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Anomaly Detection in Time Series Sensor Data

Bauyrjan Jyenis
Towards Data Science
14 min readSep 26, 2020


Anomaly detection involves identifying the differences, deviations, and exceptions from the norm in a dataset. It’s sometimes referred to as outlier detection.

Anomaly detection is not a new concept or technique, it has been around for a number of years and is a common application of Machine Learning. The real world examples of its use cases include (but not limited to) detecting fraud transactions, fraudulent insurance claims, cyber attacks to detecting abnormal equipment behaviors.

In this article, I will focus on the application of anomaly detection in the Manufacturing industry which I believe is an industry that lagged far behind in the area of effectively taking advantage of Machine Learning techniques compared to other industries.

The Problem Description

Manufacturing industry is considered a heavy industry in which they tend to utilize various types of heavy machinery such as giant motors, pumps, pipes, furnaces, conveyor belts, haul trucks, dozers, graders, and electric shovels etc. These are often considered as the most critical assets for their operations. Therefore, the integrity and reliability of these equipment is often the core focus of their Asset Management programs.

The prime reason why they care so much about these assets is that the failure of these equipment often results in production loss that could consequently lead to loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions depending on the size and scale of the operations. So this is a pretty serious deal for a Maintenance Manager of a manufacturing plant to run a robust Asset Management framework with highly skilled Reliability Engineers to ensure the reliability and availability of these critical assets.

Therefore, the ability to detect anomalies in advance and be able to mitigate risks is a very valuable capability which further allows preventing an unplanned downtime, unnecessary maintenance (condition based vs mandatory maintenance) and will also enable more effective way of managing critical components for these assets. The production loss from unplanned downtime, the cost of unnecessary maintenance and having excess or shortage of critical components translate into serious magnitudes in terms of dollar amount.

In this post, I will implement different anomaly detection techniques in Python with Scikit-learn (aka sklearn) and our goal is going to be to search for anomalies in the time series sensor readings from a pump with unsupervised learning algorithms. Let’s get started!

The Data

It is very hard to find a public data from a manufacturing industry for this particular use case but I was able to find one that is not perfect. The data set contains sensor readings from 53 sensors installed on a pump to measure various behaviors of the pump. This data set can be found here.

First, I will download the data using the following code and Kaggle API

!kaggle datasets download -d nphantawee/pump-sensor-data

Once downloaded, read the CSV file into the pandas DataFrame with the following code and check out the details of the data.

df = pd.read_csv('sensor.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 220320 entries, 0 to 220319
Data columns (total 55 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Unnamed: 0 220320 non-null int64
1 timestamp 220320 non-null object
2 sensor_00 210112 non-null float64
3 sensor_01 219951 non-null float64
4 sensor_02 220301 non-null float64
5 sensor_03 220301 non-null float64
6 sensor_04 220301 non-null float64
7 sensor_05 220301 non-null float64
8 sensor_06 215522 non-null float64
9 sensor_07 214869 non-null float64
10 sensor_08 215213 non-null float64
11 sensor_09 215725 non-null float64
12 sensor_10 220301 non-null float64
13 sensor_11 220301 non-null float64
14 sensor_12 220301 non-null float64
15 sensor_13 220301 non-null float64
16 sensor_14 220299 non-null float64
17 sensor_15 0 non-null float64
18 sensor_16 220289 non-null float64
19 sensor_17 220274 non-null float64
20 sensor_18 220274 non-null float64
21 sensor_19 220304 non-null float64
22 sensor_20 220304 non-null float64
23 sensor_21 220304 non-null float64
24 sensor_22 220279 non-null float64
25 sensor_23 220304 non-null float64
26 sensor_24 220304 non-null float64
27 sensor_25 220284 non-null float64
28 sensor_26 220300 non-null float64
29 sensor_27 220304 non-null float64
30 sensor_28 220304 non-null float64
31 sensor_29 220248 non-null float64
32 sensor_30 220059 non-null float64
33 sensor_31 220304 non-null float64
34 sensor_32 220252 non-null float64
35 sensor_33 220304 non-null float64
36 sensor_34 220304 non-null float64
37 sensor_35 220304 non-null float64
38 sensor_36 220304 non-null float64
39 sensor_37 220304 non-null float64
40 sensor_38 220293 non-null float64
41 sensor_39 220293 non-null float64
42 sensor_40 220293 non-null float64
43 sensor_41 220293 non-null float64
44 sensor_42 220293 non-null float64
45 sensor_43 220293 non-null float64
46 sensor_44 220293 non-null float64
47 sensor_45 220293 non-null float64
48 sensor_46 220293 non-null float64
49 sensor_47 220293 non-null float64
50 sensor_48 220293 non-null float64
51 sensor_49 220293 non-null float64
52 sensor_50 143303 non-null float64
53 sensor_51 204937 non-null float64
54 machine_status 220320 non-null object
dtypes: float64(52), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 92.5+ MB

We can already see that the data requires some cleaning, there are missing values, an empty column and a timestamp with an incorrect data type. So I will apply the following steps to tidy up the data set.

  • Remove redundant columns
  • Remove duplicates
  • Handle missing values
  • Convert data types to the correct data type
# Drop duplicates
df = df.drop_duplicates()
# Entire "sensor_15" column is NaN therefore remove it from data
del df['sensor_15']
# Let's convert the data type of timestamp column to datatime format
import warnings
df_tidy['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_tidy['timestamp'])
del df_tidy['timestamp']

Next, let’s handle the missing values and for that let’s first see the columns that have missing values and see what percentage of the data is missing. To do that, I’ll write a function that calculates the percentage of missing values so I can use the same function multiple times throughout the notebook.

# Function that calculates the percentage of missing values
def calc_percent_NAs(df):
nans = pd.DataFrame(df.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending=False)/len(df), columns=['percent'])
idx = nans['percent'] > 0
return nans[idx]
# Let's use above function to look at top ten columns with NaNs
Percentage of missing values by each column

After some analysis, I decided to impute some of the missing values with their mean and drop the rest. After data wrangling process, my final tidy data looks as follows and is ready for the next step which is Exploratory Data Analysis. The tidy data set has 52 sensors, machine status column that contains three classes (NORMAL, BROKEN, RECOVERING) which represent normal operating, broken and recovering conditions of the pump respectively and then the datetime column which represents the timestamp.

The first 10 rows of the tidy data

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Now that we have cleaned our data, we can start exploring to acquaint with the data set.

On top of some quantitative EDA, I performed additional graphical EDA to look for trends and any odd behaviors. In particular, it is interesting to see the sensor readings plotted over time with the machine status of “BROKEN” marked up on the same graph in red color. That way, we can clearly see when the pump breaks down and how that reflects in the sensor readings. The following code plots the mentioned graph for each of the sensors, but let’s take a look at that for the sensor_00.

# Extract the readings from the BROKEN state of the pump
broken = df[df['machine_status']=='BROKEN']
# Extract the names of the numerical columns
df2 = df.drop(['machine_status'], axis=1)
# Plot time series for each sensor with BROKEN state marked with X in red color
for name in names:
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(18,3))
_ = plt.plot(broken[name], linestyle='none', marker='X', color='red', markersize=12)
_ = plt.plot(df[name], color='blue')
_ = plt.title(name)

As seen clearly from the above plot, the red marks, which represent the broken state of the pump, perfectly overlaps with the observed disturbances of the sensor reading. Now we have a pretty good intuition about how each of the sensor reading behaves when the pump is broken vs operating normally.

Stationarity and Autocorrelation

In time series analysis, it is important that the data is stationary and have no autocorrelation. Stationarity refers to the behavior where the mean and standard deviation of the data changes over time, the data with such behavior is considered not stationary. On the other hand, autocorrelation refers to the behavior of the data where the data is correlated with itself in a different time period. As the next step, I will visually inspect the stationarity of each feature in the data set and the following code will do just that. Later, we will also perform the Dickey Fuller test to quantitatively verify the observed stationarity. In addition, we will inspect the autocorrelation of the features before feeding them into the clustering algorithms to detect anomalies.

# Resample the entire dataset by daily average
rollmean = df.resample(rule='D').mean()
rollstd = df.resample(rule='D').std()
# Plot time series for each sensor with its mean and standard deviation
for name in names:
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(18,3))
_ = plt.plot(df[name], color='blue', label='Original')
_ = plt.plot(rollmean[name], color='red', label='Rolling Mean')
_ = plt.plot(rollstd[name], color='black', label='Rolling Std' )
_ = plt.legend(loc='best')
_ = plt.title(name)
Time series looks pretty stationary

Looking at the readings from one of the sensors, sensor_17 in this case, notice that the data actually looks pretty stationary where the rolling mean and standard deviation don’t seem to change over time except during the downtime of the pump which is expected. This was the case for most of the sensors in this data set but it may not always be the case in which situations various transformation methods must be applied to make the data stationary before training the data.

Pre-Processing and Dimensionality Reduction

It is pretty computationally expensive to train models with all of the 52 sensors/features and it is not efficient. Therefore, I will employ Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique to extract new features to be used for the modeling. In order to properly apply PCA, the data must be scaled and standardized. This is because PCA and most of the learning algorithms are distance based algorithms. If noticed from the first 10 rows of the tidy data, the magnitude of the values from each feature is not consistent. Some are very small while some others are really large values. I will perform the following steps using the Pipeline library.

  1. Scale the data
  2. Perform PCA and look at the most important principal components based on inertia
# Standardize/scale the dataset and apply PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
# Extract the names of the numerical columns
df2 = df.drop(['machine_status'], axis=1)
x = df[names]
scaler = StandardScaler()
pca = PCA()
pipeline = make_pipeline(scaler, pca)
# Plot the principal components against their inertiafeatures = range(pca.n_components_)
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
_ =, pca.explained_variance_)
_ = plt.xlabel('PCA feature')
_ = plt.ylabel('Variance')
_ = plt.xticks(features)
_ = plt.title("Importance of the Principal Components based on inertia")
As per the graph, the first two components are the most important

It appears that the first two principal components are the most important as per the features extracted by the PCA in above importance plot. So as the next step, I will perform PCA with 2 components which will be my features to be used in the training of the models.

# Calculate PCA with 2 components
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
principalComponents = pca.fit_transform(x)
principalDf = pd.DataFrame(data = principalComponents, columns = ['pc1', 'pc2'])

Now, I will check again the stationarity and autocorrelation of these two principal components just to be sure they are stationary and not autocorrelated.

from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller
# Run Augmented Dickey Fuller Test
result = adfuller(principalDf['pc1'])
# Print p-value

Running the Dickey Fuller test on the 1st principal component, I got a p-value of 5.4536849418486247e-05 which is very small number (much smaller than 0.05). Thus, I will reject the Null Hypothesis and say the data is stationary. I performed the same on the 2nd component and got a similar result. So both of the principal components are stationary which is what I wanted.

Now, let’s check for autocorrelation in both of these principal components. It can be done one of the two ways; either with the pandas autocorr() method or ACF plot. I will use the latter in this case to quickly visually verify that there is no autocorrelation. The following code does just that.

# Plot ACF
from import plot_acf
plot_acf(pca1.dropna(), lags=20, alpha=0.05)

Given my new features from PCA are stationary and not autocorrelated, I am ready for modeling.


In this step, I will perform the following learning algorithms to detect anomalies.

  1. Benchmark model: Interquartile Range (IQR)
  2. K-Means clustering
  3. Isolation Forest

Let’s start training with these algorithms.

Interquartile Range


  1. Calculate IQR which is the difference between 75th (Q3)and 25th (Q1) percentiles.
  2. Calculate upper and lower bounds for the outlier.
  3. Filter the data points that fall outside the upper and lower bounds and flag them as outliers.
  4. Finally, plot the outliers on top of the time series data (the readings from sensor_11 in this case)
# Calculate IQR for the 1st principal component (pc1)q1_pc1, q3_pc1 = df['pc1'].quantile([0.25, 0.75])
iqr_pc1 = q3_pc1 - q1_pc1
# Calculate upper and lower bounds for outlier for pc1lower_pc1 = q1_pc1 - (1.5*iqr_pc1)
upper_pc1 = q3_pc1 + (1.5*iqr_pc1)
# Filter out the outliers from the pc1df['anomaly_pc1'] = ((df['pc1']>upper_pc1) | (df['pc1']<lower_pc1)).astype('int')# Calculate IQR for the 2nd principal component (pc2)
q1_pc2, q3_pc2 = df['pc2'].quantile([0.25, 0.75])
iqr_pc2 = q3_pc2 - q1_pc2
# Calculate upper and lower bounds for outlier for pc2lower_pc2 = q1_pc2 - (1.5*iqr_pc2)
upper_pc2 = q3_pc2 + (1.5*iqr_pc2)
# Filter out the outliers from the pc2df['anomaly_pc2'] = ((df['pc2']>upper_pc2) | (df['pc2']<lower_pc2)).astype('int')# Let's plot the outliers from pc1 on top of the sensor_11 and see where they occured in the time seriesa = df[df['anomaly_pc1'] == 1] #anomaly
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(18,6))
_ = plt.plot(df['sensor_11'], color='blue', label='Normal')
_ = plt.plot(a['sensor_11'], linestyle='none', marker='X', color='red', markersize=12, label='Anomaly')
_ = plt.xlabel('Date and Time')
_ = plt.ylabel('Sensor Reading')
_ = plt.title('Sensor_11 Anomalies')
_ = plt.legend(loc='best');
Anomalies marked in red color

As seen above, the anomalies are detected right before the pump breaks down. This could be a very valuable information for an operator to see and be able to shut down the pump properly before it actually goes down hard. Let’s see if we detect similar pattern in anomalies from the next two algorithms.

K-Means Clustering


  1. Calculate the distance between each point and its nearest centroid. The biggest distances are considered as anomaly.
  2. We use outliers_fraction to provide information to the algorithm about the proportion of the outliers present in our data set. Situations may vary from data set to data set. However, as a starting figure, I estimate outliers_fraction=0.13 (13% of df are outliers as depicted).
  3. Calculate number_of_outliers using outliers_fraction.
  4. Set threshold as the minimum distance of these outliers.
  5. The anomaly result of anomaly1 contains the above method Cluster (0:normal, 1:anomaly).
  6. Visualize anomalies with Time Series view.
# Import necessary libraries
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
# I will start k-means clustering with k=2 as I already know that there are 3 classes of "NORMAL" vs
# "NOT NORMAL" which are combination of BROKEN" and"RECOVERING"
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=42)
labels = kmeans.predict(principalDf.values)
unique_elements, counts_elements = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)
clusters = np.asarray((unique_elements, counts_elements))
# Write a function that calculates distance between each point and the centroid of the closest clusterdef getDistanceByPoint(data, model):
""" Function that calculates the distance between a point and centroid of a cluster,
returns the distances in pandas series"""
distance = []
for i in range(0,len(data)):
Xa = np.array(data.loc[i])
Xb = model.cluster_centers_[model.labels_[i]-1]
return pd.Series(distance, index=data.index)
# Assume that 13% of the entire data set are anomalies outliers_fraction = 0.13# get the distance between each point and its nearest centroid. The biggest distances are considered as anomalydistance = getDistanceByPoint(principalDf, kmeans)# number of observations that equate to the 13% of the entire data setnumber_of_outliers = int(outliers_fraction*len(distance))# Take the minimum of the largest 13% of the distances as the thresholdthreshold = distance.nlargest(number_of_outliers).min()# anomaly1 contain the anomaly result of the above method Cluster (0:normal, 1:anomaly) principalDf['anomaly1'] = (distance >= threshold).astype(int)
Anomalies are marked in red color

Isolation Forest

# Import IsolationForestfrom sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest# Assume that 13% of the entire data set are anomalies

outliers_fraction = 0.13
model = IsolationForest(contamination=outliers_fraction)
principalDf['anomaly2'] = pd.Series(model.predict(principalDf.values))
# visualization
df['anomaly2'] = pd.Series(principalDf['anomaly2'].values, index=df.index)
a = df.loc[df['anomaly2'] == -1] #anomaly
_ = plt.figure(figsize=(18,6))
_ = plt.plot(df['sensor_11'], color='blue', label='Normal')
_ = plt.plot(a['sensor_11'], linestyle='none', marker='X', color='red', markersize=12, label='Anomaly')
_ = plt.xlabel('Date and Time')
_ = plt.ylabel('Sensor Reading')
_ = plt.title('Sensor_11 Anomalies')
_ = plt.legend(loc='best');
Anomalies marked in red color

Model Evaluation

It is interesting to see that all three models detected a lot of the similar anomalies. Just by visually looking at the above graphs, one could easily conclude that the Isolation Forest might be detecting a lot more anomalies than the other two. However, the following tables show, on the contrary, that IQR is detecting far more anomalies than that of K-Means and Isolation Forest.

The number of anomalies detected by each of the model

Why do you think that is? Is IQR mostly detecting the anomalies that are closer together while the other two models are detecting the anomalies spread across different time periods? Is IQR more scientific approach than the other two? How do we define accuracy? For now, let me leave you with these questions to think about. I will write more about the model evaluation in more detail in my future posts.


So far, we have done anomaly detection with three different methods. In doing so, we went through most of the steps of the commonly applied Data Science Process which includes the following steps:

  1. Problem identification
  2. Data wrangling
  3. Exploratory data analysis
  4. Pre-processing and training data development
  5. Modeling
  6. Documentation

One of the challenges I faced during this project is that training anomaly detection models with unsupervised learning algorithms with such a large data set can be computationally very expensive. For example, I couldn’t properly train SVM on this data as it was taking a very long time to train the model with no success.

I suggest the following next steps in which the first 3 steps are focused on improving the model and the last two are about making things real:

  1. Feature selection with advanced Feature engineering technique
  2. Advanced hyperparameter tuning
  3. Implement other learning algorithms such as SVM, DBSCAN etc.
  4. Predict the machine status with the best model given a test set — BAM!
  5. Deploy the best model into production — DOUBLE BAM!

I will continue improving the model besides implementing the above mentioned steps and I will plan to share the outcomes in another post in the future.

Jupyter notebook can be found on Github for details. Enjoy detecting anomalies and let’s connect on LinkedIn.

Online References and Useful Materials

