Dynamic Conformal Intervals for any Time Series Model

Apply and dynamically expand an interval using backtesting

Michael Keith
Towards Data Science


Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash

Depending on the purpose of generating a forecast, evaluating accurate confidence intervals can be a crucial task. Most classic econometric models, built upon assumptions about distributions of predictions and residuals, have a way to do this built in. When moving to machine learning to do time series, such as with XGBoost or recurrent neural networks, it can be more complicated. A popular technique is conformal intervals — a method of quantifying uncertainty that makes no assumptions about prediction distributions.

Naive Conformal Interval

The simplest implementation of this method is to train a model and hold out a test set. If this test set is at least 20 observations (assuming we want 95% certainty), we can build an interval by placing a plus/minus value on any point prediction that represents the 95th percentile of the test-set residual absolute values. We then refit the model on the entire series and apply this plus/minus to all point predictions over the unknown horizon. This can be thought of as a naive conformal interval.

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