deformation field, which can lead to overfitting and poor generalization to new images.
The overall voxelmorph loss is the sum of the reconstruction loss and the smoothness penalty. The loss is optimized using a gradient-based optimizer during training to improve the accuracy of the registration network.
Voxelmorph loss is a widely used loss function in medical image registration due to its ability to handle large deformations, multi-modal images, and inter-subject variability. It is particularly useful for deformable registration of images, where the goal is to align images with significant shape variations. The smoothness penalty term in the loss function helps to regularise the deformation field and improve the accuracy of the registration.
def voxelmorph_loss_2d(source, target, source_weight=1, target_weight=1, smoothness_weight=0.001):
def gradient(x):
d_dx = x[:, :-1, :-1] - x[:, 1:, :-1]
d_dy = x[:, :-1, :-1] - x[:, :-1, 1:]
return d_dx, d_dy
def gradient_penalty(x):
d_dx, d_dy = gradient(x)
return (d_dx.abs().mean() + d_dy.abs().mean()) * smoothness_weight
reconstruction_loss = (source - target).abs().mean() * target_weight
smoothness_penalty = gradient_penalty(target)
return reconstruction_loss + smoothness_penalty
The code below defines a Pytorch dataset class, called FundusDataset
, that is used to load and preprocess training images for use in a neural network. The dataset class takes a list of training images and a target image as input and returns an image and its corresponding target image for use during training.
class FundusDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, image_list, target_image):
self.image_list = image_list
self.target_image = target_image
def __len__(self):
return len(self.image_list)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
image = self.image_list[idx]
image = torch.from_numpy(image).float()
return image, self.target_image
# Load your list of Numpy arrays of training images
training_images, template = retrieve_images()
template_image = torch.from_numpy(template).float()
# Create the dataset
dataset = FundusDataset(training_images, template_image)
# Create the data loader
train_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
Now, let’s write a brief training loop:
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.05)
criterion = voxelmorph_loss_2d #nn.L1Loss() #nn.MSELoss()
def train(epoch):
batch_loss = 0
for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)
data = data.unsqueeze(1)
output = model(data)
loss = criterion(output.reshape(output.shape[0], 768, 768), target)
batch_loss += loss.item()
if epoch % 1 == 0:
avg_loss = batch_loss / len(train_loader)
print('Train Epoch: {}, Average Loss: {:.6f}'.format(epoch, avg_loss))
for epoch in range(1, 5 + 1):
Finally, we define a Python function, called convert_image_np
, that converts a PyTorch tensor to a numpy image. The function takes the PyTorch tensor as input, and applies a standard normalisation procedure by subtracting a mean value and dividing by a standard deviation value. The resulting numpy image is then clipped to lie between 0 and 1.
The code then defines a function, called visualize_stn
, that is used to visualize the output of a spatial transformer network (STN) layer during training. The resulting input and transformed numpy images are plotted side-by-side using the subplots() function from the matplotlib library. The plot shows the input images on the left and the corresponding transformed images on the right.
def convert_image_np(inp):
"""Convert a Tensor to numpy image."""
inp = inp.numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0))
mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406])
std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
inp = std * inp + mean
inp = np.clip(inp, 0, 1)
return inp
# We want to visualize the output of the spatial transformers layer
# after the training, we visualize a batch of input images and
# the corresponding transformed batch using STN.
def visualize_stn():
with torch.no_grad():
# Get a batch of training data
data = next(iter(train_loader))[0].to(device)
data = data.unsqueeze(1)
input_tensor = data.cpu()
transformed_input_tensor = model.stn(data).cpu()
in_grid = convert_image_np(
out_grid = convert_image_np(
# Plot the results side-by-side
f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20,20))
axarr[0].imshow(in_grid, cmap='gray')
axarr[0].set_title('Dataset Images')
axarr[1].imshow(out_grid, cmap='gray')
axarr[1].set_title('Transformed Images')
# Visualize the STN transformation on some input batch

Clearly, the network has moved the images somewhat, but struggles with the fundus images that are too far removed from the template image.
Supersizing registration
For completeness, I include a few things here that I tried to get the STN to work better.
Image augmentation
I had a hunch that image augmentation can improve the performance of an STN in learning image registration transforms by increasing the diversity and quantity of training data. STNs rely on large amounts of training data to learn the complex spatial transformations between images. However, obtaining a sufficiently large and diverse dataset of medical images can be challenging due to factors such as limited patient data and variability in imaging modalities. In addition to this, I only have limited data per patient, so training an STN is only feasible for a lot of patients combined.
Image augmentation offers a solution to this problem by generating synthetic training data by applying a variety of image transformations to existing images. This increases the size and diversity of the training dataset, and enables the STN to learn more robust and generalisable registration transforms. Image augmentation can also help the STN to learn transformations that are invariant to certain imaging conditions such as changes in illumination, contrast, and noise.
Common image augmentation techniques include random rotations, translations, scaling, and flipping, as well as more complex transformations such as elastic deformations and intensity changes. These transformations are applied randomly during training to generate a wide range of transformed images that are similar to the original images. The augmented images are then used to train the STN, which improves its ability to generalise to new images.
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import cv2
import random
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
def image_augmentation(images, base_index=0, n_aug=5):
# Convert the NumPy arrays to Pillow Image objects
items = [Image.fromarray(image).convert("RGBA") for image in images]
# Define the image transformation pipeline
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.RandomResizedCrop(224, scale=(0.8, 1.0)),
transforms.RandomAffine(degrees=0, translate=(0.2, 0.2),
scale=(0.9, 1.1), shear=0,
fillcolor=(128, 128, 128, 255)),
transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
# Generate the augmented images
new_items = []
for i in range(n_aug):
# Get the base image
base_item = items[base_index]
base_image = np.array(base_item)
# Apply the random transforms to the base image
transformed_item = transform(base_item)
# Convert the transformed image to a NumPy array and add it to the list of augmented images
transformed_image = np.transpose(transformed_item.numpy(), (1, 2, 0))
transformed_image = cv2.cvtColor(transformed_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# Convert the augmented data back to NumPy arrays
new_images = [np.array(image) for image in new_items]
return new_images
You could then apply this function to the images list and pass in the extended dataset for training.
Clustering models with k-nearest neighbours
The below code is an implementation of k-means clustering on a set of images stored as NumPy arrays. The aim of the code is to find the optimal number of clusters that best represent the set of images.
The code begins by converting the list of images to a 2D NumPy array and then reshaping the array to a 2D shape. This is done to create a dataset that can be fed into the k-means clustering algorithm. The k-means algorithm is then run for a range of values of k, where k is the number of clusters to be generated. For each value of k, the algorithm is run, and the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS) is calculated. The WCSS is a measure of how spread out the data points are within each cluster, and it is used to evaluate the quality of the clustering. The WCSS value is stored in a list, and the loop is repeated for all values of k.
Once the WCSS values are calculated, an elbow plot is generated to visualize the relationship between the number of clusters and the WCSS value. The elbow plot shows a curve that descends and reaches an elbow point where the rate of decrease in WCSS value starts to level off. The optimal number of clusters is chosen as the value at which the curve starts to level off.
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
# Assume you have a list of images stored as numpy arrays in a variable called "images"
images, template = retrieve_images()
# Convert the list of images to a 2D numpy array
data = np.array(images)
n_samples, height, width = data.shape
data = data.reshape(n_samples, height * width)
# Set up an empty list to hold the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS) values for each value of k
wcss_values = []
# Set up a range of values for k
k_values = range(1, 11)
# Loop over the values of k and fit a k-means model for each value
for k in k_values:
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=0)
# Calculate the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS)
wcss = kmeans.inertia_
# Plot the WCSS values against the number of clusters
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(k_values, wcss_values, 'bo-')
ax.set_xlabel('Number of clusters (k)')
ax.set_ylabel('Within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS)')
ax.set_title('Elbow Plot')

From this plot, an optimal number of clusters is probably three. Let’s use this to group our images:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
# Assume you have a list of images stored as NumPy arrays in a variable called "images"
images, template = retrieve_images()
# First, flatten each image into a 1D array
image_vectors = np.array([image.flatten() for image in images])
# Use k-means to cluster the image vectors
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=0).fit(image_vectors)
cluster_labels = kmeans.labels_
# Use k-nearest neighbors to find the nearest images to each centroid
n_neighbors = 5
nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm='ball_tree').fit(image_vectors)
distances, indices = nn.kneighbors(kmeans.cluster_centers_)
# Plot the nearest images to each centroid
fig, axs = plt.subplots(kmeans.n_clusters, n_neighbors, figsize=(15, 15))
for i in range(kmeans.n_clusters):
for j in range(n_neighbors):
axs[i][j].imshow(images[indices[i][j]], cmap='gray')
axs[i][j].set_title(f"Cluster {i}, Neighbor {j+1}")
# Store the cluster labels and image labels in a dictionary
labels_dict = {}
for i in range(len(images)):
labels_dict[i] = {"cluster_label": cluster_labels[i]}

This looks good. Let’s create a new list for each cluster:
# Assume you have a list of images stored as NumPy arrays in a variable called "images"
images, template = retrieve_images()
# First, flatten each image into a 1D array
image_vectors = np.array([image.flatten() for image in images])
# Use k-means to cluster the image vectors
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=0).fit(image_vectors)
cluster_labels = kmeans.labels_
# Use k-nearest neighbors to find the nearest images to each centroid
n_neighbors = 5
nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm='ball_tree').fit(image_vectors)
distances, indices = nn.kneighbors(kmeans.cluster_centers_)
# Store the images in each cluster
cluster_0_images = []
cluster_1_images = []
cluster_2_images = []
for i, cluster_label in enumerate(cluster_labels):
if cluster_label == 0:
elif cluster_label == 1:
# Print the number of images in each cluster
print(f"Number of images in cluster 0: {len(cluster_0_images)}")
print(f"Number of images in cluster 1: {len(cluster_1_images)}")
print(f"Number of images in cluster 2: {len(cluster_2_images)}")
Number of images in cluster 0: 38
Number of images in cluster 1: 31
Number of images in cluster 2: 32
trained_models = {}
for i, cluster_images in enumerate([cluster_0_images, cluster_1_images, cluster_2_images]):
# load the spatial transformer network
model = Net().to(device)
template_image = torch.from_numpy(template).float()
# Create the dataset
dataset = FundusDataset(cluster_images, template_image)
# Create the data loader
train_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.05)
criterion = voxelmorph_loss_2d
print(f"TRAINING CLUSTER {i}")
for epoch in range(1, 5 + 1):
trained_models[f"cluster_{i}_model"] = model
print(" ")
Train Epoch: 1, Average Loss: 0.122363
Train Epoch: 2, Average Loss: 0.120482
Train Epoch: 3, Average Loss: 0.117854
Train Epoch: 4, Average Loss: 0.112581
Train Epoch: 5, Average Loss: 0.119771
Train Epoch: 1, Average Loss: 0.079963
Train Epoch: 2, Average Loss: 0.080274
Train Epoch: 3, Average Loss: 0.077222
Train Epoch: 4, Average Loss: 0.076657
Train Epoch: 5, Average Loss: 0.077101
Train Epoch: 1, Average Loss: 0.172036
Train Epoch: 2, Average Loss: 0.171105
Train Epoch: 3, Average Loss: 0.170653
Train Epoch: 4, Average Loss: 0.170199
Train Epoch: 5, Average Loss: 0.169759
Doesn’t really help. This also goes against the overall idea of an STN, which is that it uses the convolutional layers to determine which transforms to apply to which images i.e. some images will require significantly higher weights in the transform than others.
In conclusion, the evaluation of medical image registration techniques indicates that while modern approaches such as Spatial Transformer Networks (STNs) offer promising results, they require a substantial investment to achieve the desired outcomes. In comparison, traditional techniques like SimpleElastix prove to be more effective and efficient. Despite implementing various strategies to enhance the STN’s performance, the model failed to learn sufficient weights to shift the target, demonstrating the need for alternative loss functions. One such approach could involve ignoring black pixels resulting from affine transforms. Additionally, pointwise registration, which utilizes biological markers such as the retina or blood vessels to guide the registration process, could prove more beneficial for specific applications. Therefore, further research is necessary to determine the most appropriate registration approach, based on the specific problem and available resources.
The data is from the Kaggle Retina Fundus Image Registration Dataset, which is licensed under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
- Kaggle: Retina Fundus Image Registration Dataset
- Jaderberg, M., Simonyan, K., & Zisserman, A. (2015). Spatial transformer networks. Advances in neural information processing systems, 28.
- Hill, D. L., Batchelor, P. G., Holden, M., & Hawkes, D. J. (2001). Medical image registration. Physics in medicine & biology, 46(3), R1.
- Brown, L. G. (1992). A survey of image registration techniques. ACM computing surveys (CSUR), 24(4), 325–376.
- Lee, M. C., Oktay, O., Schuh, A., Schaap, M., & Glocker, B. (2019). Image-and-spatial transformer networks for structure-guided image registration. In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2019: 22nd International Conference, Shenzhen, China, October 13–17, 2019, Proceedings, Part II 22 (pp. 337–345). Springer International Publishing.
- Pytorch: Spatial Transformer Networks Tutorial