This article will go through step-by-step differentiation of Sigmoid and Cross-Entropy functions. The understanding of Derivatives of these two functions is essential in the area of machine learning when performing back-propagation during model training.

Derivative of Sigmoid Function
Sigmoid/ Logistic function is defined as:

Where is e
is the Euler’s number – a transcendental constant approximately equal to 2.718281828459
. For any value of x
, the Sigmoid function g(x)
falls in the range (0, 1)
. As a value of x
decreases, g(x)
approaches 0
, whereas as x
grows bigger, g(x)
tends to 1
. Examples,

From here, we will now differentiate the Sigmoid function using two methods – Quotient and chain rules of differentiation.
Derivative of Sigmoid Function using Quotient Rule
Step 1: Stating the Quotient Rule

The quotient rule is read as "the derivative of a quotient is the denominator multiplied by derivative of the numerator subtract the numerator multiplied by the derivative of the denominator everything divided by the square of the denominator."
Step 2: Apply the Quotient rule
From the Sigmoid function, g(x)
and the quotient rule, we have

Two things to note:
- The derivative of of a constant is equals to zero. That is why
. - The differentiation of exponential function (
) inv
is covered by Exponential rule of differentiation.

By quotient and exponential rule of differentiation, we have

That is the derivative of a Sigmoid function but we can simplify further as shown in the next step.
Step 3: Simplifying the derivative
In this step, we will use some concepts on algebra to simplify the derivative result in Step 2.

Note: In Equation 5, we added 1 and subtracted 1 to the equation so we actually changed nothing.
That marks the end of the differentiation process using quotient rule.
Differentiating Sigmoid Function using Chain Rule
Step 1: The chain rule

Step 2: Rewrite the Sigmoid function as a negative exponent

Step 3: Applying chain rule to Sigmoid function in Step 2

Then, by chain rule, we will proceed as follows,

At this point, you can proceed to simplify the equation using the same steps we took when we worked on quotient rule (Equations 3
through 8
Here is a plot of Sigmoid function and its derivative

Derivative of Cross-Entropy Function
Cross-Entropy loss function is a very important cost function used for classification problems. In this post, however, we will focus solely on differentiating the loss function. Nonetheless, you can read more about Cross-Entropy loss function in the link given below
Cross-Entropy loss function is defined as:

where tᵢ is the truth value and pᵢ is the probability of the iᵗʰ class.
For classification with two classes, we have binary cross-entropy loss which is defined as follows

Derivative of binary cross-entropy function
The truth label, t
, on the binary loss is a known value, whereas yhat
is a variable. This means that the function will be differentiated with respect to yhat
and treat t as a constant. Let’s go ahead and work on the derivative now.
Step 1: Stating two rules we need to differentiate binary cross-entropy loss
To differentiate the binary cross-entropy loss, we need these two rules:

and the product rule reads, "the derivative of a product of two functions is the first function multiplied by the derivative of the second plus the second function multiplied by the derivative of the first function."
Step 2: Differentiating the function
We will use the product rule to work on the derivatives of the two terms separately; then, by Rule 1
we will combine the two derivatives.
Since we have two unknowns – t
and yhat
– we will actually work on partial derivative (a partial derivative of a function of several variables is its derivative with respect to one of the variables, with the other variables regarded as constant).

And therefore, the derivative of the binary cross-entropy loss function becomes

That marks the end of this article. Thanks for reading 🙂
In this article, we worked on the derivatives of the Sigmoid function and binary cross-entropy function. The former is used mainly in Machine Learning as an activation function, whereas the latter is often used as a cost function to evaluate models. The derivatives found here are especially fundamental during a network’s back-propagation process – an essential step during model training.
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