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Dynamic Pricing with Contextual Bandits: Learning by Doing

Adding context to your dynamic pricing problem can increase opportunities as well as challenges

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

From Multi-armed to Contextual Bandits

In my previous article, I conducted a thorough analysis of the most popular strategies for tackling the dynamic pricing problem using simple Multi-armed Bandits. If you’ve come here from that piece, firstly, thank you. It’s by no means an easy read, and I truly appreciate your enthusiasm for the subject. Secondly, get ready, as this new article promises to be even more demanding. However, if this is your introduction to the topic, I strongly advise beginning with the previous article. There, I present foundational concepts, which I’ll assume readers are familiar with in this discussion.

Anyway, a brief recap: the prior analysis aimed to simulate a dynamic pricing scenario. The main goal was to assess as quickly as possible various price points to find the one yielding the highest cumulated reward. We explored four distinct algorithms: greedy, ε-greedy, Thompson Sampling, and UCB1, detailing the strengths and weaknesses of each. Although the methodology employed in that article is theoretically sound, it bears oversimplifications that don’t hold up in more complex, real-world situations. The most problematic of these simplifications is the assumption that the underlying process is stationary – meaning the optimal price remains constant irrespective of the external environment. This is clearly not the case. Consider, for example, fluctuations in demand during holiday seasons, sudden shifts in competitor pricing, or changes in raw material costs.

To solve this issue, Contextual Bandits come into play. Contextual Bandits are an extension of the Multi-armed Bandit problem where the decision-making agent not only receives a reward for each action (or "arm") but also has access to context or environment-related information before choosing an arm. The context can be any piece of information that might influence the outcome, such as customer demographics or external market conditions.

Here’s how they work: before deciding which arm to pull (or, in our case, which price to set), the agent observes the current context and uses it to make a more informed decision. The agent then learns over time which actions work best for which contexts, adapting its strategies based on both the rewards received and the contexts in which those rewards were obtained. This continuous learning and adapting mechanism can be used by businesses to dynamically adjust their pricing strategies in response to ever-changing external factors, leading to potentially better performance and increased profits.

Contextual Bandits: Architecture, Modeling, and Challenges

The architecture of the Contextual Bandit problem can be thought of as a generalization of the Multi-armed Bandit problem. Both approaches have the overarching goal of maximizing rewards over time, that is finding the best balance between exploring new actions and exploiting those already known to yield significant rewards. Furthermore, they both learn from their history: decisions made and the corresponding rewards they receive.

However, the ways in which they make decisions and learn exhibit fundamental differences. The most striking distinction lies in the concept of context. While decisions in the Multi-armed Bandit problem are made based solely on the historical record of rewards associated with each arm, the contextual bandit incorporates additional external information, or context, into its decision-making framework. This context often provides crucial insights that can significantly influence the outcomes of chosen actions.

Architecture of the Contextual Bandits feedback loop. Notice that the information coming from the customer and/or the environment is now an input to the bandits. Image by author.
Architecture of the Contextual Bandits feedback loop. Notice that the information coming from the customer and/or the environment is now an input to the bandits. Image by author.

The presence of context in the Contextual Bandit problem, however, necessitates a more sophisticated modeling approach. Here, a predictive model (often referred to as "oracle") for each arm is needed to help identify the best action based on the given context. This involves leveraging techniques such as linear or logistic regression, neural networks, or other predictive algorithms that can effectively weave in the context to anticipate rewards.

Given this added dimension of context, it’s evident that Contextual Bandits present a level of complexity surpassing that of the Multi-armed Bandits. Instead of merely tracking rewards, it requires a more sophisticated analysis to learn how varying contexts correlate with rewards for different actions. In essence, while Multi-armed Bandits offer a simpler, history-focused view, Contextual Bandits provide a richer, more adaptive perspective, attuned to changing environments and their implications on potential rewards.

And now the bad news. As mentioned earlier, oracles are generally predictive models. They can be any Machine Learning model capable of generating predictions and associated probabilities given a specific context. Unfortunately, while most Machine Learning algorithms excel at making predictions and estimating probabilities, many fall short in providing a measure of uncertainty for their predictions. Uncertainty is crucial for leveraging approaches such as Thompson Sampling or Upper Confidence Bound. With Contextual Bandits, implementing these becomes especially challenging, since creating an uncertainty measure (perhaps through bootstrapping or ensemble methods) would complicate an already non-trivial architecture. Although there are frameworks that incorporate these features, I’ll set them aside for this discussion and focus solely on the two primary uncertainty-free algorithms: greedy and ε-greedy.

Modeling The Context

Having gained a clearer understanding of Contextual Bandits, it’s now time to set up the environment to test them. In the previous article, I designed a simple demand curve using the logistic function. The purpose of this function is to provide an expected probability of purchase for a hypothetical customer at any given price point.

As previously discussed, the parameter b determines the steepness of the demand curve, indicating how quickly the curve converges to 0. This, in turn, impacts the identification of the optimal price. In the Multi-armed Bandit scenario, we assigned a single value to both a and b. However, for the contextual setup, while we still are going to keep a fixed (equal to 2), we intend to make b contingent on the values of our context. Specifically, for our simulation, we’ll define a context made up of two features: geographical area and age. Essentially, we are postulating that our demand curve – represented by the b value – varies based on these two parameters.

To streamline our analysis, we’ll limit the input space. For the geographical area, we’ll consider two regions: ‘EU’ and ‘US’. For age, instead of using a continuous range, we’ll segment it into four distinct buckets. As a result, we’ll have a total of eight unique contexts to work with. Naturally, this is a simplified model, and it serves as a foundation upon which more complicated scenarios can be developed by introducing additional contextual features. Another relevant assumption we’re making is that the context solely dictates the non-stationarity of the demand curve. In other words, while different contexts lead to different demand curves, these demand curves are time-independent, meaning their parameters do not vary based on the time step.

With our contexts clearly defined, the next step is to allocate a specific b value for each one. This will enable us to determine the optimal price point tailored to each context (see the previous article for more details about finding the optimal price for a given demand curve).

Context mapping with the values related to the demand parameter 'b' and the corresponding optimal prices. Image by author.
Context mapping with the values related to the demand parameter ‘b’ and the corresponding optimal prices. Image by author.

The table presented above delineates the combination of context and b values, along with the corresponding optimal prices. I’ve selected the b values deliberately so as to easily generate a set of candidate prices to test our models. These prices are (15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60) and they represent our ‘arms’, the possible actions we can choose from to maximize the cumulated reward.

To provide you with a clearer understanding of our bandits’ objective, let’s focus on the arm/price set at 30. The oracle ‘managing’ this arm needs to determine the purchase probabilities for all 8 contexts. Even though these probabilities are not known in practice, in our simulation they can be calculated using the demand curve function provided earlier by setting price=30, a=2, and adjusting b based on the specific context. As a reference, here is the set of probabilities that the oracle associated with this arm is tasked with learning:

Purchase probabilities per context for price=30. Image by author.
Purchase probabilities per context for price=30. Image by author.

It goes without saying that all the other arms will cope with their specific set of probabilities.

To put this into practice, here’s the code that dynamically generates the context at runtime. Additionally, within this code, we’re also constructing the dictionary that maps the contexts with the related optimal prices. These dictionaries will be particularly useful later when calculating the regret:

Setting up the Oracles: Logistic Regression

Just as in the simple Multi-armed Bandit scenario, our reward function will return either a 1 or a 0, reflecting whether a customer makes a purchase or not. In essence, for every possible price point, we’ll progressively compile datasets in the format: (geographical area, age bucket, reward). At a glance, this really looks like a typical binary classification problem, which leads us to consider testing one of the most prevalent binary classification models: logistic regression.

However, when venturing into the domain of Reinforcement Learning, the learning methodology differs from the traditional supervised learning paradigm. Specifically, in reinforcement learning the model is updated continuously, every time a new record is introduced. This shift requires the adoption of ‘online’ algorithms, which can be incrementally updated as new records populate the dataset. Such algorithms are crucial not only for optimizing computational efficiency but also for conserving memory resources. Due to this requirement, the conventional implementation of logistic regression provided by sklearn— which doesn’t support online training or "partial fit" – becomes less ideal.

Enter the SGDClassifier. The Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Classifier is a linear classifier optimized by SGD. Essentially, instead of processing the entire dataset to compute the gradient of the objective function, SGD approximates it using just a single or a few training samples. This makes it highly efficient and suitable for online learning scenarios. To configure SGDClassifier to emulate logistic regression, we need to set its loss function to ‘log_loss’. By doing this, we essentially employ the logistic regression model, but with the added advantage of SGD’s ability to incrementally update the model with each new data point, fitting perfectly into our reinforcement learning framework.

First, we’ll create a Model helper class. This class will encapsulate not just the SGDClassifier instance, but also all the related methods to be utilized during our simulation. Additionally, this setup lays the foundation for swiftly integrating other models into the simulation. And, spoiler alert, we’ll need to do that later.

Here is a quick description of the class methods:

  • add_sample: Takes in new data points and labels and appends them to the existing datasets.
  • can_predict: Determines if the model is capable of making predictions. It ensures that there are both positive and negative examples in the dataset to avoid the "cold start" problem where the model can’t make meaningful predictions due to a lack of diverse data.
  • get_prob: Given a data point, this method returns the probability that it belongs to the class labeled ‘1’. This probability represents our estimate of the likelihood of a purchase occurring for the specified context at the price the model is referencing.
  • fit: A partial fitting method specific to the logistic regression model. It incrementally trains the model on the latest data point without having to retrain the entire dataset.

Setting Up the Simulation

With the Model class ready, we can then create a function that simulates the decision-making process:

The run_simulation code simulates the process of choosing optimal prices in order to maximize the reward. It takes in the following arguments:

  1. prices: A list of potential prices to offer.
  2. nstep: The number of steps or iterations for the simulation.
  3. strategy: The decision-making strategy to use, which can be ‘random’, ‘greedy’ or ‘epsgreedy’.
  4. model_type: The type of predictive model to use, with the default being ‘logistic’.

Given these parameters, the function chooses a price (referred to as arm) for each iteration based on the selected strategy. At each step, a customer context is generated using the generate_context() function. Depending on the strategy, the arm is chosen either randomly (that is our evaluation baseline) or based on the greedy or ε-greedy algorithm. The customer’s response to the chosen price is then simulated using the get_reward() function, and the regret (that is the difference between the reward obtained adopting the optimal and the chosen price) is computed and accumulated. The model corresponding to the selected arm is then updated with the new data and retrained. The function also manages the ‘cold start’ problem, where, in the early iterations, the predictive models might not have enough data to make a prediction. In such cases, the first arm whose model cannot predict is selected.

The greedy and ε-greedy algorithms were described in detail in the previous article. In this section, we will present only the code that implements them in the new contextual scenario. It is largely similar to the one used in the Multi-Armed Bandit case, the main distinction is that here we use model probabilities to calculate the arms’ expected return (that is the product between the probability and the related price).

The output of the simulation function is inherently stochastic. To comprehensively evaluate the models and the strategies, we will run this simulation 1,000 times. Each simulation will last for 10,000 time steps, collecting relevant intermediate data to produce aggregated and statistically more reliable results. The two primary metrics of our interest are:

  1. Average cumulative regret: Just like in the Multi-armed Bandit case, this is a metric that gives an aggregated sense of this missed opportunity over each simulation run. We are going to accumulate the regret curves computed at each run and then average them. We can compute this metric since in this simulation we know which is the optimal price for each context. Obviously, this is not the case in any real-world scenario.
  2. Average optimal price estimate per context: This represents the price with the highest probability among all predictions made by the models, tailored to each context value. In simpler terms, after each simulation run and for every possible context, we "ask" the models to offer their probabilities. We then select the model – or more accurately, the price linked to that model – with the highest expected return. The price estimates generated by each run are then aggregated and averaged. By comparing these estimated prices with the optimal ones, we can assess the overall ability of the models to "understand" the underlying demand curves.

Below is the code that runs the simulation 1,000 times, collects the required data, and computes the aggregated metrics.

Before we delve into the simulation results, let me make a brief comment about the volume of data in each simulation. Stating that every simulation will run for 10,000 steps indicates that we are collecting 10,000 data points in each run. In the realm of Machine Learning, a dataset of 10,000 entries is often considered the minimum threshold to derive meaningful insights. However, our situation is even more challenging. The 10,000 records are actually "distributed" among the 10 models corresponding to each price candidate (our actions). Consequently, each model may have no more than a thousand records for training, which is often insufficient. This brings us to a key insight regarding Contextual Bandits: if you have multiple actions, you may require a substantial amount of data to glean useful information. And by substantial, I mean a lot.


Without further ado, let’s see the plot of the cumulative regret:

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Image by author

By looking at this plot, your initial reaction might be: "This guy messed up the legend labels! the greedy strategy can’t possibly outperform the ε-greedy!" At least, that was my thought the first time I viewed this output. The surprise is that the plot is accurate, even if it’s highly counterintuitive. Let’s get deeper into this and grasp what’s happening by considering the average price estimate.

Image by author
Image by author

The price estimate plot is essentially "revealing the culprit". If you observe the first four contexts and compare them to the second one, you’ll easily notice that the prices predicted by the logistic regression are decreasing (as indicated by the two arrows). The root of the issue is straightforward: the logistic regression is essentially a linear model, even if we subject it to a nonlinear transformation. Regrettably, our data is intrinsically nonlinear, as evidenced by the red dots. Hence, the logistic regression is merely striving to accommodate the data, but it’s evidently not the appropriate model for this scenario.

What we’re witnessing is this: adhering to some initial positive outcomes in a ‘greedy’ way is less detrimental than depending on the model probabilities. This is because the more the models learn from the data, the more they consistently err in their predictions. At the end of the day, the ‘ε’ exploration merely ensures that some data are utilized to refine the models, but the more these models learn, the more they lead us astray.

For those of you not persuaded by this explanation, consider a simple one-dimensional scenario: only four points (0, 1, 2, 3) with these respective probabilities of yielding a 1: 0.01, 0.08, 0.95, 0.97. In this case, everybody is happy because the logistic regression functions flawlessly and you can even get a nice "by-the-book" plot:

Image by author
Image by author

The probabilities output by the logistic regression represent the values of the curve at specific points, and here they are quite close to the actual values (the green dots). However, let’s see what happens if we modify the probabilities to (0.1, 0.8, 0.5, 0.3), which more closely mirrors our pricing scenario:

Image by author
Image by author

In this case, things get nasty because three out of four probability predictions will be completely off (those related to inputs 0, 1 and 3). Now, at each iteration, we choose the best arm based on the expected returns, that is the products of the models’ probabilities and the corresponding arms’ prices. If the probabilities are completely off, it should be evident that we’re going to have a big problem.

So, what do we do now? The immediate temptation might be to opt for a complex nonlinear model like neural networks, or even better, go for a sophisticated architecture that ventures into the realm of deep learning. This is certainly an option, and there are indeed companies that are exploring this direction for pricing. However, we first want to consider if there’s a simpler solution for our situation. If only there were an algorithm that could split the input space based on the probability of getting a ‘one’ in any given area…

Adjusting the Oracles: Decision Trees

The last sentence should scream into your ears two simple words: decision trees. Why? Because that is precisely the essence of what decision trees do. Decision trees partition the input space by recursively splitting it based on specific feature thresholds, resulting in a hierarchical structure of nodes and branches. Each split, or decision, is made in a manner that best segregates the data according to the target variable – in our context, where the probability of getting a ‘one’ is relatively uniform within a certain region.

Once the tree is constructed, each terminal node (or leaf) represents a specific segment of the input space where the data exhibits similar characteristics. The probability prediction for a given input is then derived from the fraction of ‘ones’ within the data samples that fall into the corresponding leaf. For instance, if a leaf node has 80 samples, and 40 of them are labeled as ‘one’, the predicted probability for an input that reaches this leaf would be 40/80=0.5.

So, they seem to be exactly what we need for our problem. Unfortunately, decision trees don’t have an online implementation, which means that at every step we need to retrain the model from scratch. On the bright side, decision trees are quite fast at training, but you might want to keep that in mind if you plan to retrain your models in real time for your real-world application.

Alright, first we need to update our Model class to incorporate decision trees as an option. It’s straightforward – just a series of if-then statements to ensure we invoke the appropriate functions based on the initial configuration:

Next, we can re-execute the simulation by simply adding ‘dectree’ to the list that the outer loop iterates over. And that’s it, after some time we have our final results:

Image by author
Image by author

Now we’re talking. First, decision trees are the top performers, confirming the correctness of our initial intuition. Furthermore, the ε-greedy algorithm significantly outperforms the simple greedy one, as one would expect. This suggests that learning from the context indeed helps the models in making improved predictions and, ultimately, facilitates better decision-making. The plot comparing predicted prices to optimal prices also looks more promising:

Image by author
Image by author

The ε-greedy algorithm essentially identifies all the optimal prices, outperforming the greedy approach in every context.

Lessons learned and next steps

  • The More Data, the Better (?): You might think that if you have data, you should always use it. Generally speaking, that’s true. In the realm of Contextual Bandits, adding data (the context) to your algorithms can lead to more informed decisions and tailored actions. However, there’s a catch. The primary intent behind ‘Bandits’ algorithms is to expedite the process of making optimal decisions. Adding context introduces complexity, and potentially slows down the attainment of desired outcomes. Transitioning to Contextual Bandits might also impede the utilization of effective strategies such as Thompson sampling or UCB. As with many choices in data science, there’s a tradeoff between objectives and constraints.
  • Know Your Data and Your Algorithms: It’s imperative to be cautious about the assumptions made regarding your data. The common sentiment is that logistic regression is often apt for machine learning tasks because the "linearity assumption frequently holds." While this might often be the case, it’s not a given. Making false assumptions can lead to significant pitfalls. This underscores the importance of leveraging metrics, ensuring we can quickly gauge the accuracy of our preliminary assumptions and adjust our strategies if needed.
  • Keep It Simple (for as long as you can): Even in data science, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest trends. At the time of this writing, the AI world is abuzz with Deep Learning methodologies. Although powerful, it’s essential to remember that myriad simpler and robust strategies could be perfectly suited to your problem, no more and no less.

In conclusion, Contextual Bandits is an exciting research area that certainly deserves more attention. In this article, we tackled a relatively simple context, but contexts can become incredibly intricate in both data dimensionality and type (like text or images). Even if this seems to contradict the previous point about simplicity, the logical progression for this analysis is to explore more sophisticated algorithms like Deep Learning. While I don’t anticipate adding more chapters to this series, I’m eager to hear about your experiences in this field. If you’ve delved into this area, please drop a comment or reach out to me directly!

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Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning

How to build better contextual bandits machine learning models | Google Cloud Blog

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