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How I’d Learn Machine Learning (If I Could Start Over)

A full breakdown of how you can learn machine learning this year effectively

Image by author.
Image by author.

I have been working as a Data Scientist for over two years. Over time, I have learned and mainly studied machine learning (ML). To me, it’s probably the most fascinating part of the job.

ML is a BIG space, there is so much to learn and understand. However, taking it one step at a time makes the whole process less daunting and much easier to handle.

In this article, I want to go over the steps I would take if I had to learn ML from scratch again. Let’s get into it!


Machine learning revolves around algorithms, which are essentially a series of mathematical operations. These algorithms can be implemented through various methods and in numerous programming languages, yet their underlying mathematical principles are the same.

A frequent argument is that you don’t need to know maths for machine learning because most modern-day libraries and packages abstract the theory behind the algorithms.

However, I would argue that if you want to become a top-level Machine Learning Engineer or Data Scientist, you need to know the basics of linear algebra, calculus, and statistics at least.

There is of course more maths to learn, but best start with the basics and you can always enrich your knowledge later on.

You don’t need to understand all these concepts to a master’s degree level but should be able to answer questions like what is a derivative, how to multiply matrices together and what is maximum likelihood estimation.

That list I just wrote is the bedrock of nearly every machine learning algorithm, so having this solid foundation will set you up for success in the long run.

Some of the key things I recommend you learn are:

  • Multivariable calculus
  • Matrices and their operations
  • Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
  • Probability distributions
  • Statistical uncertainty (confidence intervals, prediction intervals, etc.)

Now, there are numerous courses out there that you can take to learn all the required maths. For a thorough introduction, I recommend the videos on freeCodeCamp on Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Statistics.

You can also use websites such as Khan Academy and Brilliant which have great resources on these topics. They also have a wide range of other domains, so feel free to explore!

Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice

Brilliant | Learn interactively

My main advice is to find one course, complete and move on. You can always come back later if there are gaps in your knowledge or even use Google!


Python is the gold standard and the go-to programming language for machine learning.

Beginners often get caught up in the so-called "best way" to learn Python. In reality, any introductory course will suffice as they will teach all the same things.

The ones I recommend are either tutorialspoint, w3schools, or freeCodeCamp. I have used all of these at some time and they are really useful, particularly for someone completely new to the language.

The main things you want to learn are:

  • Native data structures (dictionaries, lists, sets, and tuples)
  • For and while loops
  • If-else conditional statements
  • Functions and classes
  • Some basic maths functions

Python Tutorial

My most important advice when taking any introduction Python course is to code alongside the course. You need hands-on practice to let the key concepts sink in. So, make sure you are doing the exercises.

Machine Learning Libraries

After your basic Python skills, it’s time to learn some of the more specific Data Science and machine learning packages. The ones I recommend are:

  • NumPy This library is designed for scientific computing, offering many mathematical functions and matrix support. Developed in C, it has optimized computations, which is particularly beneficial for handling large models and big data. As always, I recommend the freeCodeCamp course.
  • Pandas This is the go-to library for loading, manipulating, and working with data in Python. It is great for almost any data analysis task and is easy to use. freeCodeCamp pandas crash course.
  • Matplotlib – As a Data Scientist, you will need to visualize your data or results. Matplotlib is the main visualization package in Python due to its wide range of abilities. freeCodeCamp course.

I’d also recommend learning and installing Anaconda, a software distribution framework of Python and R for scientific computing. It’s basically a whole one-stop shop for data science and Machine Learning and comes with all the necessary packages, Python, Jupyter Notebooks, and environment manager. Again, I recommend this freeCodeCamp video, which **** walks you through how to install and use Anaconda.

As with the previous sections, don’t spend too much time on this and get stuck in tutorial hell. Learn the basics and move on to the next step, which is probably the most exciting!

Machine Learning Algorithms & Theory

This is where the fun begins!

The previous three steps were all about getting your foundation ready to tackle machine learning. These foundational tasks shouldn’t take too long, maybe a month.

However, the machine learning theory part can take some time due to the length of the courses. It’s important not to rush, as each subsequent step and model usually builds on the previous.

The course I took at the beginning of my journey and the one I recommend you start with is Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning Specialization on Coursera. I took it back in 2020 when it was still in Octave! However, it has since been revamped. There are cutting-edge topics in there such as recommendation systems and reinforcement learning, not to mention the coding tutorials are now in Python!

Machine Learning

This course will teach you the A-Z of machine learning and give you hands-on experience implementing them in Python using specialized ML packages like Sci-Kit Learn, XGBoost, and TensorFlow.

Even though this course is beginner-level, it will cover any question you are likely to get in an ML interview, particularly if you are applying for entry-level roles.

The next course I recommend is the Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng. This is the follow-on course from the Machine Learning Specialization and will teach all you need to know about deep learning. It even touches upon Large Language Models (LLMs)!

Deep Learning

Although these two courses will cover pretty much all the theory you need for ML, feel free to research and supplement your learning. There are so many niches and specialisms, that it would simply be exhaustive to list them all out here along with their courses.

For example, one course I took recently was Andrey Karpathy’s Neural Networks: Zero to Hero. It started quite a low level by building a neural network from scratch. However, in the last video, we built our own Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), the model that powers ChatGPT and most of the recent AI boom!


The best way to learn anything is to practice and get hands-on experience. This is by far the most important step in learning ML as it is what really solidifies your understanding.


I would begin by entering a few competitions on Kaggle. The sole goal is not to win and earn money, but to learn how to implement a machine learning algorithm to a real-world problem. In essence, this is how machine learning is used in industry, to solve business problems.

Try to enter a variety of competitions to get experience in several domains. Some of the most common are time series forecasting, computer vision, and language modeling. This will improve the breadth of your knowledge and also help you understand what you want to specialize in at a later date!

ML From Scratch

Another method I used was to implement ML algorithms from scratch using basic Python and packages like NumPy. Being able to write an algorithm from first principles is one of the best ways to learn it.

You can start simply with linear regression and gradient descent. Then move over to the hard stuff, eventually working your way up to a shallow neural network!

You can check out my git repo where I have written some of these algorithms from scratch.

GitHub – egorhowell/ML-Algorithms-From-Scratch: Deriving Machine Learning algorithms from first…

How To "Actually" Stand Out

If you want to take things to the next level, then you need to show your work. This is an asymmetric system. Putting in that extra 20% will put you ahead of 80% of people.


The easiest way to get started is by having a blog. Writing about ML concepts and algorithms will improve your understanding and display your work to potential employers. Very few people will be doing this, so you will be in the top echelon of practitioners.

You can start writing about anything. For example: how a neural network works or what are Markov chains. I found it useful to write a series of blogs about one topic. For example, this is my Convolutional Neural Network series.

Convolutional Neural Networks

Over time, you can write about more complex topics and start developing a specialism that can help you target your job search if you want to. Although, early on in your career this is probably unlikely.

Research Papers

To go even further, you can re-implement a research paper. It depends on what paper you choose, but this is very hard. I have tried this before and found it very difficult to match the results given in the paper. Nevertheless, this is the pinnacle of learning ML and you will gain invaluable knowledge in the process.

To find papers, I recommend subscribing to and following ML papers of the week. They have a newsletter and Twitter account, which every week sends out the biggest AI papers published that week along with their key links.

To understand and implement the paper, I recommend the following steps:

  • Read & Digest – Take your time over this to ensure you understand what the goal, model, and results were from the authors.
  • Data – If possible, try and get the same data used in the paper. Read and analyze the data at your own speed.
  • Study Model Architecture – Review the model and its structure, try and to learn why the author had this specific architecture for their problem.
  • Implement – Start building the model and generating results. Take this one step at a time, slowly iterating on simple steps.

It’s important to document this work as well. You can do this anywhere like on Twitter/X, LinkedIn, GitHub profile, or even a blog post. Re-implementing a paper is one of the best ways to stand out, particularly if you want to work in ML research.


These are the steps I would take if I had to learn machine learning completely from scratch again. It is important to note that no one size fits all and to tailor your learning to your background and experience. Some of the courses and tutorials I listed here may not be your cup of tea and that’s fine. The main takeaway is to simply learn basics and just enough to start getting stuck into real machine learning problems and projects.

Happy learning!

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