is crucial for digitization – by example
For ease of business customers, we have to increasingly digitize customer journeys. Thereby there is vast data that is generated from customer channels and service touchpoints. This data is either information willingly provided by customers or vast data generated as logs from systems and their processing.
Progressively, in the world of IoT, we are seeing decisions made by machines. These decisions either churn-up insights on what’s better for customers or reducing their anxiety in their service-relationship. For the machine-models to generate actionable insights, diverse data of good quality, is required in real-time to be available.
Classic models for managing quality of data
In1960’s data was supposedly managed in silos, often physically while there were also limited skillsets to churn insights. However, people who were investing in curating good quality information reaped better revenues.
Then there is an onset of business Intelligence solutions which can be termed as a vintage capability today. Yet, is an effective way of consuming data for reports and analytical models. For years, organizations have focused on moving data into a single reference store like a warehouse with a capability like Extract-Transform-Load (ETL). This is the Gen-1 Data Quality model popularly embraced by firms.
Before data is loaded into a warehouse, the quality of data is assessed for contextual dimensions of quality like validity. Such models can be termed as generation-1 data quality management models.

From a need to deal with datasets that are often too large and diverse in structure to handle – bigdata as a capability has evolved. Though a lake uses the concept of Extract Load & Transform, data is assessed for quality while extracting and loading data into landing storage.
Advanced models for data quality management for IoT data
We cannot stress less on the quality of data in motion that is constantly used to serve real-time artificial intelligence models including fraud detection and other consuming campaign and analytical processes. The first Data Quality challenge is most often the acquisition of the right data for Machine Learning Enterprise Use cases.
Wrong Data – Even though the business objective is clear, data scientists may not be able to find the right data to use as inputs to the ML service/algorithm to achieve the desired outcomes.
As any data scientist will tell you, developing the model is less complex than understanding and approaching the problem/use-case the right way. Identifying appropriate data can be a significant challenge. You must have the "right data."
Coverage of Data as a Data Quality Dimension, for ML Use Cases
the term Coverage is used to describe whether all of the right data is included. For example, in an investment management firm, there can be different segments of customers as well as different sub-products associated with these customers. Without including all the transactions (rows) describing customers and associated products, your machine learning results may be biased or flat out misleading. It is acknowledged that collecting ALL of the data (often from different sub-entities, point of sale systems, partners, etc.) can be hard, but it’s critical to your outcome.
Nascent models for data quality management for streaming data – Generation-2
It is imperative to look for the quality of data that is being streamed into the landscape by external actors including customers, external partners, and sensors to name a few. The approach to finding data quality issues can be specifically associated with certain dimensions.
- Completeness – Is data as per your expectations of what’s complete?
- Consistency – ensuring structural, semantic consistency and enforcing business-policy
- Timeliness – Is data having a system or manual lag?
- Validity – Is data streamed in a designated format and is it usable as per standards
- Uniqueness – Does similar data exists already as an instance within the ecosystem?
How does a streaming data quality architecture look like?
Let us look at an architecture that automatically processes data for quality even before it lands. This is quite different from the choice where data is piped into a landing zone and traditionally assessed for quality. Often data comes in at higher velocity as it deserves processing in real-time. At the same time, characteristics of high velocity can be coupled with quality management.
- Create a customer application that captures customer demography details
- Declare 2 consuming applications – one for MDM and the other for the analytical sandbox.
- Run an incremental quality analysis on arriving data from the online portal where customers are registering themselves for a product
- Run a data quality test on arriving data using ksql using consistency and validity data quality rules
- Send notifications back to customers, based on validation results
- Capture the metrics in the dashboard for visualization
Note – The choice of the stack has been chosen to be native rather than using Kafkaconnect.

- Instantiate a stream of customer data using Python
I am using Faker to generate customer data while also using attributes name, address, phone number, job, email, date of birth. I have used IntelliJ to run the scripts.
Note: In the project -structure, modify the Project SDK to Python 3.6. Also install the packages – Faker 5.8.0, coverage 5.4, kafka-python 2.0.2, pip 21.0.1, pymongo 3.11.2, python-dateutil 2.8.1, setuptools 52.0.0, six 1.15.0, text-unidecode 1.3 1.3
Start a new Python script named data.py and import Faker
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
def get_registered_user():
return {
"name": fake.name(),
"address": fake.address(),
"phone": fake.phone_number(),
"job": fake.job(),
"email": fake.email(),
"dob": fake.date(),
"created_at": fake.year()
if __name__ == "__main__":
2. Install Confluent Kafka & create Topic
Confluent platform trial can be downloaded from the link – https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/quickstart/ce-quickstart.html
confluent local services start
Your output should resemble something like below
Starting Zookeeper
Zookeeper is [UP]
Starting Kafka
Kafka is [UP]
Starting Schema Registry
Schema Registry is [UP]
Starting Kafka REST
Kafka REST is [UP]
Starting Connect
Connect is [UP]
Starting KSQL Server
KSQL Server is [UP]
Starting Control Center
Control Center is [UP]
The first step upon getting the services up is to create a topic custchannel.
kafka-topics - bootstrap-server localhost:9092 - topic custchannel - create
- Create a producer using Python, that sends data continuously
Create a new Python script named _producer_custch.py and import JSON, time.sleep, and KafkaProducer from our brand new Kafka-Python library.
from time import sleep
from json import dumps
from kafka import KafkaProducer
Then initialize a Kafka producer
- _bootstrapservers=[‘localhost:9092’]: sets the host and port the producer should contact to bootstrap initial cluster metadata.
- _valueserializer=lambda x: dumps(x).encode(‘utf-8’): a function that states the way data is to be serialized before sending to the broker. Here, we convert the data to a JSON file and encode it to utf-8.
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9092'],
value_serializer=lambda x:
The code below will create customer records from the method defined earlier using Faker in step-1. Let us generate customer records in an infinite loop, while you can terminate the producer anytime from the UI. In the same loop, data will be piped to the producer using the send method.
if __name__ == "__main__":
while 1 == 1:
registered_user = get_registered_user()
producer.send("custchannel", registered_user)

At the bottom of the screen, the customer records created by the Faker function, and sent to the Producer are printed as I have indicated so in the loop while sending data to the producer.
- Having a namespace including database and collection to store incoming customer records on MongoDB
MongoDB is just 5 years into the industry but has capabilities that can work well with OLTP as well as OLAP. For this example, I am using this as a customer data store. This will be the database associated with the first consuming application.
The command use will create a new database if it doesn’t exist
>use custchannel
switched to db custchannel
I will create a collection with the same name custchannel and inset sample record.

5. Creating 2 consumer groups (applications) to consumer data
I have used Python to instantiate the first consuming application and associated consumer as well as a group in Kafka.
Now, let’s create a new file _consumer_custch.py and import JSON.loads, the KafkaConsumer class, and MongoClient from pymongo.
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
from pymongo import MongoClient
from json import loads
As the next logical piece, I will create a KafkaConsumer and with the below arguments
- The first argument is the topic, custchannel .
- _bootstrapservers=[‘localhost:9092’]
- _auto_offsetreset=’earliest’: This argument handles the consumer restarts reading after the cluster is turned off and can be set either to earliest or latest. When set to the latest, the consumer receives the messages that arrived at the topic after it subscribed to the topic or from the last committed offset. chose earliest if you want to re-read all the messages from the beginning.
- _enable_autocommit=True: makes sure the consumer commits its read to offset every interval.
- _auto_commit_intervalms=1000ms: sets the interval between two commits.
- _groupid=’custdq’: An important aspect is that we need to define a group as we have multiple consuming applications receiving the same stream.
- The value deserializer deserializes the data into JSON format which is inverse of the function performed by the value serializer.
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
value_deserializer=lambda x: loads(x.decode('utf-8')))
In the same consumer code, we will connect to a MongoDB called custchannel. I have already created a collection with a sample document and named the collection custchannel.
client = MongoClient('localhost:27017')
collection = client.custchannel.custchannel
The consumer will keep listening to the broker. The values of the messages can be accessed with the value attribute. Then, we insert data into the collection custchannel while we also print an acknowledgment as the value gets inserted into the collections as a document
for message in consumer:
message = message.value
print('{} added to {}'.format(message, collection))
As you run the consumer group custdq, the messages will get stored into the Mongo database custchannel. In the run window, we can see the messages as they get stored.

In Image 2, we can see that the record count getting incremented as the messages get inserted into the collection custchannel.
- Creating another consumer group to read the same messages
We can have multiple consumers read the messages from the same producer as far as they are associated with different groups. Consumers belonging to the same group will not be able to consume the same Topic as a whole.
As the confluent services are already up, the below code will get a consumer group mdm created.
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic custchannel --group mdm
we can see that this consumer group mdm is subscribed to the same topic custchannel. The messages generated by the producer are now displayed on the terminal. For the purpose of the session, you can set the offset to the earliest.

7. Let us get to KSQL, declare a stream from the topic
I have defined a stream custdqdemo, from topic created in step-2, custchannel. The format of the message can be specified as JSON, in the parameter VALUE_FORMAT. The attributes in the customer record name, address, job, email dob are specified with their datatypes to KSQL.
ksql> CREATE STREAM custdqdemo (name VARCHAR, address VARCHAR, phone VARCHAR, job VARCHAR, email VARCHAR, dob VARCHAR, created_at VARCHAR)
>WITH (VALUE_FORMAT = 'JSON', KAFKA_TOPIC = 'custchannel');
On execution of the above statement, the stream custdqdemo is created as shown in the screenshot below

We can look at the messages from the topic custchannel, being displayed as we query the stream.

8. Assessing a stream and creating an exception stream with data quality validations
As we get to the final leg of the simulation, we will look at two data quality rules being validated against each message in the stream. These rules will run in the form of a query continuously.
SELECT name,
WHEN dob < '1980-01-01' THEN 'Policyexception'
WHEN job = 'Arboriculturist' THEN 'Not standard profession'
ELSE 'Correct'
END AS Quality

In the ksql script, I am using a simple case statement to check for
a. policy exception if the customer’s date of birth is behind 1980.
b. valid profession/job names.
There is a new attribute quality that captures the pre-defined exception message on running the data quality rules as seen in the screenshot above. A new stream is created by the name custexcep. This persistence source can be used to monitor data quality issues for data-in-motion.
There are further matured capabilities in Ksql to ease monitoring overhead that we can look at in the next blogs.
Putting Apache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide to Building a Streaming Platform
Introducing the Kafka Consumer: Getting Started with the New Apache Kafka 0.9 Consumer Client