ANSYS in a Python Web App, Part 2: Pre Processing & Solving with PyMAPDL

Integrating PyAnsys with Plotly’s Dash and the Dash-VTK component to build an Ansys structural analysis web application

Steve Kiefer
Towards Data Science


ANSYS recently announced it is supporting an open source project: PyAnsys. PyAnsys is split into multiple packages: PyMAPDL for interacting with an instance of an Ansys multiphysics simulation and equation solver and PyDPF-Core (& its simplified sibling PyDPF-Post) for post-processing Ansys results files. This is a companion article to Ansys in a Python Web App, Part 1: Post Processing with PyDPF.

In this article I’ll walk through using PyMAPDL, Dash & Dash-VTK to build a web app that builds a model, runs a modal analysis, and presents some results. You can see the full files (notebook and Dash app) in this GitHub repository. Here it is in action:

The PyMAPDL Web App in action! Image by author.

Plotly’s Dash & Dash-VTK

Plotly’s Dash open source framework is described as a framework that can be used to build a fully functioning web-application with only python. I really like it for building applications I expect other users (besides myself) will use.

While it has grown a lot since its debut, you can read the 2017 announcement essay to get more context to what Dash is all about:

You can also see more about Dash_VTK in this article:


MAPDL stands for Mechanical Ansys Parametric Design Language and has been the scripting interface to the Ansys mechanical solver for decades. Prior to Ansys Mechanical (the Workbench application / UI) APDL was the way to parameterize simulation easily. Even with the ‘new’ Workbench Mechanical UI, MAPDL can still be very useful to add functionality the UI doesn’t have (via ‘Command Snippets’). PyMAPDL is the PyAnsys package for communicating with an instance of Ansys via Python. According to the PyAnsys Documentation:

With PyMAPDL it is easier than ever to integrate the simulation capabilities of the Ansys MAPDL multi-physics solver directly into novel applications thanks to an API that will look familiar to APDL and Python users alike. The package presents a Python-friendly interface to drive the software that manages the submission of low-level APDL commands, while exchanging data through high-performance gRPC interfaces.

When you launch an MAPDL instance it does require an appropriate license to start the server and will pull an hold the license until the server instance is exited (or killed). Lets looks at what this looks like in a Jupyter notebook (I am using the VS Code ‘Interactive window’ & ‘Python code files’)

In this example we are using PyMAPDL much like a normal MAPDL script. First we create the mapdl instance (optionally specify license type) and then start executing MAPDL commands using the pythonic format. In this example we will create a very simple model of a deployed spacecraft solar array wing (albeit, extremely simplified). At first we define some materials and sections, joint properties as representations for hinges), then geometry (by creating an area then using the agen command to copy it with an offset). Then we mesh the shells. Starting at line 87 I am using a helper function make_sbc to create some ‘remote points’ and then the combin250 6 DOF springs as our hinge representations. Finally we set the boundary conditions and modal analysis parameters and output requests and solve. See the github repository for the full file.

1st mode out of plan displacement plot. Image by author.

So far this feels just like writing an MAPDL script. Lets functionalize this a bit before integrating into an application. Here we setup the function to allow the user to define the panel width (panel_w) and height (panel_h) as well as the number of panels (n_panels) and a few other properties. We create the mapdl object (which launches the instance and pulls the license) within the function. The agen command and hinge-spring representation creation have been updated to account for the user-defined number of panels. We mesh and solve as usual, but then we extract the grid and result object from the mapdl solved mapdl object. We also pass the mapdl object to another helper function get_sene_comps which extracts the relative portion of strain energy from the hinge and panel components for each mode and returns the data in a pandas dataframe. We then exit the mapdl object to release the license and kill the instance before returning the grid, result, and df_sene objects.

Running an analysis is as simple as defining the parameters and calling the function:

panel_w = 20.
panel_h = 20.
tc = 0.25
r, g, df_sene = make_pv_array(panel_w=panel_w, panel_h=panel_h, tc=tc)

With this functionalized analysis its time to build the web app.

PyMAPDL Dash Web App

For the web app we want to expose a few of the input parameters to our function and be able to plot the deformed shape of the first mode and present the relative strain energy in an easily digestible format. For this application I am expecting the user to primarily change the panel_h, panel_w, n_panels, and tc inputs so we will make these obvious with 4always visible numeric inputs. However, we still want the user to be able to change other parameters if needed so we will hide these inside a collapse component. Lets check out the user input portion of the layout definition.

We have our main inputs in lines 8, 14, 21, & 28 (of the gist). We then have a couple of buttons. The first is for opening and closing the collapse to expose additional options, and the other is to execute the solve with all of the set parameters. The solve button will be the input to our main callback. Starting on line 36 we have the Collapse object which holds a grid layout of the additional options: non structural mass, facesheet thickness, hinge effective stiffness, the gap between the panels, the deformation scale factor in the plot, and a toggle to turn on or off element edges. Immediately below the collapse we have an initially hidden progress bar that we will use to update the status of the solve followed by the dash_vtk.View and dcc.Graph components used to show the actual 3D model and color bar (as explained in the previou pyAnsys article). Below this we have (effectively) a html.Div element that we will pass in a summary table.

The callbacks for the edge toggle and collapse are pretty simple so I will focus on the main callback. Here we are going to use a relatively new Dash feature: ‘long callback’. While this toy example may return results within ~30s (before the browser times out) a more complicated / detailed analysis may not. We have to setup a cache manager and will use the simpler diskcache for this example. This is fairly well explained in the dash documentation.

The Outputs, Inputs and States all look pretty normal. we have the 1 ‘solve’ button as our only input and a lot of other State objects to collect the user-defined settings when the button was pressed. We are going to add the prevent_initial_callback=True to prevent a solution kicking off before we want it to. Now we come to the special features used with long_callback: running and progress. The running parameter lets us define callbacks to set component properties (1st of 3) while the callback is running (2nd of 3) and when the callback completed (3rd of 3). Here we are disabling the ‘solve’ button while the callback is running (and enabling it when it completes with disabled=False). We are also making the progress bar visible while the callback is running and not when it completes (with style={visibility: ‘hidden’}). The progress argument lets us update some progress indicator while the callback is running. We can do this with a special argument set_progress that becomes the first argument passed into the callback function (before the Input and State component values). This argument is a function that we pass values to it which correspond to the order of the component properties in the running argument list. It only takes a single input, so we put the 2 properties (the progress bar component’s value and max properties) in a tuple when we call the set_progress() function. So to set the progress bar to a progress of 1 out of 10 we would call set_progress((1,10))at the appropriate location in the callback.

Ok now that we got passed that we can move into the callback function. Right up front I am just checking none of the parameters are None (which shouldn’t happen with prevent_initial_call=True). We then set our progress to 1/10 and then call our function to build, mesh, and run our solar array FEM. This function has been tweaked a bit from the notebook version so that we can pass in the set_progress function and continue to increment the progress within and a few additional helper functions are used to pull out modal effective mass and merge with the strain energy table. Each of the inputs to the make_pv_array() function are parameters pulled from the State objects. We get back our result object, the grid, and the dataframe with strain energy breakdown (and now modal effective mass). We need a helper function (plot_nodal_disp) to assign the out of plane displacement from the pyMAPDL result object into the vtk grid itself (as a point array). This function just ensures the data set has the same number of elements as the grid and if there are extra nodes in the grid, the result is set to 0. (while making sure the order of data / scoping stays intact). After this we have our grid with the uz scalar data and use the min/max from that to help create the colorbar and ensure the min/max of the dash_vtk plot is the same as the min/max on the colorbar. We then convert the grid to the mesh_state object, and create a Dash DataTable to present the modal effective mass and strain energy. Its a bit fancy with another helper function (pulled from the Dash examples) to create bars within each column to easily identify high modal mass DOFs and contributors to strain energy. In the example below we can quickly see the first mode is a cantilever mode (High TZ & RY) with the panel stiffness contributing most of the strain energy. The 2nd mode is a torsion mode (high RX) again dominated by panel stiffness (high SENE Panels). To significantly increase these modes we would want to add stiffness to the panels (as opposed to make the hinges stiffer).

Fancy data table highlighting modal mass and strain energy %. Image by author.

Do you see the light?

Echoing what I mentioned in the last article: I believe packaging pyAnsys into a web app is most powerful when the intended user is not a simulation expert. This example was pretty simple, but more advanced MAPDL scripts could be converted to functions. The inputs and outputs here are tailored for a specific use. In a typical Finite Element Analysis you have to weed through a lot of potential results to get the insights you are looking for. This could be trivial for a simulation expert, but not so much for other engineers. A couple of use-cases for integrating pyMAPDL into an app outside of the typical Ansys platforms:

  1. Products that are fairly standardized, but may require small well-defined changes or tweaks to meet certain performance parameters (stiffness, strength, etc)
  2. Course preliminary models for a business development team, so they can run quick layout / sizing trades to get to a preliminary design without calling in the ‘big guns’

For a final comment I’d like to share why I like web-apps (as opposed to an .exe): everyone uses the same tool. It is always the latest and greatest version and you don’t have to worry about older obsolete (or buggy) older versions floating around.

Thanks for making it this far! (sorry no prize). Check out the GitHub repo for the full files.

