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Confidence Intervals with Python

College Statistics with Python


In a series of weekly articles, I will cover some important statistics topics with a twist.

The goal is to use Python to help us get intuition on complex concepts, empirically test theoretical proofs, or build algorithms from scratch. In this series, you will find articles covering topics such as random variables, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, significance tests, and more.

At the end of each article, you can find exercises to test your knowledge. The solutions will be shared in the article of the following week.

Articles published so far:

As usual, the code is available on my GitHub.

Confidence Intervals and Margin of Error

A group of students tried to understand which character of friends was the funniest, narrowing it down to Chandler Bing or Ross Geller.

Figure 1: Friends is an American television sitcom revolving around six friends in their 20s and 30s who live in Manhattan, New York City, source.
Figure 1: Friends is an American television sitcom revolving around six friends in their 20s and 30s who live in Manhattan, New York City, source.

They were interested in the likelihood of Ross actually winning since he has a very awkward sense of humor compared to Chandler’s sarcastic and witty sense of humor. They decided to set up a poll in their school. Ideally, they would ask the entire population, but shortly they understood that it would not be feasible to ask the 5,000 students their preference. Instead, they decided to take random samples of 40 students and calculate the sample proportion that supported Ross. The first value that they arrived at was p̂=0.61.

Notice that to continue with their study, the group of students needs to make sure that the conditions to calculate a valid confidence interval for a proportion are met. There are 3 conditions:

  • The sample has to be random.
  • A normal distribution can approximate the sampling distribution of the sample proportions. The rule of thumb is that you need to have at least 10 successes and 10 failures.
  • The samples are required to be independent. The rule of thumb is that if you are sampling without replacement, your sample size should be less than 10% of the population size.
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import math
from scipy.stats import bernoulli, norm, t, skewnorm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
p_hat = 0.61
n = 40
print('Normal conditions:')
print('successes >= 10: ' + str(n*p_hat >= 10))
print('failures >= 10 : ' + str(n*(1-p_hat) >= 10))
print('Independence condition:')
print(40/5000 < 0.1)
Normal conditions:
successes >= 10: True
failures >= 10 : True
Independence condition:

All the conditions are met, the group of students could now focus on building the sampling distribution of the sample proportions; from this distribution, they calculated the possible sample proportions they could get and their likelihoods.

We already saw that the mean of the sampling distribution is the actual population proportion p and the standard deviation of the sample proportions:

Let’s start to connect these concepts with the concept of confidence intervals. What is the probability that p̂ = 0.61 is within

For a normal distribution, this is approximately 95%. This is equivalent to say that there is a 95% probability that p is within

And this is the fundamental idea for a confidence interval.

Now, we have a problem. We do not know p, so we need to use an estimate. The best estimate that we have is naturally p̂. Thus, instead of using

we use the Standard Error:

to compute our confidence intervals.

SE_hat_p = np.sqrt(p_hat*(1-p_hat)/n)
print(f'With 95% confidence between {np.round(p_hat - 2*SE_hat_p, 2)} and {np.round(p_hat + 2*SE_hat_p, 2)} of students prefer the awkward humor of Ross.')
With 95% confidence between 0.46 and 0.76 of students prefer the awkward humor of Ross.

Notice that our confidence interval calculated above can change based on what sample proportion we actually choose. If the group of students sample again 40 new students the new sample proportion could now be 0.55.

p_hat = 0.55
n = 40
SE_hat_p = np.sqrt(p_hat*(1-p_hat)/n)
print(f'With 95% confidence between {np.round(p_hat - 2*SE_hat_p, 2)} and {np.round(p_hat + 2*SE_hat_p, 2)} of students prefer the awkward humor of Ross.')
With 95% confidence between 0.39 and 0.71 of students prefer the awkward humor of Ross.

We can connect this concept with the margin of error. The margin of error for our first trial (knowing that we are interested in getting 95% confidence) is 2 times our SE.

An interesting question that often arises is "what can you do to reduce the margin of error"? Notice that the margin of error is dependent on SE, which is inversely proportional to the sample size. So, one possible way to reduce the margin of error is to increase the sample size.

print(f'Margin of error = {2*SE_hat_p}')
Margin of error = 0.15732132722552272

Again, the same reasoning applies. Depending on what our sample proportion is, our margin of error could have a different value.

The idea is that if we use this method of computing confidence intervals repeatedly, it will produce different intervals each time (depending on the sample proportion) that include the true proportion 95% of the time.

p = 0.61
n = 50
number_trials = 25

p_hat_list = []
SE_hat_p_list = []

for i in range(number_trials):
    s_ = bernoulli.rvs(p=p, size=n)
    p_hat = s_[s_==1].shape[0] / s_.shape[0]
_, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 8))
for i in range(len(p_hat_list)):
    if (p>p_hat_list[i]-SE_hat_p_list[i]) &amp; (p<p_hat_list[i]+SE_hat_p_list[i]):
        # interval contains p
        ax.errorbar(p_hat_list[i], np.arange(len(p_hat_list))[i],lolims=True, xerr=SE_hat_p_list[i], yerr=0.0, linestyle='', c='black')
        j +=1
        # interval does not contain p
        ax.errorbar(p_hat_list[i], np.arange(len(p_hat_list))[i],lolims=True, xerr=SE_hat_p_list[i], yerr=0.0, linestyle='', c='red')
ax.axvline(0.61, color='darkorange')
Figure 2: Confidence intervals for the sample proportion.
Figure 2: Confidence intervals for the sample proportion.

We are plotting the sample proportion p̂ and the interval:

Notice that about 96% of our sample intervals contain the true proportion p. This number will converge to 95% as the number of samples increase.

number_trials = 2000

for i in range(number_trials):
    p_hat = bernoulli.rvs(p=p, size=n)
    p_hat = p_hat[p_hat==1].shape[0] / p_hat.shape[0]
    SE_hat_p = 2*np.sqrt(p_hat*(1-p_hat)/n)
    if (p>p_hat-SE_hat_p) &amp; (p<p_hat+SE_hat_p):
        # interval contains p
        j +=1


What if we were interested in the 99% Confidence Interval? We need to calculate the critical value, also known as z*, for that specific confidence level. The critical value is nothing else than the number of standard deviations below and above the mean that we need to get to capture the desired confidence level (99%). Notice that using a z-table or when using the norm.ppf from scipy, remember that the values that you get are for a single tail confidence interval. This is not what we want, so we need to get the value for 99.5% instead (leaving 0.5% on each tail of the distribution gives the 99% confidence).

CI = 0.99
critical_value = norm.ppf(CI+(1-CI)/2) # we want the critical value for a two-tail distribution

There is a 99% chance that p is within:

number_trials = 1000

for i in range(number_trials):
    p_hat = bernoulli.rvs(p=p, size=n)
    p_hat = p_hat[p_hat==1].shape[0] / p_hat.shape[0]
    SE_hat_p = critical_value*np.sqrt(p_hat*(1-p_hat)/n)
    if (p>p_hat-SE_hat_p) &amp; (p<p_hat+SE_hat_p):
        # interval contains p
        j +=1


Conditions for Valid Confidence Intervals for a Proportion

Let’s start by recalling the conditions for valid intervals for a proportion:

  • The sample has to be random.
  • A normal distribution can approximate the sampling distribution of the sample proportions. The rule of thumb is that you need to have at least 10 successes and 10 failures.
  • The samples are required to be independent. The rule of thumb is that if you are sampling without replacement, your sample size should be less than 10% of the population size.

To help us understand the implications, we will exemplify what happens when one of the conditions is not met. First, let’s create a function to compute the confidence intervals and plot the last 50 samples.

def confidence_interval(p, n, number_trials, N, ci=0.95, sample='random'):
    p_ = bernoulli.rvs(p=p, size=N)
    p_hat_list = []
    SE_hat_p_list = []

    if sample!='random':
        # Inducing bias on the sampling
        p_ = p_[:-int(0.2*N)]

    for i in range(number_trials):
        s_ = np.random.choice(p_, n, replace=False)
        p_hat = s_[s_==1].shape[0] / s_.shape[0]

    _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 8))
    for i in range(len(p_hat_list)):
        if (p>p_hat_list[i]-SE_hat_p_list[i]) &amp; (p<p_hat_list[i]+SE_hat_p_list[i]):
            # interval contains p
            if i > len(p_hat_list)-50:
                ax.errorbar(p_hat_list[i], np.arange(len(p_hat_list))[i],lolims=True, xerr=SE_hat_p_list[i], yerr=0.0, linestyle='', c='black')
            j +=1
            # interval does not contain p
            if i > len(p_hat_list)-50:    
                ax.errorbar(p_hat_list[i], np.arange(len(p_hat_list))[i],lolims=True, xerr=SE_hat_p_list[i], yerr=0.0, linestyle='', c='red')
    ax.axvline(0.61, color='darkorange')

The first example is the case where our sample is not random, i.e., there is some bias that we are introducing by the way that we are sampling from the population. Referring to our context, this could mean that our group of students is surveying people outside of the school’s Comedy Club, with whom the Chandler jokes land more effectively. Our confidence suddenly drops to less than 90%.

confidence_interval(p=0.61, n=35, number_trials=1000, N=500, sample='not_random')
Figure 3: Confidence intervals for the sample proportion with non-random sampling.
Figure 3: Confidence intervals for the sample proportion with non-random sampling.

The second case is the fact that we can not assume that our sampling distribution is normal. Notice that our sampling size is 10, which does not guarantee more than 10 successes and failures. Once again, even though we calculate the 95% confidence interval, the percentage of times where the true proportion p is inside the calculated interval is around 90%.

n = 10
print('Normal conditions:')
print('successes >= 10: ' + str(n*p_hat >= 10))
print('failures >= 10 : ' + str(n*(1-p_hat) >= 10))
Normal conditions:
successes >= 10: False
failures >= 10 : False
confidence_interval(p=0.61, n=10, number_trials=1000, N=500)
Figure 4: Confidence intervals for the sample proportion with non-normal distribution.
Figure 4: Confidence intervals for the sample proportion with non-normal distribution.

Finally, the last condition is the independence between samples. If the rule of thumb of the 10% is not met, we can not assume independence. Once again, our confidence drops to close to 90%.

n = 150
print('Independence condition:')
print(n/N < 0.1)
Independence condition:
confidence_interval(p=0.61, n=n, number_trials=1000, N=N)
Figure 5: Confidence intervals for the sample proportion without meeting the independence criteria.
Figure 5: Confidence intervals for the sample proportion without meeting the independence criteria.

Now that we saw all cases where the conditions are not met let’s create one that passes all 3 tests.

confidence_interval(p=0.61, n=35, number_trials=1000, N=500)
Figure 6: Confidence intervals for the sample proportion meeting all 3 criteria.
Figure 6: Confidence intervals for the sample proportion meeting all 3 criteria.

Our confidence converges effectively to 95%. We can feel confident about our confidence.

Estimating the Population Mean

We have been solving the problem of estimating the population proportion, which percentage of the population prefers Ross’s humor over Chandler’s. A different problem is the estimation of the mean of a population. Let’s see the main differences. When we estimated the confidence interval for the population proportion, we defined:

Following the same principle, we would define the population mean as,

Notice that we do not know our population standard deviation, so we use our best estimate, the sample standard deviation. Unfortunately, if we were to use this approach to calculate our confidence interval, we would be underestimating the actual interval. To achieve 95% confidence, we need to use a different critical value based on a t-distribution.

Let’s do a couple of experiments to prove our point. First, we define the confidence interval for the mean based on the sample standard deviation but calculating the critical value from a normal distribution.

def confidence_interval_mean(μ, σ, n, number_trials, N, ci=0.95, sample='random'):
    x_ = norm.rvs(loc=μ, scale=σ, size=N)
    x_hat_list = []
    SE_hat_x_list = []

    if sample!='random':
        # Inducing bias on the sampling
        x_ = x_[:-int(0.2*N)]

    for i in range(number_trials):
        s_ = np.random.choice(x_, n, replace=False)
        x_hat = np.mean(s_)

    _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 8))
    for i in range(len(x_hat_list)):
        if (μ>x_hat_list[i]-SE_hat_x_list[i]) &amp; (μ<x_hat_list[i]+SE_hat_x_list[i]):
            # interval contains p
            if i > len(x_hat_list)-50:
                ax.errorbar(x_hat_list[i], np.arange(len(x_hat_list))[i],lolims=True, xerr=SE_hat_x_list[i], yerr=0.0, linestyle='', c='black')
            j +=1
            # interval does not contain p
            if i > len(x_hat_list)-50:    
                ax.errorbar(x_hat_list[i], np.arange(len(x_hat_list))[i],lolims=True, xerr=SE_hat_x_list[i], yerr=0.0, linestyle='', c='red')
    ax.axvline(μ, color='darkorange')
confidence_interval_mean(2, 0.5, 12, 2000, 1000)
Figure 7: Confidence intervals for the sample mean calculated using z*.
Figure 7: Confidence intervals for the sample mean calculated using z*.

What we were expecting happened, as the true mean is only contained in our confidence intervals 92% of the time. This is not intended, as we are calculating the 95% confidence intervals for the mean.

In the second experiment, the critical value used is now calculated from a t-distribution.

def confidence_interval_mean_t(μ, σ, n, number_trials, N, ci=0.95, sample='random'):
    x_ = norm.rvs(loc=μ, scale=σ, size=N)
    x_hat_list = []
    SE_hat_x_list = []

    if sample!='random':
        # Inducing bias on the sampling
        x_ = x_[:-int(0.2*N)]

    for i in range(number_trials):
        s_ = np.random.choice(x_, n, replace=False)
        x_hat = np.mean(s_)
        SE_hat_x_list.append(t.ppf(ci+(1-ci)/2, df=n-1)*np.std(s_)/np.sqrt(n))

    _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 8))
    for i in range(len(x_hat_list)):
        if (μ>x_hat_list[i]-SE_hat_x_list[i]) &amp; (μ<x_hat_list[i]+SE_hat_x_list[i]):
            # interval contains p
            if i > len(x_hat_list)-50:
                ax.errorbar(x_hat_list[i], np.arange(len(x_hat_list))[i],lolims=True, xerr=SE_hat_x_list[i], yerr=0.0, linestyle='', c='black')
            j +=1
            # interval does not contain p
            if i > len(x_hat_list)-50:    
                ax.errorbar(x_hat_list[i], np.arange(len(x_hat_list))[i],lolims=True, xerr=SE_hat_x_list[i], yerr=0.0, linestyle='', c='red')
    ax.axvline(μ, color='darkorange')
confidence_interval_mean_t(2, 0.5, 12, 2000, 1000)
Figure 8: Confidence intervals for the sample mean using t*.
Figure 8: Confidence intervals for the sample mean using t*.

Our confidence converges effectively to 95%. Once again, we can feel confident about our confidence.

Conditions for valid t intervals

We already saw the conditions for valid intervals for a proportion. In the case of t intervals, the same rules apply. The difference is on how to validate if our distribution can be considered normal. :

  • The sample has to be random.
  • The sampling distribution of the sample mean can be approximated by a normal distribution. There are three ways to achieve it: sample size is bigger than 30 (central limit theorem applies), original distribution is normal, or the original distribution is symmetric.
  • The samples are required to be independent. The rule of thumb is that if you are sampling without replacement, your sample size should be less than 10% of the population size.

We leave the experiments to prove the bullets presented above as an exercise for this week.


In this article, we covered concepts such as confidence intervals and margin of error. We started by defining and computing confidence intervals for sample proportions. There are 3 conditions that must be met for us to compute such confidence intervals. We simulated 3 scenarios where the conditions were not met. By analyzing the effects, we observed the introduction of bias on each scenario which impacted our confidence level.

We also addressed the problem of computing confidence intervals for the sample mean. In this case, the critical value used for the computation can not be based on a normal distribution but on a t-distribution. By simulating a large number of samples, we showed how the critical value based on a normal distribution underestimates the actual confidence intervals. Finally, in the same way that we did for the sample proportion, we established the conditions for valid t intervals.

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You will get the solutions in next week’s article.

  1. Change the function confidence_interval_mean_t and build 5 different experiments to calculate a 95% interval for a sample mean, 3 of them where the conditions for a t interval are not met and 2 where they are. For the 3 where the conditions are not met, define the following scenarios: sampling not random, original distribution not approximately normal, and independence not met. For the 2 cases where conditions are met, define one case where the original distribution is normal and another where the original distribution is skewed, but the sampling mean normally distributed. The true population mean should be contained in the calculated confidence intervals 95% of the time for these last two cases.

Hint: you might find it useful to use the function skewnorm from scipy. Below, you have a modified version of a normal distribution skewed by a skewness parameter, mean and standard deviation.

# code adapted from

skew = 4.0
mean = 2
stdev = 0.5

delta = skew / math.sqrt(1. + math.pow(skew, 2.))
adjStdev = math.sqrt(math.pow(stdev, 2.) / (1. - 2. * math.pow(delta, 2.) / math.pi))
adjMean = mean - adjStdev * math.sqrt(2. / math.pi) * delta

print('target mean={:.4f} actual mean={:.4f}'.format(mean, float(skewnorm.stats(skew, loc=adjMean, scale=adjStdev, moments='mvsk')[0])))
print('target stdev={:.4f} actual stdev={:.4f}'.format(stdev, math.sqrt(float(skewnorm.stats(skew, loc=adjMean, scale=adjStdev, moments='mvsk')[1]))))
target mean=2.0000 actual mean=2.0000
target stdev=0.5000 actual stdev=0.5000
# Original skewed distribution

plt.hist(skewnorm.rvs(a = skew, loc=adjMean, scale=adjStdev, size=2000), bins=50);
# Approximately normal distribution of the sample mean because sample 
# size is bigger than 30 (CTL applies)

plt.hist(np.mean([skewnorm.rvs(a = skew, loc=adjMean, scale=adjStdev, size=35) for _ in range(2000)], axis=1), bins=50);

Answers from last week

  1. Rick takes an SRS of 75 citizens on a distant planet to see what proportion of citizens sampled are satisfied with their standard of living. Suppose that 60% of the 1,000,000,000 citizens who live on the planet are satisfied with their living standards. What are the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the proportion of citizens satisfied with their standard of living?
mu_hat_p = 0.6

sigma_p_hat = np.sqrt(0.6*(1-0.6)/75)
  1. A certain planet with over 1,000,000 households has a mean household income of $1,000,000 with a standard deviation of $150,000. Rick plans to take random samples of 700 households and calculate the sample mean income. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of x̄.
μ = 1000000
σ = 150000
n = 700

print(f'μ_x_bar = {μ}')
print(f'σ_x_bar = {σ/n**(1/2)}')
μ_x_bar = 1000000
σ_x_bar = 5669.467095138409
  1. Rick is performing quality control tests on different portal guns since there is some variability in the manufacturing process. A certain gun has a target thickness of 5mm. The thickness distribution is skewed to the right with a mean of 5mm and a standard deviation of 1mm. A quality control check on this part involves taking a random sample of 35 points and calculating the mean thickness of those points. What is the shape of the sampling distribution of the sample mean thickness? What is the probability that the mean thickness in the sample is within 0.2mm of the target value?
# Since n = 35 >= 30, the central limit theorem applies.
# Even though the population is skewed to the right, the sample means
# are normally distributed due to the sample size.
μ = 5
σ = 1
n = 100
norm.cdf(5.2, μ, σ/n**(1/2)) - norm.cdf(4.8, μ, σ/n**(1/2))

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