As Deep Learning models (especially LLMs) keep getting bigger, the need for more GPU memory (VRAM) is ever-increasing for developing them and using them locally. Building or obtaining a multi-GPU machine is just the first part of the challenge. Most libraries and applications only use a single GPU by default. Thus, the machine also needs to have appropriate drivers along with libraries that can leverage the multi-GPU setup.
This story provides a guide on how to set up a multi-GPU (Nvidia) Linux machine with important libraries. This will hopefully save you some time on experimentation and get you started on your development.
At the end, links are provided to popular open-source libraries that can leverage the multi-GPU setup for Deep Learning.
Set up a Multi-GPU Linux system with necessary libraries such as CUDA Toolkit and PyTorch to get started with Deep Learning 🤖. The same steps also apply to a single GPU machine.
We will install 1) Cuda Toolkit, 2) PyTorch and 3) Miniconda to get started with Deep Learning using frameworks such as exllamaV2 and torchtune.
©️ All the libraries and information mentioned in this story are open-source and/or publicly available.
Getting Started

Check the number of GPUs installed in the machine using the nvidia-smi
command in the terminal. It should print a list of all the installed GPUs. If there is a discrepancy or if the command does not work, first install the Nvidia drivers for your version of Linux. Make sure the nvidia-smi
command prints a list of all the GPUs installed in your machine as shown above.
Follow this page to install Nvidia Drivers if not done already:
How to install the NVIDIA drivers on Ubuntu 22.04 – Linux Tutorials – Learn Linux Configuration– (Source:
Step-1 Install CUDA-Toolkit
💡 Check for any existing CUDA folder at usr/local/cuda-xx
. That means a version of CUDA is already installed. If you already have the desired CUDA toolkit installed (check with the nvcc
command in your terminal) please skip to Step-2.
Check the CUDA version needed for your desired PyTorch library: Start Locally | PyTorch (We are installing Install CUDA 12.1)
Go to CUDA Toolkit 12.1 Downloads | NVIDIA Developer to obtain Linux commands to install CUDA 12.1 (choose your OS version and the corresponding "deb (local)" installer type).

The terminal commands for the base installer will appear according to your chosen options. Copy-paste and run them in your Linux terminal to install the CUDA toolkit. For example, for x86_64 Ubuntu 22, run the following commands by opening the terminal in the downloads folder:
sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600
sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-12-1-local_12.1.0-530.30.02-1_amd64.deb
sudo cp /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-12-1-local/cuda-*-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install cuda
⚠️While installing the CUDA toolkit, the installer may prompt a kernel update. If any pop-up appears in the terminal to update the kernel, press the esc
button to cancel it. Do not update the kernel during this stage!— it may break your Nvidia drivers ☠️.
Restart the Linux machine after the installation. The nvcc
command will still not work. You need to add the CUDA installation to PATH. Open the .bashrc
file using the nano editor.
nano /home/$USER/.bashrc
Scroll to the bottom of the .bashrc
file and add these two lines:
export PATH="/usr/local/cuda-12.1/bin:$PATH"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/cuda-12.1/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
💡 Note that you can change cuda-12.1
to your installed CUDA version, cuda-xx
if needed in the future , ‘xx’ being your CUDA version.
Save the changes and close the nano editor:
To save changes - On you keyboard, press the following:
ctrl + o --> save
enter or return key --> accept changes
ctrl + x --> close editor
Close and reopen the terminal. Now the nvcc--version
command should print the installed CUDA version in your terminal.
Step-2 Install Miniconda
Before we install Pytorch, it is better to install Miniconda and then install PyTorch inside a Conda environment. It also is handy to create a new Conda environment for each project.
Open the terminal in the Downloads folder and run the following commands:
mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm -rf ~/miniconda3/
# initiate conda
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init zsh
Close and re-open the terminal. Now the conda
command should work.
Step-3 Install PyTorch
(Optional) – Create a new conda environment for your project. You can replace <environment-name>
with the name of your choice. I usually name it after my project name. __ 💡 You can use the conda activate <environment-name>
and conda deactivate <environment-name>
commands before and after working on your project.
conda create -n <environment-name> python=3.11
# activate the environment
conda activate <environment-name>
Install the PyTorch library for your CUDA version. The following commands are for cuda-12.1 which we installed:
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio
The above command is obtained from PyTorch installation guide – Start Locally | PyTorch .

After PyTorch installation, check the number of GPUs visible to PyTorch in the terminal.
>> import torch
>> print(torch.cuda.device_count())
This should print the number of GPUs installed in the system (8 in my case), and should also match the number of listed GPUs in the nvidia-smi
Viola! you are all set to start working on your Deep Learning projects that leverage multiple GPUs 🥳.
What Next? Get started with Deep Learning Projects that leverage your Multi-GPU setup (LLMs)
- 🤗 To get started, you can clone a popular model from Hugging Face:
- 💬 For inference (using LLM models), clone and install exllamav2 in a separate environment. This uses all your GPUs for faster inference: (Check my medium page for a detailed tutorial)
GitHub – turboderp/exllamav2: A fast inference library for running LLMs locally on modern…
- 👨 🏫 For fine-tuning or training, you can clone and install torchtune. Follow the instructions to either
full finetune
orlora finetune
your models, leveraging all your GPUs: (Check my medium page for a detailed tutorial)
GitHub – pytorch/torchtune: A Native-PyTorch Library for LLM Fine-tuning
This guide walks you through the machine setup needed for multi-GPU deep learning. You can now start working on any project that leverages multiple GPUs – like torchtune for faster development!
Stay tuned for more detailed tutorials on exllamaV2 and torchtune.