Amidst this AI revolution, building intelligent systems at scale has been of great interest lately to countless organizations.
While plenty of time and energy is being actively spent in training large machine learning models, taking these models to production and maintaining them is a task of its own.
This, in some cases, may even require specialized teams.
And while more and more organizations are resorting to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to serve end customers, smooth deployment of these models remains somewhat cumbersome yet at the forefront of ensuring that the intended services are delivered as promised.
But have you ever wondered why deployment is a challenging process? If yes, let me help.
In this blog, I will provide a detailed overview of why ML deployment is typically a tedious process.
Moreover, I will share how you can simplify this process and deploy models from jupyter notebook using the Modelbit API.
Let’s begin 🚀 !
What is Deployment?
For starters, deployment is the process of integrating a trained Machine Learning model into a production environment.
Deployment is the last stage in the development lifecycle of a machine learning product. This is when the model has been trained, validated, tested, and is finally ready to be served to an end user.
You can read my previous article on machine learning deployment here:
Pain Points of ML Model Deployment
1) Consistency challenges
In almost all ML use cases, the algorithm used is typically never coded from scratch. Instead, one uses open-source implementations offered by libraries like PyTorch, Sklearn, and many more.
To ensure reproducibility in production, the production environment should be consistent with the environment it was trained in.

This involves installing similar versions of libraries used, software dependencies, OS configurations, and many more.
Achieving this consistency can, at times, be challenging.
In fact, while writing the Heroku blog I mentioned above, I came across numerous errors and challenges when I was trying to deploy a machine learning model on Heroku, and overall, the process was a bit tedious and time-consuming to resolve, which I also discussed in that blog.
2) Infrastructural challenges
ML models typically require specialized processors like GPUs for training.
Depending upon the complexity, a specialized infrastructure may also be needed during inference, i.e., post-deployment.
Setting up these specialized infrastructures is often challenging for data teams.
3) Inadequate Expertise (or Knowledge Gap)
ML engineers may not have experience with deployment. They may not have the necessary expertise in areas such as software engineering, DevOps, and infrastructure management.
This can make it difficult for them to effectively deploy and scale models in production environments.
In such cases, organizations hire specialized talents.
However, engineers hired specifically for deployment may not have an in-depth understanding of ML algorithms and techniques.

This makes it difficult for them to understand the code and make necessary optimizations, leading to issues with scaling, performance, and reliability, and can ultimately impact the effectiveness of the model in production.
Deploying ML models from Jupyter Notebook
The above pain points, to an extent, highlight the necessity for a data scientist to have the necessary deployment expertise.
Now, data scientists spend most of their time working in a Jupyter notebook.
Thus, to simplify the deployment process and integrate it with Jupyter to create a model endpoint, I will use the Modelbit API.
Before building the application, it will be better to highlight the process workflow, which one can replicate in any of their projects.
The image below depicts a high-level diagrammatic overview of the steps involved in the deployment process.

First, inside a jupyter notebook, we will train a machine learning model.
Next, we’ll create a prediction function, which will accept the input as its parameters and return the model’s prediction.
After that, we’ll gather the list of packages used along with their version and the Python version we trained our model in. This info, along with the function object will be sent for deployment.
Finally, we will retrieve the model endpoint.
Let’s look at the steps below.
To reiterate, we will do everything from a Jupyter notebook.
Step 1: Training the Machine Learning Model
First, we’ll train a machine learning model we intend to deploy. For simplicity, let’s consider a linear regression model trained on the following dummy dataset:

Next, we will train a linear regression model using scikit-learn:
## my_notebook.ipynb
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
model = LinearRegression()
model.fit(x, y)
We get the following regression plot:

Step 2: Setup Modelbit
2.1) Install Modelbit
Firstly, install the Modelbit package via pip
## my_notebook.ipynb
!pip install modelbit
2.2) Login to Modelbit
To deploy models using Modelbit, create your account here. Next, login to Modelbit from Jupyter:
## my_notebook.ipynb
import modelbit
mb = modelbit.login()
And done!
Now, we can start pushing our models to deployment.
Step 3: Deploy Models
To deploy the model using Modelbit, we should set up a python function to ensure seamless deployment and inference post-deployment.
Essentially, this function will contain the code that will be executed at runtime, and it will be responsible to return the prediction.
We should specify the input parameters as needed by the model in this method. Also, you can name it anything you want.
Let’s create a my_lr_deployement()
## my_notebook.ipynb
def my_lr_deployement(input_x):
if isinstance(input_x, (int, float)): ## check input type
return model.predict([[input_x]])[0] ## prediction
return None
Note: Every dependency of the function (model
in this case) is pickled and sent to production automatically along with the function. Thus, you are free to reference anything in this method.
To deploy, run the following commands:
## my_notebook.ipynb
That’s it! The model has been successfully deployed. A demonstration is shown below:

Once your model has been successfully deployed, it will appear in your Modelbit dashboard.

As shown above, Modelbit provides an API endpoint. We can use it for inference purposes.
## my_notebook.ipynb
!curl -s -XPOST "https://avichawla.app.modelbit.com/v1/my_lr_deployement/latest"
-d '{"data":[[1,input_x]]}' | json_pp
In the above request, data
is a list of lists.
The first number in the list (1
) is the input ID. The ID
can be any identifier that you prefer to use. The numbers following the ID are the function parameters.
For instance, for our my_lr_deployement(input_x)
method, the data list of lists will be as follows:
# Format: [id, input_x]
Let’s invoke the API with the above input:
## my_notebook.ipynb
!curl -s -XPOST "https://avichawla.app.modelbit.com/v1/my_lr_deployement/latest"
-d '{"data":[[1,3], [2,5], [3,9]]}' | json_pp
The endpoint responds with a JSON response:
"data" : [
1, # Input ID
12.41 # Output
2, # Input ID
19.33 # Output
3, # Input ID
33.16 # Output
Invoking the deployed model is not just limited to curl
. We can also use the requests
library in python:
## my_notebook.ipynb
import json, requests
data=json.dumps({"data":[[1,3], [2,5], [3,9]]})).json()
The output is a python dictionary:
{'data': [[1, 12.41], # [Input ID, Output]
[2, 19.33], # [Input ID, Output]
[3, 33.16]] # [Input ID, Output]
Custom Environments
Sometimes we may want to specify specific versions of the libraries used while deploying your model.
We can pass these as an argument to the md.deploy()
method call:
## my_notebook.ipynb
python_packages=["scikit-learn==1.1.2", "pandas==1.5.0"])
We can also deploy to a specific version of Python:
## my_notebook.ipynb
python_version = "3.9")
To conclude, in this post, we learned how to deploy machine learning models right from a jupyter notebook using Modelbit API.
More specifically, I first demonstrated the training of a simple linear regression model, followed by integrating the Modelbit API into Jupyter notebook to deploy the model.
Thanks for reading!