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Five Ways To Handle Large Action Spaces in Reinforcement Learning

Action spaces, particularly in combinatorial optimization problems, may grow unwieldy in size. This article discusses five strategies to…

And...action! [Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash]
And…action! [Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash]

Handling large action spaces remains a fairly open problem in Reinforcement Learning. Researchers have made great strides in terms of handling large state spaces, with convolutional networks and transformers being some recent high-profile examples. However, there are three so-called curses of dimensionality: state, outcome, and action [1]. As of yet, the latter is still rather understudied.

Still, there is a growing body of methods that attempt to handle large action spaces. This article presents five ways that handle the latter at scale, focusing in particular on the high-dimensional discrete action spaces that are often encountered in combinatorial optimization problems.

Refresher: three curses of dimensionality

A quick refresher on the three curses of dimensionality is in order. Assuming we express the problem at hand as a system of Bellman equations, note there are three sets to evaluate – in practice in the form of nested loops – each of which may be prohibitively large:

Bellman equations require that, for each state-action pair (s,a)∈S×A, all potential outcomes s'∈S' must be evaluated, quickly rendering enumeration of this stochastic optimization problem computationally infeasible.
Bellman equations require that, for each state-action pair (s,a)∈S×A, all potential outcomes s’∈S’ must be evaluated, quickly rendering enumeration of this stochastic optimization problem computationally infeasible.

At its core, Reinforcement Learning is a Monte Carlo simulation, sampling random transitions instead of enumerating all possible outcomes. By the Law of Large Numbers, the sample outcomes should ultimately facilitate convergence to the true value. This way, we transform the stochastic problem into a deterministic one:

A value function approximation yields a deterministic optimization problem, in which we do not need to evaluate the entire outcome space when evaluating a state-action pair, but just a single downstream value.
A value function approximation yields a deterministic optimization problem, in which we do not need to evaluate the entire outcome space when evaluating a state-action pair, but just a single downstream value.

The transformation allows us to handle large outcome spaces. To deal with large state spaces, we must be able to generalize to previously unseen states. Common approaches are feature extraction or aggregation, and this is where the bulk of research attention is focused.

As we can evaluate a single value corresponding to the state-action pair – rather than evaluating all outcomes corresponding to it – it is often not problematic to evaluate hundreds or thousands of actions. For many problems (e.g., chess, video games), this is sufficient, and there is no need to make further approximations w.r.t. the action space.

Nonetheless, if the action space remains prohibitively large, we can’t apply the same solution directions as we do for outcome and state spaces. Simply sampling an action – as we do with outcomes – gives no guarantee it is any good and bypasses the notion of learning and using an intelligent decision-making policy. Generalizations such as applied on states don’t work either, as ultimately we do need a specific action that can be applied into the environment. Hence, we need some other solutions.

What is a ‘large’ action space?

Before diving into solutions, let’s first establish what we mean by a ‘large’ action space. For generalization, we denote the action by some vector a=[a_n]_n∈N, where N denotes the dimension of the action.

The term ‘large’ may be defined in multiple ways:

  • Number of actions: The number of values an action can assume. Note that the number is potentially unbounded, e.g., the full integer domain. Obviously, for vector-based actions the number of actions increases much quicker than for scalar-based ones. Consider a 9-dimensional vector, for which each element can assume 10 values. The total action space then already amounts to 10⁹ =1 billion actions!
  • Continuous decision variables: If the action vector contains one or more continuous variables, the number of actions is by definition infinite. Continuous variables are common in, e.g., robotics, with joint movements being represented by real-valued numbers.
  • Dimension: For vector-based decisions, the dimension (number of elements) has a massive impact – each additional element exponentially increases complexity. Especially when actions are permutations, vector-based decision spaces get very large, very quickly.
  • Enumerable: An action space of a billion may be ‘large’ by conventional standards; you definitely don’t want to evaluate a billion actions for every iteration. Such an action space can still be enumerated in stored in a computer’s memory though. In contrast, other problems exhibit action spaces so gigantic we have no hope of ever enumerating them. If action spaces grow exponentially with the problem size, they quickly become intractably large.

The focus in this article will be on multi-dimensional discrete action spaces. These are commonly encountered in real-life problems, giving rise to combinatorial optimization problems that explode in size very quickly. Consider operations research problems for instance: managing a fleet of taxis, inventory reorder policies for large numbers of items, stacking containers on a ship, etc.

Let’s make the magnitude of the problems we are dealing with a bit more tangible.

Consider managing container shipments in a port, with each container characterized by (i) destination, (ii) due date and (iii) arrival date. Say we have 10 potential destinations, 20 due dates and 5 arrival dates. There are then 10205 unique container types, translating into an action vector with 1000 dimensions. Factor in some different shipment options and a modestly large container yard, and it is not hard to create action spaces larger than the number of grains of sand on earth, or any arbitrary analogy you would like to make.

Another example?

Consider a recommender system for 1000 items, in which we recommend two items to the user. Thus, there are 1000*999 (i.e., about 1 million) combinations of items to recommend. Clearly, recommending 3, 4 or 5 items will exponentially grow the action space.

Vector-based action spaces often increase exponentially w.r.t. the dimensionality of the action vector. Combinatorial optimization problems are notorious for generating extremely large action spaces even for seemingly simple instances [image by author]
Vector-based action spaces often increase exponentially w.r.t. the dimensionality of the action vector. Combinatorial optimization problems are notorious for generating extremely large action spaces even for seemingly simple instances [image by author]

I. Actor-based methods (only for continuous action spaces!)

Value-based methods such as Q-learning fall apart for continuous action, requiring an infinite number of Q-values to be computed. One could discretize the action space, with the granularity dictating the tradeoff between action space size and accuracy. For instance, a turning a steering wheel (continuous space) could be expressed into 360 discrete degrees, or 36, 3600, etc. For vector-based decisions, such discretizations quickly fall apart though.

Enter actor-based methods [2]. These methods typically employ a neural network, taking the state as input and outputting parameters that enable to sample from probability distributions. For instance, the output nodes could be the mean and standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution, from which we can subsequently sample the continuous action.

Generalization to vector-based decisions is fairly straightforward, with each vector element being represented by a separate distribution (i.e., linear scaling w.r.t. vector dimension). As such, also high-dimensional continuous action spaces can be efficiently handled.

The crux is that the actor network directly maps the state to an action, without the need to check values for each state-action pair. If desired – as it often is for the purpose of variance reduction – these actor methods can be extended to an actor-critic network, the critic network being an extension that outputs values for the generated state-action pair. For continuous action spaces, actor-critic methods such as PPO remain state-of-the-art.

For continuous action spaces, actor network efficiently generate and evaluate actions, e.g., by outputting mean and sigma of a Gaussian distribution to sample from. When extending to multi-dimensional action vectors, statistical parameters correspond to individual vector elements, such that the output layer scales linearly with action dimensionality. [image by author]
For continuous action spaces, actor network efficiently generate and evaluate actions, e.g., by outputting mean and sigma of a Gaussian distribution to sample from. When extending to multi-dimensional action vectors, statistical parameters correspond to individual vector elements, such that the output layer scales linearly with action dimensionality. [image by author]

Unfortunately, actor-based models do not scale well for discrete action spaces. In that case, each output node represents the selection probability of a single action. For obvious reasons, that will not scale well if we have billions of discrete actions. Thus, for discrete action spaces, we need to figure out something else.

II. Mathematical programming

Many real-world decision-making problems can be expressed through a convex action space. Convexity ** is an incredibly powerful property to have. You have to see it to believe it, really. Solvers such as CPLEX and Gurobi can handle large decision problems extremely efficiently, even if they pertain to thousands of decision variables,** amounting to millions or even billions of actions[1].

In particular for linear problems – which many real-world problems (approximately) are – solvers have been highly optimized over the past decades. Note that piecewise linear functions may be used to approximate nonlinear functions, e.g., ReLUs in neural networks [3]. Continuous decision variables are no problem either. In fact, they are typically easier to handle.

Mathematical programs are also highly suitable for handling constraints. Performing explicit feasibility checks to construct an action mask may be tedious. The constraint equations weed out all missing/infeasible actions in an efficient manner.

Although scale-ups through mathematical programming maybe highly significant, there are no theoretical guarantees w.r.t. growing action spaces. Computational effort may still increase exponentially with the action space. Still, in practice, the scalability compared to optimization is often very substantial.

Depending on problem structure, the efficacy of mathematical programming may be enhanced with methods such as column generation or Bender’s decomposition. Strong implementations can improve performance by orders of magnitude. The downside is that such algorithms require deep insight into the problem structure as well as substantial design effort.

Using Linear Programming to Boost Your Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

III. Heuristics

Heuristics impose search- or decision rules on the action space, bypassing evaluation of the full action space to boost speed and efficiency.

Action space reduction

One of the simplest ways to search an action space more efficiently is to cut parts of it. Obviously this risks cutting high-quality parts of the region. However, domain knowledge may be leveraged to define reasonable decision rules, for instance:

  • Never dispatch a truck that is filled less than 70%
  • Mario should always move to the right
  • Always recommend coffee filters when someone buys a coffee machine

One can see this is tricky. Sometimes Mario may need to move to the left to make a jump. Perhaps we have to wait a long time for that 70% fill rate in a quiet week. Maybe the customer is more interested in a coffee bean grinder than filters. Human expertise, logic and intuition are powerful, but have glaring shortcomings as well.

Although heuristic reductions might substantially reduce the computational burden, their design is highly problem-specific and not necessarily scalable when changing the problem instance.

By cutting regions of the action space (e.g., by adding constraints), the search may become less prohibitive. Poorly chosen cuts may delete high-quality actions though [image by Sdo via Wikipedia]
By cutting regions of the action space (e.g., by adding constraints), the search may become less prohibitive. Poorly chosen cuts may delete high-quality actions though [image by Sdo via Wikipedia]


Base heuristics often rely on human-defined decision rules, which may be suboptimal. In fact, many problem structures are beyond human cognitive limits. To automate the search for good solutions, metaheuristics (e.g., simulated annealing, genetic algorithms) guide the search over the action space, for instance by occasionally accepting non-improving actions or by re-combining them [4].

The search process of metaheuristics is often problem-agnostic, although inevitably there will be problem-specific elements that need to be designed by the user. Tuning of parameters is necessary as well – and we already have plenty of those in RL – while theoretical guarantees are foregone (for practical purposes, at least).

The drawbacks aside, metaheuristics have proven there mettle for many highly challenging optimization problems, and the powerful combination of tunable search and heuristic designs ensures it can be tailored to about any action space out there. Especially for messy real-world problems, metaheuristics may be your best bet to tackle large action spaces [1].


A particular branch of heuristics merges metaheuristics with mathematical programming [5], aiming to leverage the best of both worlds. Recall that mathematical programs are particularly suitable to exploit convex structures and large numbers of decision variables, whereas heuristics can be used to control the search space and procedure. If the action space is so large that even mathematical programming cannot return a solution in acceptable time, combining it with heuristics may be a way out.

Generic heuristic implementations include techniques such as local branching, proximity search and variable fixing. To give some examples: we may heuristically reduce an action space, then search that action space using mathematical programming. Alternatively, we might solve a high-level program with mathematical programming (e.g., allocate customers to vehicles) and fill in the details heuristically (e.g., heuristically generate routes). There are many angles with different distributions of subroutines.

Matheuristics can be very powerful and scale far beyond pure mathematical programming – at a loss of performance guarantee – but can also be rather design-intensive. However, when done correctly, the marriage between mathematical programming and heuristics may be a very fruitful one.

IV. Continuous-to-discrete mappings

As mentioned earlier, actor-based methods can effectively handle multi-dimensional continuous action spaces by providing element-wise outputs. If only we could do the same for discrete spaces…

Fortunately, many discrete problems have some underlying continuous representation. For instance: we may not be able to ship 5.742... containers, but if such a real-valued solution gives good solutions, chances are shipping 5 or 6 containers works pretty well.

If the required continuous representation exist, we can deploy an actor network to obtain a so-called proto-action (a continuous approximation of the discrete action), which we subsequently transform to a ‘similar’ discrete action. This transformation from continuous proto-action to discrete action is not necessarily trivial. Time to dive into some mappings that achieve this feat.


The most straightforward way to transform a continuous action to a discrete one is to simply round the elements. A continuous proto-action [3.67...,1.22...,2.49...] would for instance translate to [4,1,2]. Such mappings can be tailored a bit, but that’s the general idea [6]. As we only need to sample one continuous action and apply one transformation, this approach can scale to extremely large action spaces, beyond the realm of enumeration.

If continuous quantities have meaningful structural relations with their discrete counterparts, straightforward mappings may work very well. For instance, in inventory management, rounding the number of items to order to the nearest integer is perfectly reasonable.

Not all discrete action spaces exhibit such clean continuous representations, unfortunately. Suppose we train a recommender system and the integer indicates the item to recommend. If a=3 represents a fridge and a=4 represents a mixer, the most suitable neighbor to proto-action 3.48... is far from obvious. Let’s check some more advanced mappings.

k-nearest neighbor

The k-nearest neighbor (_k_nn) method also sets out with a proto-action, but subsequently searches through a neighborhood of discrete actions [7]. To efficiently do this, the full action space is encoded a priori, such that we can quickly find the k nearest neighbors for each continuous action we may define.

After identifying neighbors, _k_nn subsequently evaluate their Q-values to select the best one. The value of k may be tuned, with larger numbers of neighbors potentially identifying better actions, at the cost of more computational effort and increasingly off-policy actions.

Both the strength and weakness of _k_nn lie in its a priori enumeration of the action space. The pre-processing phase enables a highly efficient lookup of neighbors, but also requires the space to be enumerable.

Learned action representations

The ‘closest’ discrete neighbor to a continuous proto-action may not be an obvious one, and the relations between them may vary across the action space. Instead of having a fixed, user-defined neighbors, we can also learn action representations that map the continuous action to a discrete one. In a separate supervised learning phase, neural networks are applied to learn tailored representations for each discrete action [8].

Learned action representations offers a powerful generalization that eliminates the need for human reasoning on suitable neighbors, allowing applications for complex action space structures. The drawback is that action representations must be learned for each discrete action, adding an extra layer of complexity to the RL algorithm. Each representation must be stored in memory, as such also confining the method to enumerable action spaces. Additionally, learned action representations might struggle with higher-dimensional action vectors, as the target vector becomes increasingly difficult to learn.

Learned action representations try to learn embeddings that map continuous proto-actions to the most suitable discrete neighbor, depending on the structure of the action space [Photo by Michael Busch on Unsplash]
Learned action representations try to learn embeddings that map continuous proto-actions to the most suitable discrete neighbor, depending on the structure of the action space [Photo by Michael Busch on Unsplash]

Dynamic neighborhood search

The MinMax method is simple and intuitive in its mappings, but the closest neighbor may not always be the most appropriate one. Methods such as _k_nn and learned action representations handle complex action spaces, but require explicit embeddings for each action and thus only handle enumerable action spaces. Through dynamic neighborhood construction [9], discrete neighbors to the proto-action are generated and evaluated on-the-fly, thereby scaling to action spaces beyond enumeration. The following two steps are followed:

  • Perturbation: Efficiently generate a neighborhood through a perturbation scheme that alters one element at a time, such that computational effort is linear w.r.t. the action vector’s dimension.
  • Simulated annealing: the perturbation scheme efficiently generates a neighborhood of discrete actions, but it omits actions that require multi-element perturbations. To recover such actions (if needed), simulated annealing explores new neighbors to actions with the highest Q-values.

Similar to MinMax, dynamic neighborhood search requires a specific action space structure in which small perturbations generate neighbors with comparable rewards. Such structures may be found in many real-world problems (e.g., spatiotemporal representations), but the method does not generalize to all discrete action spaces. Finally, runtime per iteration is longer due to the need to generate and evaluate actions each time, although it may find superior actions.

V. Factorization

Factorization (also decomposition) is a method that groups actions and finds action representations for each grouping that are easier to learn.

An example of a factorization approach is binarization, in which all actions are expressed in binary code [10,11]. For each bit, an associated value function/subpolicy is learned, exponentially reducing the number of evaluations. As for many methods, full enumeration of the action space is a prerequisite.

Binarizations may be represented on a hypercube, over which we can perform a structured search per bit [image by Vlad2i via Wikimedia]
Binarizations may be represented on a hypercube, over which we can perform a structured search per bit [image by Vlad2i via Wikimedia]

A special variant of factorization deploys a hierarchical or multi-agent rationale to factorize the action space [12]. Consider managing a fleet of taxis, in which the allocation of individual taxis is represented by individual vector elements. Centrally controlling this fleet opens up a ton of combinations, which all would need to be evaluated.

Instead, we could reason at the level of individual agent, solving a much simpler allocation problem in their local environment. Such a multi-agent perspective may be reasonable given the context, as the decisions of taxis on the other side of the city will have no or negligible impact on the local decision.

Although computationally much easier than central control, the resulting solution may be suboptimal, e.g., two taxis may accept the same customer. To ensure that the action is feasible and possibly improve it using global system knowledge, an ex-post synchronisation step is required.

The design of multi-agent or hierarchical RL methods might be challenging and its applicability strongly depends on the problem at hand. If done properly though, decomposition may yield high-quality global solutions while performing much quicker reasoning at the local level.


That was quite a long read, so I won’t blame you if you scrolled straight to the end. This table summarizes the most salient points.

Brief description of five strategies that handle large action spaces in reinforcement learning, including their pros and cons [image by author]
Brief description of five strategies that handle large action spaces in reinforcement learning, including their pros and cons [image by author]

Other Reinforcement Learning articles by the author:

Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) Explained

Policy Gradients In Reinforcement Learning Explained

The Four Policy Classes of Reinforcement Learning


[1] Powell, W. B. (2022). Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Optimization: A unified framework for sequential decisions. John Wiley & Sons.

[2] Sutton, R. S., & Barto, A. G. (2018). Reinforcement learning: An introduction. MIT Press.

[3] Van Heeswijk, W. & La Poutré, H. (2020, December). Deep reinforcement learning in linear discrete action spaces. In 2020 IEEE Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1063–1074).

[4] Wikipedia contributors (2023). Metaheuristics.

[5] Fischetti, M., Fischetti, M. (2018). Matheuristics. In: Martí, R., Pardalos, P., Resende, M. (eds) Handbook of Heuristics. Springer, Cham.

[6] Vanvuchelen, N., Moor, B. de & Boute R. (2022). The use of continuous action representations to scale deep reinforcement learning for inventory control. SSRN, 10 2022.

[7] Dulac-Arnold et al. (2015). Deep reinforcement learning in large discrete action spaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.07679.

[8] Chandak, Y. et al. (2019). Learning action representations for reinforcement learning. In International conference on machine learning, pages 941–950. PMLR, 2019.

[9] Akkerman, F., Luy, J., Van Heeswijk, W., & Schiffer, M. (2023). Handling Large Discrete Action Spaces via Dynamic Neighborhood Construction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.19891.

[10] Dulac-Arnold et al. (2012). Fast reinforcement learning with large action sets using error-correcting output codes for MDP factorization. In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 180–194.

[11] Pazis J. & Parr, R. (2011). Generalized value functions for large action sets. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-11), 1185–1192.

[12] Enders, T., Harrison, J., Pavone, M., & Schiffer, M. (2023). Hybrid multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for autonomous mobility on demand systems. In Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (pp. 1284–1296). PMLR.

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