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How to Build an AI Assistant with OpenAI + Python

Step-by-step guide on using the Assistants API & Fine-tuning

Image from Canva.
Image from Canva.

One of the most common asks I get from clients is, "How can I make a custom chatbot with my data?" While 6 months ago, this could take months to develop, today, that is not necessarily the case. In this article, I present a step-by-step guide on how to create a custom AI using OpenAI‘s Assistants and Fine-tuning APIs. Python example code is provided for each approach.

Chatbot vs. Assistant

Before diving into the example code, I want to briefly differentiate an AI chatbot from an assistant. While these terms are often used interchangeably, here, I use them to mean different things.

A chatbot is an AI you can have a conversation with, while an AI assistant is a chatbot that can use tools. A tool can be things like web browsing, a calculator, a Python interpreter, or anything else that expands the capabilities of a chatbot [1].

For example, if you use the free version of ChatGPT, that’s a chatbot because it only comes with a basic chat functionality. However, if you use the premium version of ChatGPT, that’s an assistant because it comes with capabilities such as web browsing, knowledge retrieval, and image generation.

Assistants API

While building AI assistants (i.e., AI agents) is not a new idea, OpenAI’s new Assistants API provides a straightforward way to create these types of AIs. Here, I’ll use the API to make a YouTube comment responder equipped with knowledge retrieval (i.e. RAG) from one of my Medium articles. The following example code is available at this post’s GitHub repository.

Vanilla Assistant

We start by importing Python libraries and setting up communication with the OpenAI API.

from openai import OpenAI
from sk import my_sk # import secret key from .py file

client = OpenAI(api_key=my_sk)

Note that for this step, you need an OpenAI API key. If you don’t have an API key or don’t know how to get one, I walk through how to do that in a previous article. Here, I have my secret key defined in a separate Python file called, which was imported in the above code block.

Now we can create a basic assistant (technically a chatbot since no tools yet). This can be done in one line of code, but I use a few more for readability.

intstructions_string = "ShawGPT, functioning as a virtual data science 
consultant on YouTube, communicates in clear, accessible language, escalating 
to technical depth upon request. 
It reacts to feedback aptly and concludes with its signature '–ShawGPT'. 
ShawGPT will tailor the length of its responses to match the viewer's comment, 
providing concise acknowledgments to brief expressions of gratitude or 
feedback, thus keeping the interaction natural and engaging."

assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
    description="Data scientist GPT for YouTube comments",

As shown above, we can set the assistant name, description, instructions, and model. The inputs most relevant to the assistant’s performance are the instructions and model. Developing good instructions (i.e. prompt engineering) is an iterative process but worth spending some time on. Additionally, I use the latest available version of GPT-4. However, older (and cheaper) models are also available [2].

With the "assistant" set up, we can send it a message to generate a response. This is done in the code block below.

# create thread (i.e. object that handles conversation between user and assistant)
thread = client.beta.threads.create()

# add a user message to the thread
message = client.beta.threads.messages.create(,
    content="Great content, thank you!"

# send message to assistant to generate a response
run = client.beta.threads.runs.create(,,

A few things are happening in the above code block. First, we create a thread object. This handles message passing between user and assistant, thus avoiding the need for us to write boilerplate code to do that. Next, we add a user message to the thread. These are the YouTube comments for our use case. Then, finally, we send the thread to the assistant to generate a response via the run object.

After a few seconds, we get the following response from the assistant:

You're welcome! I'm glad you found it helpful. If you have any more questions 
or topics you're curious about, feel free to ask. –ShawGPT

While this might seem like a nice response, it’s not something I would ever say. Let’s see how we can improve the assistant via so-called few-shot prompting.

Few-shot Prompting

Few-shot prompting is where we include input-output examples in the assistant’s instructions from which it can learn. Here, I append 3 (real) comments and responses to the previous instruction string.

intstructions_string_few_shot = """ShawGPT, functioning as a virtual data 
science consultant on YouTube, communicates in clear, accessible language, 
escalating to technical depth upon request. 
It reacts to feedback aptly and concludes with its signature '–ShawGPT'. 
ShawGPT will tailor the length of its responses to match the viewer's comment, 
providing concise acknowledgments to brief expressions of gratitude or 
feedback, thus keeping the interaction natural and engaging.

Here are examples of ShawGPT responding to viewer comments.

Viewer comment: This was a very thorough introduction to LLMs and answered many questions I had. Thank you.
ShawGPT: Great to hear, glad it was helpful :) -ShawGPT

Viewer comment: Epic, very useful for my BCI class
ShawGPT: Thanks, glad to hear! -ShawGPT

Viewer comment: Honestly the most straightforward explanation I've ever watched. Super excellent work Shaw. Thank you. It's so rare to find good communicators like you!
ShawGPT: Thanks, glad it was clear -ShawGPT"""

Notice that I added the sign-off "— ShawGPT" to each example (even though those weren’t part of my actual response). This is important to get the desired behavior from the assistant.

With the updated instructions, we can create a new assistant in the same way as before.

assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
    description="Data scientist GPT for YouTube comments",

Passing the same test comment (i.e. "Great content, thank you!") to this assistant as before, we now get the following response:

You're welcome, happy to hear you found it useful! -ShawGPT

Although this is (still) a little longer than my typical response, it is much better than what we saw with the vanilla assistant.

Let’s try another (more technical) question. We can use the same syntax as before to pass the user message to the assistant, but now let’s ask, "What is fat-tailedness?"

Here’s the assistant response.

Fat-tailedness is a concept from statistics that refers to the properties of a 
particular type of probability distribution. In a fat-tailed distribution, the 
tails (the far ends of the distribution, representing extreme values far from 
the mean) are heavier or "fatter" than they would be in a normal (Gaussian) 
distribution. This means there's a higher likelihood of extreme outcomes 
occurring compared to what you would expect if the data followed a normal 

In practical terms, if a dataset is described as having a fat-tailed 
distribution, it indicates that rare, extreme events (the ones in the tails) 
happen more frequently than would be predicted by models based on normal 
distributions. This concept is extremely important in fields like finance, 
economics, and risk management, where underestimating the likelihood of extreme
events can have significant consequences.

Fat-tailed distributions contrast with thin-tailed distributions, like the 
normal distribution, where extreme values are less likely, and most of the 
probabilities are concentrated around the mean. Understanding whether a dataset
follows a fat-tailed distribution can significantly impact how we model and 
predict phenomena, especially when it comes to assessing risks and anticipating
rare but impactful events. -ShawGPT

While (again) this response is reasonable, it reads more like something from ChatGPT than what I would say. Namely, it uses a different definition of fat tails (i.e. a distribution with heavier tails than a normal distribution) than the one I use in my series on the topic (i.e. a distribution driven by extreme events).

To improve this aspect of the assistant’s responses, we can give it the ability to access knowledge from a Medium article I’ve written on fat-tailedness.

Knowledge Retrieval

While setting up a RAG system consists of a handful of nontrivial steps (i.e. chunking documents, setting up vector database, building semantic search function, fusing search results into context window), the entire process is reduced to 2 steps in the Assistants API.

First, we upload our documents for retrieval. Second, we added the retrieval capability to our assistant.

In the code block below, I upload my article on quantifying fat tails to my OpenAI account. To do this, we need to specify the file path/name and the purpose of the file. Here, we set the purpose as "assistants". The other option is "fine-tune", which we will see soon.

file = client.files.create(
  file=open("articles/4 Ways to Quantify Fat Tails with Python _ by Shaw Talebi _ Towards Data Science.pdf", "rb"),

Next, we can create a new assistant similar to before, but now enabling retrieval and specifying the files available to the assistant. While I only use one document for retrieval here, we can specify up to 20 files by including the associated file IDs in the _fileids list.

assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
    description="Data scientist GPT for YouTube comments",
    tools=[{"type": "retrieval"}],

Passing the same technical question to the assistant, we get the following response.

Fat-tailedness describes the degree to which rare events significantly 
contribute to the aggregate statistics of a distribution. This concept 
highlights that in certain distributions, a small number of observations can 
disproportionately influence the overall picture. A classic example is the 
Pareto distribution, often referenced in the context of wealth distribution, 
where a small proportion of individuals can hold the majority of wealth. In 
statistical terms, distributions range from thin-tailed (e.g., Gaussian, where 
extreme events are highly improbable) to very fat-tailed (e.g., Pareto, where 
extreme events are less rare than in Gaussian distributions).

Fat-tailedness is not about a binary categorization of distributions as either 
"Power Law" or not but recognizes a continuum or spectrum of "tail heaviness." 
This understanding offers a more nuanced view, allowing for more accurate and 
precise categorization of data distributions. Identifying and quantifying the 
fat-tailed nature of a dataset is important in fields like finance, insurance, 
risk management, and social sciences, where understanding the likelihood and 
impact of extreme events is crucial.

In practical terms, fat-tailedness can be quantified using different heuristics,
which may involve mathematical computations such as the Power Law Tail Index, 
Kurtosis, Log-normal's σ, and Taleb's κ metric. Each of these measures offers 
a different lens through which to assess the fat-tailed nature of a 
distribution, thereby providing useful insights into the behavior of extreme 
events within the dataset -ShawGPT

This response is much closer to the way I think about (and explain) fat-tailedness. The assistant did a seamless job of incorporating key concepts from the article into its response. For instance, defining fat-tailedness in terms of rare events, fat-tailedness living on a spectrum, and four heuristics for measuring them.

Up to this point, we’ve gotten pretty far using prompt engineering and knowledge retrieval to create our assistant. However, the responses still don’t entirely read like something I would write. To further improve this aspect of the assistant, we can turn to fine-tuning.

Fine-tuning API

While prompt engineering can be an easy way to program an assistant, it is not always obvious how to best instruct the model to demonstrate the desired behavior. In these situations, it can be advantageous to fine-tune the model.

Fine-tuning is when we train a pre-existing model with additional examples for a particular task. In the OpenAI Fine-tuning API this consists of providing example user-assistant message pairs [3].

For the YouTube comment responder use case, this means gathering pairs of viewer comments (i.e., user message) and their associated responses (i.e., assistant message).

Although this additional data-gathering process makes fine-tuning more work upfront, it can lead to significant improvements in model performance [3]. Here, I walk through the fine-tuning process for this particular use case.

Data Preparation

To generate the user-assistant message pairs, I manually went through past YouTube comments and copy-pasted them into a spreadsheet. I then exported this spreadsheet as a .csv file (available at the GitHub repo).

While this .csv file has all the critical data needed for fine-tuning, it cannot be used directly. We must first transform it into a particular format to pass it into the OpenAI API.

More specifically, we need to generate a .jsonl file, a text file where each line corresponds to a training example in the JSON format. If you are a Python user unfamiliar with JSON, you can think of it like a dictionary (i.e. a data structure consisting of key-value pairs) [4].

To get our .csv into the necessary .jsonl format, I first create Python lists for each type of comment. This is done by reading the raw .csv file line by line and storing each message in the appropriate list.

import csv
import json
import random

comment_list = []
response_list = []

with open('data/YT-comments.csv', mode ='r') as file:
    file = csv.reader(file)

    # read file line by line
    for line in file:
        # skip first line
        if line[0]=='Comment':

        # append comments and responses to respective lists
        response_list.append(line[1] + " -ShawGPT")

Next, to create the .jsonl file, we must create a list of dictionaries where each element corresponds to a training example. The key for each of these dictionaries is "messages", and the value is (yet another) list of dictionaries corresponding to the system, user, and assistant messages, respectively. A visual overview of this data structure is given below.

Overview of fine-tuning training data format [4]. Image by author.
Overview of fine-tuning training data format [4]. Image by author.

The Python code for taking our _commentlist and _responselist objects and creating the list of examples is given below. This is done by going through _commentlist and _responselist, element by element, and creating three dictionaries at each step.

These correspond to the system, user, and assistant messages, respectively, where the system message is the same instructions we used to make our assistant via few-shot prompting, and the user/assistant messages come from their respective lists. These dictionaries are then stored in a list that serves as the value for that particular training example.

example_list = []

for i in range(len(comment_list)):
    # create dictionaries for each role/message    
    system_dict = {"role": "system", "content": intstructions_string_few_shot}
    user_dict = {"role": "user", "content": comment_list[i]}
    assistant_dict = {"role": "assistant", "content": response_list[i]}

    # store dictionaries into list
    messages_list = [system_dict, user_dict, assistant_dict]

    # create dictionary for ith example and add it to example_list
    example_list.append({"messages": messages_list})

At the end of this process, we have a list with 59 elements corresponding to 59 user-assistant example pairs. Another step that helps evaluate model performance is to split these 59 examples into two datasets, one for training the model and the other for evaluating its performance.

This is done in the code block below, where I randomly sample 9 out of 59 examples from _examplelist and store them in a new list called _validation_datalist. These examples are then removed from _examplelist, which will serve as our training dataset.

# create train/validation split
validation_index_list = random.sample(range(0, len(example_list)-1), 9)

validation_data_list = [example_list[index] for index in validation_index_list]

for example in validation_data_list:

Finally, with our training and validation datasets prepared, we can write them to .jsonl files. This can be done in the following way.

# write examples to file
with open('data/training-data.jsonl', 'w') as training_file:
    for example in example_list:
        json.dump(example, training_file)

with open('data/validation-data.jsonl', 'w') as validation_file:
    for example in validation_data_list:
        json.dump(example, validation_file)

Fine-tuning job

With the data preparation done, we can run the fine-tuning job in 2 steps. First, we upload the training and validation files to our OpenAI account. Second, we run the training process [3].

We upload files like we did when setting up document retrieval for an assistant, but now setting the file purpose as "fine-tune". This is done for both the training and validation datasets below.

# upload fine-tuning files
training_file = client.files.create(
  file = open("data/training-data.jsonl", "rb"),
  purpose = "fine-tune"

validation_file = client.files.create(
  file = open("data/validation-data.jsonl", "rb"),
  purpose = "fine-tune"

Now, we can run the fine-tuning job. For this, we need to specify the training files and model we wish to fine-tune. The most advanced model available for fine-tuning is gpt-3.5-turbo, which I use here. I also set a suffix that adds a user-defined string to the fine-tuned model’s ID. The code for this is shown below.
    training_file =,
    validation_file =,
    suffix = "ShawGPT",
    model = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

The training process will take around 15 minutes. When complete, we can use the fine-tuned model via the completions API, as shown below.

test_comment = "Great content, thank you!"

response =
    {"role": "system", "content": intstructions_string_few_shot},
    {"role": "user", "content": test_comment}

Notice how we generated the response in the code block above differs from how we did it previously. This is because fine-tuned models are not currently supported in the Assistants API.

The biggest downside is that if we want to augment the fine-tuned model with tools (i.e. make it an assistant), we must build out those functionalities via libraries like LangChain or LlamaIndex (for example).

While this makes developing a fine-tuned assistant more work, the responses we see out of the box are closer to something that I would say. Here are a few responses to the test comment.

Thanks, I appreciate it! -ShawGPT
Thanks, glad you liked it! -ShawGPT
Glad it was helpful! -ShawGPT

Let’s see how it handles the same technical question as before i.e. "What is fat-tailedness?"

Good question! The fat tail phenomenon represents the size of outlier (extreme) 
events relative to a normal (Gaussian) distribution. In other words, there's a 
greater probability of extreme events occurring compared to a normal 
distribution. -ShawGPT

Although the model defines fat tails in different terms than I would, the length and style of the response are much better than what we saw with the Assistants API pre-RAG. This suggests that if we were to add RAG to this fine-tuned model, it would generate significantly better responses than what we saw before.

YouTube-Blog/LLMs/ai-assistant-openai at main · ShawhinT/YouTube-Blog

What’s Next?

Building a custom AI assistant is easier than ever before. Here, we saw a simple way to create an AI assistant via OpenAI’s Assistant’s API and how to fine-tune a model via their Fine-tuning API.

While OpenAI currently has the most advanced models for developing the type of AI assistant discussed here, these models are locked behind their API, which limits what/how we can build with them.

A natural question, therefore, is how might we develop similar systems using open-source solutions. This will be covered in the next articles of this series, where I will discuss how to fine-tune a model using QLoRA and augment a chatbot via RAG.

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Large Language Models (LLMs)


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[1] OpenAI Assistants API

[2] Available Models in Assistants API

[3] Fine-tuning Guide

[4] Fine-tuning Data Prep

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