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How I Deployed a Sentiment Analyser API with spaCy, Flask and Heroku

Learn how you can develop RESTful APIs with the models you build

Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash
Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash

By completing this tutorial, you will learn to deploy a machine learning model to Heroku using Flask. Therefore, even if you don’t have access to Machine Learning Engineers or Software Engineers at your organisation, you will have the necessary skills to deploy machine learning REST APIs.

I will demonstrate by first creating a sentiment analysis model using spaCy. I will then show you how you turn this model into a REST API using Flask. Finally, the API will be deployed to Heroku and integrated into an existing web application.

Creating a simple sentiment analyser with spaCy

First, we build a basic sentiment analysis model that identifies whether the user input is positive or negative. We will use spaCy[TextBlob](, which extends SpaCy with additional text processing capabilities from TextBlob, including sentiment analysis.

To begin, we import spaCy and TextBlob.

import spacy
from spacytextblob.spacytextblob import SpacyTextBlob

We also load the spaCy language model and extend our text processing pipeline using TextBlob.

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

We aim to build a sentiment analysis model that takes a user inputted string and scores the sentiment. The model should output its prediction in a dictionary which will simplify the development of our API.

# User input text
user_input = 'This is a wonderful campsite. I loved the serenity and the birds chirping in the morning.'
# Process user input
doc = nlp(user_input)
# Convert the model output to a dictionary
input_polarity = doc._.polarity
sentiment = {
    'score': input_polarity

If we run this pipeline, we should get the following output:

{'score': 0.85}

Our model outputs a score from -1 (negative sentiment) to 1 (positive sentiment).

To run this code yourself, please check out my Google Colab Notebook.

Flask RESTful API Concept Review

Before we jump into developing our sentiment analysis Restful API, let’s first review a few concepts.

What is Flask?

Flask is a Python micro web framework that gives you the tools required to develop and build a web application. ‘Micro’ refers to the fact that Flask does not enforce particular libraries or structures like other frameworks do (e.g. Django). Flask’s lightweight design makes the framework flexible and easy to use, making it popular with Data Scientists familiar with Python.

What is an API?

An Application Programming Interface (API) allows products and services to communicate with each other based on a set of rules. As a Data Scientist, you don’t need to understand how an API is implemented, however, you can use its interface to interact with it. For example, here is a list of simple APIs:

What is a RESTful API?

REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. An API is RESTful when it is developed with particular constraints in mind. The constraints make it easier for others to use and communicate with your API.

In the REST architecture, a client (e.g. your browser) requests to create, read, update or delete (otherwise known as ‘CRUD’) data on a server. The server will then respond based on the request you have made.

A simple ‘Hello World’ API using Flask

We will start by developing a simple API to demonstrate the main building blocks of Flask.

Note: I recommend that you use a Python IDE or code editor, such as Visual Studio Code, to write your scripts. My application is developed on a Windows machine so your commands may vary on Unix or macOS.

Virtual environments and installing libraries

Using the terminal, create a virtual environment called env in a new directory called flask-hello-world:

$ py -m venv env

If you’re on Unix or macOS the command is:

$ python3 -m venv env

Before we start installing Flask and the other libraries we need, activate your virtual environment:

$ .envScriptsactivate

If you’re on Unix or macOS the command is:

$ source env/bin/activate

Now, let’s install the Flask and Flask-RESTful:

$ pip install Flask
$ pip install flask-restful

Finally, let’s install gunicorn for our server:

$ pip install gunicorn

Writing our

With everything set up, we can move onto our file. Start by importing Flask and Flask-RESTful:

from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Resource, Api

We then initialise the Flask application and assign it as an API:

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

Flask-RESTful provides building blocks known as resources that allow us to access HTTP methods such as POST, GET, PUT and DELETE. These correspond to our Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations respectively. Let’s define a simple GET route:

class HelloWorld(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return {'hello': 'world'}

When it comes time to create our sentiment analysis app, we will return to this block of code and adjust as required.

Next, we add our HelloWorld resource with a URL of ‘/’ to our API:

api.add_resource(HelloWorld, '/')

Finally, we want to run the application if the current filename is the same as the main filename. We also run with debug mode on which will be turned off when deploying:

if __name__ == '__main__':

If you’ve been following along, your should look something like this:

To start our simple web application, we run our file in our terminal:

$ python

You should see the following messages in your terminal if everything has gone to plan:

Image by author
Image by author

To test our API, we have a few different options. The simplest is using curl in a new terminal window by using the following command:

$ curl

You should get the following output:

    "hello": "world"

Alternatively, you could use a tool like Postman which is designed for building and testing APIs. For example, the image below demonstrates a GET request to our server and the response we receive back.

Image by author
Image by author

Finally, you could use the Python Requests library that allows you to send HTTP requests. However, this tutorial doesn’t cover the Requests library and I encourage you to read the documentation instead.

That’s it! By this point, you should have your first ‘hello world’ Flask API running now. For reference, you can find all my code in this GitHub repository.

Adding sentiment analysis to our API with spaCy

Between our spaCy sentiment analyser notebook and ‘hello world’ Flask API, you should have everything you need to create the sentiment analysis API.

Start by creating a new directory (mine is called sentiment-analyser-yelpcamp), setting up your virtual environment and installing the libraries you require. Don’t forget to include spaCy and spaCyTextBlob:

$ pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
$ pip install -U spacy
$ python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
$ pip install spacytextblob

Then, we begin our file by importing and initialising our libraries:

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restful import Resource, Api, reqparse
import spacy
from spacytextblob.spacytextblob import SpacyTextBlob
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

You may notice that we’re importing the reqparse module from Flask-RESTful. The reqparse module simplifies form validation, allowing us to check the user’s input before passing it onto our sentiment analysis model.

My API will be deployed to my website, YelpCamp, to classify the sentiment of campground reviews. I’ll set up reqparse to check that the form (or request from a tool such as Postman) includes a field called ‘review’:

parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('review', required=True,
                    help='Review cannot be blank!')

Now, let’s define a POST route that takes the ‘review’ field from the request body, converts it into a spaCy Doc object via the nlp object, and extracts the sentiment score using spaCyTextBlob:

class PredictSentiment(Resource):
    def post(self):
        args = parser.parse_args()
        review = args['review']
        doc = nlp(review)
        score = doc._.polarity
        return {'score': score}

Then we add our PredictSentiment resource with a URL of ‘/predict’ to our API:

api.add_resource(PredictSentiment, '/predict')

Finally, we want to run the application if the current filename is the same as the main filename. This time, however, we do not run our API in debug mode as we will be deploying our application to Heroku in the next step.

if __name__ == '__main__':

Once complete, your should look something like this:

We can now start our Flask application and test our API using Postman to see if we receive the expected response. This time, we will be making our POST request to ‘‘ and we include our ‘review’ in the request body:

Image by author
Image by author

Our model responds with a JSON indicating the sentiment score is 0.60 (on a scale of -1 to 1) meaning the sentiment of our review was very positive.

Now that our API is running in our local environment, we can deploy our application to Heroku.

For reference, you can access my code on my GitHub.

Deploying the API to Heroku

In your application directory, add a file called Procfile and include the following:

web: gunicorn app:app

According to the Heroku documentation, the Procfile "specifies the commands that are executed by the app on startup".

We also need to create a requirements.txt file to be included in our directory:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Before we deploy our application to Heroku, we’re going to initialise a Git repository:

$ git init

However, we don’t want to include all our packages in our virtual environment so we’re going to create a .gitignore with the following contents:


We can then add our application files and commit our changes:

$ git add .gitignore requirements.txt Procfile
$ git commit -m "Initialize Git repository"

By now, you should have a directory similar to mine.

To deploy our API to Heroku, you will need to register for a free Heroku account and install the Heroku CLI. After this, you can log into the Heroku CLI using the terminal:

$ heroku login

We’re now going to link our code to the Heroku servers which can be achieved with a Git remote. This is achieved by running the following command from the CLI which will create a Heroku application:

$ heroku create

Finally, we push our code to the Git remote repository that triggers the build process. After you run the below command, you’ll see the information about the Deployment process and (hopefully) a success message once complete:

$ git push heroku main

You made it! The output will display the URL for your API (mine is Alternatively, you can access the application through the Heroku dashboard here:

Image by author
Image by author

To test that our API has been properly deployed, we can use Postman. Using the same review, we get the same response from our deployed API as when it was on our local machine.

Image by author
Image by author

(Bonus) Integrating the API with an existing web application

Most of the time, you’ll have a specific use case for the APIs you build. You may want to call the API during some batch ETL processing jobs or demonstrate a prototype on Streamlit. In my case, my goal is to classify the sentiment on campsite reviews on my website, YelpCamp.

YelpCamp is developed using NodeJS. Therefore, I use the Axios library to call my API, passing on the review body and returning the sentiment score which is stored in MongoDB. The code below demonstrates this process, however, the explanation is beyond the scope of this tutorial:


By following this tutorial you should now have an understanding of:

  • Using spaCy and spaCyTextBlob to classify the sentiment of text
  • Developing a simple REST API with Flask and Flask-RESTful
  • Deploying your application to Heroku

The models you develop no longer have to live in your local Jupyter Notebooks. Use this tutorial as a guide and start sharing your models with the world.

Do you have any questions? Tweet me or add me on LinkedIn.

You can find all the code used in this post on GitHub.

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