Breaking boundaries in protein design with a new AI model that understands interactions with any…
Artificial IntelligenceThis new model could help expand the applicability of ML models for engineering proteins with…
5 min read -
The Era of Machine Learning for Protein Design, Summarized in Four Key Methods
Artificial IntelligenceNever such exciting times for protein biotech, thanks to these methods and tools based in…
10 min read -
This new software from the Baker laboratory designs proteins that actually work in the wet…
9 min read -
How companies are pouring millions into AI solutions that cause more harm than good
6 min read -
Thoughts and Theory Towards an "ImageNet moment" in Molecular Machine Learning This post was co-authored…
6 min read -
8 Exciting Case Studies of Machine Learning Applications in Life Sciences and Biotechnology
BiotechnologyAn industry as thrilling and successful as the tech industry
13 min read -
Exploit local structure of three-dimensional molecular complexes to predict binding affinities
7 min read