From analytics to actual application: the case of Customer Lifetime Value

Part one of a comprehensive, practical guide to CLV techniques and real-world use-cases

Katherine Munro
Towards Data Science
9 min readJul 2, 2023


A screenshot from the video linked in the caption, showing the author addressing the camera with the heading “Ask the expert: What is CLV? Explained in 60 seconds)”
Warning: This might be the most extensive guide to CLV you’ll ever come across, and it’s all informed by my experience working with it. So strap in. (Or watch my 60 second summary, if you don’t mind missing the juicy bits). Source: Smarter Ecommerce.

Whether you’re a data scientist, a marketer or a data leader, chances are that if you’ve Googled “Customer Lifetime Value”, you’ve been disappointed. I felt that too, back when I was helping lead…



Data Scientist, speaker, author, teacher. Follow me on Medium or Twitter (@KatherineAMunro) for resources on data science, AI, tech, ethics, and more.