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How to Generate Interactive Maps with Folium

Using this Python library to create map visualizations

Map of Tampa, Florida. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.
Map of Tampa, Florida. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.

Data visualization is one of the most overlooked areas of Data Science. Machine learning and statistical analysis are important, but being able to visualize data, especially different types of data, is a key aspect of data storytelling. While many introductory data science bootcamps and courses will cover how to create basic plots with matplotlib and seaborn, several of them do not cover how to visualize geographic data on maps.

Folium is a Python library that uses Leaflet.js and Open Street Map data to create high-quality map visualizations. In this article, I will demonstrate how you can use Folium to generate interactive map visualizations.


We can easily install Folium using pip as demonstrated below.

pip install folium

Import Libraries

As usual, I will import some Folium and some other libraries that we may need before getting started. Keep in mind you can find all of the code for this tutorial on GitHub.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import folium

Plotting a Default World Map

Folium comes with a Map function that we can call with no arguments to generate a default world map.

Default world map projection. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.
Default world map projection. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.

Notice how the default map is a projection and contains zoom controls on the top left corner so that we can interact with the map and focus on a specific region if needed.

Plotting Locations by Coordinates

We can create a map centered around a specific location by adding a list of coordinates to the location parameter in the Map function. Using the code below, we can generate a Map centered around Tampa, Florida.

folium.Map(location=[27.950575, -82.457176])
Map of Tampa, Florida. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.
Map of Tampa, Florida. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.

Changing the Map Tiles

We can also change the map tiles to create maps that look different with the "tiles" argument. We can use the Stamen Toner tiles described in detail here.

folium.Map(location=[27.950575, -82.457176],  tiles="Stamen Toner")
Map with Stamen Toner tiles. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.
Map with Stamen Toner tiles. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.

Notice how the same map of Tampa is now black and white. We can also create terrain maps as demonstrated below.

folium.Map(location=[27.950575, -82.457176],  tiles="Stamen Terrain")
Map with Stamen Terrain tiles. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.
Map with Stamen Terrain tiles. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.

We can also create a beautiful watercolor map with Stamen tiles as shown in the code below.

folium.Map(location=[27.950575, -82.457176],  tiles="Stamen Watercolor")
Watercolor map of Tampa. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.
Watercolor map of Tampa. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.

Adding Map Markers

If we want to add markers to a map we can use the Marker class from Folium to create marker objects and add them to the map as demonstrated below. As expected, we can specify the location of a marker using coordinates.

m = folium.Map(location=[27.950575, -82.457176], tiles="Stamen Terrain")

    location=[27.9658533, -82.8001026],

    location=[27.773082733154297, -82.64020538330078],
    popup="St. Petersburg",

Map of Tampa with markers. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.
Map of Tampa with markers. Image created using Folium and Open Street Map data.

Notice how I have created markers on the map above on Clearwater and Saint Petersburg.

Creating a Choropleth Map

While creating maps is a useful feature, being able to plot and visualize data and trends on maps is even better. Folium gives us the ability to create choropleth maps as well. In this section, I will demonstrate how to create a choropleth map with U.S. unemployment data.

Reading the Data

The dataset we will be using is available in the examples directory on the Folium GitHub repo. We will read both a CSV file with unemployment statistics for each state in October 2012 as well as a GeoJSON file for generating the map.

url = (
state_geo = f"{url}/us-states.json"
state_unemployment = f"{url}/US_Unemployment_Oct2012.csv"
state_data = pd.read_csv(state_unemployment)
State unemployment data.
State unemployment data.

The image above shows the first ten rows of the state unemployment data displayed using the pandas head function.

Generating the Map

Now that we have the unemployment data, we can generate a choropleth map. We will supply the following arguments to the Choropleth constructor:

  • geo_data: a path to a file with GeoJSON data for generating the map.
  • name: the name of the map
  • data: the actual data that will be used to generate colors in choropleth map.
  • columns: the columns of the data that will be used.
  • key_on: the variable in the GeoJSON file to bind the data to (must start with feature, ie.
  • fill_color: the color scheme to use for the choropleth map
  • fill_opacity: the opacity of the color fill.
  • line_opacity: the opacity of the lines in map.
  • legend_name: the name of the legend in the map.
m = folium.Map(location=[46, -102], zoom_start=3)

    name="choropleth map",
    columns=["State", "Unemployment"],
    legend_name="Unemployment Rate (%)",


Choropleth map showing U.S. unemployment.
Choropleth map showing U.S. unemployment.

As you can see above, we were able to generate a choropleth map that visualizes the unemployment rate in each U.S. state.

Saving the Map as an HTML File

We can also save maps as HTML files, which is helpful for embedding Folium maps in web applications.'choropleth_unemployment.html')


Folium is a useful Python library for visualizing geographic data. It allows us to create interactive map visualizations that can also be saved as HTML files and embedded in web applications. I have only covered some of the basic features of Folium in this article and you can find a more detailed list of features on the Folium documentation page. You can also find all the code used in this article on GitHub.

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  1. Rob Story, Folium 0.14.0 documention, (2013), GitHub.

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