We are also comfortable in finding clusters in rows and columns of data. But how about finding clusters within an image? Let me illustrate the subject using an example of an image from recent world cup football 2022 in Qatar.
Shown here is a photo which I had taken during Brazil vs Serbia match. The photo has been taken just before the stunning goal from Richarlison.
Can you observe any clusters in the photo? Visually, you can locate a cluster of persons as shown below.
Now let me give you the technical steps on how to identify the cluster automatically.
1. Detect objects in the image
The first step is to detect all objects in the image. What objects to detect will be based on the objective of Clustering. Here our objective is to detect clusters of persons. Detecting persons in a photo can be done YOLOv5. The results of object detection using YOLOv5 are shown below.
YOLOv5 also gives additional statistics such as the number of object detection. In this photo, there are 17 objects (persons). Here is a snippet of the code
import yolov5
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# load pretrained model
model = yolov5.load('yolov5s.pt')
# set model parameters
model.conf = 0.25 # NMS confidence threshold
model.iou = 0.45 # NMS IoU threshold
model.agnostic = False # NMS class-agnostic
model.multi_label = False # NMS multiple labels per box
model.max_det = 1000 # maximum number of detections per image
# set image
img = 'brazil_vs_serbian.png'
# inference with test time augmentation
results = model(img, augment=True)
# parse results
predictions = results.pred[0]
boxes = predictions[:, :4] # x1, y1, x2, y2
scores = predictions[:, 4]
categories = predictions[:, 5]
2. Identify the X and Y location of objects
The next step is to identify the X and Y location of objects. The YOLOv5 results stores the location of each object in the image. The locations are stored as xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. We can take the average of xmin and xmax, as well as ymin and ymax, to find the x, y location of the object.
One can convert the coordinates into a data frame. There is one tweak that is important to make, which is related to inverting the Y location. Generally, the image is stored with Y-axis inverted. This means that the Y=0 is top of the image. During the calculation, we can revert the location by subtracting from the height of the image (here it is 2253). The height can be determined automatically also, but I have directly put the height in order to simplify the code snippet.
df = results.pandas().xyxy[0]
df['x'] = (df['xmin'] + df['xmax'])/2.0
df['y'] = (2253-(df['ymin'] + df['ymax'])/2.0) #2253 is image height
The result is shown here as dataframe.
3. Finding clusters using density-based clustering.
Now we are all set to find the clusters. Finding clusters in the image means finding areas where there are more objects compared to other parts of the image. Essentially, this means finding clusters based on the density of the objects in the image. One of the efficient algorithms is density-based clustering (DBSCAN). Shown below are the results plotted in a scatter plot.
The green dots are identified as part of a dense area by the DBSCAN algorithm. Here is the code snippet for DBSCAN algorithm.
#Density clustering
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(df[['x','y']])
clustering = DBSCAN(eps=0.5, min_samples=5).fit(X)
df['c'] = clustering.labels_
4. Analyzing the results
Let us now analyze the results on the scatter plot compared to the photo.
Voila! scatterplot looks like a visually digital representation of the football match!
Finding clusters in an image is an interesting technique, as well as many use cases. In the blog, you saw a use case of sports analytics. In addition, there are various other use cases such as identifying over-crowding in a public space or identifying areas where shoppers spend more time in a shopping complex.
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