Effortless Distributed Training of Ultra-Wide GCNs

Cameron R. Wolfe, Ph.D.
Towards Data Science
11 min readJul 1, 2021


Figure 1: A depiction of the training pipeline for GIST. sub-GCNs divides the GCN model into multiple sub-GCNs. Every sub-GCN is trained by subTrain using mini-batches constructed with the Cluster operation. Sub-GCN parameters are intermittently aggregated into the global model through the subAgg operation. [Figure created by author.]

In this post, I will overview a recently proposed distributed training framework for large-scale graph convolutional networks (GCNs), called graph independent subnetwork training (GIST) [1]. GIST massively accelerates the GCN training process for any architecture and can be used to enable training of large-scale models, which exceed the capacity of a single GPU. I will aim to cover the most pivotal…

