Table of contents
- Problem statement
- Extract colors from images
- Project structure
- Code
- Deploy the Docker container
- Let’s try it!
- API documentation
- Conclusions
- License disclaimer
1. Problem statement
Let us imagine a control room of a manufacturing facility, where the fabricated products need to be sorted automatically. For instance, based on their color, goods may be redirected to different branches of a roller conveyor for further processing or packaging.
Otherwise, we can also imagine an online retailer trying to enhance the user experience by adding a search-by-color functionality. Customers may more easily find a clothing item from a particular color, thus simplifying their access to products of interest.
Or, just like the author, you can picture yourself as an IT consultant implementing a simple, fast and reusable tool to generate color palettes for presentations, charts and apps from input images.
These are just few examples of how extracting the main colors from a picture may either improve operational efficiency or boost customer experience.
In this blog post, we use Python to implement the extraction of predominant colors from a given picture. Then, we use FastAPI and Docker to package and deploy the solution as a service.
The purpose of this post is to share an end-to-end illustration about the deployment of a lightweight and self-consistent service leveraging Machine Learning techniques to carry out a business purpose. Such a service may be easily integrated in a microservice architecture.
2. Extract colors from images
A digital image is essentially a 2-dimensional grid of individual components known as pixels. Pixels are the smallest unit of display in the image, and carry information about its color. A popular approach to color representation is the RGB color model. This additive model uses combination of the three primary colors – red, green and blue (hence the name, RGB) to create a broad array of colors. The intensity of each primary color is represented by an 8-bit value. Therefore, each pixel has three intensity values, one for each of the primary colors, ranging from 0 to 255:

We can extract predominant colors from an image through clustering. In brief, clustering techniques try to group similar objects together. Among clustering methods, we are going to use the K-Means algorithm. It aims at creating "compact" groups by minimizing the sum of squared distances between the data points and their respective group centers, named centroids. We can choose the number of groups/clusters k
to create. In our case, the data points are the RGB values of each pixel. After model training, we can consider the centroids as representatives of the main colors inside the image.
Let us jump into practice and create a ColorAnalyzer
class accepting an input image and extracting its main colors. The class will have the following methods:
loads the image into a 2D array from the local path or URL.is_url
checks if the input path is URL.preprocess_image
resizes the image to improve processing speed.find_clusters
applies K-Means clustering to extract important colors as centroids.sort_clusters_by_size
sorts colors by cluster size in descending order.plot_image
displays the original input image (resized).plot_3d_clusters
shows a 3-D plot of the clusters. The observations display their centroid’s (predominant) color.plot_predominant_colors
plots a bar chart of the main colors ordered by presence in the image.get_predominant_colors
returns a list of the main colors as JSON objects.
import cv2
from PIL import Image
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import requests
import json
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from io import BytesIO
class ColorAnalyzer:
This class analyzes the predominant colors in an image
using K-Means clustering based on the RGB color paradigm.
url_or_path (str): The URL or local file path of the image.
num_clusters (int): The number of clusters to identify as predominant colors.
scaling_factor (int): The percentage by which to scale the image for preprocessing.
image (numpy.ndarray): The loaded and preprocessed image.
pixels (numpy.ndarray): Reshaped image data for clustering.
image_rgb (numpy.ndarray): Resized image in RGB format.
centroids (numpy.ndarray): Centroids (predominant colors) obtained through clustering.
percentages (numpy.ndarray): Percentage of pixels belonging to each cluster.
labels (numpy.ndarray): Labels indicating cluster membership for each pixel.
sorted_colors (numpy.ndarray): Predominant colors sorted by cluster size.
sorted_percentages (numpy.ndarray): Percentages of pixels per cluster, sorted by cluster size.
def __init__(self, url_or_path, num_clusters=4, scaling_factor=10):
Initializes the ImageColorAnalyzer with the provided parameters.
url_or_path (str): The URL or local file path of the image.
num_clusters (int, optional): The number of clusters to identify as predominant colors (default is 5).
scaling_factor (int, optional): The percentage by which to scale the image for preprocessing (default is 10).
self.url_or_path = url_or_path
self.num_clusters = num_clusters
self.scaling_factor = scaling_factor
self.image = self.load_image()
self.pixels, self.image_rgb = self.preprocess_image()
self.centroids, self.percentages, self.labels = self.find_clusters()
self.sorted_colors, self.sorted_percentages = self.sort_clusters_by_size()
def load_image(self):
Load the image into a 2D array from the local path or URL.
numpy.ndarray: The loaded image.
Exception: If the URL does not exist or is broken, or if the image path is invalid.
# If the input image path is a URL
if self.is_url():
# Get the response
response = requests.get(self.url_or_path)
# If there is a problem in getting the response..
if response.status_code != 200:
# ..raise an exception
raise Exception('URL does not exist or it is broken.')
# Try to extract the image from the URL
# Get PIL image object file from the response
image = Image.open(BytesIO(response.content))
# Convert image from PIL to OpenCV format
image = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# If an error occurs in processing the URL..
# ..raise an exception
raise Exception('URL may not contain an image.')
# If the input image path is not a URL
# Try to load the image
# Load the image from a local path
image = cv2.imread(self.url_or_path)
# If there is a problem reading the local path..
# ..raise an exception
raise Exception('Invalid image path.')
# return the loaded image
return image
def is_url(self):
Check if the input path is URL.
bool: True if the path is a URL, False otherwise.
# Return True if the path is a URL, False otherwise
return 'http' in urlparse(self.url_or_path).scheme
def preprocess_image(self):
Resize the image to improve processing speed.
Resized image data for clustering
Image for plotting.
# Resize the image by the scaling factor for performances
width = int(self.image.shape[1] * self.scaling_factor / 100)
height = int(self.image.shape[0] * self.scaling_factor / 100)
resized_img = cv2.resize(
self.image, (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
# Convert the image back to RGB
image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(resized_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# Extract pixels as 2D array for clustering
pixels = image_rgb.reshape(-1, 3)
# Return array for clustering and image for plotting
return pixels, image_rgb
def find_clusters(self):
Find predominant colors through clustering.
centroids (predominant colors)
percentages of pixels per cluster
labels of each point.
# Instantiate clustering model
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=self.num_clusters, n_init=10)
# Fit the model on the image and get labels
labels = kmeans.fit_predict(self.pixels)
# Get centroids (predominant colors)
centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_.round(0).astype(int)
# Get percentage of pixels belonging to each cluster
percentages = np.bincount(labels) / len(self.pixels) * 100
# Return:
# - centroids
# - percentage of pixels per cluster
# - labels of each point
return centroids, percentages, labels
def sort_clusters_by_size(self):
Sort predominant colors and percentages
of pixels per cluster by cluster size
in descending order.
Predominant colors sorted by cluster size
Percentages of pixels per cluster sorted by cluster size.
sorted_indices = np.argsort(self.percentages)[::-1]
sorted_colors = self.centroids[sorted_indices]
sorted_percentages = self.percentages[sorted_indices]
return sorted_colors, sorted_percentages
def plot_image(self):
Plot the preprocessed image (resized).
plt.title('Preprocessed Image')
def plot_3d_clusters(self, width=15, height=12):
Plot a 3D visualization of the clustering.
width (int, optional): Width of the plot (default is 15).
height (int, optional): Height of the plot (default is 12).
# Prepare figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plot point labels with their cluster's color
for label, color in zip(np.unique(self.labels), self.centroids):
cluster_pixels = self.pixels[self.labels == label]
r, g, b = color
ax.scatter(cluster_pixels[:, 0],
cluster_pixels[:, 1],
cluster_pixels[:, 2],
c=[[r/255, g/255, b/255]],
label=f'Cluster {label+1}')
# Display title, axis labels and legend
ax.set_title('3D Cluster Visualization')
def plot_predominant_colors(self, width=12, height=8):
Plot a bar chart of predominant colors
ordered by presence in the picture.
width (int, optional): Width of the plot (default is 12).
height (int, optional): Height of the plot (default is 8).
# Prepare color labels for the plot
color_labels = [f'Color {i+1}' for i in range(self.num_clusters)]
# Prepare figure
plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
# Plot bars
bars = plt.bar(color_labels,
color=self.sorted_colors / 255.0,
# Add percentage of each bar on the plot
for bar, percentage in zip(bars,
bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2,
# Display title and axis labels
plt.title(f'Top {self.num_clusters} Predominant Colors')
plt.ylabel('Percentage of Pixels')
def get_predominant_colors(self):
Return a list of predominant colors.
Each color is a JSON object with RGB code and percentage.
# Prepare output list
colors_json = []
# For each predominant color
for color, percentage in zip(self.sorted_colors,
# Get the RGB code
r, g, b = color
# Prepare JSON object
color_entry = {'color': {'R': f'{r}',
'G': f'{g}',
'B': f'{b}'},
'percentage': f'{percentage:.2f}%'}
# Append JSON object to color list
# Return the results
return colors_json
We can test our class using a Python notebook:
- Instantiate the class using an input URL pointing to an online image:
colors_extractor = ColorAnalyzer(
- Plot the original image (resized):

- Plot a bar chart of the most predominant colors:

- Display the obtained clusters:

- Return a list of extracted colors as JSON objects:
"color": {
"R": "140",
"G": "15",
"B": "19"
"percentage": "54.56%"
"color": {
"R": "231",
"G": "37",
"B": "47"
"percentage": "35.55%"
"color": {
"R": "163",
"G": "111",
"B": "63"
"percentage": "6.78%"
"color": {
"R": "211",
"G": "201",
"B": "186"
"percentage": "3.11%"
We can repeat the process for any input image (URL or local path) and inspect the outcome. For instance:
# Different image
colors_extractor = ColorAnalyzer(
# Plot resized original image
# 3D plot of the centroids and data points
# Bar chart of predominant colors
# Predominant colors as list of JSON

How can we create a web service that provides this image analysis capability on request? We need to turn our notebook into a Python project that exposes a REST API.
3. Project structure
Let us introduce the main ingredients of our project:
- [REST](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REST) API: REST (Representational State Transfer) API is an architectural style for designing applications. It uses standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, …) to allow communication between different systems. In our case, we want to enable a client to request the extraction of predominant colors from an input image using HTTP requests. We will use FastAPI to build the API service.
- Docker: a platform that allows to build, deploy, and run applications in isolated containers. Using Docker will help us to package together all the dependencies needed for the color extraction task, ensuring consistency, portability and removing operational headaches (What Python version am I using? Did I install all packages? What version of OpenCV do I need?).

We can structure the project as follows:
├── api/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── endpoints.py
├── dto/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── image_data.py
├── service/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── image_analyzer.py
├── notebooks/
│ └── extract_colors.ipynb
├── main.py
├── requirements.txt
├── Dockerfile
└── README.md
: project documentation in Markdown.requirements.txt
: list of Python dependencies needed to run the project.Dockerfile
: text document with all the commands to assemble a Docker image, i.e. an isolated environment for the project.main.py
: the entry point of our application.api/
: sub-folder with the definition of the REST API endpoints. In our simple example, we just have one endpoint to request color extraction.dto/
: sub-folder with the data classes used in the requests and responses for the API service. The namedto
derives from Data Transfer Object, as these classes represent the interface between the client and the service.service/
: sub-folder with the application logic. In our example, theColorAnalyzer
class provides the image processing capability.notebooks/
: sub-folder with notebook experiments.
The separation between data (or model), endpoints definition (or controller) and application logic (or service) in separate modules (dto/
, api/
, service/
) is one way to guarantee clarity, maintainability, and reusability. It also promotes a cleaner architecture and simplify further developments. The reader may refer to the MVC design pattern for more information.
4. Code
Let’s start looking into main.py
. In our entry point, we:
- Create a FastAPI application:
app = FastAPI()
. - Enable CORS to allow client-side calls to the web service through the
method. - Define a
request handler for the root endpoint ("/"
) returning a simple message. - Include a router to our api module with the
prefix. The prefix will become part of the final endpoint as follows:"http://<host>:<port>/api/<endpoint>"
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from api.endpoints import router as api_router
# Create a FastAPI application instance
app = FastAPI()
CORSMiddleware, # Add Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) middleware to handle browser security restrictions
allow_origins = ['*'], # Allow requests from all origins (insecure, for development only)
allow_credentials = True, # Allow credentials like cookies in the requests
allow_methods = ['*'], # Allow all HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.)
allow_headers = ['*'], # Allow all headers in requests
# Define a GET request handler for the root endpoint ('/')
# Define an asynchronous function for the root endpoint
async def root():
# Return a JSON response with a message
return {'message': 'API for color extraction from images.'}
# Include the API router with a prefix of '/api'
app.include_router(api_router, prefix='/api')
The definition of the endpoints is the api
module. Inside the"api/endpoints.py"
file, we:
- Create the router for the FastAPI app:
router = APIRouter()
, which imported in themain.py
. - Define a
request for the/colors
endpoint. The application expects a request of classColorExtractionRequest
, and returns a response of classColorExtractionResponse
. The two objects are defined in thedto
module. - Upon receiving a request, a
object is instantiated and the color extraction results are returned as response to the user.
from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException
from service.image_analyzer import ColorAnalyzer
from dto.image_data import ColorExtractionRequest, ColorExtractionResponse
import logging
# Define the router for the FastAPI app
router = APIRouter()
# Logging configuration
format = '%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s, %(module)s, %(processName)s, %(message)s',
level = logging.INFO)
# Instantiate logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Define a POST request handler for the '/colors' endpoint
'/colors', # Endpoint name
response_model = ColorExtractionResponse, # Data model for the response
tags = ['Colors Extraction'] # Tag used for documentation
# Define an asynchronous function accepting a 'ColorExtractionRequest' as request body
async def colors(input_data: ColorExtractionRequest):
Analyze an image and return predominant colors.
- input_data[ColorExtractionRequest]: Request data including 'url_or_path' (str) and 'num_clusters' (int, optional).
- ImageAnalysisResponse: Response data containing a list of predominant colors.
Example Usage:
- Send a POST request with JSON data containing the 'url_or_path' parameter to extract colors from an image.
# Log request information
logger.info(f'Analysis for image key: {input_data.url_or_path}.')
logger.info(f'Requested colors: {input_data.num_clusters}.')
# Perform the color extraction
# Instantiate the ColorAnalyzer class for image processing
color_json = ColorAnalyzer(
logger.info(f'Analysis completed.')
# Return the predominant colors
return {'predominant_colors': color_json}
# If an error occurs
except Exception as e:
# Log the error message
logger.error(f'Exception in image processing: {str(e)}.')
# Raise an exception
raise HTTPException(status_code = 500, detail = str(e))
Let us explore the data model for the requests and responses. Its classes are in the dto
module, inside the dto/image_data.py
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List
class Color(BaseModel):
Color representation as RGB values.
R: int
G: int
B: int
class ColorInfo(BaseModel):
Information about a color: RGB and percentage of pixels across image.
color: Color
percentage: str
class ColorExtractionRequest(BaseModel):
Colors extraction request.
url_or_path: str
num_clusters: int = 4 # Default to 4 most predominant colors if not provided
class ColorExtractionResponse(BaseModel):
Color extraction response from an image analysis request.
predominant_colors: List[ColorInfo]
This data model is straightforward. In brief, the service:
- Accepts an input URL or path, as well as a desired number of clusters/predominant colors.
- Returns a list of JSON objects made of RGB values and the percentage of pixels in the image belonging to that cluster.
Interestingly, defining pydantic
classes not only increases readability and maintenance, but also simplifies the generation of API documentation leveraging the FastAPI framework (more on that in the following paragraphs).
Now, we only need to define a Docker image and deploy the Docker container.
5. Deploy the Docker container
Let us observe the Dockerfile
inside the project root. This text document contains all the commands to create a Docker image for our project. In detail:
FROM python:3.8-slim
sets the base image as starting point.WORKDIR /colors-extractor
sets the working directory inside the container to/colors-extractor
.COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
copies the dependencies from our local machine into the container inside theWORKDIR
.RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
installs the Python dependencies listed in requirements.txt on the Docker container.COPY . .
copies the project files from our local machine into the container. We do this later, after installing the dependencies, because Docker creates an image by layering subsequent commands. If we just update our code base, given the current order of commands the Docker engine will not reinstall all the dependencies.EXPOSE 8000
exposes port 8000, on which our FastAPI app runs.CMD ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "8000"]
is the command to run when the container starts. In this case, we instruct the container to run the FastAPI app using Uvicorn. The mappingmain:app
sets the correct entry point of our app, in our casemain.py
# Use the official Python image as the base image
FROM python:3.8-slim
# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /colors-extractor
# Copy the requirements.txt file and install dependencies
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# Copy the project files into the container
COPY . .
# Expose the port that the FastAPI app will listen on
# Command to run the FastAPI app using Uvicorn (handled by Dockerfile)
CMD ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "8000"]
To deploy the Docker container locally, from command line:
# Move into the project directory
cd colors-extractor
# Create Docker image
docker build -t colors-extractor .
# Execute Docker container
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 colors-extractor
We can show running containers through:
docker ps
With this command, we can get the container id associated to our application, and use it to inspect the logs:
docker logs <container_id>
The logs confirm that the application is running:

6. Let’s try it!
Let us remember the endpoint structure:
declares a router to theapi
module with an/api
prefix.- The
module defines aPOST
request handler for the/colors
endpoint inside theendpoints.py
file. - The running port is
Therefore, we should perform a POST
call to:
To test the service, we may use tools such as curl or Postman:
curl --location 'http://localhost:8000/api/colors'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{
"url_or_path": "https://fastly.picsum.photos/id/63/5000/2813.jpg?hmac=HvaeSK6WT-G9bYF_CyB2m1ARQirL8UMnygdU9W6PDvM",
"num_clusters": 3
"predominant_colors": [
"color": {
"R": 140,
"G": 16,
"B": 19
"percentage": "54.97%"
"color": {
"R": 231,
"G": 37,
"B": 47
"percentage": "35.55%"
"color": {
"R": 180,
"G": 142,
"B": 104
"percentage": "9.47%"
Similarly, using Postman:

We can inspect the container again to verify the presence of our test calls in the logs:

7. API documentation
FastAPI automatically provides a documentation of the implemented APIs. By default, it is available at:
By reaching that URL, we can find a web user interface (Swagger UI) fully documenting our endpoints:

The data model for the requests and responses is under the Schemas
section of the web interface, and it is populated with the pydantic
models defined in the dto
module and associated to the router’s handlers:

8. Conclusions
In this blog post, we shared a step-by-step implementation of a service leveraging:
- Unsupervised Machine Learning techniques to reach a business goal, i.e. extracting predominant colors from images.
- FastAPI to serve the solution as a REST API.
- Docker for isolated and consistent deployment.
Our goal is to showcase a comprehensive example that could be easily reused and extended to deploy a Machine Learning model as a Rest Api.
The full code for this blog is available on GitHub.
9. License disclaimer
To write this post, we used two images:
- "Brown grass field background of mountain view" by Linh Nguyen.
- "White ceramic mug filled with coffee" by Justin Leibow.
Both sources are free to use for personal and commercial use under the Unplash license. We generated image URLs using Picsum (GitHub repo) available under the MIT license.