Big Data Solution
A deep dive into the security issues that occur in HDFS structure, and the available technologies to protect it.

I. Introduction
Big Data is trending. Smart devices, the Internet and technologies allowed the unlimited generation and transmission of data, and from the data, new information is gained. The big data generated are in various form, it can be structured, semi-structured or unstructured data. The traditional data processing techniques like Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) are no longer capable to store or process big data, as it has a wide variety, extremely large volume, and generated at a high speed. Here’s where Hadoop come into the loop. Hadoop (Highly Archived Distributed Object-Oriented Programming) capable to process all type of data at a very fast speed which closes to real-time and with minimum cost [1].
Hadoop is an open-source Apache framework, written in the JAVA programming language. Hadoop is designed to support distributed parallel processing of large scale datasets across clusters of computers using a simple programming model. Two main components of Hadoop are Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for big data storing and MapReduce for big data processing. Both mentioned components implemented a master and slave architecture, every cluster contains one master node and various slave nodes. In HDFS, the master node is Name Node, and the slave node is Data Node. Name Node is responsible to store the metadata, for example, the filename, file attributes and location of the blocks where the data is stored. Data Nodes are responsible to store the file itself, and the file will be duplicated in the blocks located in other racks. In MapReduce, the master node is the Job Tracker, and the slave node is the Task Tracker. Job Tracker is responsible to distribute the job, while Task Tracker is responsible to perform the job [1] [2].
It is a challenge to manage big data in distributed programming framework. Various issues can arise when handling big data, for instance, management issues, processing issues, storage issues and security issues. The security issues begin when the mammoth volume of data stored in a database which are not in the regular format or not encrypted. Moreover, some of the tools and technologies used for handling large datasets are not developed with proper security and policy certificates. System hackers and data hackers can steal the data and copy it to any type of storage devices like a hard disk by attacking the data storage [2]. The type of attacks can be sent by the hackers are Denial of Service (DoS), Snoofing attack, Brute Force attack and CROSS-SITE scripting (XSS) [2] [3].
The flaw or weakness in the design, implementation, internal control or system security procedures caused the distributed systems to be vulnerable. Security breaches can be caused by intentionally exploited or accidentally triggered vulnerabilities. The vulnerability caused Hadoop environment components like Storm and Flink are likely to be attacked. In [4], vulnerabilities can be separated into three categories, which are infrastructure security, data management and data privacy. Then, the three categories can be further divided into three dimensions, which are architecture dimension, data value chain dimension and life cycle of data dimension. Infrastructure security is in the architecture dimension and is referring to hardware and software vulnerabilities. Then, data privacy is in the data life cycle dimension and involving the data in transit and data at rest.
In [3], vulnerabilities of Hadoop are grouped into three categories, which are software/technology, web interface/configuration and security/network policy. According to the author, Hadoop is written in Java, which is a programming language that has been exploited by cybercriminals and compromise for various security breaches. This is known as technology or software vulnerabilities. Then, Hadoop is configuration vulnerable as it has various default settings. For example, the default ports and IP addresses make it vulnerable and have been exploited. Then, the Hadoop web interfaces like Hue (an open-source SQL Cloud Editor, licensed under the Apache License 2.0), are weak against XSS scripting attack. Moreover, the Hadoop framework contains multiple databases, which deployed different policy. These policies that are not configured properly lead to vulnerability.
Consequences for lack of security can be critical to an organization. Hdfs is the base layer of Hadoop Architecture, HDFS main functions are data storing and data processing, and hence, its more sensitive to security issues. Without an appropriate security measure, unauthorized data access, data theft, and unwanted disclosure of information could happen. Losing profit because the proprietary information is stolen, or losing some data stored can bring trouble to the organization, but the consequences are small and recoverable. However, if the data theft disclosed the private information of the customers, the image of the organization can be harmed and caused the customer to lose trust in the organization. Private information leakage in Financial Agency can cause a series of unfortunate happened to the customer. For example, financial scam, using customer information to acquire the fund or impersonating them to borrow from their acquaintances. The consequences could be worse when the affected organization holds confidential information, for example, the government department, which might create chaos even if the hacker just manipulating the data. As the Hadoop Technology security level is not satisfying, most government department and organizations do not use the Hadoop environment to store valuable data [2].
HDFS security is crucial to the organization that store their valuable data in the Hadoop environment. HDFS is vulnerable to various form of attack., such as the DoS attack, which accomplished by causes a crash of data or flooding the target with traffic. Name Node in HDFS is vulnerable to DoS attacks [3]. The Name Node in HDFS will be coordinating to Job Tracker in MapReduce to execute data processing tasks. The DoS attack on Name Node can stop the read-write operation of HDFS and then affect the task of data processing. In [2], three approaches are proposed to secure the data in HDFS, which are Kerberos Mechanism, Bull Eye Algorithm Approach and Name Node Approach. In this paper, the three security solution mentioned in [2], and the other security solution or tools that are applicable to secure HDFS will be researched and discussed on their pros and cons. With a comparison among the solution, the HDFS user could decide on which solution to use based on their context.
II. Available Security Tools
There are various tools and solutions available to secure the HDFS environment, and each of them has different features and different effectiveness under a different context.
The Security tools and solutions can be divided into four categories, which are encryption, authentication, authorization and audits. Authentication refers to verification of system or user identity for accessing the system, or in other words, it is the procedure of confirming whether the user is the person they claimed to be. Two common authentication technologies are Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for the directory, identity and other services, and Kerberos [5] [6] [7].
Authorization is the process of determining the access rights of the user, specifying what they can do with the system [5] [6]. As Hadoop mix various systems in its environment, it required numerous authorization controls with different granularity. In Hadoop, the process of setup and maintain the authorization control is simplified and can be done by dividing users into groups by specifying in the existing LDAP or Active Directory (AD). Other than that, authorization can also be set up by giving role-based access control for connection methods that are alike. The popular tool for authorization control is Apache Sentry [8].
Data encryption is referring to the process of converting the data from a readable format to an encoded format that only can be read or write after it is decrypted [9]. Encryption is to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the data and secure the sensitive data stored in Hadoop [5]. There are two types of data encryption which are encrypting data in transit and encrypting data at rest. For HDFS, encrypting data in transit can be done by configuration, but Kerberos must be enabled before the configuration [10]. Transparent encryption for HDFS introduced in Cloudera apply transparent and end-to-end encryption of data read from and written to HDFS blocks across the cluster. HDFS Transparent Encryption applies Key Concepts and Architecture where a key will be used to encrypt and decrypt the file [11].
The Audit is referring to ** verification on the** entire Hadoop ecosystem periodically and deployment of a log monitoring system. HDFS and MapReduce provide basic audit support. Security breaches can be caused by intentionally exploited or accidentally triggered. Hence, an audit is important to meet security compliance requirements.
The following section discussed the security tools and solutions available for HDFS.
A. Kerberos Protocol
The most popular tool for authentication is Kerberos, which is also the primary authentication for Hadoop developed by MIT [3] [5]. Kerberos protocol provides secure communications over a non-secure network by using secret-key cryptography [3]. The protocol of Kerberos is shown as below:
- The client will first need to request Ticket Grant Ticket (TGT) from the Authentication Server (AS) from the Key Distribution Centre (KDC).
- After the client received the TGT, the client will have to request Service Ticket (ST) from Ticket Grant Server (TGS) from Key Distribution Centre (KDC). (Authentication Server and Ticket Grant Server are the components of Key Distribution Centre)
- The client can use the ST to authenticate a Name Node.
The TGT and ST will be renewed after a long-running of jobs. The greatest benefit of Kerberos is that the ticket cannot be renewed if it was stolen [2]. Kerberos provides powerful authentication for Hadoop. Instead of using a password alone, the cryptographic mechanism is used when requesting services [7].
B. Bull Eye Algorithm
Bull Eye Algorithm is another approach proposed in [2] which claimed its ability to provide security for sensitive data at 360° from node to node in HDFS. According to the author, the approach is using by Dateguise’s DGsecure and Amazon Elastic Map Reduce. The algorithm concentrates on sensitive data only, it will scan the data before the data is stored into blocks by Data Node. Then, the algorithm will scan the blocks to determine whether the sensitive data are stored in the block properly and free of risk. It only allowed authorized person to read and write the data, and during the read-write operation, the algorithm will ensure the relationship between the racks are safe. In a nutshell, the algorithm enhanced the security level of Data Node in HDFS.
C. Name Node Approach
Name Node Approach is the third solution mentioned in [2], which proposed to use two Name Nodes in HDFS. Single Name Node in HDFS makes it more vulnerable, the system is down when the Name Node is down. This approach provided a "backup plan" for the system. The system will be still running when one of the Name Node is down. The two redundant Name Nodes are provided by Name Node Security Enhance (NNSE), which prevent the rise of new issue when there are two Name Nodes. When both Name Nodes are alive, one of the Name Node will act as the Master Node, and the other will be Slave Node. The Slave Node will cover data unavailability and time lagging securely when the current Master Node is crashed, with permission from NNSE.
D. Apache Knox
Apache Knox Gateway ("Knox") is a single access point to a single or multiple Hadoop Cluster. Knox provides perimeter security which allowed the organization to extend Hadoop access to more user while complying with enterprise security policies. Kerberos complete the security of the Hadoop cluster, but it is complex for client-side configuration. Knox is encapsulating Kerberos, which eliminates client-side configuration and simplifies the model. Furthermore, Knox can authenticate user credentials against AD/ LDAP with its REST API-based perimeter security system. Knox support for multi-cluster security management and integrated with existing IdM Systems, such as SSO for Hadoop UI (Ranger) [3] [5] [12].
E. Apache Ranger
Apache Ranger is an associate authorization system that allows authenticated users to access Hadoop cluster resources like Hive tables and HDFS files. Ranger provides comprehensive security across the Hadoop elements. The goals of Ranger are to centralize the security administration, provide standardize and fine-grained authorization, enhanced authorization methods support and centralize auditing of security-related administrative actions and user access across all Hadoop components. For data protection, Ranger uses wire encryption. [3] [5] [13].
F. Apache Sentry
Apache Sentry is an open-source project by Cloudera, which is a Hadoop authorization module. Apache Sentry supports role-based authorization, multi-tenant administration and fine-grained authorization. Sentry provides unified administration for metadata and shared data for access frameworks like HDFS and Hive. Apache Sentry is a pluggable authorization engine for HDFS, Hive and other Hadoop elements. In other words, Sentry is used to defining what users and application can do with data. Different users have different authorization [3] [5] [14].
III. Comparison
Table 1 shown the comparison of the security tools/solutions mentioned in previous section in terms of features and functionalities [2] [3] [12] [13] [14].

IV. Discussion
There are six security tools/solutions discussed in this paper, which are Kerberos Mechanism and Apache Knox for authentication, Apache Sentry and Apache Ranger for authorization, Bull Eye Algorithm and Name Node Approach for audit.
For authentication, Apache Knox is better than Kerberos Mechanism. Knox not only eliminated the configuration, which is so complex in Kerberos but also simplified the model. Moreover, other than authentication, Knox is also capable of authorization control and audit, while Kerberos only support authentication.
Apache Sentry and Apache Ranger are both capable of authorization and authentication, and Apache Ranger also supports audit. However, this information is not enough to justify which tool is better. Hence, the service provider is determined. For Apache Sentry, it is supported by Cloudera which is a leading company in Big Data Solution [14], while Apache Ranger has no formal support. Considering the support availability, Apache Sentry is a better solution.
For audit, the two solutions suggested in this paper are Bull Eye Algorithm and Name Node Approach. Bull Eye Algorithm is capable to audit the entire HDFS to prevent any security breach from happening. It scans the data before it is stored into blocks, and then scans the blocks to check whether the data is stored securely. The Bull Eye Algorithm enhanced the security for Data Node in HDFS while the Name Node Approach secures the HDFS continuity by ensuring the continuous service from Name Node, where there will be a second Name Node which will be replacing the current Name Node when the current Name Node is down. If there is only one Name Node, and it is down due to attacks, the whole HDFS is corrupted. Hence, the Name Node Approach is the system’s second chances. It would be good to have both Bull Eye Algorithm and Name Node Approach in HDFS, but Bull Eye Algorithm is better than the Name Node Approach for auditing the whole HDFS system. This is because Bull Eye Algorithm focuses on the entire data read-write operation and the authorization of the user for read-write operation, while the Name Node Approach only focuses on Name Node itself.
The data encryption solution is not discussed in this paper as the encryption can be done by configuration in HDFS. However, it is good to notice that the vulnerability and effectiveness of data encryption depend on the key’s security. In most of the case, the keys are stored in local disk drives, thus it has high chances to be stolen by data hackers. This problem can be avoided by using a key management service to distribute the keys and certificates. It will be more effective when combined with HDFS encryption zones, where different keys will be used for each user, application and tenant. The combination might require extra steps for setup, but it is essential [15].
For the future of Hadoop Security, the security tools or solutions is not necessary to be able to cover all security aspects of Hadoop. It can focus on one aspect only, for example, authentication, and improve the security level from time to time. As mentioned in the previous section, the vulnerability of Hadoop is because of the improper configurations of the different policies from different databases. In the future development, the developer can focus on developing the proper configuration for policies from different databases.
In the business context, the security tools and solutions shall also improve in the model and configuration by simplifying the process of setup and maintenance to extend the tools to more users. When the process is too complex, the organization that deployed the security tools might need to hire an expert for setup and maintenance, and this might be the drawback of the organization to use the security tool. Other than that, the availability of the documentation for the latest updates of the security tools, and the physical technology support will be critical when the organization is selecting the security tools. The developer of Hadoop security solutions and tools shall always consider how to attract more users to use their products because the product is meaningless when nobody is using it.
V. Conclusion
The traditional database is insufficient to handle big data, so Hadoop is introduced. However, the vulnerabilities of the system increase when the size of the data increase. This paper explained the type of vulnerabilities for Hadoop, which are software/technology vulnerability, web interface/configuration vulnerability and security/network policy vulnerability. The consequences for lack of security is varied with the data hold. Insufficient security to the Hadoop ecosystem not only can lead to loss of data but also unwanted disclose of users’ private data. Then, HDFS as the base of Hadoop Architecture is more sensitive to security issues, and HDFS malfunction can cause the malfunction for other Hadoop elements like MapReduce. Thus, it is essential to improve the security of HDFS.
There are four security aspects to be considered when setting up the security solutions, which are authentication, authorization, audit and data encryption. For authentication, the security tools discussed in this paper are Kerberos Mechanism and Apache Knox. For authorization, the security tools mentioned are Apache Ranger and Apache Sentry. For audit, Bull Eye Algorithm and Name Node Approach is studied. Data encryption tools are not discussed as they can be done by configuration in HDFS, and the effectiveness is directly related to the key’s security. The tools are compared based on the four security aspects, the complication of usage and support availability. Based on the comparison, Apache Knox, Apache Sentry and Bull Eye Algorithm are better security solutions for authentication, authorization and audit respectively. The future development that can be done on Hadoop security is the more focused security solution with more powerful security, and more technical support to extend the security solution to more users.
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