Be a more efficient data scientist, master pandas with this guide

Félix Revert
Towards Data Science
4 min readAug 15, 2018


Python is open source. It’s great, but has the inherent problem of open source: many packages do (or try to do) the same thing. If you’re new to Python, it’s hard to know the best package for a specific task. You need someone who has experience to tell you. And I tell you today: there’s one package you absolutely need to learn for data science, and it’s called pandas.

And what’s really interesting with pandas is that many other packages are hidden in it. Pandas is a core package with additional features from a variety of other packages. And that’s great because you can work only using pandas.

pandas is like Excel in Python: it uses tables (namely DataFrame) and operates transformations on the data. But it can do a lot more.

If you’re already familiar with Python, you can go straight to the 3rd paragraph

Let’s start:

Don’t ask me why “pd” and not “p” or any other, it’s just like that. Deal with it :)

The most elementary functions of pandas

Reading data

sep means separator. If you’re working with French data, csv separator in Excel is “;” so you need to explicit it. Encoding is set to “latin-1” to read French characters. nrows=1000 means reading the first 1000 rows. skiprows=[2,5] means you will remove the 2nd and 5th row when reading the file

The most usual functions: read_csv, read_excel
Some other great functions: read_clipboard (which I use way too often, copying data from Excel or from the web), read_sql

Writing data

index=None will simply write the data as it is. If you don’t write index=None, you’ll get an additional first column of 1,2,3, … until the last row.

I usually don’t go for the other functions, like .to_excel, .to_json, .to_pickle since .to_csv does very well the job. And because csv is the most common way to save tables. There’s also the .to_clipboard if you’re like me an Excel maniac who wants to paste your results from Python to Excel.

Checking the data

Gives (#rows, #columns)
Computes basic statistics

Seeing the data

Print the first 3 rows of the data. Similarly to .head(), .tail() will look at the last rows of the data.
Print the 8th row
Print the value of the 8th row on “column_1”
Subset from row 4 to 6 (excluded)

The basic functions of pandas

Logical operations

Subset the data thanks to logical operations. To use & (AND), ~ (NOT) and | (OR), you have to add “(“ and “)” before and after the logical operation.
Instead of writing multiple ORs for the same column, use the .isin() function

Basic plotting

This feature is made possible thanks to the matplotlib package. As we said in the intro, it’s usable directly in pandas.

Example of .plot() output
Plots the distribution (histogram)
Example of .hist() output
If you’re working with Jupyter, don’t forget to write this line (only once in the notebook), before plotting

Updating the data

Replace the value in the 8th row at the ‘column_1’ by ‘english’
Change values of multiple rows in one line

Alright, now you can do things that were easily accessible in Excel. Let’s dig in some amazing things that are not doable in Excel.

Medium level functions

Counting occurrences

Example of .value_counts() output

Operations on full rows, columns, or all data

The len() function is applied to each element of the ‘column_1’

The .map() operation applies a function to each element of a column.

A great pandas feature is the chaining method. It helps you do multiple operations (.map() and .plot() here) in one line, for more simplicity and efficiency

.apply() applies a function to columns. Use .apply(, axis=1) to do it on the rows.

.applymap() applies a function to all cells in the table (DataFrame).

tqdm, the one and only

When working with large datasets, pandas can take some time running .map(), .apply(), .applymap() operations. tqdm is a very useful package that helps predict when theses operations will finish executing (yes I lied, I said we would use only pandas).

setup of tqdm with pandas
Replace .map() by .progress_map(), same for .apply() and .applymap()
This is the progress bar you get in Jupyter with tqdm and pandas

Correlation and scatter matrices

.corr() will give you the correlation matrix
Example of scatter matrix. It plots all combinations of two columns in the same chart.

Handling missing values

The inplace=True will fill the missing values directly in your dataset. If you don’t write inplace=True, it will temporarily fill the missing values, not permanently.

Advanced operations in pandas

The SQL join

Joining in pandas is overly simple.

Joining on 3 columns takes just one line


Not quite simple at the beginning, you need to master the syntax first and you’ll see yourself using this feature all the time.

Group by a column, the select another column on which to operate a function. The .reset_index() reshapes your data as a DataFrame (table)
As explained previously, chain your functions in one line for optimal code

Iterating over rows

The .iterrows() loops through 2 variables together: the index of the row and the row (i and row in the code above).

Overall pandas is one of the reason why Python is such a great language

There are many other interesting pandas features I could have shown, but it’s already enough to understand why a data scientist cannot do without pandas.

To sum up, pandas is

  • simple to use, hiding all the complex and abstract computations behind
  • (generally) intuitive
  • fast, if not the fastest data analysis package (it highly optimized in C)

It is THE tool that helps a data scientist to quickly read and understand data and be more efficient at his role.

I hope you found this article useful, and if you did, consider giving at least 50 claps :)



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