Behind the Scenes of a Deep Learning Neural Network for Image Classification

Is it magic or linear algebra and calculus?

Bruno Caraffa
Towards Data Science


Photo by Pietro Jeng on Unsplash

Deep Learning Neural Networks are getting a lot of attention lately and for a good reason. It’s the technology behind speech recognition, face detection, voice control, autonomous cars, brain tumor detection, and that kind of technologies that 20 years ago were not part of our lives. As complex as those networks seem they are learning just as humans do: by example. The networks are trained using large sets of data and optimized through numerous layers and multiple iterations to achieve optimal results. Over the last 20 years exponential increases in computational power and data volume created the perfect storm for deep learning neural networks. And even though we stumble at flashy terms like machine learning and artificial intelligence, it’s just linear algebra and calculus combined with computation.

Frameworks such as Keras, PyTorch, and TensorFlow facilitate the arduous building, training, validating, and deploying of custom deep networks. They are the obvious go-to choice when creating deep learning applications in real life. Nevertheless, sometimes it’s essential to step back to move forward and I mean by really understanding what is happening behind the scenes of the framework. In this article, we’ll do that by creating a network using only NumPy and applying it to an image classification problem. You might get lost somewhere during the calculations, especially in the backpropagation where the calculus kicks in, but don’t worry. The intuition about the process is more important than the calculations as the frameworks take care of them.

In this article, we will build an image classification (cat or no cat) neural network which will be trained with 1.652 images from two sets: 852 cat images from the Dogs & Cats Images Dataset and 800 random images from the Unsplash Random Images Collection. First of all, the images need to be converted to arrays and we’ll do that by reducing the original dimensions to 128x128 pixels to speed up computation since if we keep the original shapes it will take too long to train the model. All those 128x128 images have three layers of colors (red, green, and blue) that when mixed reach the original color of the image. Each of the 128x128 pixels on every image has a range of red, green, and blue values going from 0 to 255 and those are the values in our image vectors. Therefore, in our computations, we will deal with 128x128x3 vectors of 1.652 images.

To run this vector through the network it is necessary to reshape it by stacking the three layers of colors into a single array as the image below displays. Then we’ll get a (49.152,1.652) vector that will be split by using 1.323 of the image vectors to train the model and 331 to test it by predicting the image classification (cat or no cat) using the trained model. After comparing those predictions with the true classification label of the image it will be possible to estimate the model’s accuracy.

Image 1 — The process of transforming images into vectors. Source: The author.

Finally, with the training vector explained, it’s time to talk about the architecture of the network, displayed in Image 2. As there are 49.152 values in the training vector the input layer of the model must have the same number of nodes (or neurons). Then, there are three hidden layers until the output layer, which will be the probability of a cat in that picture. In real-life models usually, there are much more than 3 hidden layers as the networks need to be deeper to perform well in a Big Data context, still, in this article, only three hidden layers will be used because they are good enough for a simple classification model. However, despite this architecture having only 4 layers (the output layer doesn’t count), the code is applicable to create deeper neural networks by using the dimensions of the layers as a parameter to the training function.

Image 2 — The architecture of the network. Source: The author.

Now that the image vectors and network architecture have been explained, the optimization algorithm is described in Image 3: The Gradient Descent. And again, don’t worry if you don’t get all of it right away because each of the steps will be detailed later on in the coding part of the article.

Image 3 — The training process. Source: The author.

First, we initiate the parameters of the network. Those parameters are weights (w) and biases (b) to each of the connections of the nodes displayed in Image 2. During the code, it will be easier to understand how each of the weight and biases parameters work and how they are initialized. Later, with those parameters initialized it is time to run the forward propagation block and finally apply a sigmoid function in our last activation to obtain the probability prediction. In our case, it’s the probability of a cat being in that picture. Later we compare our prediction with the true label (cat or no cat) of the image through the cross-entropy cost, a widely used loss function to optimize classification models. Finally, with the cost calculated, we run it back through the backpropagation module to calculate its gradient with respect to the parameters w and b. With the gradients of the loss function with respect to w and b in hands, is possible to update the parameters by summing the respective gradients as they point in the direction of the w and b values that minimize the loss function.

Since the goal is to minimize the loss function this loop should run through a predefined number of iterations to take small steps toward the minimum value of the loss function. At some point, the parameters will just stop changing because the gradients will tend to zero as the minimum is near.

1. Load the data

First, the libraries need to be loaded. Only Numpy, Pandas, and OS will be necessary other than the keras.preprocessing.image, to convert the images to vectors, and sklearn.model_selection to split the image vector into train and test vectors.

The data must be loaded from the two folders: cats and random images. This can be done by getting all the filenames and building the path to each file. Then it’s just consolidating all the file paths in a data frame and creating a conditional column “is_cat” with values 1 if that path is in the cat folder or 0 if not.

With the paths dataset in hand, it is time to build our training and testing vectors by splitting the images with 80% dedicated to training and 20% to testing. Y represents the true labels of the features while X represents the RGB values of the images, so X is defined as the column in the data frame with the file paths to the images and then they are loaded using the load_img function with target_size set to 128x128 pixels in order et o enable quicker computations. At last, the images are converted to arrays using the img_to_array function. Those are the shapes of the X_train and X_test vectors:

Image 4 — Shapes of X_train and X_test. Source: The author.

2. Initialize the parameters

Since the linear function is z = w*x + b and the network has 4 layers, the parameters vectors to be initialized are w1, w2, w3, w4, b1, b2, b3, and b4. In the code, this is done by looping over the length of the layer dimensions list, which will be defined later, but is a hard-coded list with the number of neurons in each of the layers in the network.

The parameters w and b must have different initializations: w must be initialized to a random small numbers matrix and b to a zeros matrix. This happens because if we initialized the weights to zero the derivative of the weights wrt (with respect to) loss function would all be the same, thus the values in subsequent iterations would always be the same and the hidden layers would all be symmetric causing the neurons to learn only the same few features. Therefore, the weights are initialized to random numbers to break this symmetry and allow the neurons to learn different features. It is important to note that the bias can be initialized to zeros because the symmetry is already broken by the weights and the values in the neurons will all be different.

Finally, to understand the shapes defined on the initialization of the parameter vectors one must know that the weights take part in matrix multiplications while the bias in matrix sums (remember z1 = w1*x + b1 ?). Matrix addition can be done with arrays of different sizes, because of Python broadcasting. Matrix multiplication, on the other hand, it’s only possible when the shapes are compatible as in (m,n) x (n,k) = (m,k), meaning that the number of columns on the first array needs to match the number of rows on the second array and the final matrix will have the number of rows from array 1 and the number of columns from array 2. Image 5 presents the shapes of all the parameter vectors used on the neural network.

Image 5 — Shapes of the parameters vectors. Source: The author.

In the first layer, as we are multiplying the w1 parameters vectors by the original 49.152 input values, we need the w1 shape to be (20,49.152) because (20,49.152) * (49.152,1.323) = (20,1.323), which is the shape of 1st hidden layer activations. The b1 parameter sums to the result of the matrix multiplication (remember z1 = w1*x + b1) so we can add a (20,1) array to the (20,1.323) result of the multiplication, as broadcasting will take care of the mismatching shapes. This logic goes on to the next layers, so we can assume the formula of w(l) shape is (number of nodes layer l+1, number of nodes layer l) while the formula of b(l) shape is (number of nodes layer l+1, 1).

Finally, an important observation on weight vector initialization. We should divide the random initialization by the square root of the number of nodes on the respective layer we are initializing the w parameters vector. For instance, the input layer has 49.152 nodes so we divide the randomly initialized parameters by √49.152 which is 222, while the 1st hidden layer has 20 nodes so we divide the randomly initialized w2 parameters by √20 which is 4,5. The initializations must be kept small because that is a requirement of stochastic gradient descent.

3. Forward Propagation

Now that the parameter vectors are initialized we can go to the forward propagation which is combining the linear operation z = w*x + b followed by a ReLU activation until the last layer when the sigmoid activation substitutes the ReLU and we get a probability as the last activation. The output of the linear operation is usually denominated with the letter “z” and called the pre-activation parameter. Therefore, the pre-activation parameter z will be an input to the ReLU and sigmoid activations.

After the input layer, the linear operation on a given layer L will be z[L] = w[L] * A[L-1] + b[L], using the activation value of the previous layer instead of the data input x. The parameters of both linear operation and activations will be stored on a cache list to serve as inputs to calculate the gradients later on the Backpropagation block.

So let the linear forward function be defined first:

And now the Sigmoid and ReLU functions must be defined. Image 6 presents a plot of both functions. Sigmoid activations are commonly used in two-class classification problems to predict the probability of a binary variable. This happens because of the S-shaped curve that puts most of the values close to 0 or 1. Therefore, we will use the sigmoid activation only on the last layer of the network to predict the probability of a cat being in a picture.

On the other hand, the ReLU function will output the input directly if it is positive, otherwise, it will output zero. This is a quite simple operation as it does not have any exponential operations and helps speed up the computations on the inner layers. Furthermore, using ReLU as an activation reduces the likelihood of the vanishing gradient problem, unlike the tanh and sigmoid functions.

The ReLU activation makes not all the nodes being activated at the same time as the negative values will be turned to zero after the activation. Having some 0 values throughout the network is important because it adds a desired property of neural networks: sparsity, meaning that the network has better predictive power and less overfitting. After all, the neurons are processing meaningful parts of information. Like in our example there may be a specific neuron that can identify the cat ears, which obviously should be set to 0 if the image is a human or a landscape.

Image 6 — Sigmoid and ReLU functions. Source: The author.

Now it is possible to implement the full activation functions.

Finally, it is time to consolidate the activations in a function according to the planned network architecture. First, the caches list is created, the first activation is set as the data input (the training vector) and since there are two parameters in the network (w and b), the number of layers can be defined as half the length of the parameters dictionary. Then the function loops over all the layers except the last one applying the linear forward function followed by the ReLU activation and wraps up in the last layer of the network with a final linear forward propagation followed by a sigmoid activation to generate the prediction probability which is the last activation.

4. Cross-Entropy Loss

A loss function quantifies how well a model is performing on a given data by comparing the predicted probabilities (the result of the last activation) with the real labels of the images. If the network is learning with the data, the cost (the result of the loss function) must drop after every iteration. In classification problems, the cross-entropy loss function is commonly used for optimization and its formula is presented in Image 6 below:

Image 7— Cost of a neural network. Source: The author.

Defining the cross-entropy cost function with NumPy:

5. Backpropagation

In the Backpropagation module, we should move from right to left over the network calculating the gradients of the parameters with respect to the loss function to update them later. Just like in the forward propagation module, the linear backpropagation will be presented first followed by the sigmoid and relu and, finally, a function will consolidate all functions over the architecture of the network.

For a given layer L, the linear part is z[L] = w[L] * A[L-1] + b[L]. Suppose you have already calculated the derivative dZ[L], the derivative of cost wrt the linear output. Its formula will be presented soon, but first let’s take a look at the formulas of the derivatives of the dW[L], dA[L-1], and db[L] presented in Image 8 below to implement the linear backward function first.

Image 8 — Derivatives of the cost wrt weight, bias, and previous activation. Source: The author.

Those formulas are the derivatives of the cross-entropy cost function with respect to the weight, bias, and previous activation (a[L-1]). This article will not go through the derivative calculations but they are presented in this Towards Data Science article.

Defining the linear backward function requires using dZ as an input because in the backpropagation the linear part comes after the sigmoid or relu backward. In the next code section dZ will be calculated, but to follow the same function implementation logic on the forward propagation the linear backward function will come first.

Before implementing the gradient computations is necessary to load the parameters weight, bias, and activation from the previous layer, all stored in the cache during the linear propagation. The parameter m comes originally from the cross-entropy cost formula and is the vector’s size of the previous activation, which can be obtained with previous_activation.shape[1]. Then it is possible to implement the vectorized computations of the gradient formulas with NumPy. In the bias gradient, the keepdims=True and axis=1 parameters are necessary, since the sum needs to be carried out in the rows of the vector and the original dimensions of the vector must be kept, meaning that dB will have the same dimensions as dZ.

The derivative of the cost wrt to the linear output (dZ) formula is presented in Image 9, where g’(Z[L]) is the derivative of the activation function.

Image 9— Derivative of the cost wrt the linear output. Source: The author.

Thus, the derivatives of the sigmoid and ReLU functions must be computed first. In the ReLU the derivative is 1 if the value is positive and undefined otherwise, but for computational purposes to obtain dZ in the ReLU backward, it is possible to just copy the dactivation vector (since dactivation * 1 = dactivation) and set dZ to 0 when z is negative. For a sigmoid function s its derivative is s * (1-s), and multiplying this derivative by dactivation, the vector dZ is implemented in the sigmoid backward function.

Now it is possible to implement the linear_activation_backward function.

First, the linear and activation caches have to be retrieved from the cachelist. Then for each activation run first the activation_backward function, obtaining dZ, and then use it as input, combined with the linear cache, to the linear_backward function. In the end, the function returns the dW, dB, and dprevious_activation gradients. Remember that this is the inverse order of the forward propagation as we are going from the right to the left on the network.

Now it is time to implement the backward function for the whole network. This function will iterate over all the hidden layers backward starting from the last layer L. Thus, the code needs to compute dAL, which is the derivative of the cost function wrt the last activation, to use it as an input for the linear_activation_backward function of the sigmoid activation. The formula for dAL is presented in Image 10 below.

Image 10 — Derivative of the cost wrt the last activation. Source: The author.

Now everything is set to implement the backpropagation function.

First, the gradient dictionary is created. The number of layers of the network is defined by taking the length of the caches dictionary as each layer had its linear and activation caches stored during the forward propagation block, so the caches list length is the same as the number of layers. Later the function will iterate over those layers’ caches to retrieve the input values for the linear activation backward function. Also, the true labels vector (Y_train) is reshaped for the dimensions to match the last activation’s shape since that is a requirement to divide one by the other in the dAL computation, the next line of the code.

The current_cache object is created and set to retrieve the last layer’s linear and activation caches (remember python indexing starts at 0 so the last layer is n_layers — 1). Then, to the last layer, on the linear_activation_backward function, the activation cache will be used on the sigmoid_backward function while the linear cache will be an input to the linear_backward function. Finally, the function gathers the returns of the functions and assigns them to the gradients dictionary. In the case of dA as the gradient formula computed is from the previous activation it’s necessary to assign it using n_layers-1 on the indexation. After this code block, the gradients are computed for the last layer of the network.

Following the reverse order of the network, the next step is to reverse loop over the linear->relu layers and calculate their gradients. However, during the reverse loop, the linear_activation_backward function must use the ‘relu’ parameter instead of ‘sigmoid’ since the relu_backward function needs to be called for the remaining layers. In the end, the function returns the dA, dW, and dB gradients of all layers calculated and the backpropagation is finished.

6. Parameters Update

With the gradients calculated it is time to wrap up the gradient descent by updating the original parameters with the gradients to move towards the minimum of the cost function.

The function does that by looping over the layers and assigning the w and b parameters their original values subtracted by the learning rate input times the respective gradient. Multiplying by the learning rate is a way to control how much to change the network parameters w and b in response to the estimated error each time the model weights are updated.

7. Pre-processing the Vectors

Finally, all the functions necessary for the gradient descent optimization are implemented, so the training and testing vectors can be pre-processed and get ready for the training.

The layers_dimensions, input for the initialization function has to be hard-coded, and this is done by creating a list with the number of neurons in each layer. Later, the X_train and X_test vectors must be flattened to serve as inputs for the network, as has been presented in Image 1. This can be done by using the NumPy function reshape. Also, is necessary to divide the X_train and X_test values by 255, since they are in pixels (which range from 0 to 255) and it’s a good practice to normalize the values to range from 0 to 1. That way the numbers will be smaller and the computations faster. Finally, Y_train and Y_test are converted to arrays and also flattened.

And those are the final dimensions of the training and testing vectors:

Image 11 — Dimensions of the training and testing vectors. Source: The author.

8. Training

With all functions in hand, it's just necessary to organize them into a loop to create the training iterations.

But first, create an empty list to store the cost output from the cross_entropy_cost function and initialize the parameters, as this has to be done once before the iterations since these parameters will be updated by the gradients.

Now create the loop over the inputted number of iterations calling the implemented functions in the correct order: l_layer_model_forward, cross_entropy_cost, l_layer_model_backward, and update_parameters. Finally, a conditional statement to print the cost every 50 iterations or in the last one.

Calling the function for 2500 iterations:

The cost decreases from 0.69 in the first iteration to 0.09 in the last one.

Image 12 — Source: The author.

This means the gradient descent functions developed in NumPy have optimized the parameters along the training, which leads to better predictions and hence a lower cost. With the training concluded, we can check how the trained model predicts the testing image labels.

9. Predictions

By using the trained parameters, this function runs the forward propagation for the X_test vector to obtain the predictions and then compares them with the true labels vector Y_test to return the accuracy.

Image 13— Source: The author.

The model has reached an accuracy of almost 77% in detecting cats on the testing images. This is a pretty decent accuracy, considering that NumPy alone was used to build the network. Adding new images to the training dataset, increasing the complexity of the network, or using data augmentation techniques to convert the existing training images into new ones would all be possibilities to increase the accuracy.

But again, accuracy was not the focus here as we dove deep into the mathematical fundamentals. This is where the value of this article lies. Learning the fundamentals of the networks lays the knowledge base for the fascinating world of deep learning network applications. Hope you keep diving!



Bruno Caraffa — The best Data Scientist in my house. Data Intelligence Coordinator @Wiz Co. @Brasília/Brazil.