Gradient-Free Reinforcement Learning: Neuroevolution using Numpy!

Can we solve simple RL environments with no backward passes?

Jacob Gursky
Towards Data Science


Can we train networks with only forward passes? Image Source


What if I told you that you can train neural networks without ever calculating a gradient, and only using the forward pass? Such is the magic of neuroevolution! Also, I am going to show that all this can easily be done using only Numpy! Studying statistics you learn so much about gradient-based methods, but a while back I read a really interesting article by the folks at Uber AI, who showed that a simple genetic algorithm was competitive with the most sophisticated gradient-based RL methods at solving Atari games in terms of wall-clock time. I linked the source below, I highly recommend you give it a read if you are interested in reinforcement learning.

What is Neuroevolution?

First off, for those of you that don’t already know, neuroevolution describes the application of evolutionary and/or genetic algorithms to training either the structure and/or weights of neural networks as a gradient-free alternative! We are going to use an extremely simple case of neuroevolution here, only using a fixed topology network and focusing on optimizing only weights and biases. The neuroevolutionary process can be defined by four fundamental steps that are repeated until convergence is reached, starting with a pool of randomly generated networks.

1. Evaluate fitness of the population
2. Select the most fit individual to reproduce
3. Repopulate using copies of the most fit network
4. Introduce normally distributed mutations to the network weights

Wow, this seems pretty simple! Let’s break down some of the terminology a bit:

- Fitness: This simply describes how well the network performed at a certain task and allows us to determine which networks to breed. Note that because evolutionary algorithms are a form of non-convex optimization, and therefore can be used with any loss function, regardless of its differentiability (or lack thereof)

- Mutation: This one is probably the easiest! In order for our child networks to improve, we have to introduce random changes to the network weights, often drawn from a uniform or normal distribution. There can be many different forms of mutation: shift mutations (which multiply the parameters by a random number), swap mutations (which replace the parameter with a random number), sign mutations (which change the sign of a parameter), etc. We are only going to be using simple additive mutations, but there is a lot of room for creativity here!

Advantages of Neuroevolution

We should also consider the theoretical advantages of neuroevolutionary modeling. First off, we only need to use the forward pass of the network as we only need to calculate the loss in order to determine which networks to breed. The implications of this are obvious, the backwards pass is usually the most expensive! Second, evolutionary algorithms are guaranteed to find the global minimum of a loss surface given enough iterations, whereas convex gradient-based methods can get stuck in local minima. Lastly, more sophisticated forms of neuroevolution allow us to not only optimize the weights of a network, but also the structure itself!

Why Not Always Use Neuroevolution Then?

Well, this is a complicated question but it really boils down to exact gradient descent methods being more effective when enough gradient information is available. This means that the more convex a loss surface is, the more you will want to use analytic methods like SGD rather than genetic algorithms. As a consequence, it is very rare that you will use genetic algorithms in a supervised context, as usually there is enough gradient information available that traditional gradient descent methods will work quite well. However, if you are working in a RL context, or in a case with irregular loss surfaces or low convexity (like a sequential GAN), then neuroevolution provides a viable alternative! In fact, much research has come out lately finding that parameter-for-parameter neuroevolutionary models can do better in these settings.

Now let’s jump in!

Loading Libraries

As laid out in the introduction, we are going to try and use only numpy for this project, only defining the helper functions that we need! Yes, I know, gym is also being loaded, but only for the environment ;)

import numpy as np
import gym

About the Data

We are going to use the classic CartPole environment from gym to test our networks. The goal is to see how long the network can keep the pole upright by shifting left and right. As a RL task, neuroevolutionary methods should be a good fit! Our network will take in 4 observations as input, and will output either left or right as an action.

Helper Functions

We first are going to define a few of the helper functions to set up our networks. First off is the relu activation function, which we will use as the activation function for our hidden layers, and the softmax function for the output of the network to get probabilistic estimates of the network output! Lastly, we need to define a function that generates one-hot encodings of our response vector for when we need to calculate categorical cross-entropy.

def relu(x):
return np.where(x>0,x,0)
def softmax(x):
x = np.exp(x — np.max(x))
x[x==0] = 1e-15
return np.array(x / x.sum())

Defining Our Network Class

Now comes the fun stuff! First, we are going to define a class for our individual networks within the population. We need to define an initialization method that randomly assigns weights and biases and takes the network structure as input, a prediction method so we can get probabilities given an input, and finally an evaluation method that returns the categorical cross-entropy of the network given an input and response! Again, we are only going to use functions we define or functions from numpy. Note that the initialization method can also take another network as an input, this is how we will perform mutations between generations!

# Lets define a new neural network class that can interact with gym
class NeuralNet():

def __init__(self, n_units=None, copy_network=None, var=0.02, episodes=50, max_episode_length=200):
# Testing if we need to copy a network
if copy_network is None:
# Saving attributes
self.n_units = n_units
# Initializing empty lists to hold matrices
weights = []
biases = []
# Populating the lists
for i in range(len(n_units)-1):
# Creating dictionary of parameters
self.params = {'weights':weights,'biases':biases}
# Copying over elements
self.n_units = copy_network.n_units
self.params = {'weights':np.copy(copy_network.params['weights']),
# Mutating the weights
self.params['weights'] = [x+np.random.normal(loc=0,scale=var,size=x.shape) for x in self.params['weights']]
self.params['biases'] = [x+np.random.normal(loc=0,scale=var,size=x.shape) for x in self.params['biases']]
def act(self, X):
# Grabbing weights and biases
weights = self.params['weights']
biases = self.params['biases']
# First propgating inputs
a = relu((X@weights[0])+biases[0])
# Now propogating through every other layer
for i in range(1,len(weights)):
a = relu((a@weights[i])+biases[i])
# Getting probabilities by using the softmax function
probs = softmax(a)
return np.argmax(probs)

# Defining the evaluation method
def evaluate(self, episodes, max_episode_length, render_env, record):
# Creating empty list for rewards
rewards = []
# First we need to set up our gym environment
# Recording video if we need to
if record is True:
env = gym.wrappers.Monitor(env, "recording")
# Increasing max steps
for i_episode in range(episodes):
observation = env.reset()
for t in range(max_episode_length):
if render_env is True:
observation, _, done, _ = env.step(self.act(np.array(observation)))
if done:
# Closing our enviroment
# Getting our final reward
if len(rewards) == 0:
return 0
return np.array(rewards).mean()

Defining Our Genetic Algorithm Class

Lastly we need to define a class that manages our population, performing the four key steps in neuroevolution! We need three methods here. First, an initialization method that creates a pool of random networks and sets attributes. Next, we need a fit method that, given an input, repeatedly performs the steps outlined above: first evaluating networks, then selecting the most fit, creating child networks, and finally mutating the children! Lastly, we need a prediction method so that we can use the best network trained by the class. Let’s get down to testing!

# Defining our class that handles populations of networks
class GeneticNetworks():

# Defining our initialization method
def __init__(self, architecture=(4,16,2),population_size=50, generations=500,render_env=True, record=False,
# Creating our list of networks
self.networks = [NeuralNet(architecture) for _ in range(population_size)]
self.population_size = population_size
self.generations = generations
self.mutation_variance = mutation_variance
self.verbose = verbose
self.print_every = print_every = []
self.episodes = episodes
self.max_episode_length = max_episode_length
self.render_env = render_env
self.record = record

# Defining our fiting method
def fit(self):
# Iterating over all generations
for i in range(self.generations):
# Doing our evaluations
rewards = np.array([x.evaluate(self.episodes, self.max_episode_length, self.render_env, self.record) for x in self.networks])
# Tracking best score per generation
# Selecting the best network
best_network = np.argmax(rewards)
# Creating our child networks
new_networks = [NeuralNet(copy_network=self.networks[best_network], var=self.mutation_variance, max_episode_length=self.max_episode_length) for _ in range(self.population_size-1)]
# Setting our new networks
self.networks = [self.networks[best_network]]+new_networks
# Printing output if necessary
if self.verbose is True and (i%self.print_every==0 or i==0):
print('Generation:',i+1,'| Highest Reward:',rewards.max().round(1),'| Average Reward:',rewards.mean().round(1))

# Returning the best network
self.best_network = self.networks[best_network]

Testing Our Algorithm!

As stated above, we are going to test our networks on the CartPole problem, using only 1 hidden layer with 16 nodes, and two output nodes denoting either a left or right movement. We also need to average over many episodes, so we don’t accidentally pick a bad network for the next generation! I picked many of these parameters after a little trial-and-error, so your mileage may vary! Also, we will only introduce mutations with a variance of 0.05, so as to not break the functionality of the networks.

# Lets train a population of networks
from time import time
start_time = time()
genetic_pop = GeneticNetworks(architecture=(4,16,2),
print('Finished in',round(time()-start_time,3),'seconds')
Generation: 1 | Highest Reward: 309.5 | Average Reward: 29.2
Generation: 2 | Highest Reward: 360.9 | Average Reward: 133.6
Generation: 3 | Highest Reward: 648.2 | Average Reward: 148.0
Generation: 4 | Highest Reward: 616.6 | Average Reward: 149.9
Generation: 5 | Highest Reward: 2060.1 | Average Reward: 368.3
Finished in 35.569 seconds

Initial Random Network

First, let’s look at how a randomly initialized network performs on the task. Obviously, there is no strategy here and the pole falls over almost immediately. Please ignore the cursor in the gif below, recording in Gym doesn’t play nice with Windows!

Figure 1: A random agent trying to solve CartPole
random_network = NeuralNet(n_units=(4,16,2))
random_network.evaluate(episodes=1, max_episode_length=int(1e10), render_env=True, record=False)

5 Generations Later…

After only 5 generations, we can see that our network has almost completely mastered the art of the CartPole! And it only took around thirty seconds of train-time! Note that with further training, the network learns to keep it completely upright nearly 100% of the time, but for now we are just interested in speed, and 5 generations is rather short! We should consider this a good example of the power of neuroevolution.

Figure 2: A trained agent solving the CartPole task
# Lets observe our best network
genetic_pop.best_network.evaluate(episodes=3, max_episode_length=int(1e10), render_env=True, record=False)

What's Next?

Obviously, there are quite a few things we could add in the future to further examine the effectiveness of neuroevolution. Firstly, it would be interesting to study the effects of different mutation operators such as cross-over.

It would also be a smart idea to shift over to a modern deep-learning platform like TensorFlow or PyTorch. Note that genetic algorithms are highly parallelizable, as all we would have to do is run each network on a single device with one forward pass. No need to mirror weights or complicated distribution strategies! Therefore we have a nearly linear decrease in run-time with each additional unit of processing.

Lastly, we should explore neuroevolution on different reinforcement learning tasks, or even other situations where gradients can be difficult to evaluate, such as in Generative Adversarial Networks or long-sequence LSTM networks.

Further Reading

If you are interested in neuroevolution and its applications, Uber has a fantastic page on several papers showing the modern advantages of neuroevolution in reinforcement learning:

The source code for this project can be found at my public GitHub repository:

If you have any questions about this project or just want to discuss deep learning, feel free to email me at!



Data Scientist/ML Engineer working at Seagate Technology. My interests include Natural Language Generation and Changepoint Detection.