I was looking for illustrations for a while for my living room without any success. So, I remembered what I did with my son’s room. That was fun. 😂
That way, I started thinking of ways to build my own illustrations using my math knowledge and skills. After searching for a couple of minutes on the web, I stumbled upon this Marcus Volz amazing GitHub repo about generative art.
Instantly, I got really pumped and started writing my first lines of code.
My approach was the following:
Illustration #1
I knew that I had a couple of frames collecting dust for years in my home office. So I tried to replicate Marcus Volz’s nearest neighbors graph but adding a personal touch.
I slightly modified the code from the repo mentioned above in order to build a rectangular shape for my illustrations.

It was cool but I needed more. What if, instead of connecting each point to its k nearest neighbors, I somehow highlighted the relationship between the points. I mean, what if I identified the points with the following property:
point A is a k nearest neighbor of point B and B is also a k nearest neighbor of A.
I really loved the output.

Suddenly I was thinking, is there a relationship between the yellow segments and the black ones? I will leave it as an exercise 😉
Illustration #2
I kept exploring Marcus’s webpage and since I was aware of the relationship between the Delaunay triangulation and the Voronoi diagram I decided to combine both in the same chart using the same dataset and again playing with the black and yellow lines.
The result was this one.

Mission accomplished. Now, it’s time to print and hang them😎 .