What are Python Generators?
Python Generator functions allow you to declare a function that behaves likes an iterator, allowing programmers to make an iterator in a fast, easy, and clean way. An iterator is an object that can be iterated or looped upon. It is used to abstract a container of data to make it behave like an iterable object. Examples of iterable objects that are used more commonly include lists, dictionaries, and strings.
In this article, we will learn to create and use generators in Python with the help of some examples.
Simple Class Iterator Implemented in Python
Let’s first look at a simple class-based iterator to produce odd numbers:
class get_odds:
def __init__(self, max):
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.n <= self.max:
result = self.n
self.n += 2
return result
raise StopIteration
numbers = get_odds(10)
# Output
As you can see a sequence of odd numbers are generated. To generate this, we created a custom iterator inside the get_odds class. For an object to be an iterator it should implement the iter method which will return the iterator object, the next method will then return the next value in the sequence and possibly might raise the StopIteration exception when there are no values to be returned. As you can see, the process of creating iterators is lengthy, which is why we turn to generators. Again, python generators are a simple way of implementing iterators.
Difference Between Generator Functions and Regular Functions
The main difference between a regular function and generator functions is that the state of generator functions are maintained through the use of the keyword yield and works much like using return, but it has some important differences. the difference is that yield saves the state of the function. The next time the function is called, execution continues from where it left off, with the same variable values it had before yielding, whereas the return statement terminates the function completely. Another difference is that generator functions don’t even run a function, it only creates and returns a generator object. Lastly, the code in generator functions only execute when next() is called on the generator object.
Generator Implementation in Python
Let’s use the previous code and implement the same iterator except using a python generator.
def get_odds_generator():
yield n
yield n
yield n
# Output
Above I had first created a generator function that has three yield statements and when we call this function is returns a generator which is an iterator object. We then called the next() method to retrieve elements from this object. The first print statement gives us the value of the first yield which is 3, the second print statement gives us the value of the second yield statement which is 5, and the last print statement gives us the value of the third yield statement which is 7. As you can see, the generator function is much simpler compared to our class-based iterator.
Now let’s try to implement a loop to make this python generator return odd numbers until a certain max number.
def get_odds_generator(max):
while n<=max:
yield n

As you can see from the output, 1 and 3 were generated and after that a StopIteration exception has been raised. The loop condition (n<=max) is False since max is 3 and n is 5, therefore the StopIteration exception was raised.
When comparing this code with our get_odds class, you can see that in our generator we never explicitly defined the iter method, the next method, or raised a StopIteration exception – these are handled implicitly by generators, making Programming much easier and simpler to understand!
Iterators and generators are typically used to handle a large stream of data theoretically even an infinite stream of data. These large streams of data cannot be stored in memory at once, to handle this we can use generators to handle only one item at a time. Next, we will build a generator to produce an infinite stream of Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci numbers are a series of numbers where the next element is the sum of the previous two elements.
def fibonacci_generator():
while True:
yield n1
n1, n2 = n2, n1 + n2
sequence= fibonacci_generator()
# Output
As you can see from the code above, in defining the fibonacci_generator function, I first created the first two elements of the fibonacci series, then used an infinite while loop and inside it yield the value of n1 and then update the values so that the next term will be the sum of the previous two terms with the line n1,n2=n2,n1+n2. Our print statements gives us the sequence of numbers in the fibonacci sequence. If we had used a for loop and a list to store this infinite series, we would have run out of memory, however with generators we can keep accessing these terms for as long as we want since we are dealing with one item at a time.
From this article, we have covered the basics of Python generators. By the way, we can also create generators on the fly using generator expressions, which you can read more about in this article by Richmond Alake. Thank you for reading and all code is available on my Github%20Generators.ipynb) 🙂