Causal Inference in Data Science: A/B Testing & Randomized Trials with Covariate Adjustment

Efficiency & Statistical Power gains from Conditional Covariate Adjustment in A/B Testing & Randomized Trials

Andrew Rothman
Towards Data Science
8 min readApr 12, 2021


Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

1: Background and Motivation

Causal Inference is a field that touches several domains and is of interest to a wide range of practitioners including Statisticians, Data Scientists, Machine Learning Scientists, and other Computational Researchers.

To date I have written several pieces on methods/topics in the Causal Inference space. These include:

This piece concerns A/B Tests (aka randomized trials) and specification of statistically efficient conditional sampling estimators via covariate adjustment. A mathematically rigorous justification and computational simulation is provided for benefits of adjusting for strong predictors of the outcome of interest, even in the absence of confounding.

The contents of the piece are as follows:

Image by Author

2: Simple Idealized A/B Test with Continuous Outcome

We will begin by exploring the benefits of covariate adjustment in an A/B testing framework under the assumption that the outcome of interest is continuous:

2.1: Specification of Toy Example

Let us postulate a simple “idealized” A/B test with randomized binary intervention A and continuous normally distributed outcome Y. By “idealized” we…



Principal Data/ML Scientist @ The Cambridge Group | Harvard trained Statistician and Machine Learning Scientist | Expert in Statistical ML & Causal Inference