Curiosity-Driven Learning made easy Part I

Thomas Simonini
Towards Data Science
9 min readOct 16, 2018


This article is part of Deep Reinforcement Learning Course with Tensorflow 🕹️. Check the syllabus here.

OpenAI Five contest

In the recent years, we’ve seen a lot of innovations in Deep Reinforcement Learning. From DeepMind and the Deep Q learning architecture in 2014 to OpenAI playing Dota2 with OpenAI five in 2018, we live in an exciting and promising moment.

And today we’ll learn about Curiosity-Driven Learning, one of the most exciting and promising strategy in Deep Reinforcement Learning.

Reinforcement Learning is based on the reward hypothesis, which is the idea that each goal can be described as the maximization of the rewards. However, the current problem of extrinsic rewards (aka rewards given by the environment) is that this function is hard coded by a human, which is not scalable.

The idea of Curiosity-Driven learning, is to build a reward function that is intrinsic to the agent (generated by the agent itself). It means that the agent will be a self-learner since he will be the student but also the feedback master.

Sounds crazy? Yes but that’s a genius idea that was re-introduced in the 2017 paper Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction. The results were then improved with the second paper Large-Scale Study of Curiosity-Driven Learning.

They discovered that curiosity driven learning agents perform as good as if they had extrinsic rewards, and were able to generalize better with unexplored environments.

Edit: Curiosity has been a subject of research in Reinforcement Learning since the 90’s with the awesome work of Mr. J. Schmidhuber that you can read here.

In this first article we’ll talk about the theory and explain how works Curiosity Driven Learning in theory.

Then, in a second article, we’ll implement a Curiosity driven PPO agent playing Super Mario Bros.

Sounds fun? Let’s dive on in !

Two main problems in Reinforcement Learning

Modern RL suffers from two problems:

First, the sparse rewards or non-existing rewards problem: that is, most rewards do not contain information, and hence are set to zero. However, as rewards act as feedback for RL agents, if they don’t receive any, their knowledge of which action is appropriate (or not) cannot change.

Thanks to the reward, our agent knows that this action at that state was good

For instance, in Vizdoom “DoomMyWayHome,” your agent is only rewarded if it finds the vest. However, the vest is far away from your starting point, so most of your rewards will be zero.

A big thanks to Felix Steger for this illustration

Therefore, if our agent does not receive useful feedback (dense rewards), it will take much longer to learn an optimal policy.

The second big problem is that the extrinsic reward function is handmade — that is, in each environment, a human has to implement a reward function. But how we can scale that in big and complex environments?

A new reward function: curiosity

Curiosity is an intrinsic reward that is equal to the error of our agent to predict the consequence of its own actions given its current state (aka to predict the next state given current state and action taken).

Why? Because the idea of curiosity is to encourage our agent to perform actions that reduce the uncertainty in the agent’s ability to predict the consequence of its own action (uncertainty will be higher in areas where the agent has spent less time, or in areas with complex dynamics).

Consequently measuring error requires building a model of environmental dynamics that predicts the next state given the current state and the action a.

The question that we can ask here is how we can calculate this error?

To calculate curiosity, we will use a module introduced in the first paper called Intrinsic Curiosity module.

Introducing the Intrinsic Curiosity Module

The need of a good feature space

Before diving into the description of the module, we must ask ourselves how our agent can predict the next state given our current state and our action?

We know that we can define the curiosity as the error between the predicted new state (st+1) given our state st and action at and the real new state.

But, remember that most of the time, our state is a stack of 4 frames (pixels). It means that we need to find a way to predict the next stack of frames which is really hard for two reasons:

First of all, it’s hard to predict the pixels directly, imagine you’re in Doom you move left, you need to predict 248*248 = 61504 pixels!

Second, the researchers think that’s not the right thing to do and take a good example to prove it.

Imagine you need to study the movement of the tree leaves in a breeze. First of all, it’s already hard to model breeze, consequently it is much harder to predict the pixel location of each leaves at each time step.

The problem, is that because you’ll always have a big pixel prediction error, the agent will always be curious even if the movement of the leaves is not the consequence of the agent actions therefore its continued curiosity is undesirable.

Trying to predict the movement of each pixel at each timeframe is really hard

So instead of making prediction in the raw sensory space (pixels), we need to transform the raw sensory input (array of pixels) into a feature space with only relevant information.

We need to define what rules must respect a good feature space, there are 3:

  • Needs to model things that can be controlled by the agent.
  • Needs also to model things that can’t be controlled by the agent but that can affect an agent.
  • Needs to not model (and consequently be unaffected) by things that are not in agent’s control and have no effect on him.

Let’s take this example, your agent is a car, if we want to create a good feature representation we need to model:

The yellow boxes are the important elements

Our car (controlled by our agent), the other cars (we can’t control it but that can affect the agent) but we don’t need to model the leaves (not affect the agent and we can’t control it). This way we will have a feature representation with less noise.

The desired embedding space should:

  • Be compact in terms of dimensional (remove irrelevant parts of the observation space).
  • Preserve sufficient information about the observation.
  • Stable: because non-stationary rewards make it difficult for reinforcement agents to learn.

Intrinsic Curiosity Module (ICM)

ICM Taken from the Paper

The Intrinsic Curiosity Module is the system that helps us to generate curiosity. It is composed of two neural networks.

Remember, we want to only predict changes in the environment that could possibly be due to the actions of our agent or affect the agent and ignore the rest. It means, we need instead of making predictions from a raw sensory space (pixels), transform the sensory input into a feature vector where only the information relevant to the action performed by the agent is represented.

To learn this feature space: we use self-supervision, training a neural network on a proxy inverse dynamics task of predicting the agent action (ât) given its current and next states (st and st+1).

Inverse Model Part

Since the neural network is only required to predict the action, it has no incentive to represent within its feature embedding space, the factors of variation in the environment that does not affect the agent itself.

Forward Model Part

Then we use this feature space to train a forward dynamics model that predicts the future representation of the next state phi(st+1), given the feature representation of the current state phi(st) and the action at.

And we provide the prediction error of the forward dynamics model to the agent as an intrinsic reward to encourage its curiosity.

Curiosity = predicted_phi(st+1) — phi(st+1)

So, we have two models in ICM:

  • Inverse Model (Blue): Encode the states st and st+1 into the feature vectors phi(st) and phi(st+1) that are trained to predict action ât.
Inverse Loss function that measures the difference between the real action and our predicted action
  • Forward Model (Red): Takes as input phi(st) and at and predict the feature representation phi(st+1) of st+1.
Forward Model Loss function

Then mathematically speaking, curiosity will be the difference between our predicted feature vector of the next state and the real feature vector of the next state.

Finally the overall optimization problem of this module is a composition of Inverse Loss, Forward Loss.

That’s was a lot of information and mathematics!

To recap:

  • Because of extrinsic rewards implementation and sparse rewards problems, we want to create a reward that is intrinsic to the agent.
  • To do that we created curiosity, which is the agent’s error in predicting the consequence of its action given its current state.
  • Using curiosity will push our agent to favor transitions with high prediction error (which will be higher in areas where the agent has spent less time, or in areas with complex dynamics) and consequently better explore our environment.
  • But because we can’t predict the next state by predicting the next frame (too much complicated), we use a better feature representation that will keep only elements that can be controlled by our agent or affect our agent.
  • To generate curiosity, we use Intrinsic Curiosity module that is composed of two models: Inverse Model that is used to learn the feature representation of state and next state and Forward Dynamics model used to generate the predicted feature representation of the next state.
  • Curiosity will be equal to the difference between predicted_phi(st+1) (Forward Dynamics model) and phi(st+1) (Inverse Dynamics model)

That’s all for today! Now that you understood the theory, you should read the two papers experiments results Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction and Large-Scale Study of Curiosity-Driven Learning.

Next time, we’ll implement a PPO agent using curiosity as intrinsic reward to play Super Mario Bros.

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Keep Learning, Stay awesome!



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