Multi-Armed Bandits with delayed rewards in successive trials

Experiments are vital to any business operation. While AB tests are the defacto standard, you’d be surprised to find many practitioners are not running proper randomized experiments. A more likely scenario involves seasoned experimenters using their judgement of when to pull a treatment, overriding the sacred power analysis that would allow for a formal statistical inference. At it’s heart though, this solves the problem of regret so many randomized experiments struggle with.
The savvy reader has noticed I teed up a great intro to dive into a conversation about bandits, but this conversation is slightly different from other articles. Here we focus on a class of bandit problems that receives little attention outside of academia: batched bandit problems. In the typical bandit scenario, an agent executes an action and instantly enjoys a reward. This paradigm is often sufficient in the world of digital marketing and website optimization, but what about when rewards are not instantaneous?
Take this example, you’re running an email campaign, but no one in the marketing department can decide which of 5 pieces of copy will be the most effective. Your key KPI will be click through rate and is measured if the user clicks through the ad at any point during 5 days after receiving the email. __ For now, assume all users respond equivalently. The window to run the campaign is small. Given this information, how will you quickly decide which creative works the best and maximize the CTR over the course of the campaign?
This article is broken up into a few sections. First we discuss the concept of the grid, the configuration of how many subjects receive the treatment during each batch. We move on to look at how to format an epsilon-greedy bandit algorithm as a batched bandit problem, and extend that to any bandit algorithm. We then study Batched Successive Elimination (BaSE) and it’s similarity to the radomized experiment (AB Test). Finally, we look at some experiments to study the effect of number of batches and number of arms and how those influence regret. We’ll see how those algorithms compare to a randomized experiment with the same grid configurations. A discussion around the experimental results is provided, which is followed by general guidelines concluded from the simulations.
Recap the Bandit Problem
Suppose we have a set of Actions A each corresponding to an arm, each with it’s own associated reward R. In our case, R will be a Bernoulli distributed random variable with a true mean equal to the CTR for our ad copy. In code this looks like:
class Arm:
def __init__(self, mean):
self.mean = mean
def sample(self):
return np.random.binomial(1, self.mean)
The goal of the multi-bandit problem is given the set A, we want to learn which arm has the maximum payoff, or the highest true mean value. We define a policy as the function that tells us which arm is the best to pull. The catch here is that while we are learning, or exploring the action space, we are playing sub-optimal actions. Therefore, the point of bandit algorithms is to balance exploring the possible actions and then exploiting actions that appear promising.
This article assumes readers will be familiar with the Multi-Armed Bandit problem and the epsilon-greedy approach to the explore-exploit problem. For those who are not, this article gives a surface level overview. For a comprehensive overview, I recommend Sutton and Barto [1] Chapter 2 as a Reference.
Introducing the Grid
As alluded to above, in the batched bandit problem, we do not receive instantaneous rewards. Therefore we need to be strategic about how we select actions and update our agent’s policy. This introduces the concept of the grid, how many users to sample on each batch such that the agent is able to learn optimally. Perchet et al [2] introduced the Batched Bandit Problem in their paper and also introduced the grid. To formalize the grid, I use the notation from Gao et al [3].
The first grid provided is the arithmetic grid, which is quite trivial. This grid evenly divides the time horizon T into M equal batches. When M=T, this is equivalent to the traditional bandit problem with instant rewards.
The second grid we use is the minimax grid, which aims to minimize the maximum regret. The equation for the ith term is:
The third grid provided is the geometric grid, which optimizes the regret with respect to a maximum regret bound. The equation for the ith terms is:
For more information about the intuition behind the grid origins, I recommend the discussion in [2].
Extending Traditional Bandit Problems to Batched Bandit Problems
The epsilon-greedy algorithm is the usual introduction to the explore-exploit tradeoff fundamental to Reinforcement Learning. For this reason, I’m opting to start with converting the epsilon-greedy algorithm to the batched framework, and then show how this can be extended to any bandit algorithm.
The difference between the batched bandit problem and the regular bandit problem is simply when the agent is allowed to update the policy. A typical bandit algorithm might look something like this:
def eps_greedy_bandit():
""" Not real code! Repo link below """
for i in range(num_steps):
a = agent.get_eps_greedy_action()
r = agent.take_action(a)
agent.update(a, r)
However in the batched bandit, we do not get rewards in real time and must wait until the end of the batch to update the agent’s policy. One key point is on the last batch the experiment is over. Exploring on the last batch provides no utility, since there are no future batches, so we opt to go fully greedy on the last batch. Here’s an example of what this might look like as an adaptation to our code above:
def eps_greedy_bandit(batches):
""" Not real code! Repo link below"""
for batch_size in range(grid[:-1]):
a_hist, r_hist = [], []
for _ in range(batch_size):
a = agent.get_eps_greedy_action()
r = agent.take_action(a)
agent.update(a_hist, r_hist) # the udpate location changed!
best_action = agent.get_best_action()
for _ in range(grid[-1]):
r = agent.take(best_action)
We can trivially extend this to any class of bandit algorithm. By replacing when the bandit is allowed to update, any algorithm can be used with any grid in the batched bandit framework.
In the context of an email campaign, we may decide to target 5000 users (T=5000). Depending on the time frame available, we can pick a number of batches (M = num_days_available / num_days_response). Let’s say we need to launch the campaign in 30 days and it takes 5 days for a response, then the number of batches we can run is 6. We want to explore in the first 5 batches, but on the last batch our campaign is over, so on this batch we commit to the best action.
Batched Successive Elimination (BaSE)
As shown above, it’s easy to extend any bandit algorithm to the batched framework. Gao et al [3] showed this with their adaptation of Successive Elimination to the batched setting. Successive Elimination (SE) works by pruning less promising arms out of the candidate set as early – yet responsibly – as possible. To do this we sample each arm randomly during the batch. At the end of the batch we construct a confidence threshold as follows
where gamma is a scaling factor, T is the time horizon, K is the number of arms, and tau_m is the number of observations that have been sampled up to that point.
To decide if an arm stays in the candidate set, we take the difference between the cumulative rewards for the max arm and the cumulative rewards for each other arm. If the difference between the average value and the current arm is greater than our confidence threshold, then that arm is removed from the set of Arms being explored. Below is the pseudo code for the algorithm provided by the authors.
![Algorithm For BaSE. Image taken from Gao et al. [3]](
An interesting note for the BaSE agent is how similar it is to a randomized experiment. Noticing step (a), we randomly sample each arm in the set A and observe the reward, exactly as we would in the randomized experiment. The difference is in the pruning step (b), where we successively attempt to remove a candidate arm from the current Arm set based on available information. As alluded to at the beginning of the article, most practitioners do not run proper AB tests, but rather opt to manually review and prune less promising arms manually. BaSE mimics this process by introducing an automatic heuristic that could remove the need for human intervention.
To understand the algorithms in the batched environment we’ll look at a couple of experiments with number of batches and the number of arms. Each algorithm was run for 100 trials with T=5000 for each grid.
To test the effect of number of batches, an experiment was conducted using a fixed set of arms with means 0.5, 0.51, and 0.6. The number of batches was tested at values of 2, 4, 6, and 8. Each agent was run for each of the three grids presented above. To keep the discussion simple, the best performing bandit and grid combination was selected. Results are shown in the figure below.

To test the effect of the number of arms, an experiment was conducted looking at performance on different sets of arms. Each arm set contained an optimal arm with mean 0.6 and for each point of the experiment an arm was added to the arm set with mean around 0.5. This was repeated to generate arm sets with cardinality between 2 and 6. The batch size for this experiment was fixed to M=6. The results of the experiment are below.

Full results from the experiments can be found in the repo in this notebook.
Analysis of Experiments
As noticed from the experiments, all agents performed the best on the geometric grid for almost all settings of the experiment. The intuition behind this comes from the number of sampled individuals before the final batch.
The figure below shows the cumulative number of subjects treated during each batch for each grid in a scenario where M=6 and T=5000. The drastic difference here is that the geometric grid treats substantially less subjects than the arithmetic or the minimax grid before the final batch, where the agent opts for a full greedy strategy. This means that the agents on the geometric grid are able to exploit more subjects than those on the minimax or arithmetic grid, which leads to better performance. These findings are supported by the ideas found in Bayati et al [4] where the authors do a deep analysis as to why greedy algorithms achieve surprisingly low regret compared with other algorithms.

This trend however does not generalize to grids with smaller batch numbers. For the case where M=2 the number of samples in the first batch of the geometric grid is quite small. In this scenario, the better alternative is to consider either a minimax grid or in the case of sparse rewards (ie an extremely small mean for the arm’s rewards) an arithmetic grid might be appropriate.
During both experiments the randomized agent (AB Agent) and BaSE agent display very similar performance. This is true only for the geometric grid for the advantages in exploration discussed above. While BaSE does introduce a confidence interval for pruning arms early, this confidence interval isn’t always triggered before the final batch and results in the similar performance to the randomized trial.
This problem of triggering the confidence threshold highlights the problem of hyperparameters in experimentation systems. BaSE and Epsilon-Greedy both suffer from this problem. Looking at the Epsilon-Greedy agent we can see that this agent has extreme variability between trials. This is due to the static hyperparameters used between trials. When using an agent like BaSE or Epsilon-Greedy, it is important to pick hyperparameters appropriate for you problem. These parameters can be determined by a simulation before your experiment.
A surprising note of the experiment comes from the Thompson Sampling Agent (TS Agent) that had relatively stable performance between trials. The TS Agent does not suffer from the hyperparameter problem previously discussed, but does require some prior knowledge. To use the TS Agent, an implementation must know the prior distribution and support a derivation of the posterior distribution to update the agent. In the case of CTR, this is easy since we can sample results from a Beta distribution and the posterior of the Beta distribution is the Beta distribution. If the reward signal you are working with is continuous this becomes trickier to make sure your prior is correct. If you’re curious about learning more about Thompson Sampling, this article provides a good surface level introduction and Russo et al. [5] provides a comprehensive overview.
The following seem to be some safe guidelines for general practice based on the simulation:
- If the experiment is going to be managed (human interaction between batches), then the BaSE agent with human judgement on key KPIs is a good option to determine when to enter the exploit phase
- If the underlying distribution is known and the experiment will be fully automated, then Thompson Sampling is a good option
- If the underlying distribution is not known or has a complicated posterior and the experiment is fully automated, then carefully considered parameters for an epsilon greedy agent or a BaSE agent are good options
It’s important to note these takeaways apply generally to these arm distributions. Depending on your scenario these agents could respond differently. For this reason, it’s advised to run your own simulations to gauge how your experiment should be constructed, based on loose expectations of the rewards from your Arms.
This was a brief introduction to some ideas on how to convert bandit algorithms to batched bandit algorithms. All of these algorithms have been implemented and are available for you to access in the repo. For further study I would suggest looking at the algorithms proposed in [2] and [3], which provide deep intuition into the batched bandit problem and some of the underlying proofs for regret bounds.
You can access the Repo Here!
All images unless otherwise noted are by the author.
[1] Sutton, R. S., & Barto, A. G. (2018). Reinforcement learning: An introduction. MIT press.
[2] Vianney Perchet, Philippe Rigollet, Sylvain Chassang, & Erik Snowberg (2016). Batched bandit problems. The Annals of Statistics, 44(2).
[3] Gao, Z., Han, Y., Ren, Z., & Zhou, Z.. (2019). Batched Multi-armed Bandits Problem.
[4] Bayati, M., Hamidi, N., Johari, R., & Khosravi, K.. (2020). The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Greedy Algorithms in Multi-Armed Bandit with Many Arms.
[5] Russo, D., Van Roy, B., Kazerouni, A., Osband, I., & Wen, Z. (2017). A Tutorial on Thompson Sampling.
Thanks for reading the article! My area of focus is in personalization and experimentation. If you’re interested in keeping up to date on my work, please follow me on Medium! I also post more frequent updates on LinkedIn, if you’re interested in those feel free to follow me there as well.