When you are start in a new field, the best it’s to start with good company, friends or a good community that can answer your questions. Deep Cognition‘s community is a great place to learn and talk about deep learning, and here I’ll talk to you about it.

If you are here is probable that you are starting to learn deep learning, or a related field, or maybe you’re just curious. Either of them are just fine. Ok so our topic here is learning with a community, specifically deep learning.
Deep learning is this amazing field that is permeating almost everything around us. Google is using it, Facebook is using it, and if you use a smart phone, Instagram or Snapchat, you are one of the users of this great field.
Learning Deep Learning

Learning something now can be intimidating; that’s why we trust our school system or university system to help us in this challenge. But what happens if you want to learn something that isn’t commonly found in a regular classroom?
That’s not that easy if you are stuck in the "regular" way of learning things. And one of the most important things you will learn from this article is that this is possible, and it could be a lot more fun or easy if you follow what I’m about to tell you.
Deep learning is representation learning using different kinds of neural networks and optimizing the hyperparameters of the net to get (learn) the best representation for our data. If this sounds weird to you, please read these introductions:
Learning with a Little Help From Our Friends

The internet has given us the tools to learn alongside people all around the world. We have great platforms like StackOverflow, Quora, LinkedIn and many more that allow us to meet and talk to other people, ask questions, get answers, and obtain perspectives to practically any subject.
We also have MOOCs where we can enroll in different courses with thousands of people and share our learning experiences and problems.
And what about a community for learning Deep Learning?
Well, this is what the folks in Deep Cognition created a while ago: a platform that combines the best of StackOverflow, Quora and more but in which everything is targeted to machine and deep learning.
The first thing you have to do now is go there and register:
Ok if you are there right now you’ll see different topics in a forum form. Those are questions asked by people like you and me, and the whole community is there to try to help you.
Deep Cognition Community

Inside the community you’ll find different categories where you can see threads about computer vision, natural language processing, data preparation, and even how to to do x or y in deep learning or Machine Learning.
It’s a very cool place to share your thoughts and find answers to those problems that are keeping you up at night.
You can also find discussions on several different topics that are exclusive to Deep Learning Studio (DLS) users. If you don’t know what DLS is, check this video walkthrough I created a while ago:
It’s basically a web IDE where you have awesome tools to create deep learning models, read data, tune your parameters and also deploy your models. You have deep learning notebooks there too with everything installed so you can get to business very fast.
You can also find posts about the past and new challenges the company is creating like the awesome soda bottle identification challenge. You can see this thread here:
If you don’t have time to read 100 answers in one simple post, there’s a quick way of getting through it. In the community they have a cool feature called "Summarize This Topic".

After clicking that button, you’ll only see those posts the community has rated as most interesting. What more could you want?
So don’t lose anymore time and go there, start learning with your new friends and have fun :).
Thanks for reading this. I hope you found something interesting here 🙂
If you have questions just add me in twitter:
and LinkedIn:
See you there 🙂