Are new movies longer than they were 10, 20, 50 year ago?

Crunching data from

Przemysław Jarząbek
Towards Data Science


If you like to watch movies and I mean a lot of movies, there is a chance that you noticed that movies are getting longer and longer nowadays. When was the last time you went to the cinema and watched blockbuster which was shorter than 120 minutes? More and more movies (thank you Marvel for encouraging this trend!) have also scenes after subtitles, so you wait patiently all the way till the end, even if your bladder is killing you for some time already.

These are the times when you could think “Gosh, movies are getting ridiculously long lately”. Are they? I asked myself the same question. I discussed the matter with some fellow movie lovers. They had similar feelings. That wasn’t enough for me. I decided to use my data analysis skills to investigate this issue. In this article you can read what I have found out.


There is no better place to look for data about movies than It’s the biggest movie website in the world. Developed since 1990 (sic!), its database includes around 5.3 million titles and 9.3 million personalities. That’s unbelievable, but it started as the list of actresses with beautiful eyes (for real, check IMDb history on Wikipedia).

IMDb data is available for personal use on the IMDb Datasets page. We don’t need detailed database for our study. In our final dataset we only need three columns for each movie:

  1. Release year
  2. Runtime
  3. Number of votes (to filter out niche movies)

Unfortunately, we need to download two datasets and join them later. In title.basics.tsv.gz there is a lot of data about every movie, TV show and episode in the database. In title.ratings.tsv.gz there is info about number of votes and average rating of items from the database.

Let’s start writing our script with crunching this huge amount of data and preparing it for further investigation.

import pandas as pd

# Download data from IMDB website
# Data description
movies = pd.read_csv(‘', compression=’gzip’, sep=’\t’)
print(‘“title.basics.tsv.gz” downloaded’)
ratings = pd.read_csv(‘', compression=’gzip’, sep=’\t’)
print(‘“title.ratings.tsv.gz” downloaded’)
>>>“title.basics.tsv.gz” downloaded
>>>“title.ratings.tsv.gz” downloaded
>>>(5504894, 9)
>>>(900802, 3)

So far it looks good. We have two datasets. One has 900k rows and 3 columns, the other has 5.5 million entries and 11 columns. Both datasets have tconst variable, which is unique id for every title. We can merge existing data on this column.

# Merge data on ‘tconst’, which is unique id for any title in IMDB database.
movies = pd.merge(movies, ratings, on=’tconst’)
>>>(900802, 11)

In total there are 900k unique titles.

Getting rid of unnecessary data

Now we can investigate our data further. There is a column called titleType, which indicates if the title is a movie, TV show, episode, short etc.

print(movies[‘titleType’].unique())>>>[‘short’ ‘movie’ ‘tvMovie’ ‘tvSeries’ ‘tvEpisode’ ‘tvShort’ ‘tvMiniSeries’ ‘tvSpecial’ ‘video’ ‘videoGame’]

There are 11 types of titles. We are interested only in movies, so we will leave in our dataset rows marked as movie and tvMovie. We could argue if we should consider TV movies, but in the final dataset they contribute for only 5% of all titles and they don’t change the results, I checked that.

movies = movies[movies[‘titleType’].isin([‘movie’, ‘tvMovie’])]
>>>(271427, 11)

The number of titles dropped to 271k.

Another thing we should consider are possible genres of the movies. We need to be sure that we consider only feature movies, not documentaries etc. We can check the genres column.

genres = movies[‘genres’].unique()

There are 1313 unique genres! IMDb has a weird way to build database, because there is only one column for the genre. If a movie is drama, comedy and fantasy at once, it will be written as Comedy,Drama,Fantasy. After looking through the array, I could find for example:

  • Documentary,News,Sport
  • Biography,Drama,History
  • Documentary,War
  • Animation,Musical,Sci-Fi
  • Crime,Documentary,Sport

This column is a mess. Since first draft of this article to publishing it 4 new genres were added. Fortunately, we don’t need to deal with this. We only want to filter out documentaries. Pandas has a great tool to filter rows containing some string.

movies = movies[movies[‘genres’].str.contains(‘Documentary’) == False]

Finally we have only the movies we need in our data. Now we can drop all unnecessary columns. As stated before, we only need three columns:

  1. startYear — represents the release year of a title
  2. runtimeMinutes — primary runtime of the title, in minutes
  3. numVotes — number of votes the title has received
movies = movies[[‘startYear’, ‘runtimeMinutes’, ‘numVotes’]]

In the end we need to change data type of those columns to numeric and drop rows with missing values.

for column in movies.columns.values.tolist():
movies[column] = pd.to_numeric(movies[column], errors='coerce')

movies = movies.dropna()
>>>(197552, 3)

After this step our number of movies dropped to 197.5k.

Before we continue with further analysis, it is good to check descriptive statistics of our dataset to determine if everything looks all right.

print(movies.describe())>>>startYear runtimeMinutes numVotes
>>>count 197552.000000 197552.000000 1.975520e+05
>>>mean 1988.940932 94.929492 3.643819e+03
>>>std 24.758088 29.967162 3.173653e+04
>>>min 1894.000000 1.000000 5.000000e+00
>>>25% 1973.000000 83.000000 1.700000e+01
>>>50% 1996.000000 92.000000 6.500000e+01
>>>75% 2010.000000 103.000000 3.390000e+02
>>>max 2019.000000 5760.000000 2.029673e+06

We can notice that at least one movie is only 1 minute long, which doesn’t look right. There are probably some mistakes in the database.

According to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, an original film needs to be 40 minutes or less to qualify as a short film, whereas a feature film is more than 40 minutes. That’s a great rule to drop movies which are too short.

movies = movies[movies[‘runtimeMinutes’] > 40]

What’s more important, we are only interested in popular movies. There are thousands of movies in IMDb database which have only a few dozen votes. They can skew our results. Let’s say a popular movie is the one with more than 1000 ratings. We drop all movies which don’t apply to this rule (good bye thousands of TV movies and garage productions!).

movies = movies[movies[‘numVotes’] >= 1000]
>>>startYear runtimeMinutes numVotes
>>>count 27951.000000 27951.000000 2.795100e+04
>>>mean 1995.441165 104.993167 2.494047e+04
>>>std 21.236780 22.305108 8.118090e+04
>>>min 1911.000000 43.000000 1.000000e+03
>>>25% 1986.000000 91.000000 1.679000e+03
>>>50% 2003.000000 100.000000 3.440000e+03
>>>75% 2011.000000 114.000000 1.195000e+04
>>>max 2018.000000 450.000000 2.029673e+06

In our final dataset there are 27,951 movies. The shortest one is 43 minutes long and the longest is 450 minutes long (the price of Iron Bladder goes to anyone who can watch it without bathroom break!). The oldest movie(s) is(are) from 1911.

On average every movie in our dataset have almost 25k votes, but the standard deviation is 81k, which probably means that the distribution is skewed right and the mean is overvalued by minority of movies with huge amount of votes (there is at least one movie with over 2 million ratings!). Median looks closer to reality, 50% of movies have 3,440 votes or less.

Now we can save our data to CSV and move to a new script. This one takes a long time to execute. Python needs to download in total over 100MB data and process it few times. If we start over with a new script and smaller dataset, our workflow will be much faster.

movies.to_csv(‘movies.csv’, index=False)

New dataset has the size of 515 KB, less than 1% of the original ones! That’s how you get rid of irrelevant data!

Looking for the first year to use in the study

Let’s create a new script called

import pandas as pd, \
matplotlib.pyplot as plt, \
matplotlib.patches as mpatches, \
matplotlib.lines as mlines, \
seaborn as sns
movies = pd.read_csv('movies.csv')

We should start with thinking about the first year of our studies. Cinematography in the beginning of XX century was still in its infancy. There were not many movies created back then and most of them were just short presentations of new technology and experiments. Let’s make a histogram with a number of titles in our dataset from these early years of movie history.

plt.hist(movies['startYear'][movies['startYear'] < 1940])
plt.title('Movies count')
plt.xlabel('Year of release')
plt.ylabel('Number of movies')

Ok, somewhere around early 1930’s number of movies starts to increase. Let’s take a closer look at the years before 1930:

plt.hist(movies['startYear'][movies['startYear'] < 1930])
plt.title('Movies count')
plt.xlabel('Year of release')
plt.ylabel('Number of movies')

These are just histograms with default numbers of bins (10), we just use it to quickly visualize our data. If we want to know the exact number of movies in our dataset, we should instead look at the table (or create histogram with more bins).

print(movies['startYear'][movies['startYear'] < 1940].value_counts().sort_index())>>>1911.0     1
>>>1913.0 3
>>>1914.0 4
>>>1915.0 3
>>>1916.0 2
>>>1917.0 2
>>>1918.0 5
>>>1919.0 10
>>>1920.0 9
>>>1921.0 9
>>>1922.0 9
>>>1923.0 10
>>>1924.0 15
>>>1925.0 18
>>>1926.0 15
>>>1927.0 22
>>>1928.0 27
>>>1929.0 22
>>>1930.0 22
>>>1931.0 49
>>>1932.0 48
>>>1933.0 51
>>>1934.0 42
>>>1935.0 52
>>>1936.0 68
>>>1937.0 52
>>>1938.0 45
>>>1939.0 73

There is only 1 movie from 1911 in our dataset and 1924 is the first year when the number of titles is higher than 10. This is not enough data to create reliable results. We need to decide what year we should start with. I decided to use the same rule of thumb as with popular approach to normal distribution. According to that, minimum sample size to create it is 30. Now we can calculate starting year of our data.

start_year = 0  # This will be starting year of the data.
# Create data frame with year as first column and movie count as second.
movies_per_year = movies['startYear'].value_counts().sort_index() # The year is an index, we need it as a column.
movies_per_year_df = pd.DataFrame({'year': movies_per_year.index, 'movie_count': movies_per_year.values})

for i in range(0, len(movies_per_year_df)):
year = movies_per_year_df.iloc[i, 0]
movie_count = movies_per_year_df.iloc[i, 1]
# Check if in a given year there were more than 30 movies.
if movie_count > 30:
movies_per_year_df = movies_per_year_df.iloc[i:, :] # Drop years before current one in the loop
# Check whether the rest of years have movie count above 30, if not, the loop continues.
# If every year left has movie count above 30, the loop breaks and we have the answer.
if sum(movies_per_year_df['movie_count'] < 30) == 0:
start_year = year

>>>Name: startYear, dtype: int64

Our dataset will start from the year 1931. Of course, we could take a quick peek at the table above to determine it, but the goal was to practice loops and conditions to automate the process in case of more complicated data.

movies = movies[movies['startYear'] >= 1931]
>>>startYear runtimeMinutes numVotes
>>>count 27743.000000 27743.000000 2.774300e+04
>>>mean 1995.971380 105.048156 2.507714e+04
>>>std 20.407283 22.103663 8.145749e+04
>>>min 1931.000000 43.000000 1.000000e+03
>>>25% 1986.000000 91.000000 1.684000e+03
>>>50% 2003.000000 100.000000 3.459000e+03
>>>75% 2011.000000 114.000000 1.205400e+04
>>>max 2018.000000 450.000000 2.029673e+06

Our final dataset consists of 27,743 titles. What’s interesting, the median release year is 2003, which means that 50% of all movies in our dataset were released in 2003 or later. It means that people mostly watch and rate new movies. Median for runtime is 100 minutes and the mean is 105 minutes, which looks right.

Getting to the point

Let’s plot distribution of runtimes. We limited it to 40–200 minutes range to improve readability. There are not many titles longer than 200 minutes and 40 minutes is lower band of our data. Every bin corresponds to 10 minute range.

plt.hist(movies['runtimeMinutes'], range=(40, 200), bins=16, ec='black')
plt.title('Movies length')
plt.ylabel('Number of movies')

The most popular runtime is 90–100 minutes. Vast majority of movies is 80–120 minutes long. This is consistent with our movie-watching intuition.

Let’s find an average movie runtime by year. We group dataset by year and get descriptive statistics of every subset.

statistics_grouped = movies[‘runtimeMinutes’].groupby(movies[‘startYear’]).describe()

We can create a plot of this data. Besides average movie runtime we can also create confidence interval based on the standard deviation. We will use simple formulas for that:

avg_runtime_by_year = statistics_grouped['mean']  # Mean
avg_runtime_lower_band = statistics_grouped['mean'] - statistics_grouped['std'] # Lower band of data created using standard deviation.
avg_runtime_upper_band = statistics_grouped['mean'] + statistics_grouped['std'] # Upper band of data.

Let’s create the plot:

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_by_year, color="blue")
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_lower_band, color="aqua")
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_upper_band, color="aqua")
ax1.fill_between(statistics_grouped.index, avg_runtime_lower_band, avg_runtime_upper_band, facecolor='aqua') # Fill space between bands to create confidence interval.
ax1.set_title('Movies runtime by year')
ax1.set_xlabel('Release year')
ax1.set_xlim(1931, 2018)
legend_sd = mpatches.Patch(color='aqua', label='Mean +/- standard deviation') # Used mpatches to create rectangular for a legend.
legend_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', label='Mean runtime')
ax1.legend(handles=[legend_line, legend_sd]) # Nice legend with rectangular and line.```

Looks like our intuitive thinking about movies getting longer was wrong. It’s true that in the first decades of cinema movies were shorter, they were on average 90 minutes long in early 1930s and reached 100–110 minutes in mid-‘50s. Since then there is no trend in our data. Also the confidence interval is fairly consistent with 80–130 minutes runtime.

However, it looks like 2018 can be a beginning of new uptrend, because it’s one of two years in movie history when the average runtime was longer than 110 minutes. It’s too soon to speculate, especially because 2018 didn’t end yet and the number of movies getting at least 1000 votes will increase faster than for other years even in early 2019 (there are 597 titles in our dataset from 2018 and 955 from 2017).

We can wonder what part of our dataset was considered when creating confidence interval. It’s easy to check that. We need to find a number of movies longer (shorter) than lower (upper) band of the confidence interval and divide it by the number of all movies from given year.

percentage_of_included_movies = []
for year in statistics_grouped.index:
movies_from_year = movies[movies['startYear'] == year]
avg_runtime_low = avg_runtime_lower_band[int(year)]
avg_runtime_up = avg_runtime_upper_band[int(year)]
movies_included = movies_from_year[movies_from_year['runtimeMinutes'] > avg_runtime_low][movies_from_year['runtimeMinutes'] < avg_runtime_up]

Now we can add new column to our statistics_grouped data frame:

statistics_grouped['included_movies_perc'] = percentage_of_included_movies
>>>count 88.000000
>>>mean 0.782741
>>>std 0.058665
>>>min 0.619718
>>>25% 0.745369
>>>50% 0.786273
>>>75% 0.817378
>>>max 0.928571
>>>Name: included_movies_perc, dtype: float64

On average 78% of movies from every year fit into the confidence interval. We can add extra line to our previous plot showing this proportion by year.

# Main plot
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_by_year, color="blue")
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_lower_band, color="aqua")
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_upper_band, color="aqua")
ax1.fill_between(statistics_grouped.index, avg_runtime_lower_band, avg_runtime_upper_band, facecolor='aqua')
ax1.set_title('Movies runtime by year')
ax1.set_xlabel('Release year')
ax1.set_xlim(1931, 2018)
# Plot with proportions
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(statistics_grouped['included_movies_perc'], color='olive')
plt.axhline(y=0.70, color='red', linestyle='dashed') # Add line at 0.70
legend_sd = mpatches.Patch(color='aqua', label='Mean +/- standard deviation')
legend_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', label='Mean runtime')
legend_line_2 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='olive', label='Proportion included in CI')
dashed_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', label='Proportion = 0.7', linestyle='dashed')
ax1.legend(handles=[legend_line, legend_sd, legend_line_2, dashed_line])

The plot looks a little messy, but the message is clear. Since late ’40s our confidence interval contained more than 70% of titles every year.

Let’s create another plot, this time with median and interquartile range and check the results. We are mostly interested in the confidence interval, which will now contain 50% movies. 25% of the shortest titles and 25% of the longest ones will be outside the blue area.

# Data
avg_runtime_by_year = statistics_grouped['50%']
avg_runtime_lower_band = statistics_grouped['25%']
avg_runtime_upper_band = statistics_grouped['75%']

# Plot
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_by_year, color="blue")
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_lower_band, color="aqua")
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_upper_band, color="aqua")
ax1.fill_between(statistics_grouped.index, avg_runtime_lower_band, avg_runtime_upper_band, facecolor='aqua')
ax1.set_title('Movies runtime by year')
ax1.set_xlabel('Release year')
ax1.set_xlim(1931, 2018)
legend_sd = mpatches.Patch(color='aqua', label='Interquartile range')
legend_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', label='Median runtime')
ax1.legend(handles=[legend_line, legend_sd])

Here we also cannot see any clear pattern. However, the jump in recent 2–3 years is quite high. Still, it doesn’t mean this is the start of new trend, but we should check that sentiment in the future. We can also notice, that the median is on average lower than the mean. It fluctuates around 100 minutes, about 5 minutes shorter than the mean. It makes sense, because mean is affected by a small percentage of long movies and median is just the central value from every year.

OK, so now we know that movies in general are not getting longer. Maybe our intuition wasn’t wrong and it only happens with the most popular movies, the biggest blockbusters. We can create few more plots and every time consider smaller sample of most popular movies from every year.

Let’s take a look only at movies since 1960, so we can have a closer look at data most interesting for us. Maybe if we take only 50 most popular movies from every year, there will be some trend visible.

movies_since_1960 = movies[movies[‘startYear’] >= 1960]

Because we want to check few different values, we can create a function to return statistics about n most popular movies from every year. We can use it later.

def top_n_movies(data, n):
top_n_movies_per_year = data.groupby('startYear').head(n)
stats = top_n_movies_per_year['runtimeMinutes'].groupby(
return stats

Now we can get the data needed and create our plot.

statistics_grouped_50 = top_n_movies(movies_since_1960, 50)
# Data
avg_runtime_by_year = statistics_grouped_50['mean']
avg_runtime_lower_band = statistics_grouped_50['mean'] - statistics_grouped_50['std']
avg_runtime_upper_band = statistics_grouped_50['mean'] + statistics_grouped_50['std']

# Plot
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_by_year, color="blue")
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_lower_band, color="aqua")
ax1.plot(avg_runtime_upper_band, color="aqua")
ax1.fill_between(statistics_grouped_50.index, avg_runtime_lower_band, avg_runtime_upper_band, facecolor='aqua')
ax1.set_title('Runtime of 50 most popular movies by year')
ax1.set_xlabel('Release year')
ax1.set_xlim(1960, 2018)
legend_sd = mpatches.Patch(color='aqua', label='Mean +/- standard deviation')
legend_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', label='Mean runtime')
ax1.legend(handles=[legend_line, legend_sd])

There is still no visible trend. What’s more, when we consider smaller amount of more popular movies, even the peak from 2017–2018 disappears.

What if we take a look at 30 most popular movies? Or 10? We can create new plot with means for different values. This time we will drop confidence intervals. Our top_n_movies function will be useful to do that.

mean_10 = top_n_movies(movies_since_1960, 10)['mean']
mean_30 = top_n_movies(movies_since_1960, 30)['mean']
mean_50 = top_n_movies(movies_since_1960, 50)['mean']
mean_100 = top_n_movies(movies_since_1960, 100)['mean']
mean_all = top_n_movies(movies_since_1960, len(movies_since_1960))['mean']
# Chart
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax.plot(mean_10, color='black')
ax.plot(mean_30, color='blue')
ax.plot(mean_50, color='red')
ax.plot(mean_100, color='green')
ax.plot(mean_all, color='purple')
ax.set_title('Movies runtime by year')
ax.set_xlabel('Release year')
ax.set_xlim(1960, 2018)
ax.legend(labels=['10 most popular movies',
'30 most popular movies',
'50 most popular movies',
'100 most popular movies',
'All popular movies'])

No matter what number of most popular movies we take, there is no sign of trend. When we consider less movies from every year, there is more volatility on the chart, which is in pair with our statistical intuition — smaller sample leads to higher volatility.

To be sure that more popular movies are not longer, let’s create a table with mean from all n-most popular movies of the year — mean of means.

total_mean = pd.Series()
mean_list = [mean_10, mean_30, mean_50, mean_100, mean_all]
index_list = ['top_10', 'top_30', 'top_50', 'top_100', 'all']
for i in range(0, 5):
mean_n = pd.Series([mean_list[i].mean()], index=[index_list[i]])
total_mean = total_mean.append(mean_n)

>>>top_10 103.716949
>>>top_30 106.461017
>>>top_50 106.330508
>>>top_100 106.327119
>>>all 105.893473
>>>dtype: float64

The difference between mean runtimes are marginal, they oscillate around 106 minutes with one exception of top 10 movies from every year, where the average is 103,7 minutes. As we said earlier, the sample here is small and volatile, so it doesn’t mean that most popular movies are in fact shorter than average.

We looked at the movie runtimes year after year. Let’s create one last plot. This time we will generalize and create a new dataset with the decade movies were released instead of a year. Thanks to that we will have smaller number of groups and we can create a boxplots for them.

movies_by_decade = movies.copy()
movies_by_decade['startYear'] = ((movies_by_decade['startYear'] // 10) * 10).astype('int64')
sns.boxplot(x="startYear", y="runtimeMinutes", data=movies_by_decade, color='lightskyblue', showfliers=False)
plt.title('Movies runtime by decade')

There is a big jump between 1930’s and 1940’s, then a smaller one after 1950’s and since then the differences are marginal.

In conclusion, our intuition was wrong. There is no trend in the movies runtime. The differences are too small to be noticed. We can say that for the last 60 years movies on average have the same length. No matter what criteria we take into account, the result is the same. Thanks for the read! Now we can go back to watching movies!



Wannabe data scientist, looking for opportunities to develop data-related skills. Interested in entry-level job anywhere in Western Europe.