Column Generation in Linear Programming and the Cutting Stock Problem

How to solve linear problems with a large number of decision variables illustrated with a Python example

Bruno Scalia C. F. Leite
Towards Data Science


Photo by Jean Vella on Unsplash

Some Linear Programming (LP) problems arising from combinatorial problems become untractable because of the large number of variables involved (Gilmore & Gomory, 1961). In such problems, delayed column generation is a potential solution alternative as it does not include all possible decision variables in the problem from the start. A classical application is to the cutting stock problem, in which one must decide how to cut a roll of a given width into smaller pieces to meet demands for determined cut sizes.

Throughout this article, some of the main theoretical aspects of column generation will be presented and illustrated with the one-dimensional cutting stock problem. In the solution, the Python library scipy will be used. Those interested can also find the complete code in this git repository.

In case you are not yet familiar with Linear Programming, you might have a better understanding of this article after reading my previous introduction on the subject.

If you are ready for deeper concepts together with a hands-on example, welcome aboard.

Column generation: an overview

When using delayed column generation to solve an LP, at every iteration, a problem with only a subset of columns is considered. It is called the Restricted Master Problem (RMP). In each iteration, the RMP is solved and its corresponding vector of optimal dual decision variables π is obtained. The algorithm then uses this result to solve the subproblem or pricing problem, which aims to find new decision variables with negative reduced costs. Let us recall a definition of reduced costs.

For any nonbasic variable, the reduced cost for the variable is the amount by which the nonbasic variable’s objective function coefficient must be improved before that variable will become a basic variable in some optimal solution to the LP. Winston & Goldberg (2004)

Therefore, by including variables with negative reduced costs, we might expect marginal contributions to improving the objective value. Recall the economic interpretation of dual variables as shadow costs. A new variable might potentially result in savings proportional to its contribution to fulfilling constraints given their corresponding duals while increasing the overall cost by its cost coefficient.

By solving the subproblem, we identify a set S of columns with the lowest reduced cost given the dual costs. If no column with negative reduced costs is identified, we stop since π is an optimal dual solution to the original problem, and together with the optimal primal solution to the RMP, we have an optimal primal/dual pair. Otherwise, we append columns in S to the RMP and iterate (Klabjan, 2005). This process is represented by the figure below.

Column generation scheme. (Image by the author)

Notice that the subproblem is problem-specific, and in some situations can be quite computationally expensive to be formulated as a mixed-integer-programming problem. It might be useful then to consider heuristics and/or dynamic programming approaches that might return, in each iteration, more than one negative reduced-cost column. In the case of vehicle routing problems, often the subproblem is a constrained shortest path problem. Those interested in a deeper dive can refer to Irnich & Desaulniers (2005) to gain insight into solution techniques.

Now remember the delayed column generation approach presented solves a Linear Programming problem with real-valued decision variables. With the aim of solving large integer or mixed-integer programs, one could resort to either some heuristics after solving the relaxation or Branch & Price to impose integrality constraints. In the latter approach, one should consider not only those columns that have been generated in the solution of the initial LP but also generate new columns during the solution of LPs throughout the tree. A deeper discussion about Branch & Price is presented by Barnhart et al. (1998). The authors examine common issues, case studies, and interesting insights on branching rules.

The Cutting Stock Problem

Consider we have a set of demands I, each for an amount d of pieces of width w. Also, consider we have a roll of width W from which the cuts will be produced. The set of known cutting patterns will be denoted P. Each piece of a cutting pattern p consumes one unit of the roll (c = 1) and produces aᵢₚ units of width wᵢ. Our goal is to determine the amount of cuts x of each pattern p that should be used to fulfill the demands while minimizing the number of units consumed. We can formulate this problem as follows.

Cutting stock problem as a set cover problem. (Image by the author).

The dual decision variables associated with demand constraints π are then used in the pricing problem (subproblem) to find new patterns with negative reduced costs. In the case of the cutting stock problem, we must find a new pattern combining pieces of different widths that fit in the total width W and, by helping to fulfill material demands, it would lead to more savings than new costs. This is a knapsack problem, that can be formulated as the following.

Cutting stock pricing problem. (Image by the author).

In which yᵢ corresponds to the number of pieces of width wᵢ produced in the new cutting pattern.

As we know each new pattern would have a unitary cost c of 1, we can calculate the reduced cost of the new pattern by:

Reduced cost of new cutting pattern. (Image by the author).

Which, in the case of non-negative values, should stop the column generation algorithm.

To obtain integer solutions to the cutting stock problem, a simple heuristic method is to simply round up fractional values obtained in the linear relaxation. Alternatively, one could also solve the linear problem with the set of patterns produced in the linear relaxation imposing integrality constraints. We will use both strategies in this article. For instances in which the linear relaxation is close to the complete integer model, these strategies can be very successful. Some differences might arise in other instances in which the number of demands for each pattern is relatively small.

If one aims to obtain the exact integer solutions, Branch & Price can be a good alternative. In this approach, after branching on some of the initial variables, new columns with reduced costs in the current node might be included. Those interested in more details can refer to Carvalho (1998) and to Vance (1998).

Now let us put some hands-on!


Let us start the Python implementation of the cutting stock problem, in which the LP relaxation is solved to optimality, and an integer model with the patterns produced so far is solved. We will use numpy to do linear algebra operations, pandas to work with dataframes, scipy to the optimization algorithms, and matplotlib to visualize the cutting patterns in a plot.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import linprog
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Let us import a dataset that is a modified version of the problem proposed in the JuMP documentation.

dataset = pd.read_csv("data.txt", sep=" ")

And let us instantiate the problem parameters

# Total width
W = 100.0

# Width and amount associated with each demand
w = dataset.w.values
d = dataset.d.values

# LP parameters
A = np.eye(dataset.shape[0]) * (W // w)
c = np.ones_like(w)

Notice that to initialize the A matrix, I introduced cutting simple patterns that produce the maximum feasible number of rolls for each width from the demands. Suppose there is some demand for rolls of width 24. It would lead to an initial cutting pattern with a coefficient of 4 given the total width W of 100.

Now let us define a function to solve the subproblem given the total width W, a vector of widths associated with each demand w, and the current vector of dual variables duals.

def solve_knapsack(W, w, duals):
return linprog(
-duals, A_ub=np.atleast_2d(w), b_ub=np.atleast_1d(W),
bounds=(0, np.inf), integrality=1,

In the main loop, for each solution to the restricted master problem, we will use the linprog function from scipy. The A matrix as well as the demands vector are both passed as their negative as by convention scipy considers only “lesser than or equal to” inequalities.

linprog(c, A_ub=-A, b_ub=-d, bounds=(0, None))

The solution should have the negative of the dual variables associated with demands stored in the ineqlin.marginals attribute.

Exploring duality concepts, one could also obtain dual variables by solving the following LP.

linprog(-d, A_ub=A.T, b_ub=c, bounds=(0, None))

And let us put it all together in the main loop.

# Initial solution
sol = linprog(c, A_ub=-A, b_ub=-d, bounds=(0, None))
sol_dual = linprog(-d, A_ub=A.T, b_ub=c, bounds=(0, None))
diff = np.abs(sol_dual.x + sol.ineqlin.marginals).sum()
print(f"Compare duality difference: {diff}")

# Iterate
for _ in range(1000):
duals = -sol.ineqlin.marginals
price_sol = solve_knapsack(W, w, duals)
y = price_sol.x
if 1 + < -1e-4:
print(f"Iteration: {_}; Reduced cost: {(1 +}")
A = np.hstack((A, y.reshape((-1, 1))))
c = np.append(c, 1)
sol = linprog(c, A_ub=-A, b_ub=-d, bounds=(0, None))

In the end, let us try both rounding up the solution of the linear relaxation and obtaining the integer solution considering only columns produced in the LP.

sol_round = linprog(c, A_ub=-A, b_ub=-d, bounds=(0, np.inf), integrality=0)
print(f"Rounding solution {np.ceil(sol_round.x).sum()}")
sol = linprog(c, A_ub=-A, b_ub=-d, bounds=(0, np.inf), integrality=1)
print(f"Integer solution: {sol.x.sum()}")

Which should return:

  • Rounding solution 339.0
  • Integer solution: 334.0

In this case, we could improve the result by almost 2% just by imposing integrality constraints to the LP rather than just rounding up the relaxation. Just a spoiler for those willing to try Branch & Price: 334 is the exact solution for this instance.

At last, let us try and visualize the new cutting patterns:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[7, 3], dpi=100)
hmap = ax.imshow(A > 1e-6, cmap="Blues")
Cutting patterns produced in cutting stock problem. (Image by the author).

And we solved the cutting stock problem using column generation.

Further reading

The capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) was first proposed by Dantzig & Ramser (1959) and is particularly challenging due to its combinatorial nature. The authors show in their original paper that even for small problems the number of possible routes is incredibly large. For instance, a symmetrical problem with 15 demand points has more than 6 × 10¹¹ possible routes. I find it particularly interesting to see how column generation was explored over time in this and related problems.

Although for the vehicle routing problem with tightly constrained time windows, column generation had been well established since the work of Desrochers et al. (1992), Branch & Price would often fail on less constrained instances. Therefore, pure column generation has not been regarded as a promising approach for the CVRP. However, Fukasawa et al. (2006) combined column generation into a Branch & Cut algorithm, proving the optimality of several instances from the literature. Branch-cut-and-Price for the CVRP was further improved by other authors and I believe the work of Pecin et al. (2017) can be particularly fascinating for the interested reader.


In this article, delayed column generation was introduced as a strategy for solving linear programs with a large number of decision variables without considering all the variables explicitly. The classical one-dimensional cutting stock problem was presented to illustrate the method and a solution alternative was implemented in Python. The complete code is available in this git repository.


Barnhart, C., Johnson, E. L., Nemhauser, G. L., Savelsbergh, M. W., & Vance, P. H., 1998. Branch-and-price: Column generation for solving huge integer programs. Operations research, 46(3), 316–329.

de Carvalho, J. V., 1998. Exact solution of cutting stock problems using column generation and branch-and-bound. International Transactions in Operational Research, 5(1), 35–44.

Dantzig, G. B., & Ramser, J. H., 1959. The truck dispatching problem. Management science, 6(1), 80–91.

Desrochers, M., Desrosiers, J., & Solomon, M., 1992. A new optimization algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows. Operations research, 40(2), 342–354.

Fukasawa, R., Longo, H., Lysgaard, J., Aragão, M. P. D., Reis, M., Uchoa, E., & Werneck, R. F., 2006. Robust branch-and-cut-and-price for the capacitated vehicle routing problem. Mathematical programming, 106, 491–511.

Gilmore, P. C., & Gomory, R. E., 1961. A linear programming approach to the cutting-stock problem. Operations research, 9(6), 849–859.

Irnich, S., & Desaulniers, G., 2005. Shortest path problems with resource constraints (pp. 33–65). Springer US.

Klabjan, D., 2005. Large-scale models in the airline industry. Column generation, 163–195.

Pecin, D., Pessoa, A., Poggi, M., & Uchoa, E., 2017. Improved branch-cut-and-price for capacitated vehicle routing. Mathematical Programming Computation, 9, 61–100.

Vance, P. H., 1998. Branch-and-price algorithms for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem. Computational optimization and applications, 9, 211–228.

Winston, W. L. & Goldberg, J. B., 2004. Operations research: applications and algorithms. 4th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont.



Chemical Engineer, Researcher, Optimization Enthusiast, and Data Scientist passionate about describing phenomena using mathematical models.