Fourier Transform is one of the most famous tools in signal processing and analysis of time series. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is the practical implementation of the Fourier Transform on Digital Signals. FFT is considered one of the top 10 algorithms with the greatest impact on science and engineering in the 20th century [1].

In this post, a practical approach to FFT has been discussed as how to use it to represent the frequency domain (spectrum) of the signal data and plot the spectrum using Plotly to give us more interactivity and a better understanding of the features in the spectrum. By the end of this post, we’ll build a class to analyze the signal. An ECG signal and its spectrum have been provided as a final example.
![Representation of using our class Fourier. [Image by the Author]](
Fourier Transform (FT) relates the time domain of a signal to its frequency domain, where the frequency domain contains the information about the sinusoids (amplitude, frequency, phase) that construct the signal. Since FT is a continuous transform, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) becomes the applicable transform in the digital world that holds the information of signals in the discrete format as a set of samples, where the sampling theorem is the strict rule of discretizing and the signal. The DFT of a signal (xn) with N number of samples is given by the following equation [2]:
![The DFT equation [2]](
- N: Number of samples
- n: Current sample
- k: Current frequency where k∈[0,N−1]
- xn: The sine value at sample n
- Xk: The DFT which includes information on both amplitude and phase
The output of the DFT (Xk) is an array of complex numbers that hold the information of frequency components [2]. Applying DFT on signals using the mathematical equation directly demands a heavy computation complexity. Luckily, a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) was developed [[3]]( to provide a faster implementation of the DFT. The FFT takes advantage of the symmetry nature of the output of the DFT. We will not further discuss how FFT works as it’s like the standard practical application of DFT. But if you want more details, refer to [3].
Let’s Code:
We will start simply to understand the inputs and outputs of each method we use in this post. First, we will import the required packages. Numpy is for dealing with matrices and calculations. We import the methods that help us with the calculations related to Fourier Analysis from scipy.fft module (fft, rfft, fftfreq, rfftfreq). Finally, Plotly and matplotlib are for visualization.
Let’s get started…
# Import the required packages
import numpy as np
from scipy.fft import fft, rfft
from scipy.fft import fftfreq, rfftfreq
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
We need signals to try our code on. Sinusoids are great and fit to our examples. In the next code, we generate a sinusoidal Signal using a class named Signal, which you can find ready to use following this GitHub gist. The signal we will generate using the previous class contains three sinusoids (1, 10, 20) Hz with amplitudes of (3, 1, 0.5), respectively. The sampling rate will be 200 and the duration of the signal is 2 seconds.
# Generate the three signals using Signal class and its method sine()
signal_1hz = Signal(amplitude=3, frequency=1, sampling_rate=200, duration=2)
sine_1hz = signal_1hz.sine()
signal_20hz = Signal(amplitude=1, frequency=20, sampling_rate=200, duration=2)
sine_20hz = signal_20hz.sine()
signal_10hz = Signal(amplitude=0.5, frequency=10, sampling_rate=200, duration=2)
sine_10hz = signal_10hz.sine()
# Sum the three signals to output the signal we want to analyze
signal = sine_1hz + sine_20hz + sine_10hz
# Plot the signal
plt.plot(signal_1hz.time_axis, signal, 'b')
plt.xlabel('Time [sec]')
plt.title('Sum of three signals')
![The signal we will process next. [Image by the Author]](
The Fourier Transform of this signal can be calculated using (fft) from the scipy package as follows [4]:
# Apply the FFT on the signal
fourier = fft(signal)
# Plot the result (the spectrum |Xk|)
![The output of the FFT of the signal. [Image by the Author]](
The figure above should represent the frequency spectrum of the signal. Notice that the x-axis is the number of samples (instead of the frequency components) and the y-axis should represent the amplitudes of the sinusoids. To get the actual amplitudes of the spectrum, we have to normalize the output of (fft) by N/2 the number of samples.
# Calculate N/2 to normalize the FFT output
N = len(signal)
normalize = N/2
# Plot the normalized FFT (|Xk|)/(N/2)
plt.title('Normalized FFT Spectrum')
![The output of the FFT after normalizing. [Image by the Author]](
To get the frequency components (x-axis), you can use (fftfreq) from the scipy package. This method needs the number of samples (N) and the sampling rate as input arguments. And it returns a frequency axis with N frequency components [5].
# Get the frequency components of the spectrum
sampling_rate = 200.0 # It's used as a sample spacing
frequency_axis = fftfreq(N, d=1.0/sampling_rate)
norm_amplitude = np.abs(fourier)/normalize
# Plot the results
plt.plot(frequency_axis, norm_amplitude)
![The spectrum with the actual amplitudes and frequency axis. [Image by the Author]](
To understand what happened in the last code, let’s plot only the frequency axis:
# Plot the frequency axis for more explanation
plt.title('Frequency Axis')
![The frequency axis. [Image by the Author]](
Notice that the frequency array starts at zero. Then, it begins to increase with (d) step by step to reach its maximum (100Hz). After that, it starts from the negative maximum frequency (-100Hz) to increase back again with (d) step by step. The maximum frequency that can hold information from the signal (100Hz) is half of the sampling rate and this is true according to the Sampling Theorem [2].
Due to the symmetry of the spectrum for the real-value signals, we only focus on the first half of the spectrum [2]. The Scipy package provides methods to deal with the Fourier transform of the real-value signals, where it takes advantage symmetry nature of the spectrum. Such methods are (rfft [6], rfftfreq [7]). These methods are the same as (fft, fftfreq), respectively. By comparing the time execution between (fft) and (rfft) methods on the same signal, you’ll find that (rfft) is a little bit faster. When dealing with real-value signals, which is most likely the case, using (rfft) is the best choice.
# Calculate the time execution of (fft)
print('Execution time of fft function:')
%timeit fft(signal)
# Calculate the time execution of (rfft)
print('nExecution time of rfft function:')
%timeit rfft(signal)
Execution time of fft function:
13.5 µs ± 8.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
Execution time of rfft function:
12.3 µs ± 3.55 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)
To conclude our discussion about scaling the amplitudes and generating the frequency axis of the spectrum for real-values signal data that have a symmetry nature in their frequency domain, the code below represents the final form of the spectrum (the actual amplitudes on the right frequencies).
# Plot the actual spectrum of the signal
plt.plot(rfftfreq(N, d=1/sampling_rate), 2*np.abs(rfft(signal))/N)
![The actual spectrum of the signal. [Image by the Author]](
The figure below helps you understand and memorize how to get each of the frequency axis and the actual amplitudes of the sinusoids that construct the spectrum.
![Take a moment to read each code line as it gives you the actual spectrum of the signal. [Image by the Author]](
The Final Code
Now that we’ve understood the inputs and outputs of each method we used in Fourier analysis, let’s do our final code. We will build a class (Fourier) to make our use of Fourier Transform more convenient and easier to use. The class we need should calculate the DFT of the signal data and intuitively visualize the data. Make sure to read the documentation of the class to understand the use of this class. If you are not familiar with classes in Python and how to build one, refer to this previous post about building a class to generate signals.
# Building a class Fourier for better use of Fourier Analysis.
class Fourier:
Apply the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) on the signal using the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) from the scipy package.
fourier = Fourier(signal, sampling_rate=2000.0)
def __init__(self, signal, sampling_rate):
Initialize the Fourier class.
signal (np.ndarray): The samples of the signal
sampling_rate (float): The sampling per second of the signal
Additional parameters,which are required to generate Fourier calculations, are
calculated and defined to be initialized here too:
time_step (float): 1.0/sampling_rate
time_axis (np.ndarray): Generate the time axis from the duration and
the time_step of the signal. The time axis is
for better representation of the signal.
duration (float): The duration of the signal in seconds.
frequencies (numpy.ndarray): The frequency axis to generate the spectrum.
fourier (numpy.ndarray): The DFT using rfft from the scipy package.
self.signal = signal
self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate
self.time_step = 1.0/self.sampling_rate
self.duration = len(self.signal)/self.sampling_rate
self.time_axis = np.arange(0, self.duration, self.time_step)
self.frequencies = rfftfreq(len(self.signal), d = self.time_step)
self.fourier = rfft(self.signal)
# Generate the actual amplitudes of the spectrum
def amplitude(self):
Method of Fourier
numpy.ndarray of the actual amplitudes of the sinusoids.
return 2*np.abs(self.fourier)/len(self.signal)
# Generate the phase information from the output of rfft
def phase(self, degree = False):
Method of Fourier
degree: To choose the type of phase representation (Radian, Degree).
By default, it's in radian.
numpy.ndarray of the phase information of the Fourier output.
return np.angle(self.fourier, deg = degree)
# Plot the spectrum
def plot_spectrum(self, interactive=False):
Plot the Spectrum (Frequency Domain) of the signal either using the matplotlib
package, or plot it interactive using the plotly package.
interactive: To choose if you want the plot interactive (True), or not
(False). The default is the spectrum non-interactive.
A plot of the spectrum.
# When the argument interactive is set to True:
if interactive:
self.trace = go.Line(x=self.frequencies, y=self.amplitude()) = [self.trace]
self.layout = go.Layout(title=dict(text='Spectrum',
font=dict(size=25, family='Arial, bold')),
self.fig = go.Figure(, layout=self.layout)
# When the argument interactive is set to False:
plt.figure(figsize = (10,6))
plt.plot(self.frequencies, self.amplitude())
# Plot the Signal and the Spectrum interactively
def plot_time_frequency(self, t_ylabel="Amplitude", f_ylabel="Amplitude",
t_title="Signal (Time Domain)",
f_title="Spectrum (Frequency Domain)"):
Plot the Signal in Time Domain and Frequency Domain using plotly.
t_ylabel (String): Label of the y-axis in Time-Domain
f_ylabel (String): Label of the y-axis in Frequency-Domain
t_title (String): Title of the Time-Domain plot
f_title (String): Title of the Frequency-Domain plot
Two figures: the first is the time-domain, and the second is the
# The Signal (Time-Domain)
self.time_trace = go.Line(x=self.time_axis, y=self.signal)
self.time_domain = [self.time_trace]
self.layout = go.Layout(title=dict(text=t_title,
font=dict(size=25, family='Arial, bold')),
fig = go.Figure(data=self.time_domain, layout=self.layout)
# The Spectrum (Frequency-Domain)
self.freq_trace = go.Line(x=self.frequencies, y=self.amplitude())
self.frequency_domain = [self.freq_trace]
self.layout = go.Layout(title=dict(text=f_title,
font=dict(size=25, family='Arial, bold')),
fig = go.Figure(data=self.frequency_domain, layout=self.layout)
Let’s try our class on the signal above. The input arguments are the real-values signal data (Time Domain) and the sampling rate of this signal.
# Apply the DFT using the class Fourier
fourier = Fourier(signal, sampling_rate=200)
# Plot the spectrum interactively using the class Fourier
![The spectrum of the signal using our class Fourier. If you're applying the code above, you can get the values interactively by hovering on the blue line. [Image by the Author]](
The Spectrum of the Electrocardiogram
Our final example will be real-world signal data. We will use the class Fourier to plot the time-frequency domains of an electrocardiogram (ECG). The signal is 5 minutes long of the heart’s electrical activity, sampled at 360Hz [8].
# Import the ECG signal from scipy package
from scipy.misc import electrocardiogram
# Built-in ECG signal
ecg = electrocardiogram()
# DFT using the class Fourier
ecg_spectrum = Fourier(signal = ecg, sampling_rate = 360.0)
# Plot the time-frequency domains of the ECG signal
ecg_spectrum.plot_time_frequency(t_title="ECG Signal", f_title="ECG Spectrum",
![ECG signal and its Frequency Spectrum. [Image by the Author]](
The image above represents an example of using the Fourier class we built in this post (An ECG signal and its Frequency Spectrum). The use of the Plotly package allows you to hover over the values of the plot and zoom in/out on the interesting parts so easily.
- We’ve introduced the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) mathematically.
- A step-by-step Fourier Analysis coding was discussed. We started by introducing the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the pythonic implementation of FFT to produce the spectrum of the signals.
- We’ve introduced the requirements of normalizing the spectrum to give us the actual amplitudes of the sinusoids. Also, we’ve used one of the scipy.fft helper functions to generate the frequency axis of the spectrum (fftfreq).
- We’ve pointed out the symmetry nature of the Fourier transform and how the spectrum is symmetric around the sampling frequency. And this is what led us to discuss new methods to deal with real-value signal data (rfft, rfftfreq).
- We’ve built a class to easier use the Fourier transform and produce the frequency domain of the signals interactively using the Plotly package.
Thanks for Reading ^_^
[1] Dongarra, J., & Sullivan, F. (2000). Guest Editors Introduction to the top 10 algorithms. Computing in Science & Engineering, 2(01), 22–23.
[2] Kong, Q., Siauw, T., & Bayen, A. (2020). Fourier Transform. Python programming and numerical methods: A guide for engineers and scientists (pp. 415–444). Academic Press.
[3] Cooley, J. W., & Tukey, J. W. (1965). An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series. Mathematics of computation, 19(90), 297–301.
[4] Scipy Documentation, API Reference, Discrete Fourier Transforms (scipy.fft.fft). [Accessed on 23/2/2023]
[5] Scipy Documentation, API Reference, Discrete Fourier Transforms (scipy.fft.fftfreq). [Accessed on 23/2/2023]
[6] Scipy Documentation, API Reference, Discrete Fourier Transforms (scipy.fft.rfft). [Accessed on 23/2/2023]
[7] Scipy Documentation, API Reference, Discrete Fourier Transforms (scipy.fft.rfftfreq). [Accessed on 23/2/2023]
[8] Scipy Documentation, API Reference, Miscellaneous routines (scipy.misc.electrocardiogram). [Accessed on 23/2/2023]