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Apollo and Design Choices of Video Large Multimodal Models (LMMs)

Let's Explore Major Design Choices from Meta's Apollo Paper

Image by Author - Flux.1 Schnell
Image by Author – Flux.1 Schnell

As we’ve been anticipating, models are becoming increasingly capable of understanding different types of inputs. We’ve seen image transformer models (see my blogs on fine-tuning Flux and the research behind MM1) and now we’re beginning to see video models hit the scene.

In December of 2024, Meta unveiled their new Apollo family of models. When they unveiled these, they also published a paper detailing their research and work around Large Multimodal Models (LMMs). The paper is full of great details, so rather than try to cover it all I’ll be focusing on the 4 major design choices they highlighted when making their model.

Let’s dive in!



Let’s first layout some quick ideas that are important to understand what’s going on here. Every Transformer relies on embeddings for its input. However, user input is typically first converted from something user-understood (text, videos) to tokens and then embeddings. To convert to embeddings, we use an embedding model. For multi-modal inputs, we typically use a different encoder for each input type.

Figure 1 from the paper
Figure 1 from the paper

While it’s easy to see how we can use this to set up an image encoder, it is not as straight forward to see how we should adapt this process for video.

We’ll see the authors explored how best to choose the encoder.

ApolloBench Dataset

The authors began by doing an analysis of the existing video benchmarks. Benchmarks need to be analyzed so that we know high-scores on them actually correlate with better performance. The authors however found that some of these benchmarks can be gamed by having the model only understand part of the data fed in. For instance, if the model only understands one frame of the video, it shouldn’t score well – and yet it was able to do just that in a surprising number of benchmarks (shown by the red box and whiskers plot). The authors found that a significant portion can be answered solely relying on text and image understanding alone – making them more guides for video understanding. Moreover, when comparing different models on the benchmarks, they found that many of the models’ performances were clustered, resulting in a less useful benchmark.

Figure 2 from the paper
Figure 2 from the paper

Based on these findings, the authors decided to create a new benchmark that would more clearly test video understanding and distinguish model performance. The authors chose only multi-choice answers to avoid the need for additional analysis from outside models to finish answering questions. They removed all questions that were answered correctly by more than 50% of the models, as well as those that did not require any video understanding. With the remaining questions, the authors segmented them into 5 categories based off the skill they tested: Temporal OCR, Egocentric, Spatial, Perception, and Reasoning. From each categories only the top 400 questions that clearly drove different results between models were kept in the benchmark.

We’ll see they used their new dataset to inform almost all of their design choices.

Video Sampling

The first design choice we have is how much of the data to pull in. For an image, we only have 1 frame, so that frame should be processed. However for video, we are often running at 30 frames-per-second. While each frame is slightly different, they typically are not so radically different that missing one is an issue (see the Phi Phenomenon as an example)

Uniform Sampling vs Frames Per Second

In the paper, they compared Uniform Sampling and Frames-per-Second Sampling (FPS sampling). Uniform sampling means that we will be randomly taking a frame from the video. So let’s say we have a 10 second clip with 30 frames per second. If we want to do uniform sampling of size 5, we will randomly pick 5 of the 300 possible frames and pass that through our embedder. While this guarantees that even for longer videos we will always have enough memory, there are a few notable distortions here that make this less desirable. Most importantly, by picking them randomly, we are losing the time element between the frames, potentially leading the model to have a false idea of how fast things happen. By comparison, sampling at a per-second basis will maintain the time information between frames, but it will require far more tokens to be sent through the model, thus being more expensive in terms of memory.

Performance Comparison

To compare the sampling options, they trained five different models that were trained either with uniform sampling at a set rate (8, 16, 32, and 64) or FPS sampling. They then evaluated them during test time. The graph on the left shows when the models are tested based on their corresponding training method. As you can see, across all 5 categories in the ApolloBench dataset, FPS sampling did better (see Figure 4 Left).

Figure 4 (Left and Middle) from the paper
Figure 4 (Left and Middle) from the paper

To remove doubt that the training was the difference here, the authors also ran the experiment using frames-per-second inference sampling for all the models. We saw again that the FPS trained model performed best. Nevertheless, given the major improvement seen for the uniform sampling models (especially the ones with fewer frames sampled), it’s worth noting how powerful FPS sampling seems to be on its own.

Given the success of FPS sampling, the authors wanted to see how best to use the additional tokens it requires. The graph below shows the authors varying how many tokens are sent to the model from each frame via the token resampler (more on that below). The color in the graph shows the accuracy, the x-axis is the frames per second, y-axis is the tokens per second, and the number near the dotted red line shows the tokens per frame.

Figure 4 (right) from the paper
Figure 4 (right) from the paper

The highest consistent accuracy seems to be found between 8 and 32 tokens per frame. The fact that we see less accuracy with higher and lower tokens per frame suggests a trade off happening here with more (or less) data to attend to. It’s also worth pointing out that the frames per second didn’t matter nearly as much as the tokens per second and tokens per frame. To me, this suggests that certain key moments need to be highly sampled, and as we cannot currently predict these moments, the best bet is to have multiple connections at play.

Video Representation

Before we had talked about how we use a different encoder for different kinds of inputs. For text we may use something like tiktoken, while for more complex input the industry hasn’t coalesced behind one form yet. This means that when we’re looking to represent our video as a token, we should consider a number of different Encoding strategies based on what has worked well for other modals (especially image).

Image Encoders

Image encoders typically come in two kinds: language-supervised and self-supervised encodings. The two are used the same way (image in, embedding out), but the training is different. For language-supervised encoding models (like CLIP), we have both an image and a descriptive text as inputs. We embed both separately and try to make the two embeddings similar. Moreover, with every image-text pair within a batch, we do our best to make the embeddings distinct from other image-text pair’s embeddings (this is the contrastive part of CLIP). On the other hand, self-supervised encodings only take in an image as an input for training. The model learns to create the right embedding by playing games like predicting the angle of a rotated image, or predicting the relative position of image patches (you’ve seen these in reCAPTCHAs). The goal here is to drive the model to learn useful parts of an image without labels.

Figure 1 from Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision
Figure 1 from Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision

Video Encoders

As video has both image and sound, encoding strategies here can be more complex than image. What many of the leading video encoders do is build off of the strategies from image, such as masking and language-supervision, to drive our video encoders to learn key features. Likewise, building off the contrastive loss we use in CLIP, we can use contrastive loss to get the embedder to align video and audio data together. Let’s go deeper into masking and contrastive loss strategies, explaining how they work through an example.

For masking, imagine you have a video where a bear walks through the woods. We generally see people mask a few randomly chosen part of the video. This masked input is then processed by the embedder and the embedder’s goal is to correctly predict the token at the end. Once we see a satisfactory aggregate loss, we simply adjust our model at the end to output the final logits rather than the probabilities of the next token. We use these logits as the embeddings

For multimodal contrastive loss, I’m going to explain this using an example. Let’s say we have 3 videos each with audio. We start off by embedding all of the videos with the video embedder and all the audio with the audio embedder. This gives us 3 pairs of embedding logits: (V1, A1), (V2, A2), (V3, A3). We now do cosine similarity on all 3 so we can teach the model to distinguish between all of the pairs. The goal is that our cosine similarity for the correct pair (V1, A1) is higher than for the wrong pairs (V1,A2) and (V1, A3). Once we do this enough, the model will learn how to generate similar embeddings for audio-video pairs.

Image by Author - Example calculation of Contrastive Loss
Image by Author – Example calculation of Contrastive Loss

Combining Image & Video Encoders

At this point, you’re likely wondering why we discussed image encoders at all when there are video encoders out there. After testing a number of different video encoders, the authors found that they do not perform categorically better than image encoders on video data. While image encoders won’t have any time information explicit in their embeddings, they appear to provide higher-quality embeddings generally, allowing for better model performance.

The authors trained several models using different encoders (both video and image) and then compared their performance in the graph below. You can see that generally speaking the language-supervised models outperformed the self-supervised ones. Importantly, the best performing one, SigLIP SO400M, is an image embedder.

Figure 5 (left) from the paper
Figure 5 (left) from the paper

They then tested if accuracy would improve by pairing the encoders together. The hypothesis was that while image encoders have bad temporal understanding, they have good spatial. On the other hand, video encoders have good temporal understanding and bad spatial. The below graph shows performance for certain pairs of image encoders and video encoders. Interestingly, combining the best performing image encoder (SigLIP SO400M) with the best-performing video encoder (InternVideo2) did indeed raise accuracy above what each could do on their own (an increase of ~ 4%).

Figure 5 (right) from the paper— note the Y-axis is the same here as in Figure 5 (left)
Figure 5 (right) from the paper— note the Y-axis is the same here as in Figure 5 (left)

Video Token Sampling

Our video encodings output their embeddings in a lower dimension than our model’s hidden layer expects. The typical solution to this problem is to upsample so we project up 2–4x. Naturally, this added information is not as high-signal as our regular embeddings, so it is a place we can look to fix. One solution is resampling – where we combine multiple tokens into one. This was tried with image models and there was no degradation in performance. There are a number of different ways to combine the tokens (using QFormer, average pooling), but previous papers had found channel concatenation to be the best, so this is what the authors tested.

Figure 1 from "Perceiver: General Perception with Iterative Attention"
Figure 1 from "Perceiver: General Perception with Iterative Attention"

The authors tried 3 techniques: mlp up-projection + average pooling, 2D conv + average pooling, and perceiver resampling. MLP up-projection is using multilayer perceptrons to handle our upscaling and then average pooling all of the now expanded tensors. 2D Convolution is using a convolution operation to combine the 2 tensors and then using average pooling from there to output the result. Finally, we have Perceiver resampling which uses the Perceiver architecture (shown above) to determine how best to combine the tokens.

As you can see from the below, using the Perceiver Resampler to combine tokens led to the greatest overall score.

Table 1 from the paper
Table 1 from the paper

Video Token Integration

As with other multimodal models, a critical design choice is how to combine different token types. Initially, these tokens were simply directly concatenated and sent through the model, however, recent work has been done to explicitly distinguish the two. This is done either with new special tokens or with text.

The authors experimented with 4 different ways to separate. One had no distinction (<vid_token>), the other had 2 special tokens on either side of the vid_token (<vid_start>...<vid_end>). The last two used a timestamp to directly encode time information. They either put this time information right before the video token, or right before our first special token.

Running these 4 methods through ApolloBench showed that the timestamp at the beginning with no special tokens was most effective. The theory was that by adding new vocabulary we were increasing the cognitive load of the model, requiring more training to learn these weights without a significant improvement. Meanwhile, by adding in timing information, we were using the original vocabulary and giving the model needed context.

Table 2 from the paper
Table 2 from the paper


We’ve now gone through 4 of the critical design choices Meta made in their LMM. As the research here improves, it seems like the ideal encoder (or encoder pair) will unlock major performance gains. Today, we are broadly seeing models handle ever larger context lengths with more types of inputs. I would expect that once we have a powerful encoder for video, we would see an explosion in data that can then be used to train these models.

With my MM1 blog, I had said we were going to start seeing more multimodal models coming out. It’s been really cool to see not only has that come true, but that the encoder way of thinking has been applicable to multiple domains.

It’s an exciting time to be building!

[1] Zohar, O., et al., "Apollo: An Exploration of Video Understanding in Large Multimodal Models" (2024), arXiv

[2] Jaegle, A., et al., "Perceiver: General Perception with Iterative Attention" (2021), arXiv

[3] McKinzie, B., et al. "MM1: Methods, Analysis & Insights from Multimodal LLM Pre-training" (2024), arXiv

[4] Radford, A., et al. "Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision" (2021), arXiv

[5] WikiMedia Foundation, et al., "Phi phenomenon" (2024), Wikipedia

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