Understanding Distributions with Extremes: Probability for Data Science Series (END)
13 min read -
An empirical analysis of sentiments conveyed through public health briefings during the COVID-19 pandemic
15 min read -
Downsample data to the proper resolution with pandas
7 min read -
Around this time last year, Omicron had taken over the world as the predominant Severe…
8 min read -
Background I was recently tasked with a project where the goal was to envision how…
6 min read -
Combining wastewater RNA level with overall pandemic time yields very high predictions of COVID-19 disease…
5 min read -
The Biobot dataset of USA wastewater strongly predicts COVID-19 disease outcomes with high correlation values.…
6 min read -
Forecasting cases, hospitalization and deaths with CDC’s wastewater data, the NWSS dataset. Uses pandas windowing…
6 min read -
Do people talk differently to chatbots than they do to the other people?
6 min read