"I don’t have the appropriate background. Can I still become a Data Scientist?" – This is a question that I usually get from the aspiring Data Scientist.
This is a valid question considering the Data Scientist stigma. The programming language, or something similar to computer science education, often is the one that came up to your mind when we talk about Data Science.
However, if programming skill is the only thing you need to become a Data Scientist, there would be a massive amount of data scientists, and companies would not have a hard time looking for one; but, the truth is different. There are more than the programming skill to become a data scientist.
In this article, I want to outline how my non-IT Education shapes me as a Data Scientist and what other skills you need to become a Data Scientist, especially from my own experience.
My Education Background
If you are curious about the educational background that leads me to become a Data Scientist, I am certainly not coming from any formal IT or Computer Science educational background.
I am formally enrolled in a university where I took a major in Biology with a focus on bacterial genetic evolution. Sounds so different from a Data Scientist, right?. At a glance, it seems not related at all, but there are more red strings than what people see.
Furthermore, people always ask me, " Isn’t it a waste of time if I did not use my biological knowledge in any biological company or research Institute?" For this, I would step back a little to tell you why I decided to become a Data Scientist.
During my university time, there are times of how stressed I am to decide what I want to do next. I know that the employment direct path for my education background is research academia or industrial researchers. I know it is a good career, but I am not sure that is the only way for my career move.
In the limbo time, I was looking at the job board in any biologically related company. In one of my search, I came across one of the job advertisement with the title "Data Scientist," and the requirement was (sort of):
- Hold a Ph.D. in Biology
- Familiar with a programming language
- Familiar with Statistical Technique
- Familiar with Machine Learning Modelling
I was curious about what kind of job this is, something called Data Scientist that needs to know a programming language and having a Ph.D. in Biology (btw. I did not hold any Doctoral degree, only a master).
This curiosity takes me to explore even deeper about Data Scientist. What the job responsibility, what kind of career I could have, and what it takes to become a Data Scientist. I then realize what I was studying already covered many of what the Data Scientist already did.
As I said before, the Data Scientist skill requirement is not only limited to the programming language, but it was even more than that. From what I research, Data Scientist also needs to know:
- Statistical Knowledge
- Mathematical Knowledge
- Critical Thinking
- Communication Skill
- Domain Knowledge
With many skills that need to be covered by the Data Scientist, I am no longer surprised that there is a Data Scientist position that requires us to hold a Ph.D. degree, especially the specific company, like a biological company that needs someone to know about biology domain knowledge extensively.
As I mentioned above, I am realized that many of the skill necessary I need to become a Data Scientist already covered during my education time, e.g.
- Statistical and Mathematical Knowledge → Learning in the courses and my thesis research time
- Critical Thinking → Class discussion, thesis research, and organizational time
- Communication Skill → Class presentation, class discussion, thesis research discussion with the supervisor
With this skill set, I start to explore more about Data Scientist skills that I lack.
It is hard work and many networking moments to reach the Data Scientist position I want, but I never falter to become a Data Scientist as it is what I feel was right for my career move.
From Non-IT, what kind of Data Scientist I am?
When I already in the Data Science field, I realized that there are many kinds of data scientists out there. I know this is happening because Data Scientist is actually an umbrella for many kinds of data occupation.
For me, because I came from a strong academic and research background, I am not a Data Scientist who fascinated with the latest AI breakthrough; e.g., Image Recognition, Robotic AI, etc. Rather, I am a Data Scientist who more excited about the number, insight, and data statistical modeling.
This is an advantage for Data Scientist that coming from Non-IT background, especially from academic background. I am focusing more on the data and the insight rather than the technical tools. Well, My case often happens for someone who came from the academic world. We are more focused on the theoretical and really interested in the experimental work, which somehow is good but lacks business acumen.
I know that I am still a long way to become a great Data Scientist, but I could try to enhance my knowledge because I know what is not my strong suit.
Non-Natural Science and Non-IT Education Background, Can I become Data Scientist?
I know that many of the Data Scientist aspirants did not come from either Natural Science or IT background. Would it is still possible to become a Data Scientist then? My answer is, "Of Course, It is not possible."
If you say I am just saying nice things, no, I am not. It is truly possible. I even have a real-life case that I know really well. It is my own student who managed to become a Data Scientist.
Some of my students are coming from a Social Science background, such as Business, Management, Communication, etc. This kind of background might seem the furthest from the Data Science field, but they become great Data Scientists. One of them even become my current co-worker that I rely on.
Every formal education gives us a different skill set, but it does not mean that this skill is linear in determining where you should apply it. What is important is where you package it.
Take an example of my former pupil who becomes my co-worker; he came from a business background and decided to become a Data Scientist. While he is still learning the statistical technicality knowledge, his communication and presentation skills are superb; even I must admit that I am way below him in that area. This is also what my manager sees about him, a Data Scientist but a different kind than mine. Of course, both of us are still learning to become the complete package.
What you need to become a Data Scientist is not about your formal education background. Still, it is about fulfilling the requirement to become a Data Scientist and re-packaging your skillset to stand out from other people.
I am a Data Scientist with a non-IT formal education background. To be precise, my educational background is Biological Natural Science.
While I need to learn more about programming and business skill, my non-IT education shapes me to become a Data Scientist who is more into a number and statistical technique.
Even if someone does not possess a Natural Science or IT degree, they could still become a Data Scientist. You need to learn a lot and re-package your skillset for the company to employ you as a Data Scientist.
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