How to Adjust DetectNet

An object detection architecture created by NVIDIA

Maria Ramos
Towards Data Science


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

DetectNet is an object detection architecture created by NVIDIA. It can be ran from NVIDIA’s Deep Learning graphical user interface, DIGITS, which allows you to quickly setup and start training classification, object detection, segmentation, and other types of models.

There are two basic DetectNet prototxt files provided by NVIDIA:

  1. one for single class (which is the original) which can be found here, and
  2. one for two classes which can be found here.

DetectNet’s original architecture is written in Caffe. I could not find much documentation on the architecture besides 2 blog posts present in NVIDIA’s website and few tutorials which (mostly) reiterate the blogs’ content. I did find that a lot of information has been accumulated under one particular GitHub issue, issue #980 under the NVIDIA/DIGITS repository.

Here are the highlights I collected from the GitHub issue:

  • The images in your training set should not be of different sizes. If they are, you should pad them or resize them to be of equal dimensions. The resizing or padding can be done in the DIGITS dataset creation step.
  • DetectNet is sensitive to bounding boxes in the size range of 50x50 pixels to 400x400 pixels. It has difficulty identifying bounding boxes which are outside of this range.
  • If you want to detect objects smaller than the size DetectNet is sensitive to, you may either resize the images to be larger so most bounding boxes will fit DetectNet’s preferred range, or you may change the model’s stride to be smaller.
  • The image dimensions must be divisible by the stride. For example, 1248 and 384 (DetectNet’s default image size) are divisible by 16.
  • If you are training a model using an image resolution different from the original architecture (which expects images of width 1248 and height 384), you need to change the specified image dimensions within the architecture on the lines 57, 58, 79, 80, 118, 119, 2504, 2519, and 2545 (these lines refer to the single class DetectNet prototxt).
  • To change the model stride, you must change the default stride value (16) to your desired value in the lines 73, 112, 2504, 2519, and 2545 (these lines refer to the single class DetectNet prototxt).
  • If you specify a smaller stride, you will need to reduce the layers in the network in order to adjust the dimensionality. One way to reduce the dimensionality is by changing the kernel and stride parameters of the pool3/3x3_s2 layer to be 1. This layer is present from line 826 to 836 (these lines refer to the single class DetectNet prototxt).

For multiclass object detection in which you want to detect more than 2 classes, you may change the 2-class DetectNet prototxt [5]. Lines dependent on the number of classes are:

  • Lines 82 to 83: Add an extra line per extra class, change ‘src’ and ‘dst’ incrementally or based on the class values present in the dataset label text files.
  • Line 2388: Change to the number of classes your model will identify.
  • Lines 2502 to 2503 : Add an extra line per extra class
  • Line 2507: Change the last number to the number of classes your model will identify.
  • Lines 2518 to 2519: Add an extra line per extra class.
  • Line 2523: Change the last number to the number of classes your model will identify.
  • Lines 2527 to 2579: Here there are 4 layers, 2 per class. Per class there is 1 layer corresponding to score (the layer scores the detections for the specified class) and 1 layer corresponding to mAP (the layer calculates the mAP for the specified class). Add a score and class layer per extra class, and make sure to specify the correct class number in the top and bottom blobs for the layers.

To summarize the above: (i) make sure all the images in your dataset are of the same size (if they are not, resize or pad them), (ii) if you are using a custom size dataset, there are various lines throughout the DetectNet prototxt file which you must modify, (iii) make sure the majority of bounding boxes in your data are within the size range of 50x50 and 400x400 pixels, (iv) if you want to change the stride to a smaller number, you must reduce layers in the network, and (v) you can adjust the DetectNet architecture for multiclass object detection by changing some numbers to the number of classes you want to identify and by adding additional lines and layers throughout the prototxt file.

I recommend you read all the references mentioned below in order to get a good understanding of DetectNet and how to modify it for your problem.



Puerto Rican computer scientist who enjoys writing helpful articles and contributing to the vast content on the internet.