Data science
First of all, I want to thank you. The first article has skyrocketed on Medium and Twitter (more than 15k views and 350 claps). I am grateful for it. I want to thank you all for the support. As promised, here the second part.
Let’s go back on what we have seen so far.
Before to start, I recommend you to read the first part published on TDS, to get a first overview of the first characters, as different characters in this article will referring to it:
What if programming languages were Game Of Thrones characters? (As a data scientist)
Along with this article, we will explore remaining characters from David Benioff and Georges Martin and transpose it to get more information from history and complexity of programming language’s jungle as a data scientist.
After exploring the following houses:
- Stark
- Targaryen
- Lannister
- Baratheon
In this article, we will cover the remaining key characters and imagine which tools used by data scientist every day all around the world will they be.
Characters covered along with this article are Samwell Tarly, Melisandre, Lord Varys, Bronn, Margaery Tyrell & Ramsay Bolton.
I wish you to enjoy this story.
Let’s start with a programming language you must use every day and always behind the scene: SQL.
Lord Varys – SQL
Such as SQL, Lord Varys is always behind the scene. You can work for a Bank, automotive industry or even a constructor, SQL or Lord Varys will have all the pieces of information that you need.
By sending his "little birds" (children raised by Varys which helping him get all the secrets) sorry … little queries, Lord Varys is non-stop collecting data on everyone and everything in Westeros, sorry again …in your company.
Pending your admin privilege, you will not have access to the same information and having it in your side will always be a crucial added value. And, at the end of the day, the only one who knows everything about everyone in Westeros/your company is Lord Varys/SQL.
Furthermore, he is designed to be able to work with multiple characters (Lannisters, Targaryen, Starck …) easily. And, such in the series, everything changed the day when SQL aka Lord Varys has been combined with a powerful programming language: Python (Tyrion Lannister). The combination of both of them helped Data Science to conquer the world.
Samwell Tarly – R
Samwell Tarly is the academic guy of Westeros. Always on the good side, everyone loves R and Samwell Tarly. Even if he is not the most important GOT character, he is still robust and useful to get insights about your stored data.
Such as Samwell Tarly, R rarely explored the corporate environment. But it is one of the main used coding language by scholars, MSc and PhD’s student.
Similarly to R, Samwell Tarly is very good for reading many old books giving helpful insight into your data. If you want to run a forecast or a time series analysis within your dataset, R is wonderful mainly when you are importing extra libraries such as for Machine Learning and statistics.
Bronn – Solidity
Another main character from Westeros, Bronn. Bronn, such as Solidity can be admired by his ability to handle contracts. Because they are not loyal to any side, both look like mercenaries, but they are both essential if you want to reach a transparent and clean agreement between two sides.
Study how to write smart contracts … It is the equivalent of being taught HTML and Java during the early Internet days. – William Mougayar
Solidity is using blockchain for editing the increasingly famous "smart contract". Such as Bronn between season 3 to 6, Bronn filled the bridge between Tyrion Lannister and his sister. And similarly to Solidity, Bronn gained credibility and influence over time.
Underaterated at an early stage, Solidity and its way to deal monetary contract became more and more central over the seasons, sorry … over time.
Melisandre – Ruby
Not only the red colour is the common point between Melisandre and Ruby (4). Such as Melisandre, Ruby can make any application looks young and fresh in one night (even though, if you thought it was dead forever).
Even if Ruby is not a young language, it is increasingly famous among young startups to make their application look fresh thanks to Ruby’s web framework.
If you have not already used it, for sure, you will meet again in the future :).
Next character, what if Margaery Tyrell was a Programming language?
Margaery Tyrell – Swift
Does anyone remember how we all start forgetting about Objective C, sorry … Sansa Stark in King’s landing?
Margaery such as Swift has been created to replace Objective C with a more user-friendly programming language. You can ask each Python developer; everyone prefers Swift.
Swift is a general-purpose, open-source programming language developed by Apple to replace Objective-C. It is heavily influenced by Python and therefore is fast and very easy to learn.
Today, many programmers have made the switch. Margaery Tyrell such as Swift seduced King’s landing population with her warm heart, simplicity, courtesy and developer friendliness.
But don’t underestimate Sansa Stark, she still has strong allies in the web, sorry … Westeros and many companies in the real world are still dealing with Objective C.
This second part will close with the worst character of the entire series, let’s talk about the most creepy of all them which belong to the weirdest programming language.
Ramsay Bolton – Brainf*ck
I believe there is nothing more to say more about it—the name talks by itself. For people who remember him, Ramsay Bolton the most sadistic character of entire Westeros.
Brainfuck(3) is an esoteric programming language, consisting of only eight simple commands. Such as Ramsay Bolton, it is not designed for practical use, but to challenge developers and cause them pain.
Brainf*ck died a few years after its creation and no one will regret it.
That was the last character of this list. I let you free to share your idea regarding other characters and programming languages.
If you want to know more about other characters such as Cersei Lannister, Ned Stark or Daenerys Targaryen and to which characters belong Python, C++ and Javascript, I highly recommend you read the first part.
Special thanks to Andreas Müller, Ciara Olsen & Sergiy Yevtushenko for sharing their creative thought.
I hope you enjoyed this article, even if that has been less technical than usual but still related to data science. You can find below some sources if you want to know more about programming languages.
Thank you for your attention
Happy coding
To become Tyrion Lannister:
Just as personal data scientist tips, if you want to learn Python from scratch and know more about algorithmic trading to become the next Tyrion Lannister, I highly recommend this course:
(1) Towards Data Science #Part 1:
What if programming languages were Game Of Thrones characters? (As a data scientist)
(2) Outline – Brainfck:
(3) Wikipedia – Ruby: