Wavelets analysis can be thought of as a general form of Fourier Analysis. Fourier Transform is often used in Denoising the signals. Still, the biggest downside of this approach is that the signal needs to be stationary. Most of our real-world measurements are not stationary. Also, in Fourier-based denoising, we apply a lowpass filter to remove the noise. However, when the data has high-frequency features such as spikes in a signal or edges in an image, the lowpass filter smooths these out.
Here, the wavelet-based approach might have some advantages. Wavelets look at the signals in the multi-resolution window. It localizes features in the signal to a different scale. We can take advantage of that and preserve important signals, and removing nonuniform noise. I have covered the basics of multi-resolution analysis using wavelets in the previous post.
Denoising using wavelets
When we take the Wavelet transform of a time series, it concentrates the signal features in a few large-magnitude wavelet coefficients. In general, the coefficients that are smaller in value are considered noise. Theoretically, we can shrink those coefficients or simply remove them.
Obtain the real-world signal
In this case, I will download the seismic time series recording a major earthquake. I will use the Obspy
module to download the data from IRIS. For details on how to download waveforms using Obspy, see my previous post. I will download the waveforms for the arbitrarily selected event "2020-05-15 Mww 6.5 Nevada" located at (38.1689°N, 117.8497° W).
This saves the mseed data into the script directory as well the plot of the "stream". I also highpass filtered the signal to obtain the high-frequency part of the time series.

Convert the mseed to mat format
Now, we want to make the data MATLAB readable. I have written a utility to convert any mseed format data to mat format. I will use that in this case.

Denoise the signal using undecimated wavelet transform
I will use the Matlab function wdenoise
to denoise the signal down to level 9 using the sym4
and db1
wavelets. wdenoise
denoises the signal using an empirical Bayesian method with a Cauchy prior.

In the above code, I denoised the seismic time-series using level 9 using block thresholding by setting the name-value pair, ‘DenoisingMethod’,’BlockJS’. I used the wavelet sym4
The resultant difference in the signal strength compared with the original time series is 82.5786
Further, I try the same procedure using a different wavelet – db1

This gives the resultant difference in the signal strength compared with the original time-series to be 34.5294
. Hence, we find that the difference is significant in the wavelet, sym4
. We can also play with several other parameters, including the levels.
I tried to change the level to 2, 5, 10 and got the SNR to be 82.7493, 82.5789, 82.5786, respectively, for the "sym4" wavelet. The insignificant difference between the SNR for different levels may show that the amount of high-frequency noise is not excessive in this case. Let us try to verify this hypothesis using the noisy synthetic data (in this case, we will have complete control).

Complete MATLAB code
clear; close; clc;
fileloc_ext = '.mat';
fileloc = [fileloc0 fileloc_ext];
if exist(fileloc,'file')
disp(['File exists ', fileloc]);
all_stats = fieldnames(stats);
all_data = fieldnames(data);
for id=1
%% read data and header information
stats_0 = stats.(all_stats{id});
data_0 = data.(all_data{id});
sampling_rate = stats_0.('sampling_rate');
delta = stats_0.('delta');
starttime = stats_0.('starttime');
endtime = stats_0.('endtime');
t1 = datetime(starttime,'InputFormat',"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
t2 = datetime(endtime,'InputFormat',"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
datetime_array = t1:seconds(delta):t2;
%% Plot waveforms
fig = figure('Renderer', 'painters', 'Position', [100 100 1000 400], 'color','w');
plot(t1:seconds(delta):t2, data_0, 'k-')
title([stats_0.('network'),'-', stats_0.('station'), '-', stats_0.('channel')])
axis tight;
print(fig,[fileloc0, '_ts', num2str(id),'.jpg'],'-djpeg')
data_double = double(data_0);
%% Using sym4
[XDEN,DENOISEDCFS] = wdenoise(data_double,9,'Wavelet','sym4','DenoisingMethod','BlockJS');
fig2=figure('Renderer', 'painters', 'Position', [100 100 1000 400], 'color','w');
hold on;
plot(XDEN, 'b')
legend('Original Signal','Denoised Signal')
axis tight;
hold off;
axis tight;
snrsym = -20*log10(norm(abs(data_double-XDEN))/norm(data_double))
%% Using db1
[XDEN_db1,DENOISEDCFS2] = wdenoise(data_double,9,'Wavelet','db1','DenoisingMethod','BlockJS');
fig3=figure('Renderer', 'painters', 'Position', [100 100 1000 400], 'color','w');
hold on;
plot(XDEN_db1, 'b')
legend('Original Signal','Denoised Signal')
axis tight;
hold off;
axis tight;
snrdb1 = -20*log10(norm(abs(data_double-XDEN_db1))/norm(data_double))
Wavelet denoising the noisy synthetic data
This example has been derived from the MATLAB example. In the above case, for the same data, I got the SNR to be 9.6994 and 9.4954 for sym4 and db1 wavelets. This also shows that there is a significant difference for sym4. Please note that "sym4" works well in most cases and probably is the reason why it has been adopted as the default.

We have seen how to download seismic waveforms, convert them into mat format from mseed and then perform denoising using wavelet analysis. We first performed wavelet denoising on the high-frequency seismic time series, but after reconstruction, the difference is not apparent visually. But from the SNR, we can see the differences. We have also plotted the wavelet coefficients at different scales. Further, I have shown on a synthetic time series how wavelet denoising works.
1. Wu, W., & Cai, P. (n.d.). Simulation of Wavelet Denoising Based on MATLAB – 《Information and Electronic Engineering》2008年03期. Retrieved May 18, 2021, from https://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTotal-XXYD200803017.htm
Originally published at http://www.earthinversion.com on May 18, 2021.